Variety (May 1946)

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W^lnemlay, May 8, 1946 S3 Night Qub Reviews . Am C*n*«,.N.,Y. nfiniielito Voldes. ftfumrds fc «• «2 Nn-ncu-Doiiowflii, Ptipi Campo ^h-'cUKJM* Curbello Orcli ell); idol/, SaWdc i/. Sun day „.,„„.. have been many attempts Th to the current site of La Conga to ma ns a cafe., Locatioi^ started However, latest it will have lures as Pastors' Uptown. S( Boom has been clone taste-' JmUv bv Franklyn Hughes and pol- icy should atU-act a healthy segment of trade. Major drawback in the room is 11,6 low-pr.ccd menu. Dtic 10 OPA regulations. La Conga must, adhere to the tariffs of its predecessor. . . - Consequently it provides a good ,i, mont buy. Its chief reliance •nlcrlainmcnt buy lor r e will 6n the one name ft br Rs in and two Latin bancs. Efficacy of the latter has recently, been illustrated at the easls clc Em- bassy, where business picked up considerably as soon as it Ridded a vh mba crew. There aren't.too many Lat dancerics for those whe like rluimba rhythms.- .Oiv the;strength of the tcrp trade alone, it should do well-much of it at the.-exnense .of the neighboring Havana-Madnd. The show itself is budgeted to ex- ceed the menu prices and the small capacity. The displays last only a half-hour but it punches - all ■. the wav. Hcadlincr is Miguelito Valtles, a lure for the town's Latin elements with his uninhibited vo- calistics topped by his magnum opus "Babalu." He concentrates on- the familiar tunes ("Rim Bam Bim," Chiu-Chiu) which done in the .Valcles style, makes for hearty re- ception. . Edwards and Diane, ballroom pair, ■with a lot of class, similarly draw bo ft returns. They're handicapped by the low ceilings, which interferes with the overhead spins, but even without the acrobatics they put over vrnooth chorcbs which include a classical slow number, a dance im- pression of the '90s tango and rhum- ba, all getting top hands. Opener by Nancy Donovan, titian- topped singer, with a nice voice and pleasing delivery. Her sole fault Is her choice of numbers. "Tempta- tion" isn't considered an opening song and her closer. "Yiddishe Mama" is a little incongruous com- ing from a Donovan. But solidity of her renditions overcome her self- imoosed handicap. Curbello oreh backs the show and Pupi Campo batons his crew from the dancefloor, where he min 'fc'les with the patronage. Jose. the bone, or take a chance on break- ing a couple themselves. Following their usual iiitrn, vet vauders dis- pensed with main portion of their stint which consists of throwing clubs wildly at each other. Maestro Stephen Kisley bridges between stanzas with violin solo on "Estrellita" which seems to please a homey crowd. Evening's layout closes with Mar- tells and Mignon showcased in a production number with the line and Stylists, called '.'In Darkest Africa." No question about the dark. Act has added atmosphere in form of 4-month-old lion cub. Scruffy heasl is wheeled around in Wliat is probably called a lion buggy, and then stuck in the corner for a cat- nap. Tiny femme is carted in by three , husky gents who proceed to toss touchdown passes to each other with her. Line and Stylists,, dressed in the Chicago version of. cannibal costumes, carry on background Icrps and chants. A nice turn for all con- cerned. , Tomm. sung completely in French add no interest, either, of course. ' Show as a whole suffers from lack of a comic. Iinogene Coca, who filled the demand for humor, is gone, after. a lengthy