Variety (May 1946)

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Wednesday, May 15, 1946 Chi Gets Reprieve on Coal Blackout; 'My Love Brisk 28G in 1st Full Wk., Chicago, May 14. Caught in a coal wave with re- nrieve from further power ciirtail- rnehts lor the next two weeks. Chl's Loop houses ace currently enjoying a -return to normal." Starting Sat- urday (ID. all theatres went bad; on a regular schedule. The pre- ceding night (Fri,). theatres went on a R to 11 p.m. sked with Illinois Commerce Commission permit, and were to continue on a!similar basis if the truce did hot come through. Citv's film-starved fans found readv outlet for saved-up dough and lined the streets for hours be- fore the theatres opened. "Saratoga Trunk" roared back to opening week's $30,000 at the Slate-Lake. Chicago! with "Susie Slagle's" .plus Sugar Chile Robinson and Arthur Blake on stage zoomed up to a big $45 000. ■'Follies" is still a .draw wil'h $27,000 at the United Artists for third week. Palace and Grand. RKO houses, pulled their second .feature* temporarily/subbing with comedy shorts. Uslimute* for This Week \pi.llo ( B&KI (11200: 05-95)— •■Dragonwyck" (20th) (4th wk>. Superlative $23:000. Last week. S2.IMI0 for two days. Chicago (B*K.t (3,900: 65-95 • — ■Susie Single's"-" (Part with Sugar Chile Robinson and ' Arthur BlaUe ■heading stage bill. Hefty . $45,000. Last week. "Blue Dahlia" (Par) with Peter Lind Hayes (3d wk >. $7.00(1 in four days. ' (iarrick (B&Ki (900: 65-95.» —. "Bandit Sherwood Forest" (Coli illh wk). Slick $19,000. Lasl week. '-$2,000 Tor two days. ' '.'Grand (RKO) (1.150: 05-95) -- • Wire Monte Crislo" (PRC> Hlh wk i. 'Neat $10,000. Last week, wilh "Murder My Business"" (PRC >. got $900 r»r Saturday only. Oriental (F.ssaness> «3.240: 65-9.">i —"Danger Signal" (WB) with Louis 'Jordan orch. others, on stage. -Good $'.15,000. Laslweck. "Outlaw" i UA i with Jane Russell. Allan Jones. Louis 'Jordan vaude (8th wk'i. $0,000 for four days. Palace lRKO> (2.500: 65-951-: '"Goes'. M-v Love"' (U> (2d wk>. Sterling $28,000. Last week, with i i )()tMV '•Strange Conquest"" (U). $(i,000 in four davsj Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500: 65-95 ! - "Devotion" (WB). Snappy $20,000. Lasl week. "Sentimental Journey'" (20110 12d wk). $5,000 in three, days. Slaliri-I.ake (B&K) (2.700: .05-95 ) : - "Saratoga Trunk". (WB) (5th wk). Muscular $30,000. Last week. $9,000 for four days. Untied Artists (B&K) (1.700: 65- 95i—"Zicgfcld Follies" (M-G> (3d wk'i. Keen $27,000. Last week. $9,000 in four days, . Wood* (F.ssahcss) (1.200: 65-95)— "•Tomorrow Is Forever (RKO) <4l!v wki. Slcadv $20,000. Last week. $1,000 for Satin-day only: Carle Ups'Evie'to Wow 23G, Omaha;'Giant'10G \ Omaha. May 14. Frankie Carle's orchestra arrived hours late., landing here in a wind and rainstorm last Friday- tlO) to Ond an Orpheum theatre jammed. It's been going that, way ever since. With "Letter lor Evie" on the screen, a new record is possible. Other leaders arc Paramount on second week of "Saratoga Trunk" and Omaha with • Little. Giant." estimates (or This Week : Orpheum (Tristales > (3.000: 22-80) —"Letter for Evie"" (M-G > and Frankie Carle orch. Terrific $23,000 and may hit new record. Last week. "Tangier" lU) and "Smooth As Silk" <U>. disappointing $9,200. Omaha (Tristates) (2.000: 16-65)-^ "Little Giant' ,<U) and'-"Pillow"of Death" ( U). Good $10,000 or over. Last week. "Blue Dahlia" (Pan (2d wki (m.o.) and "Girl of Limberlost" 'Coli list run), fine $11,000. Hrandeis . (RKO) (1.500; 16-65)^- "This Day Forward" (RKO) and •'Dick- Tracy" (RKO) (2d wk). Solid S7.500 or near.. First week was ex- cellent $8,200 • Paramount iTrislales) (3.000: 16- 651-—•'Saratoga- Trunk"' (WB i .