Variety (May 1946)

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Wednesday, May 22, 1946 41 si w : ] "If you want to make good use of your time. .. Listen to ABC 55 Now that advertisers are thinking twice about getting the greatest possible \ . Jue out of their radio time, a good many ?xe lending a willing ear to ABC. By ac- tual comparison, rates are low. Several good time periods are still available. And ABC's 202 stations reach all the people who live in Twenty-Two Million* radio homes located in practically every major market in the United States. For downright value, ABC offers today's most practical buy in radio. If you com- pare rates, you'll find that one network costs 43.7% more per evening half-hour than ABC; another costs 28. 7% more. But .because ABC stations are concentrated in thickly populated areas—where the na- tion's business is done—it constitutes an "efficient'' network. It has coverage where coverage counts—offers advertisers an op- portunity to lower their cost of distribution. We suggest that you get all the facts while good time periods are still available, because buying a good ABC time period now means a mighty valuable franchise for years to come. Worthwhile ABC franchises have already been nailed down by such shrewd buyers of radio time as General Foods, Westinghouse, Bristol-Myers, Miles Laboratories, Carter Products, Sterling Drug and many others. For example, Swift, a quarter-hour spon- sor of The Breakfast Club for four years, has now doubled its participation to a half- hour every morning. * Night-time coverage. This figure continues to climb with steadily improving station facilities. 7 REASONS why more leading advertisers sit up and listen to ABC 1. ECONOMICAL RATES - Network X costs 43.7% more than ABC per evening half-hour. Network Y coats 28.7% more. 2. REACHES 22,000,000 FAMILIES, located in practically every major market in the U. S. 8. EXPERT PROGRAM SERVICE available if and when you want it. 4. EFFECTIVE AUDIENCE PROMOTION that is making more and more people listen to ABC. 5. GOOD WILL—a nation-wide reputation for public service features that present all sides of vital issues. 6. 202 STATIONS—eager to cooperate in making every program a success in every way. 7. PRACTICAL TELEVISION — program-building on an economical basis. American Broadcasting Company A NETWORK OF 2 0 2 RADIO STATIONS SERVING AMERICA