engagement, and Josephson has been unable to locate a successor to a long line of C.S. hits that included Jimmy Savo and Zero Mostel. It's certainly a void that will soon have to be filled. Herb. Blue lt«M»H1, X. O. (HOTEL ROOSEVELT} Neio Orleniis. May 3. Del Coitniiej/ Orc/i «14), Guy Chefney. Burns Twins & Evelyn, Rnmos lc Nanette. Martin Bros. (3), Dotlie Dolscm; $1.50 win. A topnotch band and a quintet of acts feature current layout here and, while Del Courtney and his crew predominate, layout includes singing, dancing and other fare to provide .variety that is .proving heavy draw. Courtney's Aggregation is no stranger here and impresses as a hard-working outfit which plays music with competence and confi- dence. The band strikes an appeal- ing medium between sweet and swing, and is pleasant at all times. In addition to making a distinct contribution of its own in the way of a novelty glee club rendition of "Trees," the baud gives nice support to the acts. : Guy Chcrney scores heavily for his vocalising of songs like "Good Bye, Sue," "June Is Bustin' Out All Over," and other groups. He was called back for repeated encores. Burns Twins and Evelyn, two boys and gal, ate a colorful, peppy top threesome who offer something new in routine to click heavily. The pre- cision number by gals is especially socko. Ramos and Nanette are as grace- ful a pair of ballroom terpers as any seen here in some time. Their work is smooth, suave and almost effort- less, and gainers plenty applause. The Martins get a nice hand for their expert puppet manipulating but it's their clowning that's the standout of the turn. Dot Dotson impresses with both her attractiveness and pipes. She drew heavy applause for her unique, delivery of "Knock Me a Kiss' and "Baba Lu." Courtney, an easy-going, person able maestro, emcees the show. Liuz. El Moro««?«, Mont'l Montreal, May 3. Tim Herbert, Connie Sheldon, Arth ur Nelson, Line..16), Hal Kittle^ prcli. (13) Relief Trio; $1.50 win. Tim Herbert, making his bow- at El Morocco, hits the jackpot with spine ultra-hep material that garners hearty reponse from the payees, There's no knock-yourself-out br ringside kibitzing routines from this lad. He works quietly and effec- tively, and his timing is perfect. After a bit of opening gagging, he ..segues ■ into: some Taney eccentric tefps that perk up the crowd for what's to come, a clever, special material number. "I Learned About Women from Her." Its all very smart,'hep and funny. • Eye-nlling Connie Sheldon warbles some sock items, and some that could be replaced with better stuff. Gal has charming floor manner and de- livery is okay. "Blow. Gabriel Blow," is smart teeoff choice, and "Chasing Rainbows" also sells bip further on. but the "Mr. Paganini item doesn't show her talent off to best advantage. Garners good re spouse. . Puppeteer Arthur Nelson, click? with some smart doll manipulating His characters are amazingly life-, like and ho gets individual personali- ties' into each of them. It's a sock set Hal Hartley orch plays the show nicely: New line is okay. Biz nice and picking up; Lccci. Cafe Madiaon, N. Y. (HOTEL MADISON) (FOIXOWUP) Revamping of the Cafe Madison's show to include Monica Boyav gives this sip and listen spot a consider- able lift. This Dominican singer, who has clicked in other intimc spots, notably at Lc Ruban Bleu, is highly proficient in. the song and projection departments with a va- ried tune selection including slightly indigo calypsos. She still