Variety (May 1946)

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W«ln<w<lay, May 15, 1946 ORCUESTRAS-3IUS1C S7 Music Notes "Among My Souvenirs" 20-year-oldic by Edgar Leslie and Horatio Nicliolls will "be theme tune for Sam Goldwyn's "Best Years o£ Our Lives" Skilch Henderson new band pacled by Capitol Transcriptions and will sunt recording May 29... .Victor Blau, veepee of Publishers' Holding Corp., back to Coast cubicle end of this week alter 10 clays at N. Y. homeoffice discussing.exploitation of Warners' forthcoming"jNight and Day," Cole Porter autobiodim.'... .Dave Kapp. Decca veepee. on Coast clocking wax- ings: ••• .Murray Mossey. in Hollywood to rep Coast office of Stevens Music. Standard Hadio pacled Paul Martin band and Hal Her/bn's orchestra for transcriptions.. ;..Four Chicks and a Chuck signed for "Singing on the Trail." Columbia film.'. .'.Frederick Hollander will compose score for "That Way Willi Women".. . Gaylord Carter, swing organist, palled Tor, platters, by Black & While.'.. .Feist Music's revived "1 Don't Know Why" will be inserted in Metro's "Faithful in My Fashion".. . .George Anlheil will'-score "That Brennan Girl" for Republic Picts. .. ..Jimmy Young, sepia singer 'formerly-on-Aladdin label, pacled by Bel-Tone Records. Bob Crosby set for prom at Stanford. .June ,14. and week after jabs at U. of Calif. . .-Jack Barrows' band, current at El Patio. San Francisco, set for ind'.-r run at Saltair. Salt Lake City. June (4 King Guion crew dated for Decoration Day weekend at Rendezvous 'ballroom, Balboa Beach. Calif.-.. .Denny Beckner has disbanded orchestra and will resume as ■comedy single on June 6 when he goes into Nevada Billmore. Las Vegas, for lorlnight. . . .Lawrence Welk crew making short for Universal . . . .Bob Millar orchestra closes nine months' stand at Nevada Billmore,, Las Vegas. June 4 and scoots across town for eight weoks at Bl Rancho... .Jack Fina. longtime Freddy Martin 88'er. has completed building own band and waxes for Mercury Records next week. Martin is backing' new endeavor.... Tommy Dorsey opens fortnight stand today i ir, i hi Mission Beach. San Diego Teddy Powell vacationing in Hollywood will) wire.,. .Joe Closer planed back to N. Y. from Hollywood Sunday il'Ji after quickie'to set summer dates on Coast for Lionel Hampton. ..' Debut Schedule Hot With 6 Band Preems Flock of band "openings' in New ; York this week will keep tirsl-niters" in the band and music businesses on the jump. Unusual at this time of year, six straight . debuts were and are scheduled for this week, i Joe Reichman bowed at the ! Roosevelt hotel. Monday '13); Al- ' vino" Rey, at the Terrace Room, Newark, and Randy Brooks at Frank Dailey's Meadowbrook.< came up last night. (Tuesday); Xavier Cugat \ moyes into the, Waldorf Starlight ! Room tonight (Wednesday); and 1 Benny Goodman at. the 400 Club : tomorrow night (Thursday >, , and Gene Krupa at the Acauarium Res- taurant the. same, evening.- Wired Music Feeders Will Now Feed ASCAP Kitty at Rates of 2^% to 6% Louise Rey Quits Act, Joins Husband's Combo Louise Rey. ex-member of the King Sisters and wife of maestro Alvino Rey. will play harp 'in; the latler combination when it opens its first N.Y. date next Monday <20» at the Asloe Roof, N.Y. Her spot in the King Sis act has been taken by a younger sister. . 