Variety (May 1946)

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IS frlCTITRB CROSSES Wednesday, May 8, 1946 Train Strike, Surplus of H.0.s Bops LA But 'Outlaw' Still Big at 5th Wk.; < G9da , 42G > Kitty 41Gin 2d Estimated Total Gross This We«k ......... $149,tM (Based on 16 theatres) Total Gross Same Week Last Year ............$821 ,H« , (Based on 15 theatres) Los Angeles, May 7. Majority of theatres in the down- town sector are suffering from stiff matinee losses caused by the cur- rent streetcar strike. Night trade also is still off, but better than after- noons. Exhibitors figure losses will range up to 25%. However, Holly- wood ftrstruns are feeling no effect Except for the stage-film Orpheum and Million Dollar, all theatres have holdovers, which is not helping. "Just Before Dawn;" with "Truth or Consequences" radio program, on stage,'is giving the Orpheum a sock $30,000. ' The Outlaw" is still way out in front among the holdovers shaping up to great $45,500 for fifth session in four small-seaters. "Gilda looks rousing $42,000 on second frame in two hoyses, while "Kitty" likely will get $41,000 on second in as many .-pots. Both films are being hurt by the walkout. "Seventh Veil," now in two theatres, is sighting nifty $11.- 000. "Devotion" is heading for fair $29,000 in three locations, second stanza. "Dragonwyck" will- be near okay $29,000 on third frame, three spots. "Ziegfeld Follies," in as many houses, will hit fine $28,000 on fourth week. " Tangier" and "Man in Grey" will do $24,500 in four houses, second session. Estimates for The Week . Beverley Hills Mode Hall (Blu- mcnfcld-C&S) (824; 85-$D—"Outlaw" (UA) (5th wk). Sharp $7,000. Last week, smash $8,000. •» . , Carthay Circle (FWC) (1.518; 50- $1)—"Seventh Veil" (U) (8th wk) Nifty $5,500. Last wec?\ above esti- mate to walloping. $6,500. Chinese (Grauman-WC) (2,048; 50- $1)—"Dragonwyck" (20th) (3d wk) Nice $10,000. Last week, $13,200. Downtown (WB) (1,800; 50-$D— "Devotion" (WB) (3d wk). Strike dipped this to $11,000. Last week okay $16,000. Downtown Musi'- Hall (Brumen- feld) (872: 85-$1.20)."Out'aw" (UA) (5th wk). Socko $22,000. Last week, above Hopes at great $26,100. Egyptian (FWC) (1.5P8; 50-$D— "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) (4th wk). Finals at $8,500". Last week, good $12,000. . Four Star (UA-WC) (900; 50-$D— "Tangier" (U) and "Msn in Grey" (U) <m. o.). Good $4,500. Last week "Sentimental Journey" • (20th) (2d wk) and "Enchanted Fr-->st" (PRC) (both m. o.'s). neat $?.B00. Guild (FWC) (968; PO-M)—"Tan- gier" (U) and "Man in Grey" <U) <2d wk). INeat $5,000. Last week, good $7,300. Hawaii (G&S-Blumehfeld) (956; 65-81)—"Outlaw" (UA) (5th wk). Solid $10,500. Last wepk, terrific $11,700. Hollywood (WB) (2.756; 50-$D— "Devotion" (WB) (3d wk). Near $9,000. Last week. on'« oke $11,200. Hollywood Music Ilr>'l (Blumen- fcld) (475; 85)—"Outlaw" (UA) (5th wk). Sweet $6,000 or over. Last week, fine $6,800. Locw State (Loew-WC) (2,404: 50-SD — "Dragonwyck" COth) (3d wk). Strike-bound, -rd <"*'v $12,000 is likely. Last week, Stt.