Variety (May 1946)

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38 HAM© ♦»♦»♦«♦♦♦»♦tt♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» > »» From the Production Centres IIS IS'EW YORK CITY ........ Sid roigcs. who heads the NBC press operation, will spend the month of September on the Coasi debuting.publicity-promotion on Coast-originating fall shows....Joseph Hershey McGillvra, Inc., appointed national advertis- ing rep tor KXLR. Little Rock, Ark., a Mutual outlet Alice Lloyd, for- merly aclrcss-commcnUttor on Mike Jablons' "Weekend Around Town" show on WNYC, now research assistant: to Norman Corwin at. CBS.... A broadcast-by the League of Women Voters over WWRL today (8) will be Mined by the Stale Dept. lor world-wide distribution. Government agency using the film lo. illustrate how American women participate in national alTairs. . . .Richard Jannvcr..'John Brewster and Arthur Maitland new to "Stella Dallas"... .John McGoyern added to "Lorenzo Jones", cast, Frank Dane and Jack McBrydc lo v .Iust Plain Bill." with Dane plus '.Henry Neely into "David Darum". . . .Kay Roberts leaves Frederick Bros.' agency radio dept. May. 15 lo join Century Artists. Ann Raw-ley on her own now. having left Banner..'& Grcit flaekery. and now handling Kitty Crawford. .. .Jocko Maxwell scripting a second book of spoils anecdolcs. WWRL claims he's only Negro sportscastcr in radio.... And new spurb-caster on WWHL is George Garrod. just out of the Navy/.. . Land! Trio celebrated 18th anni on air last week. ... .Jack Gcddie is one Texan who deserted that stale: he's doing radio publicity in N. Y. now.... CBS' hymning Johnson family being profiled in June .issue of American mag....Mrs. Rome Krulcvitch. continuity editor of WHA, Univ. of Wis- consin station, iii New York with husband. They will have radio instruc- tion assignments at Teacher*' College next semester. .. .Steve Carliu. rc- eeiuly with NBC Thesaurus as script editor, has joined Phillips Lord or- ganization as a program supervisor. .. :May 12 Columbia Workshop will be a special "starvation problem" show rrqm the film colony arranged by Chet Hinilley of KNX and the lloil.vwuocf Writers Mobilization. .. . .Harry Alan Towers. British radio-fllm idea man. left Wednesday by TWA for Paris alter .•even weeks in U. S. A. His sidekick. Leslie Mitchell, returned to England a fortnight earlier. . ..Margaret Leworth back from Arizona-holi- day and resuming script "writing . . , Lou Cowan has a new farm in Con- necticut. Norman Corwin's "On a Not:' of Triumph." sock V-E Day show of a year ago. gets a full-hour playback on CBS tonight (Wednesday), starling 11:30 p.iyi. Reprise will be via platter. Donald Buka kudosed for his "Theatre Guild .on the Air" performance opposite Gertrude Lawrence. .. Louis Calhcrn and John Bcal Will be costumed incongruously when they appear on "Cavalcade of America" next Monday night (13). Both will wear attire and makeup for their legit appearances, there being only a 10-rninute break between the end of their air stint and the opening of their Broadway shows, "The Mag- nificent Yankee'' and "Voice of the Turtle," respectively... .Henry Glad- stone wound up his 12th year of broadcasting Monday (6y with the start of his seventh year of newscasling for. WOR under sponsorship of Plough, Inc Edward S. Mills, Jr.. and E. Roger Muir have joined the: NBC tele- vision production staff... .John Crandall, out of the Army, to Sherman St Marquette agency to take charge of all media. Two 15-minute transcriptions on the QPA. have been waxed by the Independent Citizens' Committee of the Arts, Sciences and ■ Pro- fessions. Consisting of a dramatic sketch and'musical,. the two shows are being ofi'crcd on a single platter..... New radio and television department, headed up by Art Rivera, formerly with the Armed Forces Radio Service, has been inaugurated by the Dono- van & Thomas ad-, agency Wesley McKec now directing "The Sec and Mrs. Burton"... ,U.. S, Steel's full-hour summer mystery