Variety (May 1946)

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48 RAM* Wttlnemlay, May 15, 1946 Bible-Believing' Protestants Kick Against 'Rationalist' Air Breaks Minneapolis, May 14. ♦ National Religious Broadcasters. I Inc.. wound up convention here with demand radio ''grant equal rights and privileges to .great Bible-believ- inj! constituency of American Protes- tantism." Croup charged, in :>n official slale- nienl that Bible-believing Protest- ants are nol given radio lime in pro- purtion In numerical strength, bid instead "rationalistic Protestants" dominate Protestant broadcasting Texas 'Screen Test' Quiz Of Pix Industry Preems Dallas. May 14. "Screen Test" quiz '. program de- voted entirely to the motion picture industry witi make its debut Wed: 1151 from the stage of the Palace theatre here and will be aired for a. half-hoiir over a period of 21 Speakers made it clear they meant i weeks originating from the various b.\ litis the Federal Council of Good Trailer Anyway Book trade was agog over tha weekend with rumors that American Tobacco's George Washington Hill tO would sue Rinehart & Co. over Frederic Wakemnn's "The Hucksters" and (21 was also going to en- join Book-of-the-Monlh from making the novel (about the radio advertising industry'' its June distribution. Neither the author nor pub- lishers have heard anything about it. Churches of Christ in America. Cruup "make avail- able without discrimination a t'ca- ! theatres of the Interstate Theatres, /sponsors of the program. Conrad Brady. Interstate'.-; radio director, staled that the Hew pro- .-.■■uable amount or time ror purcnase gram will be a tesl of theatre pa- l>.\ accredited broadciisters of rcli- j Irons knowledge of (he screen and giim oy Ihe sume basis as alTordcd oilier interests." Dr. Clinton 11 Churchill. BulT.ilo. | its stars, w ith cash prizes awarded. .lack Mitchell, former vaude ac- ' tor: will.emcee. Airings will be car- N. V.. was reelected president of , ried over the stations on the Texas broadcasters. Philadelphia — Mac McGuire. vet early morning disk jockey on WCAU. lias resigned to form a hillbilly band and hillbilly recording company. His band has been signed to open at Village Barn, New York. Quality Network. WKAA. here WBAP. Fort Worth. WOAI, San Antonio and KPRC\ Houston. WLAW Rushes Revamp, Plans Preem in Sept. Boston. May H. Indications point to WLAWs 50.000W transmitter in Call of the Wild Spells Coin For 'Skibo Platters . Chicago. May 14. Unusual sales' promotion angle on "Skibo of the Northw oods." new series of quarter-hour platter shows being ground out by Craig Dennis Productions here, fs that it'll grab mucho listeners. Figures for 1941-42 (latest, available 1 or the U. S. Fish and Wildfire Service show that 8.- 5:12.354 hunters spent $12,921,974 for ' hunting and trapping licenses and iH.4U2.218 fisherman spent $10,731.- j 040 tor fishing permits that year. Burlington.' On lop of thai, the .outdoors char- • Mass. being finished for debut : around Sept. 1. Transmitted for ] Lawrence, station is about 12 miles | north of Boston, and may well dom- '• inatc local air with its excess of 100 I millivolts. Three 440-fi. towers occupy great- er part of 98 acres of land, with 34 ! miles of ground system kept moist ■ by presence of brook through land. WLAW acters spent $191.!lll.0til on equip- ment for fishing, hunting, trapping and living in ttie outdoors—all of which, according to N'orlh Central Broadcasting. Dennis' sales outlet, betides a potentially herty listening audience. Basically it's a kid show, written by Frank Dutresnc. chief of Ihe running | division of information for the U. S. propping ' FiWS and contributor of nature major broadcasting studios in Bos- ! detailing the adventures of "Skibo.' 