-'OO. Los Angeles (D'towr-VC) (2.097: 50-SD—"Zieaf eld Folds'" (M-G) (4th wk). Closes at $11,500. Last week, good $21,600. Orpheum (D'town) (2.000: 65-85) —"Just Before Dawn" (Col) with Truth or ConseouT-rs radio show on stage. Socko $30,000. Last week. "Live Wires" (Mono) with Earl Hines orch, Harry "Hinster" Gibson on stage, lustv $29,00". Panlages (Pah) (2.8'2: 50-SD — "Gilda" (Col) (2d v/^ v?d "Ninht Editor" (Col). Hefty $21,000. Last week, "Gilda" solo, bright $30,100 but under original prosDects. Paramount Hollywood (F&M) (1,- —"Kitty" (Par) (2d wk). Held to $23,500 by strike. Last week, robust $3fi.500. Paramount Hollywood (F&M) (1,- 4.51: 50-$D—"Kitty" (Par) (2d wk). Fancy $17,500. Last week, fancy $20,300. j RKO Hlllstreet (RKO) (2,890; 50-80)—"Gilda" (Col) (2d wk) and "Night Editor" (Col). Only $21,000. because of strike. Last week, "Gilda" alone, rousing $35,400. Elti (FWC) (1,370; . c 0-$l)— "Zieg- feld Follies" (M-G) (<Tth wk). Good $8,000. Last week, ste-iy $11,700. United Artists (UA-WC) (2,100; 50-$D—"Tangier" (U) and "Man In Grey" (U) (2d wk). Hefty $9,000. ':: Last week, hefty $15,800. Uptown. (FWC) (1.7. 0; 50-$D— "Dragonwyck" (20th) (Cd wk). Good $7,000. Last week, solid $10,600. Vogue (FWC) (885; 50-$l)—"Sev- 1 enth Veil" (U) (m.o.). Smooth $5,- '. ■ ' 500. Last week, "House Horrors" (U) :' votion" (WB) (3d wk). Neat $9,000. and "Spider Woman Strikes Back" . Last week,, very good $12,400. (U) (9 days). $4,400. Million Dollar (D'town) (2,380; Wllshlre (FWC) (2,296; 50-$l ) — ' 40-65)— "Mysterious Intruder" (Col) "Tangier" (U) and. "Man In Grey" i and "Shadow Returns" (Col). Fair (U) (2d wk-6 days). Down to ?6.000. | $5,000. Last week, "House Horrors" —' and "Spider Woman" (U),. oke 'Gilda 9 Soars To Wham 33G, Geve. Cleveland, May 7; Cops are being harried by record- size night traffic in' theatre zone as result of three crowd-jamming win ners. "Gilda" is slugging top score for Palace in spite of great showing made by "Ziegfeld Follies" next door on h.o. "Dragonwyck," also a smash stay over, and even "Breakfast in Hollywood," hit a hot pace. Estimates for This Week Allen (RKO) (3.000; 44-65)—"Tan- gier" (U). Okay $9,000. Last week "This Day Forward" (RKO) (m.o.) smart $10,500. Hipp (Warners) (3,700; 44-65)— "Dragonwyck" (20th) (2d wk). Ex- cellent $16,000, with big $28,500 to its credit for first. Lake (Warners) (800; 44-65)— "De votion" (WB) (m.o;). • Not doing any better here than on first-run at Pal- ace; ordinary $4,000. Last week, "Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (m.o.), nice $4,500 on fifth downtown lap. Ohio (Loew's) (1.200; 44-65)—"Bad Bascomb" (MtG) (m.a). Stout $7,- 000 for third round downtown. Last week. "Road to Utopia" (Par) trri.o.). $7,500 on fifth. Palace (RKO) (3,700; 44-05)— "Gilda"- (Col). Set new weekend high and looks colossal $33,000 on week. Holdover set. Last week "Devotion" (WB), real disappoint- ment at $12,000. State (Loew's) (3.450; 44-65)— "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G). Sturdy $18,000 after terrific $29,500 last week Stillman (Loew's) (2,700; 44-65)— "Breakfast in Hollywood" (UA) Extra nice $10,000 or near. Last week, "Bad Bascomb" (M-G) (m.o.) stout $9,000. Pitt Uneven But Dahlia' Oke $25,000, Trunk/Fat 23G, 2d; 'Snafu' Only 3G Pittsburgh, May 7. Biz is uneven this week, general trend being downward. Among the holdovers, "Saratoga Trunk" at the Penn and "Dragonwyck" at Fulton are holding up well. "Blue Dahlia" has the edge- on the new entries at the Stanley and should wind up sat- isfactorily. