Variety (May 1946)

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Wednesday, May 22, 1946 AR4 HKSTRAS-MIJSIC 51 Bauds at Hotel B. O.'s Coven „ . tt«U» Pant Hand Ho(<l rimed tVerla Johnny'Pineapple*Lexington (300; 75c-$1.50) .... ..,16 J.450 Jerry Wnld* New iorker (400; $1-$1.S0) . 7 '1,750 . Tony Pastor Pennsylvania (500; $1 -$1.50) 5 2,150 Xavier Client....Waldorf (550; $2). ... o t2.200 Buddy Morrow...Lincoln (275; $1-$1 50) 1 »25 Joe Reichman Roosevelt i400; $l-$i:50). l 2.125 Hsl Maclntyre. ..Commodore i400: $1-$1 50). 2 1,075 1'OUI . Cover* On Hitir 36,600 14,175 10,150 2,200 ■1.375 2,125 ' 3*975 I • Asterisks indicate a supporlinp floor chow. New Yor/cer lias ice show Ltx'MVton, Sebastian. \ 4 (Ini/S. an-' Hawaiian .floor show; Wuldor/, Joan Edwards, John Sterling Young, recently discharg- ed after nearly four years in Air Corps, .has re-formed orchestra and breiiks in with two weeks at Jant- /.eii's Beach, Portland, Ore., com- mencing June 11 . . . Pee Wee Hunt set as relict band at Palladium. Hollywood, starting June 11 for six weeks. Grady King, currently re- lieving at Palladium, starts 26-week (.Continued on page 62) 9 ASCAP Charter Members Petition Directors for Rating Boost on H.C.L Chicago Ernie Ileehscber (Mayfair Room, Blackstone hotel; 350; $1.50-$2.50 min.) Baking in the usual heavy coin always counted on when the Hartmans \ play here: 3,000. ■' . • Woody Herman (Panther. Room. Sherman hotel; 950; $1.5042.50 min.). | Hriman Anally hitting on all six: smasheroo 6,500. j Stephen Klsley <Marine Room. Edgewaler Beach hotel: 900; $343.50 min.'t. Up here, too; with 5,50.0 for Kisley, 3 Swifts, Marlells & Mignoii, tt ;>i. :' ..■ ■ ■■.' Ted Slraeter tEmpire.Room.;Palmer House: 590; $3-$3.50 min.).-Status «juo 4.700 for Slraeter, Oil Lamb. Nip Nelson, et a). Orrin Tucker (Boulevard Room. Stevens hotel; 650; $3-$3.50 min.). Tucker, bowed Friday U7.>, splitting okay 4,800 with Frahkie Masters; who closed. Lot Angeles Freddy Martin (Ambassador; BOO: $l-$l.50).. Neat boost to 3.700 covers. Jimmie Crier (Biltmoi e; 900; $141,501. Dropped to 3;500 covers: Location Jobs, Not in Hotels (Chicago) Ray Anthony (Rninbo; $!-$!.25i. Slipped 'way oft* previous week's record for the spot, set by Stan Kenton, to 7.400. . Billy Bishop (Blackhawk; 500;< $2-$2.50 min.'). N.s.h. 2.900 shared by Bishop, opening Wednesday (15). and Chuck Foster, who closed. Gay Clarldje (Chez Paree; 650; $343.50 min.). Danny Thomas may weil break record set for spot by Lena Home; 6.000 jammed spot.' Eddy Howard (Aragon: P0c-$1.15p. Biz olfish. 14,000 not much more than previous week when the joint was open only two nights. Henri Lbhon (Frolics; 700: $3-$3.50 min.). End-of-week turnouts get- ting better, but 3,500 still short. Gypsy Rose Lee headlined. Buddy Shaw (.Latin Quarter; 700; $3-$3.50 min.). Upped to 4.200, Martha Raye remaining a heavy draw. Benny Strong (Trianon; 90c-$l. 15). Slow 12.000. (Los Angeles) Sammy Kaye (Palladium, B, Hollywood, 3d wk). Strike didn't hurt; heily 27,000. customers; Jan Garber, Bobby Sherwood (Avodon. B. Los Angeles, last week). New terpalace downtown drew 13.300 first.week. Joe Sanders (Trianon. B, South Gale. 1st wk.). Strike blamed for nsg opening frame at 4,200 ducats. 'Payola' Beef Breaks Out Anew On Coast, Plug ger Investigation Hollywood, May 21. Coast faction of the Music Pub- lishers Contact Employees union launched xri investigation into that old.