Variety (May 1946)

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46 •RCHHSTRAS-MUSIf UfiRfEfr 10 Best Sheet Sellers {Week Ending, May 18) Gypsy ..'...' Leeds Laughing on Outside .. .BMI Sioux City Sue. Munis All Through Day.... Williamson Prisoner of Love Mayfair They Say It's Wonderful.Berlin I Didn't Know Enough C-P Oh What It Seemed. .Sunlly-.loy I'm Big Girl Now ....World Full Moon, Empty Arms. .Barton Wednesday, May 22, 1946 NBS, CBS, ABC, Mutual Plugs (Peatman System) Following are the Most Pla?/ed soups of the week, May 9-1 ft, based on (lie coj>i/rio)itfd survey by Dr. Jolni Peatman's OJ/ice of Research, using the Accurate Reporting Radio Loo as basis of iii/oniiaiion in N. y. All Through the Day—f'Cenleunial Summer" Williamson Atlanta, Ga. ••• SSteveius Cement Mixer .... Mills . Coax Me a Little Bit .Bourne Come Rain Come Shine—*"St. Louis Woman": ....Crawford Don't Be a Baby, Baby Triangle Full Moon and Empty Arms Barton Gypsy. The .Leeds 1 Didn't Mean a Word I Said—i"Do You Love Me".... Bobbins I Don't Know Enough About You.. JC-P I Fall In Love With You Ev'ry Day Slept I'm Always Chasing Rainbows—fDoll.v Sisters" ....Miller I've Got Sun In Morning—*"Annie. Gel S'our Gun". . . Berlin In Love In Vain—t"Cenlennial-Summer" T. B. Harms In the Moon Mist .. Shapiro li s Anybody's Spring—v"Hoad To Utopia" B-V 11 Laughing On the Outside JBM1 More Than You Know Miller Oh, What It Seemed to Be Santly-Joy One More Tomorrow Remick Prisoner of Love Mayfair Seems Like Old Times Feisl Shoo Fly Pie Capiiol Sioux City Sue Morris There's Good Blues Tonight Embassy They Say-It's Wonderful —""Annie Gel.Your Gun" Berlin Where Did Lou Learn To Low: Morris Who's Sorry Now ..Mills You Stole My Ileal I Harms You Won't Be Satisfied . Mutual f FiliiiKxiral. * Leoil IWiixiar/. f BMI Licensed. Kenton Now Wants to Stay West, Drop N. Y.. Detroit, Sandusky Dates Stan Kenton, who fought the Pal-♦ ladium Ballroom, Hollywood, lasl ! year, through the American Federa- tion of Musicians, to avoid break- j in* up an eastern date-run to fulOll ' an obligation to that danccry, now is , anxious to duck the east and slay west. Kenton has asked General | Artists to shorten his forthcoming i slay east as much as possible, to. eliminate all but a November date at . the Paramount theatre, N. Y., if possible. ; To accomplish this. GAC must drop a week at the Eastwood Gar- ] dens. Detroit, another at Cedar Point. Sandusky, O. which together rcpre- . sent 511.500 in guarantees, plus a scheduled run at the Pennsylvania ' Ballroom, N. Y., for six weeks open- ing Sept. 2. GAC has sounded oul , the possibilities ol cancelling and so far has met with an emphatic rebutT from all three. Kenton did solid business the last time he was east, and the spots won't pass him up eas- ily, lie did particularly well on one- nightcrs in the area in which Cedar Point and Eastwood are located. Kenton's reasons for wanting to stay West involve his family. He has two children and has been on the road consistently for the past year or two. To replace the cancelled eastern dales, he wants to work western onc-niJhters. Terrace Room Beats Hue-and-Cry Gremlin New Yorker hotel, N. Y.. hurriedly called in ah'expert a fortnight ago to rearrange a lighting system in-' stalled as pail of the $50,000 refur- bishing job done on its Terrace Room, ice-show and name band spot. It seems that the trick lighting ef- fects put into the room did unusual things with femme makeup that were not at all flattering. Fortunately the effect was discov- ered prior to the unvcaling of the room and a new blade revue and an export was called in to straighten things oul. He eliminated certain hues and rearranged others to make lipstick and powder shades show up without scaring people. Even the lemme skaters in the floor show were affected. ALWAYS SUNG-AU WATS POPULAR MILLS TORCH IALLADS OH! WHAT A PAL WAS MARY • JUST A GIRL THAT MEN FORGET ' • * BLUE (And Brekn Hearted) MILLS MUSIC, Inc. 141? headway, New. York It Prima's Deal For