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 40-70)— "Dragonwyck" (20th) (3d wk). Still holding up at strong $7,000 or better. Rates a (ourth stanza. ■ Last week, belter than $11,000, great for second week. Harris (Harris) (2,200: 40-70)— ."Getting Gertie's Garter" (UA). Sturdy $11*000.. Last week, "Senti- mental Journey" (20th) (2d wk), good $6,700 in 5 days. Penn (Locw's"-UA) (3,300; 40-70)— "Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (2d wk). Getting a lot of word-6f-mouth to boost to rousing $23,000. Last week, smash $31,000. Ritz (WB) (800: 40*70 )-^'Break- fast In Hollywood" (UA) (m.o.), Still doing okay early bird trade for nice $3,000. Last week, "Road to Utopia" (Par) (m.o.), socko $4,000. Senator (Harris) (1,750; 40-70)— "Snafu" (Col). Only fair $3,000. Last week, "Seventh Veil" (U) (3d wk) $3,000 in 5 days. Stanley (WB) (3.800: 40-70)— "Blue Dahlia" (Par). Only new pic-, hire in town with any pull, okay $25,000 and holds. Last week, "The Virginian" (Par), $21,000. Warner (WB) (2,000; 40-70)— "Virginian" (Par) (m.o.). Heading for $8,500. a. bit over Average. Last week. ■ "Breakfast In Hollywood" (UA), solid $12,000. Trunk' Torrid 12G In Omaha; 'Day' Brisk 8G Omaha, May 7. Saratoga Trunk" is way ahead of everything in town and doing smash biz despite three cold, rainy days on the Paramount teeoff. "Tangier," plus "Smooth as Silk," at the Or- pheum, looks very disappointing. "From This Day Forward" is nice at the Brandeis. \ Estimates for This Week Paramount (Tristatcs) (3.000; 16- 65)—"Saratoga Trunk" (WB). Smash despite weather at $12,000. Holds. Last week. "Blue Dahlia" (Par), strong $13,500, and over estimate. Brandeis (RKO) (1.500; 16-65) — "This . Day Forward" (RKO) and "Dick"Tracy" (RKO). Nice $8,000 and holds over. Last week, "Tomor- row Is Forever" (RKO). and "Sing Way Home" (RKO) (2d wk) big $6,000. Orpheum (Tristates) (3,000; 16-65) "Tangier" (U) and "Smooth as Silk" (U). Slow $9,000. Last week, "Rebecca" (UA) (reissue),, great $12,500. Omaka (Tristates) (2,000; 10-65)— "Blue Dahlia" (Par) (m.o.) and "Girl of Limbcrlost'' (Col). Sturdy $10,- 000. : Last week, "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) (m.o.) and "Detour" (PRC). $9 500 State (Goldberg) (865; 12-50) — "Road to Utopia" (Par) and "Funza- poppin' " (FC). Fancy $3,500. Last week, "Masquerade in "Mexico" (Par) and "Wide Open Faces" (FC), $2,200. H.0.S, Brownout Hit Pro?., Bat W Fancy $14,000, 'Dahlia 9 Robust at 15G Providence, May 7. Majestic is doing nieely on its first week with "Because of Him," while hefty holdover biz' is being enjoyed by Loew's State's "Ziegfeld Follies of 1946" and RKO. Albee's "From This Day Forward." All spots will feel voluntary "brownout started this week. Estimates tor This Week Albee (RKO) (2.200; 45-85)—"This Day Forward" iRKO) and "Dick Tracy" (RKO) (2d' wk). Fairly hefty $12,500. Last week, strong $17,500. Carlton (Fay-Locw). (1,400; 44-65) —".Sentimental Journey" (20th) and "Johnny Flying Home". (20th) (3d downtown wk). Nice $4,500. Last week. "No Time for Comedy" (WB) and, "City for Conquest" (WB) (re issues), good $4,000. Fay's (Fay) (1,400; 44-65)—"Rain bow. Over Texas" (Rep) and Lee Trent heading stage show. Snappy $8,000. Last week, "Salty O'Rourkc" (Par) (reissue), plus vaude, $6,000. Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 44-65) — "Because of Him" (U) and "Strange Conquest" iU). Fairly good $14,000 Last week, "Sentimental Journey" (20th) and "Johnny Flying Home" (20th) (2d wk), big $13,000/ Metropolitan (Snider) (3,100; 44 65.)—"Affairs of Susan" (Par) and "My Favorite Blondi" (Par). Three- day run not so hot at $2,000. Last .week, 'Desert Song" (WB) and "M:ide Mc Criminal" (WB) (reis- sues), so-so $1,800 in three days. State (Loew) (3,200; 44-65)—"Zieg- feld Follies" (M-G) (2d wk). Still hot $16,000. First week, wow $27,000. Strand (Silverman) (2,200; 44-65) —"Blue Dahlia" (Par) and "Blondic's Lueky Day" (Col). On way to stout $15,000. Last week. "Virginian" (Par) and "Night Editor" (Col) (2d, wk), solid- $10,000. JLast week, fine $10,800.. I (UX ai WHtern (WB) (2.300; 50-$D—"De- '$$700. Goodman Ups'Game'to Great 48G, Hub; Dragonwyck' Tall 30G, Trunk' 35G, 2d Key CHy Grosses Estimated Total Gross Tbls week .......... $2,97«,7M (Based on 23 cities, 193 thea- tres, chiefly first runs, including NY.) Total Gross Same Week Last Tear ' .......... .$2,*66,«M (Based on 25 cities, 195 theatres) Derby Boosts L'vifle; 'Devotion Trim $8,000 Louisville, May ■ 7, Running of Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs over weekend, with attendance estimated at 100,000 will help biz this week because plenty of visitors were in town. Estimates for This Week Brown (4th Ave.-Loew's) (40-60) —".Tomorrow Is Forever" (RKO) (m.o.). Strong $5,000. Last week, "Bad Bascomb" (M-G) and "Just Before Dawn" (Col) (m.o.), $4,000. Kentucky (Swilow) (1,200; 30-40) —"Harvey Girls" (M-G) and "Life With Blondie" (Col). Sturdy $1,900 Last week, "Dakota" (Rep) and "Masquerade Mexico" (Par) split, with "Adventures Ru.sly" (Rep) and "Tiger Woman" (Col), $1,700. Rlallo (Fourth Avenue) (3,400- 40- 60)" Diagonwyck" (20th). Okay $11,- 000: Last "Tomorrow Is Forever" (RKO) $13,500. Loew's Slate (Loew's) (3,300; 40- 60)—"Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) (2d wk).. Weak $9,000. Last week, fancy $19,000. Mary Anderson (People's) (1,000; 40-60) — "Devotion" (WB). Stout $8,000 or near. Sure to hold. Last week, "Saratoga Trunk"-(WB) (5th Wk), excellent $4,000. Strand (Fourth Avenue) (1,400; 40-60) — "Tangier" (U) and "Blonde Alibi" (U). Staunch $6,500. Last week. "Tarznn Leopard Woman" (RKO) and "River Boat Rhythm" VRKO) no'days), strong'$8,000. ' ' "Dahlia Socko $33,500 in Frisco San Francisco, May: 7. Balmy weather is blamed for slight dip in theatre biz generally this stanza. "Ziegfeld Follies" will land top coin nt the vast Fox but out- standing money goes to "Blue Dahlia," which is rated excellent at the smaller Paramount.: Estimates for This Week Golden Gate (RKO) (2,644; 60-95) "Diug Dong Williams" (RICO) with Buddy Rich orch, others, on stage. Okay $24,000. Last week, "Game of Death" (RKO) plus "Earl Carroll Vanities," staunch $30,000. Fox (FWC) (4,051; 55-85)—"Zieg- feld Follies" (M-G). Good $37,500. Last week, "Road-to Utooia" (Pur) (3d wk). nice $20,000. Warfleld (TWO (2.650; 55-85)— "Devotion" iWB) (3d wk). Modest $15,000 in 5 days. Last week, fair $17,500. Paramount (FWC) (2.646: 55-85)— Blue Dahlia". (Par). Strong $33,500. Last week. "Dragonwyck" (20th) (2d -wk), hot good $19,000. St. Francis (FWC) (,1,400; 55-85)— Dragonwyck" (20th) : (m.o.). Fine $11,000. Last week, "Virginian" (Par) (4th wk) (m.o.), 4 days, $5,500, State (FWC) t2,133; 55-85)—"Road to Utopia" (Par) (m.o ). Okay $14.