(2d wk i. Sturdy S9.500 after big $12,500 opening week. •' SUite i Goldberg) (865: 15-50).— i "Sciitimoitlnl Journey'- t20th) and i "Doll F;.cc" (20th) (3d run ). Okay ] .$3,500. Last week. "Road to Utopia" M Pan and 'Fuiizapoppin - '" (FC). ; smash $4,200 on two third-runs. iProv. in Clover With 'Devotion/ Nice $15,000; 'Whistle' Same, 'Veil' 13G Providence. May 14. Dospite"so-so bills, few complaints ;ne being heard, with most houses ~Ii 11 packing them in. "Devotion" at Majestic is the town's leader, with Slate's "Whistle Stop'" right on its heels with nearly the same coin al a bigger spot.- Kslimales for This Week Albee (RKO) (2.200: 45-65)— "Seventh Veil" i U > and "Tangier" (Ui. Brisk $13,000 or near. Lasl week. "This Day Forward" (RKO > and "Dick Tracy'' (RKO) (2d wki. strong. $1,2.500. Carlton (Fay-Locw) (1.400: 44-651 —"Murder in Music Hall" (Rep) and "Caiman of Paris"' (Rep). Trim $6,000. Last week. "Sentimental:' Journey" i20lh) and "Johnny Fly- PICTURE GROSSES 13 Grosses Are Net Film gross estimates, as re- ported: herewith from the vari- ous key cilies. are net. i.e., with- out the 20'. tax. Distributors share on net lake, when playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net income. The : paren(hetic admission prices, however, as indicated, in- clude .the U. S. amusement tax. Leader in Cincy Cincinnati. May 14. '.Socket returns on "Kitty." the top- per of three new. films, phis above- par strength of 'holdovers will sweeten downtown biz • for a slight gain'oyer last week. Of the .other newcomers. "Devotion"' has the Al- bee in stride, and "Her Kind of Man" is so-so for the Palace. /Estimates for This Week Aluee (RKOl 13.100; 44-70)— "De- votion" iWBi. All righl S15.000 Lasl week. "So Goes My Love"' (U). pleasing $13,000. Capitol (RKO) (2.000: 44-70)— "Kitty'' (Par). Socko $18,000. Holds. Last week,: "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G). five days of fourth Week, lush $7,500. . Grand ' (RKO.) (1,430: 44-70)— "Gilda" (Coll (m.o.) (2d wki. Great $10,000 after, last week's great $12,000. . Keith's (RKO) (1.500: 44-70)— "Man in Grey" (U) (2d Wk). Nifty $6,500 trailing big $9,500 teeolV. Lyric (RKO) (1.400; 44-70)— "Ziegfeld Follies' .(M-C) (m.o.) fifth downtown, stanza, swell $6,500. Ditto last week for "Spider Woman Strikes Back" iU) and "House of Horrors" tVi. ..' ..■-.'■ Palace (RKO) (2.000: 44-70)—"Her Kind ol' Man" (WB). So-so $10,000. Lasl .week.' "Abilene Town" (CA). okay $12,000. -Sliuberl iRKOi (2.100: " 44-70) — "Mecl Me Si. Louis' 1 (M-G) (reissue). No complaint at $4,000. Last week. "Dragonwyck" i20th). third week on main line. $5,500. Murder Pays Off on Bway; 'Dahlia,' 112G, 'Comer- Jesse! 