Mass. Ballroom Louis Prima, whose sole , activity lately beyond his maeslroing has been a string of race horses oper- ating ai big-lime tracks, apparently is in the' midst of negotiating lo buy a ballroom. Leader, along with, a group, of Boston friends, has either closed or is in the process of com- pleting a deal for a danccry. at Revere Beach, near Boston. Spol is supposed lo be the Crescent Gar- dens. Buying ballrooms seems lo be : gaining favor With some leaders. Dorsey brothers stalled it by buy- ing lite Casino Gardens. Ocean ] Beach. Cal. Vaughn Monroe re- :ccnlly acquired a spot at Framing- : Mass.. in partnership with j friends. Spol is due to open either !June 11 or 12. It is now being re- : furbished. Dramatists Guild Seeks Copyright Title (or Writers Hollywood. May 21. Dramatists Guild Council met in Hollywood yesterday (Tuesday i for approval of a new minimum basic contract with stage managers. If okayed, the pact will run live years. Chief switches concern musical comedies and revues, with owner- ship of scores going 16 the com- poser. Tuncsmiths will also receive more freedom in selling Iheir work to pictures. In the event an entire stage show isn't purchased, the composers want to be free to sell their creations independently lo film studios. Guild is currently dickering wilh music publishers in ah effort to ex- tract agreements from them giving copyright's to composers. SANTLY-JOY IT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN By SYMES, NEIBURG, LIVINGSTON Writer Sues Song Hits, Triangle for Alleged Lift of Contest Tune Song Hits Guild. Inc.. and Triangle Music Corp. are named as defend- ants in a New York federal court action lodged lasl week by Harry Kipp, involving the song. "Paducah." Kipp charges the defendants appro- priated his common-law copyright lor their mutual benclit without consent. Kipp alleges he submitted "Padu- cah." lo Song Hits prior to March 4. 1943. in a contest designed lo se- lect compositions of individuals as ! prize winners, arrange publication. | Instead, Kipp alleges Song Hits I turned over the composition lo Tri- I angle and both are sharing in the ; benefits. J Complaint charges Triangle, af- ter March 4, 1943. published a simi- jlar tune with the same title, which ! was copied from his composition, j Triangle tune allegedly based on his j composition was composed by Harry | Warren and Leo Robin and was lak- j en from a Fox film called, "The ! Clang's All Here." j Kipp alleges that, although he no- tified Triangle that "Paducah" Was his properly, the publisher has re- fused to recognize his claim and continues wilh distribution. Kipp seeks an injunction and an account- ing of profits derived by both dc- lendanls from the alleged unlaw- ful appropriation. ' LA. Local Sells . For 72iG But Stays Los Angeles, May .21. Five-floor building owned by Local 47 of American Federation ol Mu- sicians was sold last'week for $72,500 j to outdoor display manufacturer. {Clause in sale permits union lo con- tinue lo occupy site for two years. However. 47 officials plan to file f building-pcrmil papers with niunir- ipality by June 1. i New silo, already lined up. for j construction of new headquarters, is ; in heart of Hollywood. Union long j has wanted to house ilseh nearer : hub of most of its activity, rather .than in present downtown L : A. loca- ; lion. Music Co., headed by II. .1. Quil- liain. former manager of KIRO, and now" owner of KT.BI. Tacoma, lias franchise for Ihe Northwest for Mu- zac. wired-music'system. Rex Stewart signed to play the | Carnegie "Pops" concert, at Car- ; negie hall, N. Y.. May 31. Top Tunes for Yoir Books An All-Time Favorite I CAN'T GIVE . YOU ANYTHING BUT LOVE, BABY Music by... JIMMY McHVGB Published by MILLS Glenn Garr AND HIS ORCHISTIA faatarlaa, MURRAY FRAWLEY THREE STYLISTS Naw Wftd Waak aaa* Ia4a«ai»aly DONAHUE'S Huule 2H. .Mountain View, N. *. Sully Maxon orchestra signed to play for the annual June German dance, June 14, at Rocky Mount, I N. C. on EXCLUSIVE RECORDS