Variety (May 1946)

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B2 VAUMIVIIJLB P^Riffff Wetlncadaj, May ft, 1946 Ted Lewis Riviera Preem at $9,000 May Cause Latin Quarter, N.Y., Nix Noel Sherman's Tanker BnoUing f>[ Ted Lewis as the., opening name at Bill IUMIim's Kivii'ii). Fl. Let", N. .T.. is causing entanglements that may force him oul nl Ilis previously contracted date at the Latin Quarter. N. Y. Riviera dale was closed last week 1),\ Music Corp. of America and call* for $0000 weekly for four weeks. Complications are caused by the fad thai Lou Wallers, of Latin Quarter. N. Y.. feels, that Lewis' dale at the Riviera will lake the edge oil his appearance at his spot, slated for July 14.' So far. Wallers hasn't taken any retaliatory, action, and talks are being held with MCA on possible cancellation. Situation is further complicated by' (he fact thai the LQ contract wiih Lewis doesn't include the cus- tomary clause prohibition Lewis from pjaying anywhere in Ihe vicin- ity within , a specilied period. It's an American Guild of Variety Art- ists form which calls for Lewis' services as an entertainer at $4.50U Noel Sherman, producer of vaude and nilery flooi'Show units, is pro- ducing an aquacade show, "Walor Follies." to be spotted on a Cana- dian tour and possibly later in larger I swimming pools throughout this emmlr.i. i Unit will carry six principal | swimmers and a water ballet of gals, i Producer has posted $5,000 cash fse.curi^v with American Guild of weekly including; two acts. Gcraldine j Va ,. it , lv .\iiisls as performers' sal- Du Bois and Ihe Negro performer ! Hl v gUM ,- ;m iees. who does the "Shadow" number | ' wilh Lewis. The band would be buill around Lewis by Wallers. j There were other complications; before the Hiviera deal was .signed. Mrs. Ada Lewis, bandleader's wife and business ^manager, al one point look the band away from MCA and empowered Paul Small to agenl 1 negotiations. However. Miller in- | sislcd on having the contract signed; through MCA inasmuch as they had y started the-rterh i AGVA-Resort Closed Shop Pacts Won't Halt Use of Non-Union Talent BILLY RAYES 88th Consecutive Week AS Master of Ceremonies Earl Carroll's Sketchbook Earl Carroll Theatre —Hollywood — Mtjt: MCA AITISTS Act Shortage May Fold Martinique, N. Y., for Summer Shortage of lop acts may cause Other band on the Riviera open ing bill will be Noro Morales, who La Martinique. N. Y.. lo close for switches from Miller's other nilery the summer after current contracts operation, the Embassy, N. Y. run oul early in July. If it occurs. il will be the (list summer shutter- ing for a major N\ Y. nilery since start of the war. Dario and Jim Vernon. Martinique ops. have told agencies they woo l make the summer run wilh inferior talent. So far they've got Ben Blue and the Four Vagabonds for the four weeks starting June 4. following current Joey Adams, el al. If no name comes through for the suc- ceeding period spot will'shutter un- 'til September when Harvey Stone ' and Martha Tillon come in. $50,000 Put Down For Concessions at New Riviera for Summer Concessions for Bill . Miller's Riviera. Ft. Lee. N. J.. went to Oscar Markowilch for $30,000 plus another $25,000 if spot operates be- yond October. Deal was flrst offered to Abe Ellis, who' pul in a top bid of $35,000. Ellis was given first crack at the Jersey spot since he's concessionaire for Miller's other nitery operation, the Embassy. N.~Y. Borscht circuit amateur comics, who haven't the experience quali- ncalions or the price ($50). to carry an American Guild of Variety Arlists card, will cavoil and spin I heir yarns as usual this summer despite union and agent agreements for a closed shop in Ihe eastern resorts. Same goes /or the embryonic looters that have . not as yet matriculated in Jimmy Petrillo's Conservatory of Music. Problem solver for bolh is U; S. .'Employment Service, which has. set up a special board in its 59th streel and Madison avenue; N. Y.. branch lo .provide employment for enter- tainers and musicians, unaffiliated with unions, in mountain and resorl j spois thai . are neither holel nor nilery operations-'and therefore can- ; not, stand Ihe bite of. union scales. And it's all. for free too—no agents fee lo worry performers or musi- cians or booking foes lo give resorl bps headaches. Selling up of the unit is said to have been precipitated by a number of calls various branches of the USES have been getting from resort owners. It's figured the idea Will work out advantageously both ways, alleviating the drain or unemploy- Adams theatre, Newark closes for the summer May 26 with the Louis Armstrong show, Reopens late Au- gust, BURNS TWINS and EVELYN Currenllv BLUE ROOM Roosevelt Hotel I\>»v Orleaao, tLa. Mas!