relies on her proven staples, notably "Dat's Love" and a pair of topical tunes, "Open Up the Door" and "All That Glitters Is Not Gold." In addition, she throws in a pair of Latin tunes for all-around good effect. Others in the show arc Jack Kerr and Jan Call (.both New Acts) while Carl Harte docs the piano lulls. Jose. Variety Bills WEEK OF MAT 8 Knmb to eaajMctrea "HH kill* Delow ladlente opealne d»» •« thai whether rail er. tpllt Low NKW YORK CIKV Capitol (K> (*uy J'.onibardu 0>-c Ilnh Wllllnina Willie Sliure Aniilinary Dlekey. State («) HuKh. l-'or<;lo Co . I'auieja .Huirntun. a Oo'rulinr Prof.. nai-kwnrde Buck ft Uuublci;. Karen Cooper . washi><;ton . Capitol 19) M.inui-I vii-ra no:.*. Ileniion tteurgc ilueitt.. M.-ick Triplets Paramount NKW YORK CITV Paramount ID) Dill.o KlIlllKt'oii Or MIllM Hron Slump ft Stumpy Clark m-nx mie.WiO CIlll-HCU (») Sii|-;.ir KitlihtHun Allr n * Kent Allhur UlxkA H*(al (10 nmH'n ft Eddy Jiu-klh Mnblpy I1KTKOIT MI.IiIum (16) r J"ex Jlencko (ilenn Miller Ore C^rnaby Sin ■ Ladd r.yon ' MIAMI Oljmiila (») 2 .lur-M' Frank riu-lfl -Jo:in Atlitll- ' «'y lleevts llar'n .Carroll now . OMAHA Orphvnni 110) b^rftiikle i'hVIc U<i .roluti)y AI'orKitn Tucker & Tr»-nnt'hlo RKO HOSTON ' Umte-i (It) r.oulii l't-lma Ore The', Dnn-ftttA '1'hc I'ltclmien' IR*<ls & Curry SAN . FRANC IWO Uoldc* C.'.to 18) Petcli A. Dcauvlllo I'ork {It oalr) .Inn t.Klln; Co D Tranger & Alplm llnrlo A Stan Tom' O'Noul Maarcya & Gunseti WOON SOCKET »w 1-nrU I* Moi'vuu SIh ' Tho Arlcys H A T Jm Rof« T-l* Kranconl Hoy UoUKlas Cabaret Bids NEW 10&K cm Uill'i Oms M l i-Ulici Qllbert Charlca Strlcklaad luol; Ryan Harold WlllorO Jimmy Durna UlII Kolnoy Gay 9Q'c wiinrietia Blue Angel Jauo llHl*vi»y Kills I^trkln 3 L-'loronco ' Ocsmond KJdlo . MayoliolT James Coppa <-«fe Ml> (Dowulatta) .lOHll Willi* Saru ll Vaushn ncrnio West cilft Jaclifion ■I'ote .lolin.toD J O Heard Oro Care Sotlety IVntowa) Ciolilcn . Oato 4 Momio ' Vicente Gomoz Iniorone Coca- . Mary r.ou WllllaniB lOdmund U'all Ore Curnlval Milton Ocrlo nnp. Sklp, Jump Klly ArdcltF Stan l'Lshoi* Marlon Colby non Tost Slngtrt Walter John Miriam Owlnn Jllrlam La Veil* llolel BL Rfch Danny O'Xell l'eifify Norman nuill Span- Ore Th^odm'ti llrooka .Mr & Mrs .Melody llnlrl Tun Vlnreiit l.oi>ez Or* Hotel Waldoi-f-A Joan l?d\vnrdn .Inbn Selinstlan ' Ictlaad Alan ICIng. i;ua Cooper Kileen DcnoeD It lvi»Ks . 4 Whi-.-lnlnds l.nn Martin Ore Krl\}'» Stautt* . Tf-(l<ly fvaye 3 ' OMnniil Sin r.linlu K«-cne Itox Stewart -Ore Nellie [1111 Ijx Congu MlRilililo VrUIc» Xitncy Donavan. Miuno A Kdivnrda l.u Murtlaiaja* neii nnie : r.v...sey ,t- Moore IbiKi-r DtLiuiea Disle Uoberts . Joe 'Candullo Ore .S;iea»as Ore'. uitln Oirartw Willie. Howard . Undio AeoH l»euny lOUn-drde Al Kelly RIh* Aagel, >. Y. (FOLLOWVP) Herbert Jacoby docs such an ex- pert job as conferencier, and is so well Identified as a personality with this class bistro, not only as emcee but as co-owner with Max (Village "Vanguard) Gordon, that it's too bad he is starting to ease off on. that phase. Not that Jacoby' is io be blamed for trying to unshoulder some of the burden, but the identity is too close to be treated lightly. Thus, when he doesn't m.c. the show in person, there's something lacking. Show, per usual, is top-drawer, mul matches the smart interior. Florence Desmond is to'plii'icr with impressions of Boycr, Colbert. Hep- burn. Dietrich, Bettc Davis (''Mrs. Skeffington''), Minindn. Bankhcad and Giacic Fields. She's mostly Boyer, in