show will be produced at BBD&O by Ed Marshall, and Kenneth Webb will direct ABC'i revamped "Court of Missig Heirs" getting so many letters—1,000 last week—that even director Charles Harrell is involved iii reading them ....Harry Sosuick celebrates his 15th anni as a radio orchestra conductor tonight (Wednesday) on his current assignment with the Hildcgardc show over NBC. Guesters to pay tribute will be Guy Lombardo, Ted Lewis and Carmen Cavallaro.... .Herb Stone of WNYC has been tapped for the an- nouncing chore for the Carnegie "Pops" concerts in addition to his UN job... .Walter Kaner, .'with WLIB and WWRL before entering Army, in mufti now and precming his own flaekery... .Returned to Benton & BowJes from the Armed Forces are Milton Bray; who joins.the media dept: David Burt, publicity, and Robert Faselt. to the cheeking dept Alexander Rich- ardson. WNYC organist now composing and playing original music for WINS Salvation Army scries produced by George Carlesco. IN HOLLYWOOD ... Carl Stanton around to set the scene for Jack Smith's Coast originations while he's making film tcsls....Bob Redd tagged lor another year as pro- ducer of the Jack Haley show. . . .Art Marquette flew in tor a hearing ot the comedy piece built around Mel Blanc by Joe Rincs for Sherman & Marquette.. . .Mark Woods'and his ABC executive. panel due out in mid- month for the FCC television and FM hearings... ."People Arc Funny" gifting-winner in war vet contest with a house, lot and steady employment .. .Don Lee-Mutual .carried a lightweight title scrap for Adam hats, but conditioned on the promise that no publicity would-be .released, before 8 p.m. of the night of the fight..-. .Nelson Eddy's ma will appear on his pro- gram May 12 to read a Mother's Day tribute NBC Oils for the eight weeks that Ralph Edwards lakes his respite from "Truth or Consequences" ....Alan Young's summer standln will be an audience show called "Break the Ban!:". . .CBS ''carrying Jimmy Saphicr's packaged "That's Life," starring Jay C. Flippen. with Howard Blake writing and producing the Q.A. opus... .Walter Craig cut a batch of commercials in an effort to win over Assn. of American Railroads to radio.. . .Carroll O'Mpara left Young & Rubicam after nine years to freelance as a writer... .Bob Colcson. NAB Coast rep. cited by the Treasury Dept. for his labors in behalf or the War Bond drives. Andy Russell can't make up his mind whether to take $1,750 a week offer'to warble on "Hit Parade." If he takes it for the summer he can carry on in season at $2,500... .Freddy Martin may get the nod as summer standin for Hallmark's "Reader's Digest"... .Fanny Br ice and Durante- Monre making a pitch for the NBC time being vacated by Dinah Shore.... Mix Dancer around on client biz... .Hal Hacked and Mickey Rockford to Chi toy- meeting of MCA radio reps... .Larry Berns producer of the Jack Carson show, on high road to recovery ■ from heart attack and checks out of hospital in a week. . . .Bill Ramsey and Walter Craig making a losing fight to hold Cliff Arquette for another season of "Glamour Manor".... Charles Morin, CBS Coast sales manager, on sick leave for two months, and Arch Morton doubles up... .Don Thoroburgh's Mrs. broke a bone in her loot and will be on crutches for three weeks:-.. .Lou Fulton rehearsed the Cass Daley portion, of last Sunday's broadcast and then took wing for N.Y.. whore he handled the circus cut-in... .Paul Munroe had both "Sam Spade"'-and ."Lights Out" piped into New York for Milton Biow and Kvcrsharp. It helped soothe the rivalry between Dec Engelbach and Bill Spier, each ot whom did the cue flipping.-.. .Carl Wester and Itvma Phillips set June 3 for Coast take off of the first of the General Mills daylight string. VeJmaday, May 8, 1946 Mil.: LOU CLAYTON UNITED BKXAM. OHIO CO. Vrlilny—<:HS—10 p.m. ItST | SCHNOZZOLA TREK | Jimmy Durante and Garry Moore are coming to. New York for their final broadcast of the season. June 7. I Reason for the trip is that Durantc's ■ 30th anni in show business will be i celebrated with a dinner June S at ! the Old Silver Slipper Club in Man- '■ hattan. On the way east, pair will do a non- broadcast appearance before Rcxall dealers at Cleveland, June 3. Kansas. City.