Variety (May 1946)

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r .12 PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, May 15, 1946 L A. Tram Strike Still Hurts But 'Postman Wow 75^4G, 'Spiral' Huge 47G; Corner Dull 37G, Ian 42G Los Angeles. May. 14. Snoot car strike here continues 1c i nl into biz, but many films ment- ion trade still impress. Some spots me hit more .than others. "Post- man Always Rings Twice*' is sight- ing a walloping $75,500 in three theatres. '.'Spiral Staircase" looks to do smash $47,000 in three spots hitting new record' in two houses. However. "Dark Corner'' likely will be a dull $37,000 hi three houses. Slays only one week. "Undercover Woman." with King Cole Trio heading stage bill, will'be. socko $32,000 at Orpheum. and prob- ably would have fared belter ex- cept for the strike. "Her Kind'.of Man'' is about average $421000 in three locations. "The Outlaw" continues to pace the holdovers although in sixth frame in tour small-sealers. It will <lo stout $38,000 this session. "Gilda" shapes for nitty $36,000 on third frame in two spots, and stays a fourth. "Kitty" is $28.SM or near on third week in two. Estimates for This Week Beverly Hills Music Hall 'Blunicn- frld-G&S) (824; 85-$l)—"Outlaw" >UAi Kith wk). Good $5,500. Last week, still solid at $6,100. Carthay Circle (FWC) 11.518: 50- $1 i—"Madonna of Seven Moons" i U> Nice S8.000. Last week. "Seventh Veil" iU) <8lh wk). nitty $5,200. Chinese iGrauman-WC) t2.048:50- $11—"Dark Corner" ■ 20th». Slow $10,000. Last week. "Drauoiuvvek" (20th I i.3d wk). $9,400. Downtown iWB) 11,800: 50-SJ >— '"Her Kind of Man" (W'B). Oke $17,000. Last week. "Devotion" iWB) 13d wk). only $9,100. Downtown Music Hall iBIumcn- feld) i872; 85r$1.20 (—"Outlaw" (UA) <6th wk). Solid $20,000.. Last week, socko $22,600 despite strike. Egyptian iFWC) (1.538; 50-$!)— "Postman Rings Twice" iM-G). Strong $20,000. Last week. "Zieg- feld Follies" (M-G) <4th wk). neat $8,600. Four Star <UA-WC) i900: 50-S1 )— •Dragonwyck" (20th) (m.o.). Nifty $5,000. Last week. •Tangier" <U) and "Man in Grev" iU> im.6.). good $4,000. . . Gu'ld (FWC). <968: 50-$l)—"Spiral Staircase" iRKO). Record SI 1.500. Last week, "Tangier'' <U) and "Man in Grey" (U) (2d wk), good $5,100. Hawaii (G&S-Blumenfeld) (956: 65-$D—"Outlaw" (UA) i6lh wk). Smooth $7,500. Last week, excellent $8,800. Hollywood (WB) (2.756:. 50-$ 1 )— "Her Kind of Man" iWBi. Fair S13 000. Last week, "Devotion" iWB) (3d wk), light S7.500. Hollywood Music Hall (Bluincn- feld) (475; 85)—"Outlaw" H1A) i6th wk). Steady $5,000. Last w.-ek, nifty $5,700. 1 Loew's Stale (Loew-WC) (2 404- 50-$l)—"Dark Corner" (20th 1. Very light $18,000. Last week, "Dragon- wyck" (20th) 13d wk). Taint r.9,500. Los Angeles (D'town-WC) 12.097: H0-$1)—"Postman Rings Twice" <M-G). Farley $40,000. La>t week "Ziegfcld Follies" iM-G) :4th wk) only $11,700. Orpheum (D'town ». > 2.000- 65-651— "Undercover Woman" iRcdj with King Cole Trio. Johnnie Otis oreh Socko $32,000. Last week. ".lust Be- fore Dawn" (Col) with "Truth or Consequences" radio show, biy $29- 300. ■ Pantalets (Pan): (2.812; 50-$l)— "Gilda" (Col) (3d wk) and "Blonde Ahbi" (U). Grand $18,000. Last week, with "Night Editor" (Col) handsome $23,000. Paramount (F&M) 13.398: 50-$l)— "Kitty" (Par) (3t| wkJ. Down to $15,000. Last week, $2L500. Paramount Hollywood (FJt-M)' (1-.