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60 PfrRlETT WednctMlay. May IS. 1946 Night Club Reviews ('•paeabana, J*. 1'. | June Froman, Desi Ania: Orch : <\->>. Raul & Era Reyes. Julie IVil-! »nn. Bob Johnson. Lynn Barren. I Joey Gilbert. Janet Gaylord. Ernie j Hoi si Orch. Line (BI: Prodnciinii | sim/cd by Douglas Condi/; Miisie l>)/ ; Bcii Milliard & Did; Mile*; roxllii'ies j bi; Billi; Lil'inpston: S3.50 »ii«. | Monle Proser's summer splash is p;> bablv one of his highspols come ; riiertui'nmcnt and boxoMee values, j Holdover of Jane Froman-coupled j will-, eastern bow of Desi Arn;iz" i band is certain to excite enough ' l> u ronage to compensate for the dull • *ii-ie trial has hit the niterv indus- ; tr> in the past lew weeks. Bonking ol Arnai is eeriainly Ihej smal lest move possible durine, tlii>. | lime when name availability is at , ii> lowest. He'll not only ■ have j Ainoz' contribution to the b.o.. bill li s wire. Lucille Ball, has been in- I'm mally hostessing at the cafe and I will probably continue to do so f vhilc she's in town'. With this kind i in glamorous shilling, boot is virtu- ! allv jjuuranleed to yet all the vaca- j litmhi l; Hollywood trade. Frank '; Moruan was anion? those showing i tin at the opening, ard Proser will be getting others. A max has gone far since lie last appeared in these environs around six years ago. He started in these CLARK BROTHERS Dancing in The CLARK Fashion HELD OVER PARAMOUNT NEW YORK Muiiucnnrni t'KANK KH.IHIM Kirr.llon (iK.NKKAI. Alfl'lsl> ALWAYS WORKING 'WHITEY' ROBERTS SOW ON,34TII IVKKK AT THE MUSIC IOX. S. P. Within <>(m Yri>r lllr.: \VM. MUKKIS parts a.s the conga leader at the old La Conga, and since then he's made Mini appearances. and several months ago blossomed out as an orch leader bowing at Ciro's. Holly- wood, where he proved his eflicitcy as lure for the important money. However, his forte isn't as a baton- eer. but as an entertainer al which line he shows himself to be one of the most polished of the Latin sing- ers who is equally prollcient in knocking off a tune in a manner, guaranteed to excite femme atten- tion, and going all-out in vigorous conga terping while making on the bongo drums. Applause windfall is lops. He mixes his number*, pro- vides variety, opening with a medley of "South American Way" type lunes. with the pashy "Lamento (.:ilano." with his guitar accompani- ment. 'O Manuel" and an exciting rendition of "Babalu." It's a tribute to Jane Fromaii's artistry that she's able to follow Arna?. and register with as many decibels. On her roving piano stand with Joel Herron accompanying her. this polished performer display* a new line of songs. Her ditties arc sprightly and ballads hit just the right- note. Included in lier reper- toire "You Meet the Nicest People in Your Dreams." a special material lyric '"Poor Little Two-Cent Sump" and knocks of! "In Love in Vain" and "Night and Day" among others: She holds the admiration and atten- tion of the crowd with her bright asides and banter. On show caught, she had Morgan doing a song bil in the manner of an earlier day name- sake i Helen i. Both Morgan and the crowd loved it. Miss Froman also preemed ability to ieenmole on her own without the aid of stilts. It s a heartcnine siglu to all familiar with her travail of the past few yeai:.s. The lerp-twain or Raul and Eva Reyes, a top rhumba team effec- tively warm up the hou.-c for the bill toppers. Their work is smooth, fast and full of comcdic overtones. Their number depicting a b'llky cal- l's a modernization of their old rou- tine of shoeing the mule and is far more effective than the previous bil. For smoothness they insert "Be- miinc" and open with their familiar Carnival number. Production is among (he fancier! Proser's had here, although much of it is slow lempoed and ungails the show. Bui costumes are smart and tasteful and music is < listcnable. Julie Wilson. Bob Johnson are the chief production singers displaying good voice, while Lynn Barrett and Joey Gilbert hit a nice stride in rtiu-.ee numbers. Janel Caylord's atmospheric terping is highlv effec- tive. Jose. i Ui-f. l»ar<-4'. ( hi CliicdftO. Mu]i 8. Ddini)/ Thomas, trilli VVnliei' Popp: A/(iiiii<c & Maryea. P)i|;llix Claire. JWfir inn f ffi iici.v. Line f 10 • irillt June Cahol. Gfiy Clfiridpe Orcli (l:ti. Lncio Go rein Orch i'5i: S3-S3.50 niiMtmiiif), Dimout or no. the new Che/, show got off in a blaze with almost as many tables on the floor as enter- tainers. Messrs. Fritzel & Jacobson are right back to their old format of comic-dance team-tapstress-chirp- sii'e.