-dcbbil. the "payola" evil, last week af'.er the'reading of a letter, in .meeting, from Nils T. Granli'ind i.NTG) .to songwriter Harry Ruby. Granlund informed Ruby that most of the singers who work on his ABC-net "You're In The Act." as guests, arc paid by music publishers whose songs they perform. In other words, Granlund explain- ed, he does not pay the singers the necessary minimum scale demanded by the American Federation of Radio Artists. Publishers have been taking rare of the cost for him. As a result of the revelation, the aggressive new leadership of the Coast conference of the MPCE want to know how come. And they're out for scalps.. Asjde rrom Hie above, which might be indicative of Coast payola condi- tions, radio people and many music publishers are of the opinion lhal the. Peatman system, which was instituted a while back to forestall] the "paving evil"- has not accom- plished its aim. They assert that daytime radio shows and similar programs are the. recipients of pub- lisher-gratuities. This squawk comes mostly, however, from smaller pub- lishers who have been consistently against the Peatman methods. The bigger pubs claim nothing. It's a sore point here and in N. Y. and it may soon burst into flame. Cap Recording Men Due In N.Y. for Plenty Work Hollywood, May 21. Jim Conkling, chief of repertoire and recording for Capitol Records, left for New York; yesterday. (Tues,) for two weeks of heavily scheduled pialtering. Due for disks are Jo Staf-. ford, Margaret Whiting, Martha Til- ton. Rey and Billy Butter- field's orchestras. Capitol uses Muaali studios in N. Y. Paul Weston. Cap musical director, is due in with Conkling. British, Spanish Heads Of ASCAP Equivalents Slated for June Visits Leslie Boosey, partner in the Boosey- Hawks music publishing /Inn. is due in New York soon from England on his second trip here within a year. He's headed for the Pan - American^ Union's copyright conference starting in Washington, D. C-June 1. Boosey is president of England's Performing Rights Society and the Confederation of Authors Societies. Also due in N. Y. is Dr. Jose Forns, secretary of the Spanish per- forming rights group (SGAE). Nine of the charter members ot the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, who have been receiving a fixed income from Ihe Society for years, last week petitioned individual members of the organization's director board for boosts in classifications for them- selves and contemporary members, to combat rising costs Of living. Letters, each signed by the nine old writers who joined ASCAP at its inception ■ in 1914, were dispatched to each of the board members. Letter stated that the annual in- come of the nine signees ranged, rrom $500 to $1,800 annually, and that the higher costs of living some were in semi-want. They asked the board members to try to do something about boosting their permanent classifications Most inactive writers, particularly the older members of the Society, are on fixed annual incomes. Those petitioning .on the basis of t the above letter were: Harry T. .Bur- leigh, Leo Edwards, Malvin M. Franklin, Hugo Frey, Jack Glogaii, Albert Gumble, Edward Laska. George Tringaus, Jesse M. Winne. Harry Puck's Song Former musicomedy juvenile Harry Puck wrote "China, Doll" as a theme song and favor for Tom Ball, owner of the new China Doll nitery on the site of the old La Conga, New York. While only a floorshow incidental tune, music publisher Jack Bobbins, liked it well enough to publish it. Puck has been out ot show biz some time, handling Ihe Whitney Duplicating Checks system as con- tact with the midtown nitcries and eateries. RAEBURN GETS MORRIS RELEASE ON COAST Boyd Raeburh's Orchestra has secured a release from the Wiliam Morris agency, after . weeks of bickering and attempts by the leader to secure the finances needed to secure, the split with the agency. He apparently secured the coin aud a deal was made last week which calls for an undisclosed sum payable at once, plus additional sums, over a period of time. Racburn is on the Coast, where he has been for months. What agency he will align with is unknown.