90G, 'Man' 50G And 'Postman' 95G (H.0.s), All Sock (3d downtown PhiHy Slips But 'Corner Big 30G Philadelphia. May 14. Biz shows slight dip this week, mainly because of a plethora of hold- overs at first-runners. Best of Iwo newcomers is "Dark Corner." a I the Fox. where rated ibig. Onlv other new film this week is "Her Kind of Man." at the Stanley. Estimates for This Week Aldlne (WB) (L300; 40-85i—"To- morrow Is Forever" (RKO) (4th wki. Oke $13,500. Last week, nice $15,500. Arcadia (Sablosky) (700: 40-85)— Cornered" (RKO) (2d rum. Fair $5,000. Last week. "Sailor Takes Wife" (M-G) (2dwk), neat $6,000. Second run. Boyd (WB) (2.350; 40-85)—"De- votion" (WB) (2d wk). Nice $22,000. Opener nn'e $27,000. Harle (WB) (2.760: 40-85i—"Diary of Chambermaid" (UA) (2d wk) Fairish $10,000. Opener was good $26,000. •„r"ox (20lh) (2.250: 40-8.1 > — "Dark Corner" (20th). Big $30,000. Last Meek ''Dragonwyck" (20th), sloul $19,000 Tor third week. Karllon (Goldman) (1.000: 40-85) TT'^-'cgfeld Follies" (M-G) (2d rum , , (2d.wki. Tririi $8,000. Last week.! p ■" ' .. ... „.,. „. ., laucv $10000 Estimates for This .Meek ..-Keith's'iGoldman) (2.200: 40-65 •- .;».^"^ i ",.'|> 5{ ,* , ;?SI? : ,'? 5 -JV.' " *Ij<)iid In Utopia" (Par) (2d run) (2d' c ? llda lCo)t all(l ' N '~ h[ Etl " ( " ing Home" (20th) wk i. swell $-1,500. Fay's (Fay). (1.400: 44-651—"F.ff- ingham's Raid" (20lh) and vaude oil stage. Fairish Sti.OOO. Last week. "Rainbow Over Texas" (Rep) and Lee Trent heading stage show, nice $7,800. Majestic (Fav) (2.200: 44-65) • "Devotion" (WB). Nice $15,000. Last week. "Because of Him" (U> and "Strange Conquest'' (Ui. good $14,000. Metropolitan (Snider) (3.100: A5- 85)—"Undercover Woman" (Rep) and Eddie Bracken heading stage show with Tonv Mandell orch. Three-day run did fair $6;000. Last week. "Affairs of Susan" (Par) and "Favorite Blonde" (Par), only $2,000. in three-day stand: Stale (Loew) (3.200: 44-65)— "Whistle-Stop"' <UA) and "Portrait, of Maria" (M-G >...Surprisingly iolid $15,000/ Lasl week. "Ziegfeld Fol- lies"" (M-G) i'2d wk). wow $16,000. Strand -lSilverman I 12.200: 44-65) —"BJuc Dahlia".i Par I and "Blondie's Lucky Day" (Coil (2d wk). Very strong. $14,000 alter knocking off $l!).000 opening slairta. Wy Rep' $13,000, Monti .Montreal.. May 14. 1 Bells" is still going slron:; in third week at Locu's with "My- Reputa- tion" looking best newcomer . Esllmalfs for This Week Palace iCT) (2.700: 35-62l-"Mv Reputation" (WB>. Nice-$13,000, Lasl week, "Scarlet Street" tUi (2c! wki. nice $9,000. • t'apilnl iCT> (2.700: 35-02 I—"Be- cause of Him" (U ). Just $10,000. Last week. "Wouldn't. Say Yes" (Coli. about 'same. Lotw s (CTi (2.800: 35-67 i—"Bells of SI. Mary's" (RKO) (3d wk). Socko SI7.000 alter whamino $21,000 sec- ond. Princess (CT) (2.300: 35-531— "Shock"' (20th i and "EfVingham's Raid"' (20thi. Okay $7,500. Last week. "Breakfast in Hollywood" (UA) and "Night Editor' '(Col), $7.- 500. Imperial (CT) (1.850: 25-45)— "Jolinnv Frenchman" (Mono) and "Song of Mexico" (Rep). Big $6,000. Last week. "Jesse-James"' (20lhi and "Return Frank James" i20lh) (reis- sues i. $5,700. Il : s murder oil Broadway this week and for the boxo'flices of four stage- show houses playing pictures that 'fenlure killings, indications are that .film crime actually' pays. Business on the whole is generally strong 'though some houses are not so fast on the pace. Though not compulsory downtown houses are continuing the brownout and plan continuing in do so until Mayor O'Dwyer says, it isn't .necessary. Threat of a nationwide •railway .strike Saturday (18> may further complicate the situation. The four theatres at which murder is paying off are the Paramount. Roxy. Capitol and Strand. First two are current with new shows, while the Cap and Strand are on second weeks with their bills." . Paramount is gelling the. most trade with "Blue Dahlia!" the. Duke Ellington orch and Mills Bros., lake on the. lirsl week, ended, last night (Tues. I having gone . to a lel rilic $112,000. At the Roxy initial seven days of "Dark Corner" with George J esse I.