Variety (May 1946)

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Wwlncaday, M»y >, 1946 PICTURE GROSSES 13 Dimout Curfew Kayo Chi Film Biz; love/ Sole New Pix, Dies With Others At 6G; AD Houses Closed Down Chicago. May 7. "f Will>'something like chaos reign- lug in Hie Loop as a result of dim- out regulations, b« Is nearly as un- predictable this week as the spring weather.. But it's, certain thai tithes have hit the skids, figures nol even faintly reflecting a picture's .normal; strength. Curfew also taking' a chunk out of last week's admissions, ell film houses were closed Sunday (5i. Loop's t w0 vaude houses, Chicago end Oriental,.were sandwiching one stage bill between-features in their four-hour. Monday •through-Satur- day iilint.-. Balaban-Katz theatres were ■slaying open four hours daily except Sunday-.tout, finally along with all oilier houses closed down Monday (6> and will stay shuttered until end of emergency. New twin bill opened lust Wednes- day (O at the Palace,.with."So Goes- Mv Love" the top feature. The four days gave little hint as to dim's real chaw. Ksllmates for This Week . Apollo (B&K) (1.200: 95)— "Drag- onwyck" (20th) (3d wk). Down to $2,000 for Saturday and Monday. Chicago (B&K) (3,000; 95) — "Blue Dahlia" (Par) with'Digatanos. Pclcr Lind Hayes' topping stage bill (3d •.wk i. • Nosedived, to $7,009 'for. Friday through Monday. Last week, nice $40,000. Carrirk (B&K) (000: 95')—"Bandit Sherwood Forest" (Coli CM wk). Off to $3,000 . for . two days. Lasl week, sturdy $16,000. Grand (RKO) (1,150: 951—' Wile Monte Cristo" (PRC) and "Murder My Business" (PRC) (.3d wk > got $900 on Saturday only. Last week, solid $8,000. Oriental (Essahess) (3.240: 951 — "Outlaw" (UA) with Jane Russell. Allan Jones. Louis Jordan on stage (8th wk). Okay $6,000 for Thursday through lasl Saturday. Lust week, neat $35,000. Palace (RKO) (2.500: 95) — "So Goes .My Love" (U) and "Strange Conquest"' (U>. Opened Wednesday (11. Hit $6,000 on 4 davs.-'through Saturday. Last week, "This Day For- ward" (RKO) and "Blonde Alibi" (U) (3d wk), fancy $23,000. tUoxevell (B&K) (1.500: 95) — . Sentimental JourneV' <20lh> (2d wk). Just $5,000 for three davs. Lasl week, good $20,000. SUIe-ljtke (B&K) (2.700: 95) — 'Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (4th wk). Slid to $9,000 on four davs. Last week, thumping $27,000. .Unite* Artists (B&K) (1.700: 95' — "Ziegreld Follies" (M-G) (3d wk>. Off to $9;000 for four davs. Lasl week, rich $24,000. W»^s (Essaness) . (1.200: 951 — - Tomorrow Js Forever" (RKO 1 '3d wk). Took in $1,000 on Satiirdav only. Last week, solid $26,000 on second session. 10:45 a.m. daily. instead of noon. Getting terrific matinee play as well as holdout night biz. Soaring to huge $lti.000. Last week, "Virgin- ian (Par) 12d wk), $8,000. Uptown i Par i 11.100: 44-50)— "Road to Utopia" (Par).. First'nabe showing: Very,. big $'5,000. 1 Last week. "Sentimental Journey". (20th), $3,800. World (Pai-Sleffes) (350: 44-80)— "This Day Forward (RKO) (m.o.). Fine $3,200. Last .week, 'Tomorrow. Is Forever* (RKO) (4th wk-); good $2,000 and nearly $27,000,' including two weeks at Orpheum. IfeiT Lofty 13G In Dullish K. C. Kansas City. May 7. Whole (lock of holdovers this week will hold down the total. "Seventh Veil" al Esquhe-'Uptow-ii-Fairw-ay. only newcomer al straight Rimers, is surprisingly strong. Estimates for This Week Esquire. Uptown and Kalrwav (Fox-Midwest I '820. 