—Bruce Grant is new- addition to announcing staff ot WHB. He will fill for summer vacations and double on news programs. NOW THE FIRST MAJOR IMPROVEMENT in radio facilities in years FOR MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL 5000 WATT* DAY and NIGHT WL0L MUTUAL—BASIC //\ CHICAGO ... Hugh Studebaker and Jo Ainlcy have already hil the jackpot on. the "bcg-borrow-or-sleal" househunt which has leads and directors on the four Carl Wcster-Geheral Mills shows hustling between Hollywood and Chicago.. . .ABC already trying lo peddle its newly acquired Grand Rapids outlet, WOOD, with no takers as yet... .WBBM educational director Buck Weaver named radio consultant for International Council on Religious Education WTMJ Milwaukee, has appointed William Hcbal as Broad- cast Technical Supervisor. Irrna Glen and Evelyn Stark leaving for the Coast next week to record their "Hymn For the Day" platter series, with Gene Baker in Hollywood WBKB tele station did play by Herb Bailey, local trade paper reporter, Thursday (2). called.'-Dark Cellar"... .Gene Filip of the WON news de- partment, father of eight-pound boy Engineer Joe Turner of WGN ad- dressed Nilcs high school students on technical points of broadcasting.... Fishing trip led by George Watson and Art Mercier ot WBBM to Land O' Lakes resulted in little but dampness. . ABC airer, "Hymns of All Churches," in twelfth anniversary celebration Chi origination of Jack Benny show, preceded by Bemiv's guesting on "Quiz Kids," to be broadcast from Civic Opera House, with Kids in Civic theatre, since programs follow one another and two houses have adjoining stages Hal Totten in Columbus for Institute for Education by Radio . Woody Herman show shitted lo Grand Ballroom of Sherman hotel for remaining five Friday broadcasts. May 3 to 31... ."Travelin' Kd" Borroft at St. Catherine's, Georgia, for ABC committee meeting, but back to Chi Tuesday (7) Eloise Rummer oft to Florida for first vacation in nine years of radio thesping.... .Maurice Copelarid, "Banker Pendleton" in "Ma Perkins." father of daughter... .Frank J. O'Donnell central division co-op sales manager for ABC, touring Texas on biz....NBC tenor Richard Page and actor Marshall Kent doing own show, music and gab, called "Midnight Serenade"....Paul Barnes, local actor, caught last week in a Slate and Madison street crowd ahd came out with a broken rib....Andv Christian former Theatre Guilder, joining WBBM production staff. Located between NBC and CBS on the dial NORM BOGGS General Manager * CP granted, in operation in May, 1946. Coast Survey Continued from pasc 29 I aboo enters here also. It's best thought of as being two-to-one, and aggravated by some shows being backloggcd wilh material months in advance. Meggers' Heavy Bolls An approximate 120 members comprise the Radio Directors Guild. Another 100-odd are not members. The nets employ 38. and Ihe Guild.states it has a majority on all nets but Mutual-Don Lee. Ten other members are known to be with agencies. A possible increase in employment is gauged in the poten- tial of: 12 more on indie stations, a net potential of total 50, and an agency potential of 75. according to AFRA's latest agency show listings. This jumps the director job total to 137T-possible. With a radio unit of some 200 Within its ranks,' the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers count? the burg's radio engineering, jobs at 185. However, that many are not working, leaving a slight margin of idle. Stricter policing of remote pickup broadcasts and establishment of (lie 40-hour week is expected to pick up the slack. Musically, the picture is no song. About 130 musicians work on a staff basis in local stations with live mu- sic. Overall per week in radio, in- cluding recording