'Incidentally. Rey's band is per- haps the largest of the combos re- organised by bandleaders fresh mil of service. It includes 10 brass 'six trumpets, four trombones I seven mix. four rhythm aiid Rey's guitar. It carries seven singers. OLMAK TO VISIT COAST Hollywood, May 14. Abe Olman. veepee and active top- per of Robbins. Feist and Miller music Arms, due on Coast July 1 on combined biz and vacash jaunt. He will be accomped by his wife and Rose- Robbins, -wife of firm's prexy, Jack Robbins. Mu<Uc Soaj< 7o Jlcoe. Oxley Tees Bongo Label Hollywood. May 7... Harold Oxley. talent agent will) offices here and in N. V.. is prep- ping his own . pj>p-plailcry. Last week he received h license to record from the American Federation of Musicians. Name of label \vill be Bongo and first item to. be. issued will be disk of '.'Teddy- Slauliers newly formed 17-piece band. Al Kalz. Coast chief or Oxley agency, last month incorporated own odd-label. F-M, and received license to wax. Ka.t/ slates thai his firm has no connection with Oxley's. Max Schall Teams Up j With Harry Romm On Glenn Miller Biog Pic Max Schall. ex-band manager and .recently in the imisic business as Coast' representative of Bourne. Inc.. has become associated with Harry Romm in the hitter's picturc-pro- , duciiig efTorls. Schall will be ; Romm's assistant in llje. making of tiic film' "Life of Glonfi Miller." due ■ In go before Hie cameras in August. '• Romm . left for the Coast Friday dot to begin preliminary work on : the picture. He secured ; the rights Jo I he; story of the late bandleader . from Mrs. Helen Miller. According 'to'their deal, the film must cost a 'minimum of $1,000,000 In turn out. OK Variety of U.S. Music , Highlights Russe Relief ; Wealth and variety,, as well as?) vitality, of U:S. music was amply ' demonstrated in a special concert of I modern American'music at Carnegie ; Hall N. Y.. Thursday <2>. to aid j Russian Relief. Concert served a lavish miscellany program Including Gershwin music. Illm scores, works of Marc Blilzstein. Leonvird Bern- stein and others, for one of the most ; unusual, impressive events of. the N. Y. concert season. • Most interest attached i'.scir to a preview of songs from Blil/.slcin's ; newest, as yet untitled iiroadway , music-opera, with composer at piano playiiig and singing the tunes. ■ The . American Yotith Orchestra. : under Dean Dixon, performed Bern-j stein s "Jeremiah" Symphony.' with - •Nqn. Merriman a gifted so! >lsl Or- chestra also' presented first concert ' performance of Lou Cooper's im- pressive cantata,' "The Last Speech." in memory of'late President Roose-' volt. Isaac Stern played a i.roup of.; violin; solos, including two Gershwin", Preludes..arranged by Heuv:U. Mu- riel Smith, "Carmen Jones'' si.praiTo : lead, sang several Gershwin pop i tunes, and also Earl Robinson'-; "The j House I Live In" to new lyrics. Aaron Copland's "Our Town" and | Elic Siegmeister's "Ozark Set" com- • picled the program. Brow, After months of negotiations with the firms involved, American Society of. Comp-osers. Authors and Publish- ers has (established a scale of fees for the 'use of its music by wired music feeding companies. Contracts executed on the basis of the worked- out scale have already been signed with Muzak and World Transcrip- tions, two . of the principal com- panies dealing thus in music. Deal ASCAP demands from the -wired music Held calls for. payment by the companies who sell the serv-. ice. Companies, in turn, Will either pass the levy