- 451; 50-$D—"Kitty" (Par) (3d wk). Handsome $13,500. Last week.- lancy $17,200. RKO Hillstrcef (RKO) <?..R<\0; 50- 80)—"Gilda" (Col) (3d wk) and "Blonde Alibi" (U); Stout S18.000. Last week, "Night Editor" iCol). $23,100. Ritz (FWC) (1,370; 50-$l)—"Post- man Rings Twice" iM-G). 'Sharp $15,500. Last week, "Ziegfcld Fol- lies" (M-G) (4th wk), .neat $8,200. United Artists (UA-WC) 12.100: 50- :i) —"Spiral Staircase' 7 (RKO) Jright $19,000. Last week. "Tangier" «U) and "Man in Grey" <U) (2d wk), good $9,300. Uptown (FWC) 0,790: 50-$D— "Dark Corner" 120th J. Avai-aw $».'- 000. Last week, . "Dragonwyck" (20th) (3d wk). nice-$7,200' on Imale. VoR-ue (FWC) (885: 50-$l WSfcv- enth Veil" (U) ( m.o.) (2d wk). Good ?5,000. Last week, robust £6.000. Wikhlre (FWC) (2.296; 50-$!)— •Spiral Staircase" -(RKO>. Record Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week ;...... .... .S725.500 (Based on 16 theatres') - Total Gross Same Week Last Year . . ..$593,000 (Based oil 15 theatres) 'Outlaw 1 Terrif $25,000, St Louis St. Louis. May 14. "The Outlaw." Howard Hughes' controversial flicker, is the best coin- getter among the big houses. It looks set for colossal session despite continuous rain for nearly, a week. Biz is up despite weather here. Estimates lor This Week Loew's (Loew) (3,172; 44-65) — "The Outlaw" (UA). Colossal $25,- 000. Last week, "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) l2d Wk), big $18,000. Orpheum (Loew) (2.000;"44-65) — "Ziegfeld Follies'" (M-G). Fine $10,000. Last .week."Tars and Spars" ►Col), and "Portrait ot Maria" (M-G), $8,000. . Ambassador (F&M) (3.000: 44-05) —"Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (2d wk). Fine $18,000 after strong $26,000 lirst stanza. Fox (F&M) (5,000: 44-G5>—"Little Giant" (U) arid "Effingham's Raid" 120th). Neat $17,000. Last week, "Kitty" (Par) (2d wk). big $18,000. Missouri (F&M) (3.500; 44-65) — "Wife of Monte Cristo" (PRC) and "Dragonwyck" (20lh). Stout $14,000. Last week, with "Larceny In Heart" (PRC), $15,000. St. Louis (F&M) (4.000; 50-60)— "Soiral Staircase" (RKO) and "Be- cause of Him" (U). 'Good $8,500. Last week, "Scarlet Street" (U) and "Walk in Sun" (20th), $8,000. 'Outlaw' Mammoth 28G, L'ville Despite Kicks Of Ghorch; W 14G Louisville, May 14. "The Outlaw" finally, hit town with a bang, and biz is terrif over at Loew's State. ' Letter was read in all Catholic churches expressing disapproval of dim. However, the 3.300 seat deluxer on (he main stem is bulging at the seams, and the much publicized pic will set a high mark at $28,000 or better. "So Goes My Love" at the Rialto is oke. Other spots look set for a light week. Estimates for This Week Brown (4th Ave.-Loew's) (40-60) —"Dragonwyck" (20th) (m.o.). Looking for mildish $3,500. Last week, 'Tomorrow . Is Forever" (RKO) (m.o.), $5,000. Kentucky (Switow) (1,200: 30-40) —"Doll Face" (20th) and "Effing- ham's Raid" (20th). Fair $1,700. Last week, "Harvey Girls" (M-G) and "Life With Blondie'* (Col). $1,900. Loew's State (Loew's) (3.300; 40- 60)—"Outlaw" (UA). Usual objec- tions" by religious groups and word- of-mouth terrif spelling mammoth $28,000 or near. May hit new record. Last week, "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) (2d wk), slowed to $9,000. National (Standard) (2.400; 40-60) —"Bells St. Mary's" (RKO). House