- Merry Macs and learn of Rot sario and ' Antonio on stage ended last night (Tiics.) at a robust $90,000 Cap's "murder item "Postman Always j Rings Twice." with Guy Lombardo band, .continues.-to-pull heavily, cur- rent (2d) round looking a resounding $95,000. "Her Kind of: Man." on hold- over at the Strand .with the Carmeii Cavallaro orch on stage, is off some- what from opening pace but still stout at near to $50,000. "On lirsl weeks are "Heartbeat" at the Palace arid "Well: Groomed j Bride" at the little Victoria. Former i looks to get a strong $38,000. while | "Bride" is on the disappointing sidei at only about $21,000 though okay, j "Little Giant" ended its first week ! at Criterion last night (Tues.) at suit- J able $28,000. ; 'Holdover.- include^ "Stolen Life"; at the Hollywood which ended its : second week last night (Tues.)' po : :■ tenlly al $40,000 though considerably behind opening frame's record-1 breaking score of $56,000. At the! 'Music Hall. "Green Years" will get : a sock SI10.000 this week, its sixth : and coes one more with "To Each His Own"'Opening. May 23. i Ksllmates for This Week 1 iCilv inv.t (1.300: 95-S1.40) -T"Kid Froin Brooklyn" (RKO> (4lh wki. Holding up strongly.-this week . being (in way to $53,000. w hile, third was $57:000.' . Capilul- (Loew'si (41820: 60-$l .10 • ; —"Postman. Always Rings Twice"; (M-G i and Guy Lombardo' ori-h (2d- wki. Remains mighty at indicated: $95,000. Initial seven days ended at ■ a sensational $108,900:' Run indelcr- ■ ininale. i Criterion (Loew's'i (1.700: 60- $1.25 i—"Lillle Giani'. (U i .<2d wki.; Finished first week last night (Tties.i i al suitable $28,000. Concluding live | days on seventh week wilh "Bandit : of Sherwood Forest" (Coll. was good $16,000. Globe (Brandt' (1.416: 80-$1.5l)-- "Make Mine Music" (RKO) i4th wk'. Conliiuies steady al probable $27.000'this week, while third ended at excellent $35,000. Gotham i Brandt i (900: 60-$1.20i —"In Old Sacramento" (Rep' Hid wki. Looks a nice $9,500 currently, while lasi week 12cl' was $11,500. Goes one more frame.' Hollywood iWB) (1.499: 80-Sl.lOi —"Stolen Life" iWB'i (3d wki. Slowed, somewhat on second sfau/.a w'hich ended last night . (Tiies.) at $40,000 but still very good: Teeoff seven days registered $56,000. new alltime high for. house. Palace (RKO) (1,700; 60-$1.20> — "Heartbeat" (RKO). New Ginger Rogers starrer heading ' for strong $38,000, and. holds. Last week. "This Day Forward" (RKO) (3d wk). good enough $22,000. Paramount (Par) (3.664 ; 70-S1.20* — Blue Dahlia" (Par). Duke Elling- ton' orch and Mills' Bros. (2d wk'. Tiiriistiles whirling merrilv here, initial week through last night (Tues.) having counted up to super- duper $112,000. Concluding .(3d> week Tor "Virginian" (Par). Eddie Bracken; Johnny Long orch and Bob Ebcrly. was sturdy $60,000. Radio City Music Hall (Rockefel- lers) (5.945: 70-$1.25).