between announcements, but her best in unquestionably Tallu with Fields and Colbert next. Eng- lish mimic uses a minimum of props 'shawl, turban, etc.) and manages Cjiiitc effectively. Rest* arc holdovers. Rose Murphy opens with her scat pianology, the colored boogie-woogiest getting a lot of returns; Jane Harvey clicks with a nice song style. From" radio, she knows how to use. the mike to good results. Her arrangements arc in the modern idiom. Eddie Mayehbff, with his takeoffs, makes two of a kind on one bill. but somehow he doesn't clash with. Miss Desmond. She concentrates on w.k. personali- ties, while his forte arc character studies. Herman Chittison Tik- rounds things out in great shai>c with their rhythms and accomps. Abel. Marine Room, Thi ' (EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL) Cliicaoo. May 3. Swifts (3), Three MartclU & Mio- iioii. Line ill)) with Song'Stylists (4) uretty mucn lanca 10 esueu u", •=> t ti Althea; Stephen Kisley Orch (14) ... . - ...u. loilh.Jcmi Cdinpbell; $3-$3.50 min. No one was even beginning to sec ' the light as this show went oiv dur- ing Chi's first dim-out night, only slightly abetted by table candles. Band labored through the evening with lanterns to light, up their music stands: Line opens with "Spring Waltz" number. Costumes, as usual, are nifty. . ».w— -- . „ , Darkened room forced Three I ing tniali.t.v that so lreciucntly makes i Swifts to cut their juggling act to up. for other shortcomings, yytf&i. New Acts Vnl* SntrMy Uplow« (FOLLOWUF) Barney Josephson, in revising the lineup at his uptown spot, brings back the Golden Gate Quartet, which is a move that's 100% m the right direction in augmenting, any show. Despite the wartime absence of two of the boys, the Negro four some again shapes up as socko n ;clliiig its jive arrangements o spirituals. The old harmony rhythms and limbic are still there, \>ith the presentation geared to serious plane that rates it as true ''cultural entertainment.'' Palm- poundiiig for encores is as-strong as ever, loo. Susan Reed, who was out of the show touring with "Shootin' Star, musical which folded before it reached Broadway, is another Josephson returnee. And likewise a distinct asset with her folk ballads to her own accompaniment on zither and harp. Her swing at legit seems to have improved her salesmanship and given her added poise, which is all to the good. Among holdovers is Vicente Gomez, a Spanish guitarist right out of the top tier, and Mary Lou Williams, with her unusual offbeat rhythms on the piano. Unfortu- nately, the instrument, is so placed that the interesting view of her .fin- gers (lying over the 88 is not visible to "Ihe'houscv , Another h.o.. but one who has pretty much failed to catch on, is Mounc, colored chanteusc who was imported by Josephson from France. She was originally presented at the piano, providing her own accom- paniment, but has since becn.nipvcd to the mike on (he floor. Its no improvement and Josephson, who has one of the most enviable records in modern-dav show biz as a talent developer, miejhl do well just to write this efTnrt n(Y as a mistake. Mounc unfortunately' shows evi deuce of neither voice nor the sell DIANA BERBT ' Songs, Dancing, Comedy Stale, N. Y. . Miss Berry's act seems like it has been around, b\it it -is riot listed in the New Act flies. She's a good performer for the niche she occupies on a bill like this. There doesn't seem to be any routine to her act; she seems to do any- thing that pops