«s. but it's a surefire one. as evi- denced by the terrific mob that turned out for the opener. Danny Thomas. Chi's "adopted son" ivia Toledo', was apparently too knocked out after the first show I lo give the second much of a need- j ling. Reached his peak on his clas- sic yarn about the guy who got everything with his ear but a tire jack. Rest or it was prelly weak, from a liowrv crack about Jane Rus- sell to a Chic Sale-James Whitconib Rilev rondelav and. of course. •'Chioc." He gets good acconip -from pianist Waller Popp. Maurice &• .Maryea cut some neat capers in tango lo "Jalousie." conga to "La Bomba." and a Velo/.-*- Yolanda-ish "Strutters' Ball." Maryea has an eloquent pair of stems that she could display lo better advan- tage, a la Jaync DiGalano. Withal, the learn is a slick, nicely turned out duo. Phyllis Claire gives a good account with fast cleats to "Chero- kee" and another stint sans music. Marion Francis, whose forte is comedy, does "Lonc.-iomcst Gal in Town." "Can't Say No." and "Cheat in' on Your Baby." to cue lad thai some new numbers wouldn't hurl her at all. Good as she is on the humorous stuff, it's a shame something, newer than the "Okla- homa!" tunc and Ihc rest conldn'l be used. Line does a hard-to-figurc-oul "Walt Disney Fantasy" routine, and is led by June Cabot in a hot bc- guine. The Gay Claridge and Lucio Garr'a outfits are in their usual good-form. Mite. inrdlevs from hit waxing* they made with the Miller orcli. Dick and Gene Wesson, a zany pair or comics, do much lo satirize Ihc impressionists and imitators. Their style or humor gets across with botii out-of-towners as- well as nilery regulars. Pair also does some neal quipping on the ad lib side, pulverizing phologs who 'disturbed their act .opening nighl. Belle Bradley's thrushing is okay for die ear and eye. although her lapses into French dialect, which she does on the Rudy Vallee air show, are strictly cornboll. She docs sell tunes well, however, when she slays ottl of the Gallic alley. Marvin and Christina, dance team, wave around .some fluorescent yard goods and work over a burning in- censor in a manner that suggests Ihcy are cooking up cherries jubi- lee. However, they are not sensa- tional tt'i'pers for nilery work. Eddy Oliver has a good piano and a so-so band for society rhythms. Band does average dancing chores and backs up the show well. Hills. Iji Martiiilqm*. >. V. Ben Blue. Ben Less)/. Pntii Moore. Roper Danues. De.rie Roberfs. Joe Candullo Orc/i (10i. Sncnssnx rlium- l>n l)»iiri i llli. Line <(>i: opening nip'il minimum. So. ol Iters $:)..)(>. s Ttlwicus LOEW BOOKING AGENCY GlNCDAl txecUTIVl Officii IOEW BUILDING ANNEX ^Hg^WO W. 44th ||., N. Y.C. • Myont »-7«00 Dario and Jin; Vernon are ap- parently out to prove llial wosMric lalelu can do well in an easlside 1ype spol. For the second consecutive show they have by necessity eschewed the usual type sophistica- tion they usually have in their spol in favor of the punchy and betimes hoke antics prevalent on the tin- swank sector. However, his show's- a hit as far as cnlcrtainmeul values are con- cerned. The Lochinvars from the west. Ben Blue. Ben Le.-sy and Palli Moore, are hitting the effete east- erners with sufficient Torce lo cause diaphragmatic reactions. For comc- dic values they're truly boff. Withal. La Martinique ops have made concessions to their usual pa- tronage with the booking of Roger Damics (New Actsi. a French nmsi- comcdy star with a fetching porson- alitv and who has •cleat potentiali- ties: But main portion of the show is by the trio who have worked in the Hollywood Slapsie Maxie's for around live years. During lhal time they've accumulated vast amounts of comedy material ranging trom paro- dies to several kinds of bulVonery. All ol it is broad, lusty and well developed, with some blue inter- polations, and always productive of results. Blue's highspots come with his re- citative songs with Lossy on the piano. He has a long, rambling dis- sertation that gets laughs all the way and ».