— "Green Years" tM-G.) and stageshow (Uth wki. -Not much letup at terrific $1 Kl.OOO and goes one more week. Fifth mounted to $125,000. Riallo (Mayer ) (594: 35-85)— "Bed- laili" (RKO i (4th-final wk). Goes out a( fair $6,000. while last week was okay $7,500. Rlvoll (UA-Par) (2.092: 60-$1.251— "Kilty" (Par) (7 th wk). Slowing down, a little but still good' at in- dicated $30,000 this week. Sixth was $34,000, No departure date as ycL R»xy (20th) (5.886: 90-$1.2()i — "Dark Comer" (20th), with George Jesse). Merry Macs. Rosario and Antonio, in person <2d wk). Ground out robust $90,000 on first round concluded last night (Tues.). Fourth week for "Dragonwyck" (20th). wilh Jackie Miles and Connee Bos well on stage, was $67,000. Stale (Loews) (3.450: 43-$>— "Spellbound" (UA) (2d run), wilh Buck; and Bubbles, other acts, on stage. Pace suggests okay $25,000. Lasl week, second for "Gilda" (Col), wilh Johnnie "Scat" Davis orch. Vic Perry and Diamond Bros, went to a particularly strong ; $36,500. Strand (WB) (2.756: 75-S1.20)— "Her Kind of Man" (WB) and Car* men Cavallaro orch (2d wk). Tiring a little on current lap but still very !!pori al near to $50,000. First week -OKied to excellent $63,000. Victoria (Maurer) (720: 70-$1.20)— "Well Groomed Bride" ■ (Par). On disappointing side at onlv about S21.000 bul satisfactory. Last week, "Yank in London"' (20th) (3d wk), lighl S9.500. Winter . Garden (UA) (1.312: 60- $l.50i—"So Goes My Love" (Ui (3d wk). Ended second semester last night (Tues.) at $18,000. o.k.. but big drop from initial seven days' strong $32,000. Trunk' Standout 'Gilda' Enlivens Hub, Colossal 52G; 'Kitty Big 33G ? Prima Ups Swing/ 40G 'KITTY' DENVER ACE, 18G, 'DEVOTION' 23G Denver. May .14. "Kilty" is the big entry this week with smash session al the Denham. Picture had best opening day ever al this spot. "Devotion" will gel top result of nlaying day-date a I three houses, .but biz i? raled just Last week. .V'k'.' Sturdy $8,000. . .''City $11.000. Mastliaum iWBi (4.387: 40-851- ■ ,5>;";aloga Trunk'" (WBi (4lh wki. HealUiv S20.000. Last work., big »-l.:>ll(l. . SliiMiey i-WB> 'f2.950: 40-85i-"Iler Ku'd of Man'M'WBi. Modest $25 000. W.M week. "Virginian" i Par i i'2d wki. sn-so S17.000. Manlon iWBi (J.470: 40-85)-"Bail ba^.,,,,1," ijvi.Gi (2d wki. Fine ♦ II..1U0 after neat $15,000 opiuier. ('Coli;' after week at. Denver.. Fs- i quire. Webber. Big Sh'.dfjO. Lasl week. "Dr-agniiWyck" i20lh> and "Ga-y Blades" iRepi (m.o.! big S5.000. Driiham iCncki iH i ' 1.750: 35-74> ■• 'Kilty" (Pan. Smash $18,000 (li- near, and holds. Lasl week. "Vir- ginian" (Pari 13d wk i. SI2.500.. Denver .tPoxi •<2.323': 35^74i- "De- votion" ( WB.i and.' Smoolh As Silk" i U i. riav-dale. wilh Ksquire. Webber; I G"od $17,000. Lasl Week. "Gildu"' \ ■ * (Continued on page 22) .Boston'. May 14. ' Kilty'' looks to set the .pace here (liis week , going at a greiil rate al the vast Melropolilan '."Saratoga Trunk" has moved to the Paramount and Fenway and 'continues ils big draw. Very hoi. loo. is."Gilda"' day-r dale Slate and Orpheum. Louis Prima band is boosting "Swing Pa- rade "46" to. big total at the RKO- Boslon l",stiiiiule< for This Week Boston .(RKOi'; (3.200: 50.-SI 10'-- ■Swini! 'Parade "46" iMonii' plus I.ouis I'riiv.a orch. others, on slaae. Moving up lo Miiash -$40,000. Lasl week. "Game of Death" iRKO'i plus Bennv Goodman orch. great $38,000. KsMiiire i'M-P>'.