into her head. Start ing out with a song, "Who Do You Think I Am'.'" she works into excel- lent taps, with a suggestion of ec- centric terps. and lies it all together with bits of comedy chatter here and there. It's a sort of Charlotte Greenwood routine that the custom- ers, when caught, went for in a big way. Wood. A ( I N C T Th« Outstanding Agency* 1*24.1 m toetlaa. for tfco M*tt DUcrlariMttaa) •* ln J ipil i aai Tkootro OwHft •• IS01 t n mi I w y-Far —ii— I IMf. Naw Yorfc Mftat f^3B2-M COM'MRUIS I'nlmr* (IS-IS) I.IoihI Hampton O t;eorife Heutiy r.arry steveim Henry KinK Ore. Warier XBW YOKK CITY Strand (la) C Cavallaro Ore Rooli'lle A neebe T.enny Kent ". ItarbHra' lllalne . fwlepewleflt JACK KERR Songs and Piano 9 Mlns. Cafe Madison, N. T. Jack Kerr is far from a new act per sc. being a vet in some of the town's cocktail lounges and. prior to that appeared in some musicals. This baldish gent is somewhat re- miniscent of Dwight Fiske although tunes are not as deeply indigo. He has a booming type voice with a hail-fellow-well-met mien that per- mits him to get away with the blue- tinged ditties without being offen- sive. However, he takes care to sell himself on straight numbers before hitting the double-cntcndre mood. His own piano accomps are suffi- cent for musical backing and he makes no pretensions of their being of solo calibre. Jose. Jan call Piano - 10 Mins. Cafe Madison, N. T. Jan Call dresses up. her piano act to the point where she excites more visual than audio interest. She makes her appearance in a luminous midriff i?own with fluorescent paint daubed over her hands to give a weird albeit an interesting effect. These luminous trappings deac- ccntualc her ivorying of pops and light classics. She plays a showy 88 to the extent that she •jver-pro- ductions the pieces. She's a good pianist and mugging helps create the illusion of emotional wrestling with the tunes which helps with the nut- tings. Jose. NKW YORK CITS Muxle Hall (») Marian cnrier Choral Knsi»mb[e Wally 11o«k Myrt 111 * raeatid ltoi-Kcltes Hnxy (ft) Geoi-KC JeaKtl Moi-ry Ma^-.a . llosnrlo ft Antonio Apollo (10) The '.lanflleyn . (11-1?) l'at Alan-oy Whjiii' Sis (two to mi) .lilinnli'M (S-S) nel:u:c It Shirley Tho K.-iynH l-'i'nnlc St*vei>n f,ti mi .V Sniull Hilly Kelly (U-U) llai-derll Jr Al Ac .1 ■-mi .lolinsion llHi-hai-ji '>l:iri-iti (llin-la Klw-oo.l . (i'-ori;n Kn-eniH ATI/ANTIC flTV Sltt-l Vlrr (11-1*) W.-iyne-Mftrlln -3 (four lo nil) BAr.TI.MORK . III|i(MHlrome {It) Mkky hunt ■ 'nrdan K- Sawyer AeronintilfieH Air' 3 Mate (II) Jon r.atln' <*u' 1) 'I'rnnVer Alpha Tom O'Neill narto & Slan us-i.1) Johnny Dnvr Mai-la l.ti.Mniila Ani;er illlllonl rolji- -IfKiiiK *:n HOi:SI) ' HHOt>K -llrnok (ll-li) ■ llohhy llyron . Jenn Dnt-liitK Damiy I'l-lme l tivu to till! CA.MIIKV Tmvern (19-li) Wvoinlir< L'' Delia llliy June l.fii-railin A H M lliivi l Tllo lliniliillx < lll( .\(.<> Oi'ii-nlill (II) A Man JtiiK s l.nuiH ■ Jot-thin Or^ ■I Manlciuii n IJ'.-h.H Jean t-ai-ri.ll J a lie ItuyNi-ll ' . KIJ/AIIKTII l.lbr'rty (O-l*) numi.itiM nuppetn ?, 1'allaiUuinK lleh iiii ft'.Howard l-Millo Howard HARTFORD ijtaie (10-1*) Tab Callouay, Oro :| Poina a rctcra sia ilolfc ft r>»lte iior.voHE Tallcj Aifu (12) riimile Splvalt Or Frank Marlow Uoyd & Willie IMtlANATOMS Keiths (10) Chrlatlno ForaythG The Coriln I'oeo Sir ye 1-M.lie The Ni-ir Vt>i-lc-i-j# ICony«t A Murae Samuels Jul l.ila May I'olilln Jr KANSAS riTV Toiler (10) Sit:\i ns II & lli),' I! <lil Itohiiison Herbert l.nw U'.