back to straight films for summer, after 10 weeks of dramatic stock. Looks fair $4,000. Last week, stage policy. Mary Anderson (People's) (1.000; 40-60)—"Devotion" (WB) (2d wk). Still catching brisk trade at $6,000 after initial week's neat $8,000. R-'alto (Fourth Avenue) (3.400; 40-60)—"Goes My Love" 'U). Get- ling terrific opposition, but is satis- factory at, $14,000. . Last week, "•Dragonwyck" (20th), fair S11.000. Strand (Fourth Avenue) ,(1.400: 40-60 ^"Deadline at Dawn" (RKO) and "Game of Death" (RKO). Me- dium $5,000. Last week. "Tangier" (U) and "Blonde Alibi" (U), staunch $6,500. $16,500. Last week. "Tangier' (U) and "Man in Grey" (U) (2d wk-0 days), smart $5,500. Wiltern (WB) (2,300; 50-S'l)—"Her Kind of Man" (WB). Oke $12,000- Last week, "Devotion" iWB) (3d wk),.oke $8,100. Million Dollar (D'town) 2^00: 40- 05). Back to subsequent-run.- Last week. "Mysterious Intrud(-i" (Col) and "Shadow Returns" (Col), fair $5,100. Seattle Okay Despite H.O.'s; 'Dahlia' 17G Seattle, May 14. City again is tophcavy with con- tinued runs. Only big new film is "Blue Dahlia," smash at the Para- mount. Strength of "Adventure." at ' Fifth Ave., and "Pinocchio," at the 1 Liberty, on their , second ' weeks Is iamazing. . Holdover of "Wife of Monlo 7 Crislo" for four days at the Palomar also is unusual. Estimates for This Week Blue Mouse (H-E) (800: 45-60)— "Road to Utopia" (Par) i6lh wk).' Good $5,000 or near. Last week, $5.- 900. Fifth Avenue (H-E) (2.349: 45-80) —"Adventure" (M-G) (2d wk). Big $14,000. Last week, sensational $20,- 500. liberty U-vH) (1,650; 45-80)— "Pinocchio" (RKO) ( (2d wk). Socko $14,000. Last week, $15,- 900; terrific for this spot. Music Box (H-E) (850; 45-80)— "Tomorrow Is Forever" (RKO). Third week downtown. Nice $6,000. Last week. "Dragonwyck" (20th) (3d wk), $4,100 in 6 days. .Music Hall (H-E) (2,200; 45-80),- "Virginian". (Par) (2d wk). Sturdy $9,000 after great $15,000 initial week. Orpheum (H-E) (2.600; 45-80)— "Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (3d wk). Great $14,000. Last week, immense $17,500. Palomar (Sterling) (1,350; 4.V80) —"Wife of Mbntc Cristo" (PRC) (2d wk). Fancy $5,000 in 4 days after wow $9,300 last week. Paramount (H-E) (3,049; 45-80 )— "Blue Dahlia". (Par) and "Hot Cargo" (Par). Big $17,000. Last week, "To- morrow Is Forever" (RKO) (2d wk). good $7,000 in 6 days: Roosevelt (Sterling) (800: 45-80)— "Laura" (20lh) and "Wild Geese Calling" (20th) (reissues). Good $5.- 000. LastWeek, "Whistle Stop" (UA > (3d wk). $5,800. Winter Garden (Sterling) (800; 25- 50)—"Lost Weekend" (Par) and "Doll Face" (20th) (3d run >. Trim i SSiODO. Laty week, "Scarlet St n et" iU'p and "Yolanda and Thief (M-G) (3d run). $4,300. K. C. Perking as'Outlaw' Hits Huge $20,000; Kitty' Smash 18ft'Corner' 11G Kansas City, May 14. Film row is blossoming with new bjlls in every house, and total will be considerably above that of re- cent weeks. "Outlaw" has the Mid- land galloping for one of the biggest weeks at house in months. "Kitty," at the Newman, also is smash, and probably will play an extended run. Estimates for This Week Esquire, Uptown and Fairway (Fox-Midwest) (820, 2,043 and 700; 40-60)—"Dark Corner" (20lh). Only average $11,000. Last week, ""Seventh Veil". (U), at $13,000, was over ex- pectations. Midland (Loew's) (3,500; 45-65)— "The Outlaw" (UA). Playing solo and soaring to great $20,000. Last week, "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) .