< an afterpiece makes; with his well known Russian dance! He also participates in songs with l.essy and Miss Moore, most notable or which is |he satire oii the Coast used car dealers. Blue and Le.ssy on a panto bit to a Miranda record- ing didn't hit as hard. Piece was anliclimaclic. Long stretches are laken up by Lessy and Miss Moore. Their paro- dies are solidly constructed and capably delivered. Both have a good reeling for comedy and stuff'hits home. Lessy is remembered to Broadwayitcs as half of team with Julie Oshins. who banked around lesser N. Y. spots for a while. Other billed perrormer in the show is Dixie Roberts, a jivev and : personable tapster with a Ma'ir for i rhythm. Reaction is solid. | The line, as usual, has simmers, bul production this trip is askew Malerial by Frank Warren is essen- tially runny, but gals fall down on execution. They're tastcfullv cos- tumed and lerrir come-ons for I he wolf trade. Joe Candullo show- backing wasn'l up to the usual standard at show caught, but good on ihe dance stuff, while Saca-was goes big in Ihe rhumba sessions. Jose. 1>rra«*<» llwom. !\ T . V. (NKW YOKKKR IIOTKIJ ''Off lo the 'Races" Ice Rente, coiweired Don Ardeii. irilli Mary Jane Lfnrson. Jerry Affipes. Gene- vieie Norriis. Teddy Roman. Line j t7i {Caroline Hartwio. Morice Sher- i wood. Clara May Kennedy. Kay ' Gnier. Florence Blind;/, Dorothy ClifiiifJIer. Mfie Hausman i. jii.c. Kcn- \dell Kelly. Music. Elliol Eberliard- ! Joel Herron. Lyrics. Lee Morris, I Cosnunex. Bob Muclnlosh. Mnie. j Berlhe: Jerry Wald Orch (17i. irillt I .fun Russell; no iniiiiinii/ii, corer SI ireel.dfii;.<i. $1.50 weekends. This new ice show in the New Yorker's Terrace Room, opening co- incident with the unveiling of the $.50,000 refurbishing job on the room, is far below the spot's par.. But. with Ihe number of transients and suburbanites who gel their night- club thrills here, it'll do business. It's all backed up by the Jerry Wald orchestra. H holdover from the pre- vious show.' Don Arden. who stages the New Yorker's blade layouts, has no easy- job. Ice shows can be varied by only costumes and ideas. Ability ol skaters, except the few star indi- viduals who demand a lot of money i loo much for this roonii doesn't vary much. Hence. Arden must click with every idea. He didn't with this one and lo further point it up the costumes aren't up lo pre- vious productions. Show is built around Mary Jane Lnwson. who is hy now a fixture here, newcomers Genevieve Norris j and Teddy Roman, who go through ; some crack tricks together lone a i whirl of the gal by one fool i. and ' Jerry Mapes. who also has been • here for some time. They do a good ! job with whal they've gol to show : the customers. Arden's idea this time is a series of scenes supposedly set near various race tracks. Of all the scenes, the best, from the viewpoint of costumes, is an Agua Calienle thing lhal stands out sharply from the medioc- rity of the remainder. Jerry Wald's orchestra works the show and for. dancing, li s a combo of four trumpets, three trombones, live sax. four rhythm, which plays well enough together, 'out is nol out- standing. Aside from Wald's clari- neting. which lends distinction from the angle of differentiating between bands, the combo sounds like 100 others. Whal it needs more than anything is belter arrangements. When heard, a very interesting and colorful writing uf "Me and My Shadow" came up. which would be a fine pattern on which lo base a slyle. It was a muled, softly rock- ing item that stood out like a high "C." Wald has with him Ann Russell for vocals. Cule and able, she turns a neat tune. Wood. Tr<»4-ailero. Hollywood i , Hollywood. 