Variety (May 1946)

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Wednesday, May 15, 1946 Mr. Albert Edward (Eddie) Condon is the acknowledged spiritual leader of a group of "barefoot" musicians who play music that is part Dixieland and part Chicago. That's another way of saying that it is always loud, usually exciting, occasionally recognizable. For years Condon struggled to get an audience for his music; today i people can't get enough of it. His records ranked first on all soldier radio hit parades last year. In an illuminating article in today's Post, Robert Sylvester tejls how Eddie started from scratch— even without scratch—and wound up leading his Mob into hallowed Carnegie Hall. You'll enjoy The Barefoot Boy and His Band. ON THE BEAM. // you waU to in tune with ihe entertainment world, you can't afford to miss a single issue of the POST. Week after week, top writers give you the low- downonwho's who and what's doing in mostc, radio, television, the theater and movies.