2.043 and 700: 40-60)—•Seventh Veil" (U), Trim $13,000. and a bit over expectations May hold. Lasl week. "Dragonwyck' 1 120thI (2d wk). okay $9,000. Midland (Loews) (3.500: 45-65)— "Ziegreld Follies" iM-G ) (2d wk). Good $11,000. but-hot up to hopes. Last week, line $19,000. Newman . i Paramount) (1.900; 45- 65)—"Road lo Ulopia" <Par) (3d w.k.L.Fancv $10,500.'Lasl week, rous- ing $15,000. Orpheum iRKO) (1.900: 46-65) — "Spiral Staircase" iRKO) and "Riv- erboal Rhythm" iRKO) (2d wk). Solid $11,500. Last week, big al $16,000. - Tower (Fox-Jofl'ce) (2.100: 39-60i —"Blondic's Lucky Day" iCol> and "Smooth As Silk" irji'wilh vaude. Biz up a bil lo good $10,500. Last week. "Slrang'lcr'of Swamp" (PRO and "'Murder in Music Hall" (Rep) stage, $9,000. Grottes Are Net Film gross, estimates, as re- ported . herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net, i.e..' with- out the 20% tax. Distributors share on net take, when playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net'income. \ : The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, in- clude the U. S. amusement tax. B way Lively; life' Record $56,500, Tosbnan'-Lombardo Colossal 106G, IWan-Cavallaro 62G, 'My Love' 32G Carle Boosts 'Saint' To Giant 33G, Mpls.; 'Kitty' Wow 16G,'Gilda 7G, 3d Minneapolis. May 7. 1 Two smash attractions. Frankie \arlesband and "Hoodlum Saint" at Radio City and "Kitty." at the bttle. are bringing the crowds down- town in droves this session. Each will land sock totals. Thev iiirnish stiff opposition for the other entries, especially the holdovers. A cold rainy weekend helped the turnstiles. Estimates for This Week Aster _(Par) (BOO; 25-35)-"Maclc SZf ■*/i52i!« r (P«r).'and 'Danny Boy' (PRC). In for 4 davs. satis- factory $1,700. Last week. "Pursuit to Algiers" (U) and . "Blondic's Lucky Day" (Col), split with "Hotel Ef S S l 7. c . (»KO> and "Gay Cava- Jiei (Mono), okay $2,000 in 7 days. „-V en >ury (Par) (1.600: 44-60 i— Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) (m.o.). good $6,000. Last week. "Three strangers" (WB), $7,000 .Lyric (Par). (1,100: 44-60 i— vii good weeks at SUte. Okav $5,000. LJst week. "Doll Face" (20th) (2d wk). $4,000. ■ Orpheum (RKO) (2.800: 44-60)— in Goes My Love" (U). Pleasing mm but opposition is stiff. Hence. 0, 'ly a light $8,000 looks possible: LasL week. "This Day Forward" (RKO), trim $11,000. ••u- c,tv < p «) (4.000: 44-70)— .Hoodlum Saint" (M-G) and * i inkic Carle orch, others, on slaw. ■'.T.?- r J?. ? great favorite here and Jiedited for smash $33,000. in sight. : wcek. "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G), •nee $17,000. „ *£° - r ,, «n (RKO) (1,800: 44-60 )- Gilda (Col) (3d wk). Sturdv slMn. Last weelc, big $11,000. (i - State . (Par.) (2,300: '44-6(n— Kilty" (Par). Boxofflce opens at 'Adveflture' 21G, 'Cristo' 9G, Terrif in Seattle Sealllc. May 7. First heal wave of year hit the city this session but the boxoflice is holding up well. While held back a bit hy this hoi weather. "Adventure" looks smash al the- Fifth Avenue to easily outdistance all competition: "Wife of .Moult- Crislo" reopening the Palomar on 'straight-Aim policy, w ill do as well as many stage-pix bills at this house. Estimates for This