'ton and bids well to offer plenty ol ; youngster. who lives in the. north 'competition'to the major spots here \ woods. Figured, however, that inTo I now. Station got the FCC construe-' on woodlore woven into Ihe cops- | lion permit on March 2(1. lipping it '&-robbers plot will, attract adults as •from 5.000 to 50,0011 on its present well as kids. KC Agency Expands 'Lucky Tiger' Sked Kansas City. May 14. Expanded sponsorship program by the Lucky Tiger Manufacturing Co. has bean adopted in additional sta- tions through the south and mid- west. New programs include news- casts, musicals, station breaks and one minute announcements. Merrill Owens ad agency handles deal. Various, markets currently being covered for Lucky Tiger are on WCCO. Minneapolis: KLZ. Denver: WACiA. Allanla; WWL. New Or- leans: KGKO. Ft. Worth; KNX. Los Angeles: WLW. Cincinnati: KMOX. St. Louis; KTRM, Houston: KVOO. Tulsa: WHB. KCKN. KCMO. KMBC. Kansas Citv: KOAM. Pittsburg: KFH. KANS. Wichita: KFEQ. St. Joseph, and KTOK. KOMA. Okla- homaCily. Further expansions are scheduled for June. CIRCUITING THE KILOCYCLES Troy—Tony Sharpe, discharged from Navy with rank of Lieutenant, has rejoined WIIRY, Troy, as musi- cal director. ONE OF AMEMCA*S OUTSTANDING MEN LATEST SONO HIT "YOU STOLE MY HEART" PUBLISHED BY HARMS. INC. frequency of 680 kilocycles. Material includes dope on saddl- ing and packing horses, how to tell ... . , . '■ poisonous from harmless snakes. Paris Goes Commercial identifying animal and bird tracks. Paris. Mav 8. how to predict storms and fair Breaking with the non-commer- > weather, etc.. and merchandising cial policy of Radio Luxembourg, an giveaways include hunting knives, ad In .Paris dailies publicizes a i arrowheads, Indian feathers. "Skibo" , broadcast sponsored by Lissac Bros.. ; lapel pins, fire-by-friction outfits. ; dealers in optical goods, with scv- '< rir 4 aic * kits. an d illustrated books j eral shops in Paris, i identifying birds, trees, animals and I It announces . a transcription of . fish. j "Bonsoir Jo lie Madame" with; ! Charles Trenel. cabaret singer cur I rently in N. Y. ! Kmporla—John Mickey, senior at Emporia State College, Kansas, was awarded the annual K.TSW All-Ex- pense Radio Scholarship tor 1916, Dr. David L. MacFarhme, president of the college, and J. Nelson Rupard, geieral manager of KTSW, an- nounced this week. New York—Don Ioset. director of WMOH. Hamilton, Ohio. will, join Mutual's dept. of station relations in N. Y. June 1. Will work under Carl Heveriine. veepee. Oeiiver—E. Lee Fondrc'ii of KLZ, here, resuming his duties as pro- motion manager, after three years in the Army. Hoger Rambeaux. who tilled the position during Fondrcn's absence, -moves to Denver Univ. lis director of athletic, publicity. STORE BUYS ON KSL Salt Lake City. May 14. "Window-Shoppers' Guild.'' half- hour audience participation show on KSL. has been signed by ZCMI, de- partment store. Monday through Friday slot fea- tures Jack Davie.s as "Guild Master." songs by Carol Francis and music by Foster Cope and his "Wi'rtdow Trimmers." J-G-A A-M-S! OR JohnsonGivesAwavAMovieStar (A*y Similarity letween This and LSMFT li »»r»ly lntonHonal) *ERSKINE JOHNSON GIVES AWAY ROBERT CUMMINGS Now Starring In Seymour Ncbenzal't "The Chat*" THE MOST AMAZING PRIZE IN RADIO CONTEST HISTORY (And That's Intentional, Tool J-G-A A-M-S! 5 Days a Week (4:30 p.m. P.S.T.) Over Mutual (CoasMe-Ceast) * * * * * * + * * ★ * * * * Available for Cooperative Sponsorship on Mutual Stations CARLET0N C0VENY & CO. .331 Hollywood ioulevard Hollywood. California CBS SNAGS NBC SHOW FOR SMALL LOANERS Chicago. May 14. CBS sales staffers' efforts for past three months to snag Slu Erwin starrer "Phone Again. Finnegan." from NBC were successful last week. Household Finance-sponsored show being inked Monday iiai.lo move from the 5-5:30 p.m.. NBC spol Sat- urdays to 10:30-1 i. Thursday nights on CBS, starting June 22. Handled by Shaw-Levaly agency, moves up the sponsor's weekly outlay considerably, inasmuch as Household paid daytime rates on NBC. Talent cost alone is $7,500. and combined time and talent rales are close to $15,000. San Antonio.