on to customers or absorb it themselves, as they wish. ASCAP exacts 5-6''.; of revenue from outlets the public, and '2'.i-:r; of revenue from industrial Outlets. The variance between each, set of figures is due to involved details depending upon certain con- ditions. In addition. ASCAP asks another ■>'•' of any income derived from the use of the outlets for advertising 'purposes. Few. if any, companies insert paid ad blurbs into their music feeding, however. Final development of the above contract followed months of dicker- ing with wired service representa- tives over a fair price. All during the war. ASCAP had been issuing $1 per year agreements to industrial plant users of music, mainly to es- tablish their right to license the use of its repertoire in this way. WALLERSTEIN'S HEX JAUNT Ted Wallerstein, president of Co- lumbia Records, took off by. plalie from New York Monday '13* evening on a jaunt to Mexico. It's his second trip below the border wiLhin eight months. Bands at Hotel B. ().'& Hand Hotel Johnny Pineapple'Lexinglon (300; 75c-S1.50). Jerry Wa'ld' Tony Pastor Leo Roisman". .. Buddy Morrow. I Nat BraiidwyniK i Ray McKinley. . New iorker (400; $1-$1.50)... Pennsylvania (500; $1-$1.50)., Waldorf (550; $2).... : , .Lincoln (275; $1-$1.50) -., . Roosevelt (400; Sl-$1.50) Commodore (400; $1-$1 50)..., At r*Lm .. 15 .. 6 .'. 4 . 14 .. Q .. 8 ..11 r*bt Wrrk 1.600 1,725 2.025 2,750 t450 2.000 1,925 !«(■! Cwvcr. On ttnir 35,150 12.425 8.000 49.75(1 450 16.825 23,825 ' Asterisks indicate n : siipporftiio floor shoiu. New Yorker has ice sliow Le.viiiotoii, tin Hflirniinu Jloor s/ioic; Waldorf, 1 Joan Eriti'drds, Jb)in Sebiisiioii. ; 3 d a Chicago Sherman Hayes i Walnut Room. Bismarck hotel; 465: $1.50-$2.50 min.V When the lights came on again all over the Loop Friday (10), some 2.900 had been accounted for here. , Ernie llee-ksrlier 'Mayfair Room. Blackstone hotel; 3f>0: $1.50-$2.50 min.V Haumans "opened Friday ilO), splilling nice 2.700 with Robert Maxwell and Mynis. who closed. Wumh Herman 'Panther Room Sherman hotel.: 950:. $I.50-$2.50 niin.). "Blue Flame" was jusi a little conflagration what with the dimout, but SiSflO vcasn'l bad. Slrplim Klsley iMarine Room. Edgewater Beach hotel: 900; $3-$3.50 min.i. Pretty good 5.300 for. Kisley. A Swifts. Marlells Si Mignon. etc. Fiaiikir Masters 'Boulevard Room. Stevens hotel; 650; S3-S3.50 minj. Up a little o\er last frame: 4.600. Ted Sliaeter (Empire Room. Palmer House: 590: S3-$3.50 min.l. Straeler's bow. with Gil Lamb heading show, Thursday (9>. brought week's total to 4.700. Los Angeles Kirddv Martin (Ambassador: 900; $1-$1.50). CoHecling nice toll with 3.500 covers. . . '.'.'" .Ilmmle Crier 'Billmore: 900: $1 -SJ.501. Downtowm theatre crowds keep 1hc put b'liling with 3,900 covers. BOURNE "i? SC-TVTK 1-7. - : ■■■ Location Jobs, Not in Hotels (Chicago) Arnstein Agrees To Drop 'Begin BeguineV From Cole Porter Suit Cole Porter's "Begin The Beguihe." charged by Ira B. Arnstein. song- writer, to be an alleged infringement of one of his tune-s. was withdrawn from the complaint by Arnsteiii's attorney.