and transcriptions work, is figured at a peak of 800 jobs. This for a membership of-some 12,000. Some 500 of . these weekly jobs are in commercial radio. Of course, there's much doubling in the radio field, as with actors and others. The situation, therefore, is the same. Niterics, films, theatres, etc., are Open to some musicians, and many others teach. They, too, Will accept work outside show business as filler —something others won't even at- tempt. But with all it's openings, it's considered that there is still an overall in entertainment here of 3,- 500 jobs for the 12,000, despite quota systems that other unions do not have. Mutual Marches On Mutual affiliates now total 302, with additions of KRIG, Odessa, Tex. and WIRA, Ft. Pierce, Fla. KRIG, a 1,000-watler, is owned and operated by Oil Center Broadcasting Co., in which R. Otis Canon, of Shell Oil Co., has major interest. WIRA. 250-waiter owned and operated by Indian River Broudcnst- ing Co., has Douglas Silver, free- lance writer and citrus grove owner, us principal stockholder. Russell Back To Robinson Roost Andy .Russell takes over the male vocal lead on the Saturday n i K h t American Tobacco "Hit Parade" show- on June 8 as successor to Johnny Mercer. For Hubbcll Robinson Jr radio topper at Footc. Cone & Belcr- ing. which handles the tobacco ac- count, it represents one of' those "coming home to roost" situations: When Robinson wus programming vcepee at ABC, he spotted Russell on his first coasl-to-eoast airer, splurging coin into the Russell sus- laincr on the premise that his come- uppance was in the bag. Russell went off as a sustaincr when Lever Bros, grabbed , him for the Monday night Joan Davis show on CBS. Russell goes on-'the George Wash, in'gton Hill-American 'Tobacco pay- roll. And again he's one of Robin- son's "babies." All of which makes Robinson glad he poured that ABC coin into Russell. Accolades to Radio, Local Organizations, Voted by Chi Ad Men Chicago, May 7. 'Radio division of Chicago Federat- ed Advertising Clubs, in secret ses- sion, chose six top award Chicago originating programs for 1945. Selec- tions arc part of group of awards made by CFAC for outstanding ad- vertising in all media, and will be presented to winners Thursday (9) in open luncheon at Continental hotel. Voted lops in radio were: Spot ad- vert isiiig, Rit through Earl Ludgiu agency; network music-variety, "Tin - Pan Alley" for Leaf gum through Bozcll It Jacobs: network children's show. "Tom Mix" for Ralston through Gardner agency, St. Louis; network daytime, "BreakTast Club" for Swift through J. Walter Thomp- son; local audience-parlicipution, "Mr. Si Mrs." on WGN for Scaly Mattress through Schwimmcr & Scott: local evening music-variety, "Melody Lane" for Wieboldt stores through Nccdham, Louis, Brorby. On selection committee for pro- grams were Walter Preston. CBS midwest program director; Ed Bor- roff, veepce, and Jim Stilton, assist- ant, of ABC central division: Jules Herbuvcaux, NBC central division program director; Ade Hult, Mutual's midwest veepee; and Bill McGuiiiens, commercial manager of WGN. Over- all selection committees were under chairmanship ot Carl Kraalz, Schwimmer it Scott executive. JEAN PETERS It neema like only yesterday *!•»* .Ifuii relent whh a reeiilnr mi WIIB< : '» Children'* Utile Tluwter. 1'imIut. tliU Canton, ttlilo. tMit-KCW In nrll on hrr way to Hollywood tfardoat. hut fvrr.v trln back noBM to < «nl»» ■limn* a Hull te old frlrmln ml W1IBC. \\'» look tor and euroorua-t ll«vln« that local k>>*lt> la IikIiI by iiDimual programming. How well do nn nurcwtl In holding onr andktnr*^ lin nIio«v you the mul iweal Conlati Nurv*y. exrrllrnt proof that (nod Ideas wll prrKrntrd pay I" Canton, Ohio. YOU CANT MISS IN CANTON, OHIO 11URN-SMITH Co EXECUTIVE SHOWMAN AVAILABLE 'i'neuly yean' experience Itt l«MifclnR ami amoebic etace allow* auii Tandevllle unHx. Formerly affllbilmi wilh Mujor Tliratriral ConMratloo. CommuBicot* with Jo* Rl*d«r 2106 35th St, Astoria. Hum Verb