( 1.200: $ 1.8'J-S2.40■ --■"Henry V' : iUA'. Sixth week s»u- ging but-'iioiielliclv» impre~-ive wilh 11 weekh sl.ous at SI0.000. Last week, bin $12.1100 Fenway 'M-fi (1.373: 40r80i "Saralnga Truiik" (-WBi. Moreover niini l«o wcck> at Met and very big Tor here al $11,000. Lasl 'week.'•"Vir- ginian" il'an and "farmers in- Time"' (RKGi (3d wki. $5,000. .Majestic < Brand-Mage > 11.5110: 40- 80i--"()iarv of (Tiaiiilierniaid" i'l!;\i and '"Soiia Old W\(nnim:"r i.I'RCj ■ i4|li «I; '. Fancy $12,000; third week was $13,500. ... I Memorial (RKO) (2.900; 40-80i - ■ "DragonWvck" i20ili) and "Din^ Dung Williams" (R-KOi (2d wki Nice S28.0II0 after sock $32,000. lirsl; .Metropolitan iM-P> (4.307: 40-80i —"Killy" (Pari and "Dark Alibi'- • iMnnoi'. Powerful. drilw.'ai' big s:«'.'-. 000. Holdover in view. 1,a~l week. "Saratnua Tiiink" iWB' (2d wk 1 . : sli-oua S26.000. | Oriihruni - ■ Loew) . (2.900: 3.V-R0i- I "Gilda" (Coli. ('lo,s'e to cap'aeily nl great' $32,000. Last- Week.. "/ieyfeld Follies" iM-G>. $25.(100 on second \\ eck. l'araihniinl (M-P> (1:700: 4f>-R0 •— "S:ii-alOK.'i Trunk" 'i WBi. Ileie from I'Ao'Iraiiic.-. :.l Nle.l. rhil SIO.OOO. Lasl '-week.' "Vir-.-iiiian" iPar' and "Parl- ner> in Time". iRKO> (3d wk'. SU Odd Slate ll.Kfw i (3.200: 40-RO' ■ "Gilda" (Coli. Verv big $20,000. Last week. "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-C.i (2d wki. $10,000 ' Translux 'Tianslux) (900: 40-711-: "Wile of Monte Cl isto" (PRC' and -''Shadou Returns" iMonoi i2d wk>. Good $5,000 arter big $6,800. ftr>t.. Tremonl (Brand-M,1gei (I.500:. 40- '80i ■ Dlarv Chamberinaid" (UA' and "S"ng Old Wvoining" (.PRCi (4tl< wk>. Big $ll.lltm arter $I2.00(). ' thiid. ■ Minneapolis. May It. 'Saratoga Trunk" dominates the field currently. Other situations are only fair lo good, springtime draw away from theatres being felt. Cold spell which chased people o(T golf courses and out of yards for a few days helped. Estimates for This Week Aster (Par) (BOO: 25-35)—"House of Horrors" (U) and "Talk About a Lady" (Col). Good $2,500 in 5 da vs. Last weeki "Made Me a Killer" i Par) and "Danny Bov" (PRC), S2.200 in. 5 days. Century (Par) (1.600: 44-001— "Blithe Spirit" (UA). Shaoes Tor fairish $6,000. Last week. "Ziegreld Follies" (M-G) (2d wk'i (m.o.), S5.000: Gopher (Par) (1.000: . 44 i—"Be- hind Green Lights" (20th>. In '6 days looks fair $2,800. Last week, "Letter From Evie" (M-Gi. $2,500. ii. 6 days. Lyrle (Par) (l.lbO: 44-60) "The Virginian" (Pari (4th wk ). Holding up well at solid $5,000 after S6.000 lasl stanza, Kadio City (Par) f4.000: 44-0l)i— "Saratoga Trunk" iWBi. Huge S23.000.. Lost week. "Hoodlum. Saint" (M-G). Frankie Carle orch. .very big $33,200. - KKO-Orpheiim (RKO) (2.800- 44- K0i—"Night in Paradise" iU>. Trim 'ST 500 or over. La*' i> eck. "S" GcOs MV- Love" (U). $7,000. . . RKO-l'an (RKOi 11.B00: 44-601— "Gild.:" iCol i- (4th ivk '. Fine S'i.500 aflc -Irong S7 500 oreviiiii.- we'-k. Slate ( Par i (2.300: 44-00'—"Killy" i Par i (2nd wk'. Gum' . word-oT- moulh liclDing to SIO.000. f.asl week, verv big SIO.000. Unlown i Par' (l.ll)li: 44-fiO'—' "Sailor Takes a Wife' 'M-G'. First nabe showin.'. mild S.'i.OOl). f^ist week. ' L'U nia" (Pai '. S3 1()ll. tVorld iPar-StcfTesi C'.iO- 44-80> — 'V-Jcui'ioii From Wi-i'i ; c" iM-G). Si-lid s:i.OOO. Last vuvk "This Day i Forward" (RKO 1 (2d wk i. $2,200.