(2d wk), nice $11,000. Newman (Paramount) (1.900: 45- 65)-r"Kitty" (Par). Smash $18,500 or near. Holds. Last week, "Road to Utopia" (Par) (3d wk), fancy $10,500. Orpheum (RKO) (1,900; 45-65) — "Devotion"' (WB) and "Ding Dong Williams" (RKO). Very light $9,500. Last week, "Spiral Staircase" (RKO) and "Riverboat Rhythm'" (RKO) (2d wk). solid $11,000. Tower (Fox-Joffee) (2.100: 39-60) —"Garden of Allah" (UA) and "Un- certain Feeling" (UA) (reissues) with stage show. Trade up a little to $19,500. Last week, "Blotfdie'.s Lucky Day" (Col) and "Smooth As Silk" (U) with vaude, $10,000. 'Territory' Torrid 18G, Buff.; 'Dragonwyck' 20G Buffalo, May 14. "Badman's Territory," on ' prcem here this week, looks .strong at the Century. "Dragonwyck" is spar- kling at the Lakes. Remainder of town, is mostly holdover. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3,500; 40-70)— "Kilty" (Par) (2d wk). Strong $16.- 000 or over, Last week, sock $27,000. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,000; 40-70) —"Dragonwyck" (20th).. Sparkling $20,000. Last week, "Ziegfeld Fol- lies" (M-G) (2d wk), grand $13,000. . Hipp (Shea) (2,100; 40-70)—"Zieg- feld Follies" (M-G) (m.o.). Oke i $8,500. Last week, "Bad' Bascomb" (M-G) and "Johnny Comes Flving Home" (20th) (2d wk), slaunch*$9,- 500. . " Teck (6hea) (1,400; 40-70)—"Re- becca"' (UA) (reissue) and "Strange Mr. Gregory" (Mono). Fairish $7,000. Last week,"Whistle Stop" (UA) and "Strange Impersonation" (Rop) (2d wk). $6,500. . Lafayette (Basil) (3,300: 40-70)— "Gilda" .(Col) (4th wk) and "No- loi ious Lone . Wolf" (Col). Sturdy $11,000. Last week, with "Out of Depths" (Col), sharp $15,000. 20lh Century (20th Cent) C3 000: 40-70)—"Badman's Tcritory" (RKO) and "Game of Death" (RKO). Strong $18,000. Last week, "This Day For- ward". (RKO) (2d wk) and "Dinf Dong Williams" (BJCO), stout $8,500. Miller Band Ups 'Jones'Swk 45G, Del; Sinatra-lucky/Tremendous Key City-Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week .$3,233,300 (Based on'2'1 cities, 190 (heo- fres. chiefly first tkiis, iiicludi'19 N. Y.) Total Gross Same Week . Last lear . ;$2,728.40Q (Based on 24 cities, 186 theatres) 'Gilda' Grips Pitt, Sockeroo Pittsburgh,- May 14. Despite crix not caring Tor, it.. "Gilda" is the big noise at the Har- ris currently, and picture should gel three weeks at least, it present-pace continues. It's house's lop grosser since "Leave Her to Heaven." Pehn's doing okay, too, with "Ziegfcld Fol- lies/' Among the li.o.'s, "Saratoga Trunk" is best at Warner and prob- ably will hold another stanza. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 40-70) — "Dragonwyck"' OJOth) (4lh wk). Taking.a sharp drop and holds only 4 days', with. "Pinocchio" iRKO' coming in tomorrow iWed.i. Will get belter than $4,001). not loo bad. week, it was $9,000. for around $45,000 on 25-da.v run. plenty good. Harris (Harris) (2.200: 40-70) — "Gilda" Col). Smashcroo $24,000. and house hopes to gel at least Hirer weeks out of it. Last week. "Getting Gertie's Garter" (UA). $10,000. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3.300:40-70)— "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G). Fact that picture played one of its two road- show test runs last summer at Nixon, when it wasn't loo well received, may be cutting in somewhat. But strong $26,000 is likely, enough to hold. Last week. "Saratoga Trunk" (WB), (2d wk), big. $23,000. Rita (WB) (800:40-70)—"Virginian" (Par) (m.o.). Third week downtown, fairly good $3.500.. Last week. "Breakfast in Hollywood" (UA) (m.oj, about same. Senator (Harris) (1.750: 40-70)— "Black Market Babies" (Mono). Fine $4,700. Last week, "Snafu" (Col). $3,000. Stanley (WB) • (3,800: 40-70) — "Blue Dahlia" (Par) (2d wk). Drop- ping off to about average $12,500. Last week soared to big $26,500. Warner (WB) (2.000: 40-70) — "Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (m.o.i. Here after big fortnight at Penn. big $12,000. Last week, '"Virginian"' (Par; (m.o.). $9,500 Frisco Slows Up Albeit 'Territory'-Stage Husky 36G, 'Dahlia' 22}G, 2d San Francisco, May 14. Seasonal slump is blamed for dip almost spots this week. "Badiiian's Territory" plus stage bill looks stand- out with strong session in prospect. Estimates for This Week Golden Gate (RKO) (2.844: 60-95) —""Badman's Territory" (.RKO) plus vaude headed by Henry King oreh and Larry Stevens. Husky $36,000 „^^^ week • " Din « Doi1 8 Williams" (RKO) plus vaude headed bv Buddy Rich oreh, not loo good $24,000 . Fox (FWCj (2.651; 55-85)—vZieg- feld Follies" (M-G) (2d wk) Nice $20,500. Last week, oke $37,500 Wardeld (FWC) (2,656; 55-851— "Suspense" (Mono-). Mediocre $27.- 500. Last week, "Devotion" iWBi (3d. wk), 5 days, fair $15,700. Paramount (FWC) (2,646: 55-85)— ■ Blue Dahlia" (Par)-(2d wk ), Solid $22,500: Last week, nice $33,500 St. Francis (FWC) (1,400: 55-85)— Tales'of Manhaltan" (20tnj (reis- sue). Sad $8,500. Last weok, "bra- gonsvyck" (20th) (3d wk) 'm.o.i, fine $11,000. ' . Stale (FWC)'(2,133: 55-85 WRoad to Utopia" (Par) (m.o.). FiiTh week downtown. Okay $11,500. Last week smart $14,500, . Orpheum (Blumenfeld) (2.448- 55-' 85)—"Gilda" (Col) (3d wk i. Rousing $16,500. Last week, neat SI8.000. United Artists (Blumeiifeld) (1.- 207; 55-85)—'.Breakfast in Holly- wood" (2d wk). Dropped to $8;500 Last week, modest $11,500. MPRF CHALKS UP RECORD Hollywood, May 14. Medical aid was extended to 488 persons by the Motion Picture Relief Fund last month, a new high. Highest previous record for one month was 467. ' Detroit, Mav 14 "Abilene Town," which is doing rousing biz at the Palms-State, luuks standout of new pictures this week But the real news is the 'jattic be- tween the Michigan and the -Jnwii- lown. Former has the Glenn''MilU-r band, with Tex Bencckc and otiu-rs on the stage with "Cinderella Jones " It is set for a strong session., aiid is giving the smaller Downtown with Frank Sinatra a hefty fight. Frank Sinatra is the obvious i,mc at the' Downtown, with "Blond io S Lucky Day" on the screen. With a higher top ($1.20) than the Michigan, Sinatra will do only slightly less than the band-film combo at the opposish house, but rated a bit dis- appointing, f' Estimates for This Week Michigan (United Detroit) 14.0.14- 65-951— "Cinderella Jones" iWBi pl us, the Glenn Miller oreh with Tex' Bencckc, others, on stage.. Rousing $45.