** at the trial before Federal Judge John C. Knox and a jury in ideal. New York. This occurred yesterday ' 1 (Tuesday). Arnstein. since the trial began last week '7) has been testifying in his own behalf attempting to prove that Porter's hit tunes. "Night and Day." "My Heart Belongs. To Daddy." "Don't Fence Me In," was appro- priated by Porter from Arnstein's "I Love You•• Madly." "La Priere." "A Moderne Messiah.'' and "A Moth- er's Prayer.'' With the exception of testimony by Monty Woolley. who testified last Friday (10) as a charac- ter witness for Porter and Professor Samuel A. Baldwin, called in a's aii expert. Arnstein was the only wit- ] ness during the six-day trial. | Woolley s testimony brought but j that he was with Porter most of the , lime when he composed "'Night and ; Day" and "Begin The Beguinc." . Woolley said that the tunes were 1 written while Porter. Moss Hart and '. himself were on a round the world , n ip a nuiribcr of years ago. He also ; stated that during the trip, he had never seen any of Arnstein's tunes around while Porter was composing ; his hits. Arnstein's attorneys, how- '; ever, during cross examination, drew • rrom the actor the admission that j he did not known whether Porter : had ever heard Arnsteiii's tunes. j At the resumption of the trial yes- terday (14) Professor Baldwin, called in as a music expert by the plaintiffs. I testified that in his opinion there . was similarity in certain portions of | Arnstein's tunes with Porter's "Night j and Day," and "M^ Heart Belongs | To Daddy." Trial resumes at 10 | a.m. today. I H'wood Bowl Hikes Pay For Musikers $15 Per Hollywood, May 7. New pact has been jotted by Holly- wood Bowl Assn. and .'Musicians* Local 47. giving jammers a $15 in- crease weekly per man over last season's scale of $70. Local has now gone to work on Los Angeles Symph to effect similiar I StttS THE TALK OF THE TOWN GEORGE T0WNE Currently ANSUEY HOTEL ATLANTA. GA. ■'Metalling '«r Time* W««My WOR-Mnttial, CMit-tt-Ctnt ■ * OPININft JUNE 4 PELHAM HEATH INN NtW YORK M9».: MUSK CORP. OF AMERICA ..fHAKO A. WHITING MU,,t ' C0W0RM.0H , tot n*w arttit «opws onig; arrflnattMnft, wit* or phon« Standard £x»tottottOfi Dspt, Vu, Kg 2. «rea#«w| M# Yark \9, Clrdt- .Gay.X'larMte. 'Che/ Paiee: 050: S3-S3.50 min.). Generators were going full blast fin -Danny Thomas.'who moved in Wednesday »8> to split nice melon of S.fitlOwith 'preceding Ben Blue. Chuck Kosler (Blackhawk: 500: $'2-$2.50j-min.). Upped to 2,800 for Fas- ter, .lay; Sciler. lsabell.e Johnson. Kddy Howard iXragon; guc-$l.l5>. Operated only two nights—Friday and Saturday—thanks to coal 'miners' strike: 8.000. Stan Kenton '■ Rainbo: SI -SI .25 >. Open all week, with its own generator, snagging a lot of the Aragon's regular customers. Smash 16.000—best yet. j. Henri Lisbon (Frolics; 700'; $3-$3.50 min.). Fair 3.800 for Lisbon, Gypsy ' Ro.-e l.ce. et al. Buddy Shuw 'Latin Quarier: TOO: $3-$3.50 min.). Some 4,000 on hand for Martha Raye. Shnw. . Brnny Slroii» 'Trianon: ()0c-$l.l5V. Open two nights only; 6.000.. fLps Aageks) , Sammy 'Palladium. B..Hollywood, 2nd wk.)> Lotsa moola for the house with 28.5011 customers. Benny <:»rlrr (Trianon. B. South Gate, tilh wk.). Transit strike clipped (his down to nsg 4.1100. tickets. Slaii Myers (Slapsy Maxic's. N. Los Angeles, 5th wk.), Down slightly but 3.500 entries still solid: v Spike Jones. Kin* Cole Trio iTrocadero. N. ; Hollywood, Tth&15wks.) Jones.Cole moved out niidweek to leave Page Ciivanaugh Trio and Eddie Oliver band in top spots. Way off to 2,200 tabs. ; Garwood Van iCiro's. N, Hollywood, 5lll wk.). Joe E. Lewis still pulls crowd here lo lake lepeat 3,475 tabs IT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN By SYMES, NEIBURQ, LIVINGSTpN ■*