Week Blue Mouse (H-Ei <800: 45-801— | "Road to Ulopia" (Par) (5(1) wk). |-Good $6,000 after solid $7,100 last 1 week. , Fifth Avenue cIl-Kl (2.339: 45-80) ', "Adventure'" (M-G>. Terrific $21,000. j Last w:cek. "Dranonwvck" (20l'li.i (.2d wk I. Good $8,000 in 5 days. Liberty U-vHi (1.650: 45-80) — "Pinocehio" <R,KO> ii-eissue). Stall- ed nicely despite heal. Socko $14,000. Last week. "Bandit Sherwood For- est" (Col) i3d wki. okay $8,800. Music Box il'l-E) 1850: 45-80) — "Dragonwyck" t20lh>.. -13d wk). Aboiil $4,501) in 6 (lavs. Last week. "Sailor Takes WiTc" lM-G), $3,900 in 5 days. Music Hall i H-K I (2.200: 45-80 )— -•Virginian" 'Pan. Great $15,0.00. Last week.-"Whistle Slop" (UA'i and "Made Me killer" (Pan (2d wk), big $7,700 in 4 days. Orpheum ill-F.) (2.600: 45-80) — "Saratoga Trunk'' iWB> (2d wk). Continues in high al smash $18,000. Last week, colossal $24,700. Palomar i Sterling) < 1.350: 45-80) — ginian" (Par) (in.oi'j. '' Afler Kvo "Wife of Monte Crislo" (PRC) and 'My Love Forte $17,000 in Balto Baltimore. May 7. Fairish trade here with overall total held down mainly by almost solid holdover front. "So Goes My Love." lone new entry at Keiths, is attracting some attention. "Sara- toga Trunk,", in third week, is espe- cially strong among holdovers. " Entlmatei for This Week Century (Loew's-UA) (3.000; 20- 60)—"Ziegfeld FolUes" (M-G) (2d wk). Continuing steady action al $14,000 after great $21,400 opener. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2.240: 25-65) — "Pinocehio" (RKO) (reis- sue) plus Smiley Burnette. others, on stage. . Fine $16,000. Last week. 'This Day Forward" (RKO) (2d wk), $12,200. Keith's (Schahberger) (2,460; 20- 60)—"So Goes My Love" (U). Started last Tues. (30) aind aonlinti- jng until Thursday (9) to make way for "Kilty" (Par). Should reach okay $17,000 for 10-day run. Mayfair (Hicks) (980; 25-55) — "Wire of Mont* Cristo" (PRO (2d wk). Attracting sturdy $4,000 arter strong $5,900 initial round. New (Mechanic) (1.800; 20-60) — '"Dragonwyck" (20(h) (3d wk). Holding w-ell at $9,000 alter strong second sesh at $13,300. Stanley (WB) (3.280: 26-70) — "Saiatoea Trunk" (WB) (3ci wk). Very robust- $15,000 alter a baiigup second round at $17,200. Valencia (Loew's-UA) (1.860): 20- 60i — "Rebecca" (UA) (reissue). Fairish $4,000. Lasl week. ' Bad Bas- comb" IM-G) (m.o.), $4,200. 'WALK 7 -VAUDE BIG 26G, DC;'ROAD'FAST 27G Washington. May 7. "Walk in Sun" with vaudeville al the Capitol : is doing nicely this session but not living up to lavish praise of the crix. Best straight- ftliner is /'Road to Utopia" at the Earle. Biz is inclined to be spotty'. Estimates for This Week Keith's (RKO) (1.838: 44-80)— "Spiral'- Staircase" (RKO) (2d wk). SlrotiK $19,000, and goes again. Last week, broke house record -.with smash $29,500. . Karle (WB) (2,154: 44-85)—"Road to Utopia'' (Par). Fancy $27,000. Last week. "Bandit Sherwood For- est" (Col) (2d wk). big $20,000. Metropolitan (WB) (1.503: 44-70) —"Wire ot Monte Cristo"- (PRC). Sturdy $13,000 or near. Last week. "Saratoga Trunk" tWB). neat $8,500 for sixth downtown week. Capitol (Loew) (3.434: 44-80)— "Walk in Sun" (20th) plus vaude. Very good $26,000. Last week, "Whistle Stop" (UA) plus vaude, excellent $29,000. Palace (Loew) (2.370; 44-70)— "Zief-reld Follies" (M-G) (2d wk). Okay $17,500. Last . week, sock $30,000. Columbia (Loew) (1,263: 44-70)— "Bad Bascomb" (M-G) (m.o.). Looks close to $7,000. Lasl week. "Vir- ginian - ' (Par), nice $7,000 for third downtown week. Several new pictures enliven the Broadway scene currently, while on the whole show's on extended run are holding up well,' a few being exceptionally virile. Weekends con- tinue to resemble the . bigger pre- war holidays. ' Another record for the. street is shattered, being the terrific $56,503 which "Stolen Life" hit ■ on. its. fust week for. "Saratoga Trunk" (WB) was okay $16,000. Palace (RKO) (1.700: 60-$1.20)— "This Day Forward'^ IRKO) (3d- final wk). Good enough at probable $22,000 on bowout. Last week was sloul $30.000.." "Heartbeat" (RKO) moves in Friday (10). Paramount (Par) (3.664: 70-$l.20) "Blue Dahlia" (Par). Duke.Elliirg- week al the Hollywood ended last \ l011 olc h and Mills Bros, open here night (Tues.). Good turnover, with seven shows daily, is an asset. < The new bill al the Capitol, con- sisting o( "Postman. Always Rings Twice" and the Guy Lombnrdo band, isn't Tar from the alltime high of this theatre at a sensational $100,- 000. Strand came in during the past week with "Her Kind of Man" and the Carmen. Cavallaro baiid. Very strong over the weekend and con- tinuing, a smart pace on Monday (6). house should hit. a very big $62,000 or over on Ihe initial frame today ( Wed. > after three fine' weeks with "Virginian" (Par), Eddie Bracken. Johnny, Long orch and Bob Ebcrly. Finale, was sturdy $60,000, second week $82,000. Radio City Music Hull (Rockefel- lers i (5.045: 70-$1.25) — "Green Years" (M-G> and stageshow (5th ■wk i. Remains exeptionally big at indiealcd $125,000 and holds over, Lasl week registei-cd an astronomi- cal $143,000. Rialto (Mayer) (594: 35-85)—"Bcd- _ , . ■ .lam". (RKO) (3d wk). Retains good So Goes My Love." which ended i draught for about $7,500 this week its first week at the Winter Garden last night (Tues.), scored a stout $32,000. Rest of Broadway remains in the holdover . column, with the sock $125,000 looked Tor at the Music Hall on (ifl.h week or "Green Years" heading the list. Others exhibiting excellent .strength include "K i d From Brooklyn." which will get the Astor $57,000 on the current (3d) round, and. "Make Mine Music." very steady puller at the Globe at an in- dicated third week ot $40,000. Roxy dropped rather sharply on its filial (4th) stanza with "Dragon- wyck.'' Jackie Miles and Connce Bos well at $72,500 but on the 28 T day engagement turned a very substan- tial profit. House today (Wed.) brings in . "Dark Corner." with George Jessel. Merry Macs and Rosario and Antonio in person while second was'strong $9,300. Holds. Klvoll (UA-Par) (2.092: 60-$1.25> —'•Kilty" (Par) (6lh w-k). Still big. currently being headed for $38,000 or over. Last week ended at a spriuhilv S40.000. Roxy (20lh) (5.886: 90-$1.20) — "Dark Corner" (20th). with George Jessel. Merry Macs and loam of Rosario and Antonio on stage, opens loday (Wed.).. "Dragonwyck" (20lh) . with Jackie Miles and Connee Bos- well on iTourth week through last night (Tues.) dropped to $72,500 but good while third was an enormous $103^000. Slate (LnewY) (3.450: 43-S1.10)— "Gilda" <Col > (2d-tinal wk) with new slagebill. including Johnnie "Scat" Davis orch. Vic Perry and i Diamond Bros. Excellent $36,000 or ' over in sight. Last week, with Irene . J> w at - h . e P , ar . a i, n , oun i, l ?" ! Bnrdoni. Block and Sully, others, in day < Wed), consists of ."Blue ' Dah- lia" and the Duke Ellington band plus the Mills Bros. Estimates for This Week Astor (City Inv.) U.300; 95-$1.40) ^"Kid From Brooklyn" (RKO) (3d wk'. Continues a smash pace, look- nerson. gate totaled a very fancy $47,000. Strand (WB) (2.756: 75-$1.20)— "Her Kind or Man" (WB) and Car- men Cavallaro orch. Very strong on draw, looking $62,000 or better and goes into second week Friday $57,000 this w : eck (3d), while ! ( 1 0) - Concluding (4lh) round for second was $63,000 Capitol (Loew'si (4.820: 60-$1.10) —"Postman Always Rings Twice" I M-G I and Guy Lombardo orch. On the way to sensational $106,000, with show likely to have long fun. Con- cluding six days on sixth week of "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G). Xavier Cugal orch. Harvey Stone, was strong $64,500. Criterion (Loew's-) (1,700; 60- $1.25)—"Little Giant" (U) opens here today (Wed.) following highly profitable run with "Bandit of Sher- wood Forest" (Col). On final 5 days latter dropped to suitable $16,000 but up ahead was very big. sixth full week having beeii $25,000. Globe (Brandt) (1,416; 80-$1.50)— "Make Mine Music" (RKO) (3d wk). Holding Dp very strongly, this week being on way to $40,000, near to $42,000 garnered on second. Con- tinues indefinitely. Gotham (Brandt) (000; 60-$1.20>— "In Old Sacramento" (Rep) (2d wk). Will gel around $12,000, good, while initial frame was strong $16,400. Goes total of four weeks. Hollywood (WB) (1,499; 80-$1.10) —"Stolen Life" (WB) (2d wk). Bette Davis starrer doing all house can hold, first week through last niRhl (Tues.) having hit $56,500. new alltime high here. Concluding (23d) Devotion" (WB) and Louis Prima orch was a fine $51,000. Victoria (Maurer) (720: 70-$1.20) —"Yank in London" (20th) <3d-(lnal wk). .On lighter side but will get $9,500. better than the $9,000 scored lasl week (2d). "Well Groomed Bride" (Par) opens Friday (10). Winter Garden (UA) (1.312: 60- $1.50)—"So Goes My Love" (U) (2d wk). .Doing very well here, initial seven days through last night (Tues.) having totaled $32,000. Final six days on 10th week of "Tomorrow Is Forever" (RKO) was 'okay $15,000. Det. Spotty Albeit Follies' Big 27G, Randit' 2SG, 2d; Dawn-Vaude Did! 16G How Do You Do" i PRC i. Reopened house without vaude. Doing sur- prisingly well'at stoiil $9,000. as good as .some stage combos here. Lasl week, dark because ol remodeling. Paramount i.H-R > .i3.049:'4$-80i— "Tomorrow Is Forever" (RKOi (2d wki. and "I Ring Doorbells" (PRC. Slow $7,000 in 8 days. Lasl week; fancy $14,300. Roosevelt iSierling) (800: 45-801— "Whistle Slop" (UA) (ni.o.i. Good $6,000. Last week, "Little Giant" (U> (m.o.), $5,500. Winter Garden (Sterling) (800: 25- 50)—"Scarlet Street" (U>-and "Yt>- landa and Thief" (M-G) (3d run) Mild $4,500. Last week. "Spanish Main" (RKO) and "Snafu" (Col) (3d any, $4,3004-;. e; -. i - > i i ' ■> Detroit, May 7.. Biv. is a bil spotty currently, with holdovers blamed partly for slower pace. However,' "Ziegfeld Follies" looks great at the small United Art- ists and "Cornered" is fairly good at the Michigan. "Bandit of Sherwood Forest", shapes strong on second slair/.a at Ihe Fox. Other holdovers and new vaude-lilm layout at the Downtown don't stack up so well. Estimates for This Week United Artists (United Detroit > (1.841: 60-85) — "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) and "Madia.