-tl.y I.di. Holt NKWAKK Ailiinm 110) nob i.'heHter Ore Huso .Marh- lloblnpon k ^lai-tiu Munroo X:.(irant NKW HKIil'OKn Bella Hq. (0-11) MvrKan Sin The Alley* H A '1' r.a tlose V l.a Kmneonl Uolibv fliillliiH . PAWTKCKKT ' t'ai.Hol (tt) A ArnautH (lobby llolllns noil Rogers Joan Rexer MIII/AMKM'HIA Carman (») IMaire * Shirh y Adair Ha is Allen Iteno Henri TlHO-rlen ■ fHOVIItKM-h Mrlrop'lt'n (10-1*) Kdillo riraeKen WhlUon Hr«» .fane K>nn Koml l.imla T'ominy , Oix Joa'h Itnrry KO( HrOltn I'alu.e 110) TTeli n- Uiihiin .1 KninliUn X- I'ala UnOl .« lli-nny Mi ion" i.o Maria l.awli-r 1'anl WalUi-r On; SfKIMil-'IKI.I) tiMlrt.Sii (D-l'O ll'-uv Au>iiin l-M .lai-k I'.euy I'llllliH Willis AllKfon VounlT llollln Mareelly To Klelder * Harriet.. wni/OW „«;hov" Clab U Henuy. Totinginan ' Jorry Borgen Flora Veutoff ■ a'ndl Cortov Roy 6edloy Flora Drake O AnUrcWH Oro Club BodSD Pattera'n' ft Jacka'D ljeroy Carrlnffton i^anllold ft .Lou-la - U KeliHline Ore Cenacabaaa Deal Arnez' Oro Kunlce. Ilealy lllacliburn Twine I-'emando Alvarea Krnlt) Holot Ud 1'aul- & Kya Rayes Dlaaraud Botaealior Joe B Howard Mono) Kaya Wataon 61a l-'rlul SvhelT Ann Ponnlngton ivillle Solar Jacqueline Hurley Michael Edward Dill Acorn Kinina FraDola Jimmy Allison BUI Moore l-'our Rotebuda Vincent' Travere Or .\lorty neld Ore 400 Heaiaurunt rieiie Ki'upa Or.i (i'wleh Village Ion Jerri Keover I'arrle Klnnifl II H Pull.y Ituss Uarlylo Oro lluvaua-Mudnd Ifermnndon 3 ■ 'iro lllmne A; Moiinlta l>i>n (riiHanova I'arloH Varcla Hotel AmbaMadat r.ouln Betancourt O Jules Lande Ore Hotel Altar Job* Morend Ore lintel BVImoat' I'lnu Paul Reifun Jaek c'lpldB Uoh RiibhoU . Kalbryn DulTy Deri ICihlie Stone Ore • Hotel Bntiara niek stabllo Oro I^nhrup ft I>>e ' I'lili O'Arcy Ud .Mnrlnrlo . Knapp Hi.tal Coeamodore 11 Hi Melntyrn Ore . Hotel mate Al Trace Ore Hotel Edlew Dlue llorrnn Ore Eeaea IToaee Paneho Ore Hotel l^ilDgle* MoinI Kal Tapu Kaua Tnllma Malle < Molilhana J Plnoappjo. Oro ■ . Hotel (Jnceta- Rrsklno Hawkins O Hotel K»» Ifnrket Jorry Wold Oro Hotel IVnnnytvnxti -Teny PaHlor Ore Hotel Flerre Oall-Oail lOnri-.-a &. Novcllo Stanley Melha Ore Hotel riato HllileKnrilo Mark Monlo Ore nntel RooeeTell N Drnmlwynne Ore Harriot Lorraine J Hayo Do.n Saxon - Kwiulres Marty Deck Oro Uuddy lle.rlowe Or* l.ooa it Eddle'e I'dille Davie Sonny King Tony Kard3*0 ChrlHtlno JohoiiOD IIovvoIIh Tho Darrets Madlaon Cafe .Inn Call. Jaek ■ Kerr <";irl Ilarto Moniea lloyar. Sonny -Kcudls Ore .Monte Carl* Dlek Oaaparre O Hobcrtn •Slim OM BoBUtablD Jacnie Pblllpe .... I.owls ' Jniiliin i Parvh Sadie rianlia Mlml Kellermaa a Claire Sla * Helen Bower Joe La Porta Ore Unban Hlea Doodlce Weaver Maxlne Sulllvaa Vin noddlo Muriel Oalne OcJrlo Wallace Trla linns Kretchnia- Ellanka - llj.sll KeincOD N Aleynmlrou* Marl Gorbl .MI.Hcha UzdanoB Irene ITcodora Para Dlrncr Ktii-avaeff Splvr'a Boel SpIVy Daphne llellmaD Muraliall Mtork Clsb Moralea Ore Versa IBee Carl Srlssoo • Kmll pcttl Ore Village Ban Hilly Ivclly L'aul ft Vlda Suwn Cabot Jano White ■I'ajse Morton lien-Stone Palsy Lane Tex Fletcher Village Vaaisate) KiUly Mauson I-Mlth Allaire Don Fry Hank Duncan Trla Wlvel Bob' • ■ Ccrirude lllld J-an A.lnBlle FranclBi:o Drueo Nortnao Vivian Xlckolion D'ltlvero ft Uehn'te Zaoilbar DIM llobiiiBOD Mills Ilros Tip. Tap Sc. Toe Mario Klllngton . Maurice nocco. Unwell -ft TJoW«er Pec Wee Marquotta Rlaudn Hopkins Ore I-con Warrick ■ ■" Tod MeKao Ore Zimmerman's Oono KardoB Ore W & 3 Drown (Vayne Thompson Adrlenne Parker Bela Zslga