—New musical show tilled "Melody for Two" is being aired for a quarter-hour each Mon- day. Wednesday and Friday over WOAt. under sponsorship of Zale Jewelry Co. Buffalo—Jack Quinlan. recently • discharged after more than five j years in Ihe Army, is now the fea- I lured baritone soloisl on "Yriur Host Is Buffalo." the WBEN NBC feeder 'Saturday afternoons at 2 p.m. Denver—After three years service with the Army Ground Foixes. former Technical Sergeant Raymond Wilson has returned to the announc- ing stalf of KVOD. Louisville Marine Sues To Get Radio Job Back Louisville. May 14. S. A. "Steve" Cisler, Jr.. manager of WGRC before joining the Marines in 1943, has filed suit in federal court to get his old job back. Suit was filed against the Norlhside Broadcasting Corp.. operators of WGRC. under the Selective Service Act. It asserts that Cisler had a fiver year contract from May 31. 1938. Tor S425 a month, plus commissions. On January 25. 1043. he joined Ihe Marines, and was discharged Janu- ary 11. 1946. Upon his return, he applied for his former position, but was refused. The brief, filed by U. S. district at- torney David C. Walls, said the ex- act terms of the contract held by the present holder of the position are not known, but that the contract limits the job lo SI0.0.00 a year, whereas the contract held by Cisler had no such limitation. The brier claims the Cisler- contract is worth more, than .$10,000 a year, and re- quests an accounting of commissions and restoration of the job and money. Cisler has an application pending before the FCC for an FM station in Louisville, under the name Radio Kentucky. St. I.ouls.—Three veterans of World War If, Marshall True. John W. Lewis and Marvin Mullriug, Quincy. 111., are members of a syn- dicate, that has applied lo FCC for a license lo construct and operate a station in Belleville, III., 14 miles from here. San Angelo. Texas--A new re- gional web has been formed here with Ihrec outlets forming the West Texas Network. Stations include KCiKL, here: KRBC, Abilene and KBST, Big Springs. John I'.. Pear- son has been named to handle na- tional sales for the web. Stations are also niembers of Mutual and Texas Slate Network. Telephone Hours' Pix Institutional Chicago. Mav 14 Bell Tepehone's NBC airer h;„ been made into an institutional t wo . ree.ler by the telephone, company for distribution throughout the U. s by its member companies. Film produced by Leslie Roiisch Produc- tions through N. W. Ayer agency follows "Telephone Hour" program formal with few exceptions. First orchestral number segues into pixing of telephone facilities and how they carry network pro- grams lo all web affiliates. While in id-commercial plugs progress made by utility company in ultra-high fre- quencies and coaxials. Guesting for the pie program is Joseph Hoffman. Others include regular show per- sonnel. Don Voorhees orch. and an- nouncer Tom Shirley. St. Louis—KMOX and Union Hcc- Iric Co. of Missouri were presented with awards from the SI. Louis Junior Chamber of Commerce for . "outstanding civic service to th« community" through "The. Land We Live In" series of dramatized his- torical programs. San Antonio—Mis.s Edna Brewsler has been assigned for one month rrom the Radio House of the Uni- versity or Texas to organize a Radio Workshop at KCOR. Raleigh—"Jim" McMurray has re- turned- lo WPTF after a 39-nionlh stretch in. the Army. He started Army lite in the Air Corps..but was transferred into the Armed Forces Radio Service in New York. Where he became chief announcer, super- vising shortwave operations. Memphis — Francis. Chamberlin. rormer owner of WMPS here, and more recently assistant lo the gen- eral manager under another owner- ship, is quitting radio to join his brother. Mallory Chamberiin. in the operation or Words & Music, general music sales store. Every \Veed_»ta; tion h a~sales .winner fof ihe advertisers it serve j. And . Weed and Company's atajT of trained ^representative! -^rins many firsts in the radio 'liine"""selling~derby^for^all lhcir"clients,"aH"year long. \ \ •. • 1 v ;> » \ \ RADII STATI6N IEPRESEHTITIVIS Nm Tirk • ItttM • CNUft • MmH ••trait • Sn rrncbxt • Mf wm t ^Judeboker Corp.' Tokts High Rating, : "VJ#w« of th*. N»wipre- ! - i«nt«d with local conmwnlator ; by 3lud*bok«r tvery Man., W«d., Fri.. <:»5-oi30| sp. m.,. rial .»ce^♦l^ hifl h j ' H6«(wr» »y«r WTAG for 70 j W««li«. Th* Oct. 1*45 f*b | W * ft. G W O ;< C li S Y t R Mot.: LOU CLAVTON DNITKIt fcKKAM. l>KU(i <■(*■ rMmy—VnU—f p.m. »ST