-Me a Killer" (Par). Great at $27,000. Last week. • Adventure" (M-G), fine $15,000 in fifth .week. l-ox (Fox-Michigan)- (5,049: 60-85) ■ "Bandit of. Sherwood Forest" (CoD (2d wk). Swell $28,000. Last week, socko $45,000. Michigan (United Detroit) (4.034: 60-85) — 'Cornered" (RKO) and "George White's Scandals" (RKO). Good $25,000. Last week. "Blue Dahlia" (Par) and "Allotment Wives" ' (Mono) (2d wk). strong $25,000. Palms-Slate .(United, Detroit) ,' (2,976;' OO-qSViV-'DiaO • of .CI.HuwIk-i:- , 422.000. maid" (UA) and "Dark Alibi" (Mono) (2d wk). Oke.$lS,000. Last week, smash $25,000. Broadwav-Capitol (United Dc- t'ait) (3.000: 60-85)—"No Time for Comedy" (WB) and "City for Con- quest" (WB.) (reissues). Strong $14,000. Last week, "Pinocehio" (RKO) (reissue) and "Tarzan Leo- pard Woman" (RKO) (2d wk), fine $13,000. Madison (United Detroit) (1,858 40-55 (—"Corporal Hargrove" (M-G) and "Siisie Slagle's" (Par). Good $4,000 in 3 days. Last week. "Pride of Marines" (WB) and "Love of Outs" . (U). $5,000 in 5 days. Downtown (Balaban) (2,683; 70- 90.1—'.Ttis'l Before Dawn" (Col) with Marquis Magic Show, Nelson Sis- ters. Borruh Minevilch Rascals, others, on stage. Weak $16,000. Last week. "Gentleman Misbehaves" (CoD with Carmen Cavallaro orch. Jack Carter, Colstons on stage, rous- ing $31,000. Adam* (Balaban) (2.863; 60-85)— "Scnlimenal Journey" (20th) and Devotion' Paces PhiDy, Neat 27G Philadelphia. May 7. Three new films are making their bow here this, week and all are faring nicely. They are "Diary of a •Chambermaid" "Devotion" and "Bad Bascomb." "Diary" is -playing Earle which has halted stage shows for the next few weeks because ot dearth of stage attractions. Kslimatea far This Week Aldlne (WB) (1.300: 40-85) — "Tomorrow Is Forever" (RKO) (3d wk). Okay $15,000. Last week, neat $17,800. Arcadia (Sablosky) (700; 40-85)— "Sailor Takes Wife" (M-G) (2d run) (2d wk). Good $6,000. Last week, fine $7,200. Bovd (WB) (2.350; 40-85 •—"Devo- tion"' (WB). Neat $27,000. Last week. "Gilda" (Col) (4th wk). big $19,000. Earle (WB) (2.760: 40-85)—"Diary or Chambermaid" (UA). Trim $25.- 000. Last week. "Made Me Killer" iPar) with Lionel Hampton orch oh stage, sock $42,500. . Fox (20lh) (2,250: 40-85)—"Drag- onwyck" (20lh) (3d wk). Fine $19,- 000. Last week, husky $24,500. Karllon (Goldman) (1.000: 40-85) —"Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) (2d run). Fancy $10,500. Last week, "Spell- bound" (UA) (2d wk). neat $8,000 second run. Keith's (Goldman) (2.200: 40-85)— "Road to Utopia".(Par) (2d run). In the chips at $11,500. Last week. "Walk in Sun" (20th) $4;700 second run. ■ Maslbaum (WB) (4.387: 40-85)— "Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (3d wk). Sloughing off biit still satisfactory at $24,000. Lasl week, sock $36,000. Stanley (WB) (2.950: 40-85) — "Virginian" <Par) '2d wk). Fair $18,000. Last week, nice $26,000 dIus S4.000 for Earle. Sunday (27) dale. Stanton (WB) (1.457: 40-85)—"Bad Talk About Lady" (Col) (2d wki. BascomV (M-O: Nice $15,000. Last Fine .516.000. £ast week,., stout I v;eek. "Ta'rs ancr ( Spars m ( (Col), "i ?"^ t, : ,u • . (.. )', : -(<;ii >t cut