Variety (May 1946)

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Wednesday, May IS, 1946 2S ARAB FASCIST PROPAGANDA EXPOSED BY THE NON-SECTARIAN ANTI-NAZI LEAGUE TO CHAMPION HUMAN RIGHTS, Inc ARAB CLIQUE BACKED BUND The pre-war ARAB NATIONAL LEAGUE was an "American" organization which operated closely with Fritz Kuhn's German-Amer- ican Bund, and its activities were regularly reported in the Deutscher Wekruf und Beobachter, the Nazi newspaper sealed up by the F.B.I, after Pearl Harbor. Today, another New York corporation, the ostensibly "cultural" INSTITUTE FOR ARAB-AMERICAN AFFAIRS, INC.. carries on as the most powerful "unofficial" propaganda arm of. the ARAB OFFICE located at Washington. The Anti-Nazi League has photostatic copies 01 the Charters of the old Bund-associated ARAB NATIONAL LEAGUE, and of the' new INSTITUTE FOR ARAB-AMERICAN AFFAIRS, INC., showing identical passages in the two Charters, and demonstrating that many of the same key figures were active in both organizations. Editor-in-Chief for the INSTITUTE is H. I. KATIBAH, an original founder and officer of the older body, the pro-Nazi ARAB NATIONAL LEAGUE. On May 2 and May 5. 194li. KATIBAH 'signed-full-page propaganda advertisements appearing in many prominent newspapers under the sponsorship of the "LEAGUE FOR PEACE WITH JUSTICE IN PALESTINE." Katibahs late associate, F. I. Shatara, President of the Arab 'National League, addressed the German-American Bund and many other pro-Nazi groups, including the one headed by Kurt Mertig, Queens County, N. Y.. agitator, w ho is now in jail for his rabble-rousing anti-Semitic activities. The issue of Palestine is a world political problem with which the Anti-Nazi League is not directly concerned. But we are deeply con- , cerned when Anti-Semiti.snv is used as a weapon for dividing the American people by spreading race and religious hatreds and big- otry. When such propaganda is disseminated through agencies which have been again and again exposed by us as set up wilh Na/.i funds, and '-which are being continued today by hale- mongers like Kurt Merlig. the danger is a concern of all good Americans. When these agitators, aided and abetted by the Arabian governments, operate here our own country, by way of organized groups also used by seditious agi- tators still under Federal tiidicliiiciil. it is very much the concern of all law-abiding people. We did not stop being anti-Nazi the minute we heard Hitler was dead! We believe as PRESIDENT TRUMAN has said— "We have just come through a decade in' fn/iic-li file forces of evil in various parts of the world linre been lined up in a binei- fight to ban- ish from the'face of the earth bold of these ideas —Religion and Democracy." Hitler's propaganda of haired ■■ — selling group against group in America on racial and reli- gious grouiuis—is still on the march, with the aid of foreign monev. HE BACKED HITLER Amin-ci-I-lusseini—ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, arch war- criminal. Hitler's Moslem Quisling, head of the Arab Axis Legions, responsible with his German masters for the massacre of six millions of Europe's Jews, and a speaker on Goebbcls' axis radio beamed to U. S. soldiers of Arab descent, whom he urged to desert the American (lag—is the evil power behind a worldwide anti-Semitic propa- ganda campaign. All through the war this Fascist leader, who is absentee chairman of the present Arab Higher Committee of Palestine, worked with Adolf Hitler to destroy Allied influence in the Middle East. The ARAB. LEAGUE, at Cairo, representing the 7 Governments'Of the so-called Arab countries, has asked for the restoration of the Mufti. Anwar Nashashibi (some of whose correspondence appears bc|ow) is one of the highest spokesmen for the ARAB OFFICE in Washington, which is an olTicially accredited propaganda agencv for the ARAB LEAGUE. DEMOCRACY IS JEWOCRACY Here is a revealing exchange of letters: From H. L. Smith. well-known "Nationalist" propagandist, 4239 Osage Ave., Philadelphia., Pa., March 22, 1946. Addressed to THE ARAB OFFICE, Wardman Park Hotel. Washington, J). C~. "Democ- racy is nothing but Jewocracy and it is about time that the American public got wise to this- fact and got over being a lot of suckers for both Bloody Joe and Churchill ... Do you think that in about two weeks you could have someone to Philadelphia, to a small group of about 35 to 40 people, all of whom are very well informed on present-day con- ditions in the world?" (Signed) H. L. Smith. March 25, 1946.. To H. L. Smith from Anwar Nashashibi of the ARAB OFFICE. "My friend. Mr. Khairy, of this office, has forwarded to me your letter of March 22nd..'. . I am ready to do so and will be obliged if you would kindly send■,me the necessary details about how to reach your group . . . Enclosed you will find a short biographical note on me. Yours very sincerely." (Signed) Anwar Nashashibi. March 28, 1946. on the stationery of the ARAB OFFICE, Nashashibi to Smith. "It will give me very great pleasure to com e and address the Current Events group, on, April 12th ... I have read Hie enclosures in your letter with very great interest .. ." (Signed; Anwar Nashashibi. ■ After inquiries had unavoidably given Smith u nd Nashashibi grounds to believe that this meeting might be attended by observers, the speech was postponed for urgent "diplo- matic" reasons. HOW ARAB AGENTS ARE WOOING SUBVERSIVES HERE Heir arc some facts about H. I. Smith and the "Current Events Club." mentioned in the above letters: Tills "Current Events Club" - is nothing inure-or-le>s than'a camouflage for the notorious NATIONAL BLUE STAR MOTHERS- or Pennsylvania, and NASHASHIBI KNEW Of THEIR RELATIONSHIP WJ1EN. HE SIGNED THIS LETTER.- 11. L. Smith is a financial backer or the dis- credited ex-Silver Shirler. GERALD. L. K. SMITH, fuehrer ol the sell-stvled "America First Party," who was sentenced to jail In-Chicago lasl moiilli on contempt charges growing out of a riotous meeting at which a kiihiu ol rabble-rousers tried to herd patriotic American veterans behind a totalitarian banner. In Mis correspond- ence with Nashashibi. II. L. Smith.slurringlS. refers to the Jewish-people as "Kikes." . ., . ,, Other Pan-Arab agencies are carrying on similar propaganda, weii- flnanced and intensively pursued, throughout the whole Western Hemisphere--in the United Slates, in Canada, and all over Lalni- Amcrica. The Anti-Nazi League charges, on the basis of-a vast ac- cumulation of evidence covering incidents in all parts of the country, that high Arab officials have joined forces with the most subversive elements in the promotion of anti-Semitic, anti-democratic and other inflammatory un-American prop- aganda, in flagrant violation or the law, for the purpose of expanding a Nazi-like power in a far-distant Dart of th> world, meanwhile further aggravating the already tortured lot of the surviving victims of Hitlers concentration camps. We have "made these charges public, in detailed letters to the President and to the Attorney General, asking for ai> official investigation. NON-SECTARIAN ANTI-NAZI LEAGUE , stllf a * 8 e 1 | New York 19; New York I loCliampiou Human RiglilH, Itltv FouiuleJ in 19H3 . , , . c . . , ..' .. | 1 I Enclosed is mv financial contribution. I I HUMAN MWFMAN, JAMES H. SHEIOON, I .- Chairman, faord o/ »ir«(or» 4rfimniifrotirt Cdoirmon | • | Street ••• I WE GIVE THE PEOPLE THE FACTS — GIVE US YOUR , | m^F*- ■Citv ..State. SUPPORT BY FILLING OUT THIS COUPON J^V ». ». . — ■ —»