(100. Last week, "Cornoroa"' 1 . (RKO) and "George White Scandals" (RKO). stout $25,000. Downfown (Balaban) (2,683: 65- $L20)—"Blohdie's Lucky Day" iCol), with Frank.Sinatra, Skiteh Hender- son, .others, on stage, tromei-dous $60,000. Last week, "Just Bvrnie Dawn v (Col), with Marquis Magic' Show. NclsOn. Sisters, Borrah Mi- neviich Rascals, weak $14,0 l .lll. Fox iFox-Michigan) (5,04>!; (i0-85i —'"Tangier" (U) and "The Man in Grey" (U). Strong $30,000. : Last 'week. "Bandit of Sherwood I-Vcst" iCol) (2d wkJ; great $28,000. linilcd Artists (United Di-noit) '(1.1141; 60-05)—"Ziegfeld Vol lies" >M- G) and "Made Mo a Killer" il'ar). Giand. $21,000 in second'work after sock $27,000 last week. . Palms-State (United Detroit i i2.- !)7U: i;()-85)—"Abilene Town' .iUA) and "Ding Dong Williams'' (UKOi. Rousing $22,0.00. Last week. "Diaiv of Chambermaid" (UA) and "Dark Alibi" (Mono) (2d wk), oke $15,000. Adams (Balaban) (2,863: (i(i-B5i — "Bandit Sherwood Forest" (Col) mi. o.) and "Spider Woman 'Strikes Back" (U). Neat $12,000. .Last. week. "Senlimcntal Journey" i20thi and "Talk About Lady" (Col) (2d wk>, One $16,000. Kroudway-Capitol (United Detroit) (3.000: 60-85)—"Wife of Monte Cris- to" iPRC) and "Danny Boy" (PRO. Stout $16,000: Last week, "No Time tor Comedy". (WB) and "Ci'.v for Conquest" (WB) (reissues). $14,000. Madison (United Detroit) (1.858; 40-551—"San Antonio" (WB) and vSwing Parade of 1946" (Mono). Good $4,000 in 3 days. Last week, "Corp. Hargrove" (M-G) and "Susie Slagle s" (Par), $5,000 in 5 days. 'Gilda'-Vaode $22,000, 'Kitty'24G, Balto's Best Baltimore, May 14. The big news here is "Kitty." at Keith's, and "Gilda," tied to vaude at combo Hippodrome,-both soaring to sock figures. Rest of town in lair- ish shape. Maryland, former two-a- day vaude and legit house, is now back to single features after try with duals. Estimates for This Week* Century (Loew's-UA) (3.000: 20- K0>—"Hoodlum Saint" (M-G). Mod- est al $13,000. Last week, "^iegfeld Follies" (M-G) (2d wk), fine $13,600. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2.240: 20-7(1)—"Gilda" (Col) plus vaude. New upped scale helping this combo lo great $22,000. Last week. "Pinoc- rliio" (RKO) (reissue) and vaude sparked by p.a. of Smiley Burnetie, brisk $15,800. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,4C>0: 20- 60)—"Kitty" (Par). Torrid $24,000. best al this spot in months. Last week. "So Goes My Love" |U) wound up good $16,600 in 10days. Maryiajnd (Hicks) (1,500; 25-55)— "Ravished Earth" (Indie) (2d wk). Changed over to single features last week after try at duals. Might get $3,000 after a fairly promising get- away at $5,800. ... May fair (Hicks) (980:25-55)— Wife Monte-Cristo" (PRC) (3d wk). Still near house average of $4,000 after steady second round at $4,900. New (Mechanic) (1,800; 20-60)-. "Dark Corner" (20th). Nice $1.4.000. Last week, "Dragonwyck" (20th) (3d wk), fancy $9,200. ■ Stanley (WB) (3,280; 26-70 (-"Sar- atoga Trunk" (WB) (4lh wk). A real topper at $14,000 after stead) third round total of $16,300. Valencia (Loew's-UA) '1.860: 20- 60)^-"ZiegfeldFollies" (M-G)..mi.o.i. Forle $5,000 after two big weeks at- Century. Last week, "Rebecca (UA) (reissue), mild $3,600. Sepia Prods.'Sked Hollywood, May H. New. all-Negro film, company. Sepia Productions, was organized here with Eddie Green as president and Seymour Simons as business tx- tculivc. Idea is to produce a series of 12 miwieal shorts with. Negro casts. Currently Green is working on 1h« "Duiry's Tavern" air progi am.