- 500. Last week. "Adventure" (M-G) (5th wk) (m.o.), good $8,000. Orpheum (Blumcnfold) (2,448; 55- 85)—"Gilda" (Col) (2d wk). Fancy $18,000. Last week, excellent $24,000. United Artists (Blumcnfcld) (1,- 207; 55-85)—"Breakfast in Holly- wood" (UA). Mild $12,000 or. near. Last week, "Seventh Veil" (U) (m. o.),ffairly good $12,000 in C days. 'Trunk' Smasheroo 22G In 51 Uo; 'Cristo' Big 12G, 'Follies' 18G, H.0. St. Louis. May 7. "Saratoga Trunk" looks winner Ihis week at wham $22,000. "Wife of Monte Cristo" shapes big. "Ziegfeld Follies" still is great on second stanza after socko opener. Estimates for This Week Loew's (Loew) (3,172; 44-65) — "Ziegfeld Follies". (M-G) (2d wk). Will add big $18,000 to the great $26,000 taken on first stanza. Orpheum (Loew) (2,000; 44-05)— "Tars and Spars" (Col) and "Por- trait of Maria" (M-G). Neat $8,000. Last week, "Bad Bascomb" (M-G) and "Meet On Broadway" (Col), $6,r 500. Ambassador (F&M) (3,000; 44-65) —■'Saratoga Trunk" . (WB). Smash $22,000. Last week, "Draf.onwyck' 120th) (2d wk), nice $13,000. Fox (F&M) (5,000; 44-65)—"Kitty" (Par) (2d wk). Good $15,000 after strong $26,000 first session. Missouri (F&M) (3,500; 44-G5) — -Wife of Monte Cristo" (PRC) and "Larceny in Heart" (PRC). Big $12,- 000. Last week, "Susie Single's" (Par) and "Woman Who Came Back" (Rep), about same. St. Louis (F&M) (4,000; 50-60) — "Scarlet Street" (U) and "Walk In Sun" 120th). Fine $8,000. Last week, "Isle of Dead" (RKO) and "Strange Impersonation" (Rep), $7,000. 'Gilda' Torrid $28,500 Brightens Denver . Denver, May 7. Big news this session is "Gilda, which will top everything in town with sock week at the Denver. Also strong in two other theatres. Estimates: for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 35-74)— "Dragonwyck" (20th) and "Gay Blades" (Rep), alter week at Den- ver, Webber, .Esquire. Big $5,000 Last week, "Seventh Veil" (U) and "God's Country" (FC) (m.o)., $4,500. Denham (Cockrill) (1,750; 35-70)— (Continued on page 23> ' ' -J Boston, May 7 Benny Goodman band on the RKO stage with "Game of Death" is lead- ing the city by a wide margin for a terrific total. Others, except "Dragonwyck" at the Memorial, are largely holdovers, but still good. General biz, considering this, is ex- cellent. ■ Estimates for this Week Boston (RKO) (3,200; 50-$1.10)— "Game of Death" (RKO) plus Benny Goodman orch, others, on stage. Ter- rific $48,000 or over looms, with band getting full credit. Last week, "Deadline at pawn" (RKO) • with Charlie Barnet orch, great $38,000. Esquire (M-P) (1,200; $2.40)— Henry V" (UA) (5th wk). Lively $14,000 helped by added matinee or a total of 11 shows weekly. Last week. $16,000. Fenway (M-P) (1,373; SO-74) — Virginian" (Par) and "Partners in Time" (RKO) (3d wk). Very unu- sual for such o long run here. Big $5,000 after nice $7,000, second. Majestic (Brand-Mage) (1.500; 40- 85)—'Diary of Chambermaid" (UA) and "Song Old