* I'-w a a ra di— mi WT FENCE ME IN' GOT ON HIS NERVES Minneapolis, May 7. Paul Cooper, pianist in local Broadway nilery, lost his suit for $4,400 damages against Stanley Sftczcck. a patron., who he claimed struck and beat him when he re- fused to play "Don't Fence Me In" a fifth consecutive time. Charging that Cooper was mistaken and that somebody else had asked for the tune the first four times. S/.c/.eck alleged that Cooper struck him lirsl. after he had made the request, and, in-turn, he sued for S1.000 in a coun- ter-claim. In his testimony. Cooper asserted lhal setting the request a fifth suc- cessive lime was a great strain on his nerves. Jury decided otherwise and' its verdict was that neither or the parlies was entitled to any dam- ages. Billy Rose Answers Angry Pedagog On Show Biz Morals Economies and morals go liand- in-hancl. according lo Billy Rose. Diamond Horseshoe. N. Y. operator, who last week -answered charges of M S. Olson, an Iowa high school principal condemning him for of- fering employment at his nitery lo Beverly Ann Cort. 18-year-old schoolgirl after national publicity breaks resulting from a "Salome" dance in a Van Dyke iMich.) en- tertainment. Rose maintained that a gal mak- ing $55 in showbusiness has a better chance of slaying on the straight and narrow lhaii a (online behind a counter making $21). Rose holds that morals in ihe theatre are jusl as high as those outside the profession, and decried the pedagog's stance i lhal juvenile -character- is being broken down by actions such as Rose's hiring of 16-year-olds. The principal concluded his nolo. "If other youth all over the country duplicate such things, may your soul bifrn in hell. Answer me if you dare." In his reply. Rose decried Olson's language and insinuation thai the amateur dancer was a delinquent. He also ciled (lie tacl that he helped obtain a scholarship for her at a Detroit dancing school, thus con- tributing to Miss Cort's welfare. Rose hired Miss Cort al $200 weekly following publicity sur- rounding her dance. However, she was unable to perform at the Horse- shoe because of a state law forbid- ding juveniles from working in a spot where liquor is sold. inent insurance funds and channel- ling hundreds of performers, social direotorj and musicians into the smaller boarding houses of the Cats- kills and Sullivan County which would otherwise be bereri of. enter- tainment because they cannot afford union minimuiTis, They're all room and board jobs and mostly for the entire season, which starts May SO (.Decoration Day). There will be sliding scales ol remuneration, which is now being worked oul. Only qualifications applicants wi.ll be required lo have are: at least one year's experience as a musician or entertainer on resort circuits, or one year's Special Services experi- ence in GI shows, Thai's all Unit's needed. When the good news leaked out via the grapevine yesterday (Tues.) boy.s were doing handsprings around N. Y. It was undispuledly a case of. happy days are. here again fur ihe mountain coast defenders. GAGS! JOKES! GAGS! PATTER! WISE-CRAX! STORIES! Far vauda-nita tlubl. radla M.C.'i, alatlai. riaualai. annaiinrarj, producer!, disa. Jackayi, dlrtcloi*. band liaieri. •piahtri. rtmlci. iImhi. waiielaiti. vailtrilai, caminantatara. wrltars, tartfoniili. all. Pea Mailer Geo Filet Not. I Tare 11 SI .OS Per Script, Postage Prepaid Each File Certains Over 100 Sack •09s ! I Muka Cborka l'nynlila te ■'AULA SMITH . Mall to "Fun-.MuDlrr" MO W. MIS) 84., New Vork CM* I*. N.V. PAUL REGAN COMIC-SATIRIST Maaui«aa*nl: MCA. EX - 6. I. ENTERTAINERS — WANTED — Former Army entertainer director Wants three • k-G. I.'t, ma pi■ no player, two entertainers, to atsitl »n social |UIT of ■dull camp (sum- mer resort): state salary eipectrd for. 10-week, season, room, board and laundry Included: •■nil be versatile, personable Write ■III Gold- barf. WunniohiunU Ledar. WoKoWro. N. H. IACK AT MUSIC BOX N.VN KliANriKe: O 'WHITEY' ROBERTS ALWAYS WORKING Photographers STAGE-SCREEN-RADIO NEW YORK STUDIO 154 Wost 57th Strae/f Phone Circle 7-3505 BOSTON STUDIO-LENOX HOTEL Phone for Appointment: Kenmore 5-300