'May 10. Did; «• Gene Wesson. Belie Brad- ley. Marriv a Cliristiim, Modemftires ii'iili Pniifff Kelly. Eddy Oliver Orch <17i; Pnpe Coi-ffiifiiipli Trio; corer j Trocadero management has assem- bled a package of entertainment, which should be good fare during the warm weather, although it has no hefty names- to rate boxorfice pull. ' Page Cavanaugh Trio, voting- slers just out of the service, do a neat bit of blending in the Cub Room and are worthy successors to the King Colo outfit. Given a chance to put a bit more authority in their work with added touch of showman- ship, this group will be hustling into the salon bigtime shortly. Rish! now. boys arc feeling their way and developing arrangements. Neither they nor the Troc lose bv the nook- i'H'.. . Modernaires with Paula Kellv do vocal chores in the Cub Room' and double in the main dining room. Vocal group "formerly with Glenn Miller is solid sending quintet, rat- ing encores for new stuff as well as iiutnll««l4»«»r. Hallo. Baltimore. May 13. i'oplu'e Tncl.er. wild Ted Shapiro.: Nicl; Long. Jr.. Burton's Birds. June Taylor Dancers Hii. Lenny Uobds & Orcli 13'. S3.50 min. High budget shows prevailing In the tup 11iIt-i ies- hereabouts reaches a high in both dough laid on tlv line lor a single performer and talent boughl. in the current engagement of Sophie Tucker in this spol! Spoltco in for three weeks, star got off to biggest opening in bistro's career and has been packing them from the tee- olT. Every number is sock and a cue for audible demands for more. On show caught it was simply a matter of giving "until exhausted.' Pleasantly supported hy Nick Long. Jr.. in grciovey hoo;!.!*! rou- tines assisted hy « line ol -ix lookers who also open and close doings, plus a decided novelty in Burtons Birds, a most appealing aggregation or beautifully plumaged love birds who are sent through a series of amazing nicks by good talking inasler. show is climaxed by iiexl-lo-clu-iing ap- pearance ol La Tuckei- and il's sma.sho from then on in. Pacing her numbers with nostalgic and flip cracking inlros. anil accom- panied and heckled by Ted Shapiro, she gives mil with characlcrislic version.-. of "Red Hot Mamma Is a Jittcrbugging Hep Oat Now." "After He's Oiil ol the Army, Don't Put Him Out of Your Arms." a poipourie of oldies climaxed, of course, bv "Some of These Days." and as extras beg'-cd for, "They're Never Too Old." "Win- Go lo Havana" and "Mama Is R t .'. converting for G.I. Joe '- everv one a solid sender and sold to the" ven- hilt. Musical backing fin- show and dancing by Lenny Hobbs and orcn is very much on the credit side, and il's really big doings in this town. Soph has certainly gol 'eni! Bnrm. G'w leh Village Inn. \. Y. (FOLLOWU1M Inn has a pair of billtoppers guar- anteed to break leases, cause license revocations and gel as much word- of-mouth flaekery as a sale nf nylons. Unless kept in check as was evi- denced on the opening night, duo of B. S. Pully and Carrie Finnell can cause all these to cOpie to pass. But Rocky Camera and Lou Tav-loi are wise enough to know thai witn Ihe current reform wave hitting sporadi- cally in all sections of the counlrv. these characters, must vitiate llie natural lustiness of llieir turn. How Pully will do wilh Ihe Inn's usual type of patronage is i doubtrul factor. The opening night's show- wise audience enjoyed Pullx's strug- gle with sapolioed material bui la'y spendcrs wouldn't be hep lo his in- ner wranglings and what he'll do when there isn'l a laugh in his lines can't be foretold. There were some purple cracks, bul only for practice. For this engagement ne has p ; cked up his old partner. 11. S.'Gump. Tor (Continued on page 701 BILLY RAYES 89Mi Consecutive Week AS Master of Ceremonies Earl Carroll's Sketchbook Earl Carroll Theatre — Hollywood — Mqt: MCA AITISTS "Curtain calls ... to Eddy Manson at the Village Vanguard." -Walter Winchell. "Th» Hailttl of III* Harmonica" 7th WEEK and HELD OVER MANAGEMENT, GALE AGENCY 48 Wnt 4ttk St.. N. Y. C. WALLY BOAG Cnrrriiilj RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL N«w York Muaurrmrni: M AHK J. t>:i»l»V $100 AND UP PER WEEK! Selling iltrm clocki. pocktt kniv». w. fllevei. ovtrtlh, ihlrU, druri. lanilftry food*, tirded mil it., autt supplied Hundreds •> other scarce items at FACTORY PRICES Send 3c stanip for big new catalog. MID-SOUTH SUPPLY CO. 219 E. MvkhtM Lltlla Rock. Ark. 310 W. Broid Tfiarkana. Tel. FOR SALE APPAREL SAMPLE TRUNKS Call Mr. Cooperman VO. 5-4*00 EXPERIENCED SHOWMAN... In Ihow bil tor 20 yoan . . . Recently com- ■lotof elKlitlvo ■mltlei vllh U.B.O. Pria- to lhal In iwcutim upaclly sHIi RKO. Write IOC RIEDER. 21 OS IStti Sfert. Astoria. Nc. Vert.