Wyoming" (PRC) (3d wk). Excellent $15,000 after $18,- 500, second- Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 40-74)— "Dragonwyck" (20th) and "Ding Dong Williams" (RKO). Heavy play at start, socko $30,000 or better Last week, "This Day Forward" (RKO) and "Blonde Alibi" (U) (2d wk), great $24,000. Metropolitan (M-P) (4.367; 40-74) —"Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (2d wk). Powerful $35,000 after smash $42,000 opener. Orpheum (Loew's) (2,000; 35-74)— •Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) (2d wk). Nice $26,000 after wow $33,000, first. Faramount (M-P) (1,700; 40-74)— "Virginian" (Par) and "Partners in Time" (RKO) (,3d wk). Such a long run here very unusual. Solid $15,- 000 after nice $16,500, second. Stale tLoew's) (3,200; 35-74) — "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) (2d wk). Excellent $13,000 after big $10,800, first. • Translax (Translux) (900; 30-74)— "Wife of Monte Cristo" (PRC) and "Shadow Returns" (Mono). Nice $6,500. Last week, "House of Hor- rors" (U) and "Murder Is Business" (PRC), $5,500. Tremont (Brand-Mage) (1,500; .40- 85).—"Diory Chambermaid" (UA) and "In Old Wyoming" (PRC) (3d wk). Fine $16;000 after big $18,000, second. H.0.S CLUTTER BUFF^ 'KITTY' ROUSING 23G Buffalo, May 7. Holdovers and moveovers domi- nate the field currently. Topper is "Kitty" with rousing session at the Buffalo. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (.3,500; 40-70) — "Kitty" (Par). Rousing $23,000, Last week, "Bad Bascomb" (M-G) and "Johnny'Comes Horiie" (20th), neat $17,000. Great Lakes (Shea) (3.000; 40-70) —"Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) (2d wk). Stout $13,000. Last week, great $23,000. Hipp (Shea) (2,100: 40-70)—"Bad Bascomb" (M-G) and' "Johnny Home" (20th), (m.o.). Potent $9,000 or near. La'st week, "Cinderella Jones" (WB) and "Breakfast Holly- wood" (UA) (m.o:). $8,000. Teck (Shea) (1,400; 40-70) — "Whistle Stop" (UA) and "Strange Impersonation" (Rep) <2d wk). Okay $7,500. Last week, hefty $10,500. Lafayette (Basil) (3,300; 40-70) — "Gilda'.'- (Col) (3d wk) and "Out of Depths" (Col). Powerful $15,000. and stays for fourth week. Last week, with "Just Before Dawn" (Col), lofty $21,000. 20th Century (20th Cent.) (3.000; 40-70)—"This Day Forward" (RKO) and "Ding Dong Williams" (RKO) (2d wk). Okay $8,500. Last week, nifty $15,000. 'Wouldn't Say' 13G, Monti Montreal, May 7. "Bells of St. Mary's." which hit new record on opening session, is still terrific on first holdover session. Best new entry is "Wouldn't Say Yes." • Estimates for This Week Palace (CT) (2.700; 35-62)—"Scar- let Street" (U) (2d wk). Okay $11,- 000 after opening to sock $14,800. Capitol (CT) (2,700: 35-62)— "Wouldn't Soy Yes" (Col). Big. $13,000. Last week, "San Antonio' (WB) (2d wk), nice $11,500. Loew's (CT) (2.300: 35-67)—"Bells of St. Mary's" (RKO) (2d wk). Ton-id $20,000 after smash $24,000 opening week. Princess (CT) (2,300; 35-53)— "Breakfast in Hollywood" (UA) and "Night Editor" (Col). -Average $7,500. Lust week, "Three Strangers (WB) and "Life With Blondie' (Col), okay $7,500. Imperial (CT) (1,850; 25-45)— "Jesse James" (20th) and "Return of Frank James'' (20th) (reissues) (2d wk). Okay $5,000 after hot $7,600 Hrst.. > • ■• • " ■ - '■' ' ' .