Variety (May 1946)

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S4 VAUBEVILLE Wednesday, May 22, 1946 Pa. Nitery Ops Organize to Deal With Problems; Seek National Scope Philadelphia, May 21. Nitery operators from eastern and western Pennsylvania met at Har- risburg last Thursday (16) and or- ganized a joint action committee to deal with problems affecting their industry. It was the first time a state-wide group in the nightclub field had ever been formed. Com- mittee made plans to make contact with similar units throughout the country with an. ultimate goal of forming a national organization. The State Joint Action Committee was formed by. representatives of the Philly Cafe Owners Guild and the Night Club Owners Guild of Western Pennsylvania. Represent- ing Philly were Libro Taglianetti, of the Copacabana; Sam , Smerilson, Everglades; Herb Molter, Swan Club, and Sam Haftcl, exec. sec. of the Cafe Owners Guild. From the Pittsburgh area came Joseph Lieber. Vet Vauder Running For Pa. Legislature Pittsburgh, May. 21. Jerry Goff, one-time musical com- edy player and nitery performer, has tossed his hat in the ring and is running for the State Legislature from nearby Beaver County, his home for the last several years. Goff, whose last show was Ed Wynn's "Manhattan Mary," gave up show biz about a decade ago to become a liquor salesman in this territory. ANNOUNCING Tfct OpeaiM, of tb* Ntw York Offic* of LEONARD GREEN AGENCY, Inc. 20 East 42d Street Phone: VAnderblr? t-2900 Now Booking exclusively tor BILL MILLER'S EMBASSY New York City BILL MILLER'S RIVIERA Fort Lee. N. J. SUNNY ISLE CLUB Miami leach. Fla. CIRO'S Miami teach. Flo. CADILLAC HOTEL Miami teach. Fla. VERSAILLES HOTEL Miami teach, Fla. RITZ CARLTON HOTEL Miami teach, Ha. And other leading hoteli, cafe* and nite clubs throoghoet the country. We Invite Your Inquiries LEONARD GREEN AGENCY lac . New York: 20 Eatt 42d Street Miami teach: 220 23rd Street If Shuberts Saw 'Em, They're Goners For The Student Prince' Cafe impresarios Nick Prounis and Arnold Rossfield, operators of the Versailles", N. Y. nitery, apparently have a hankering to become talent "discoverers." On Sunday (19) at their cafe, they staged the finals of their cx-GI talent auditions. The two finalists, both baritones, were awarded two-week contracts for the club. The finalists were no ordinary amateurs. They were all profes- sional "tyros" seeking a chance to hit paydirt again. All were of the type that could work this formal room. Winners were two baritones, Norman Ruvell and Earl Lippy. Both showed their pre-war training. Between Buddy Ebsen's emceeing and his opening dog act (Ebsen is in "Showboat"), the Versailles cus- tomers heard a few acts only a few notches removed from topplight I calibre. I. Charlie Avery lampooned the "Hamlet" soliloquy along lines of a GI lament, and burlesqued a BBC newscaster; material needs further reconversion. George Barr intro- duced the s.a. note with "J'Atten- drai" and "How Deep is the Ocean," which was just short of the desired effect, while Will H. Norvis showed potentialities with corn and blues undertones. Walter Holland just missed the mark in "Beautiful Mornin'" and "Thine Alone." Danton Walker, N.Y. Daily News columnist; Herman Levin, co-pro- ducer with Melvyn Douglas of the legit hit, "Call Me Mister," and Tony Ross of "Glass Menagerie" cast the judgments. Dean Murphy improvised some impressions on the event while the jury was deliberating. Dave Fox, executive secretary of the N. Y. local of the American Guild of Variety Artists, was an in- terested onlooker. In view of the fact that the union forbids free per- formances at nitery guest nights, further, developments are awaited. Jose. s Tflakcus LOEW BOOKING AGENCY OtNEKAl tXCCUTIVC OFFICES LOEW BUILDING ANNEX 160 W.4ttfi $(., N.Y.C --Myoirt 9-7800 •°<*/*o Florine Bale Resumes As AGVA H wood Head Florine Bale took over last week as head of the Hollywood branch of American Guild of Variety Artists. She succeeds Tcss Diamond, who re- signed some weeks ago. Miss Bale originally headed the Hollywood branch of AGVA for sev- eral years, until she resigned over a year ago. She returned to AGVA fold several months ago and handled the Dallas branch, from which she was transferred back to Hollywood. Arthur Kaye, who had been in charge of Miami branch of AGVA, but recently, upped to second assist- ant to national administrator Matt Shelvey, left for Hollywood Satur- day (IS) to handle regional matters in California area. He'll h.q. in Hollywood but will not interfere with Miss Bale's operations. He will concentrate on organizational drives in Seattle and Portland. Kaye will remain on the Coast until September and then shift to Miami for new season there. Soc. Formed To Aid Performers Working Abroad Transatlantican Society, an or- ganization designed to aid per- formers from abroad in this country, has been founded by Vic Perry, Eng- lish sleight-of-hander now in the United States. Org will have a Lon- don branch performing similar serv- ice for Arnerican acts Working in England and probably the continent Group will' attempt to aid in get- ting hotel accommodations, and ad- vise on monetary and other matters. Charter members of the group in- clude Gertrude Lawrence, ' Ralph Richardson and Ccdric Hardwicke. LACK OF TOP NITERY NAMES FOLDS N.Y. SPOT Closing of La Martinique, N. Y., because of shortage of suitable head- liners, will take place at the end of. June, it's the first summer hiatus of an important N. Y. spot ?ince start of the war. Club has extended the current run of Beri Blue, Ben Lessy and Patti Moore to seven weeks after which the shuttering is slated. Reopening is set for the fall with Harvey Stone and Martha Tilton. Blue may leave Martinique show before the expiration of his term be- cause of illness of his wife on the Coast. If that's necessary, Lessy and Miss Moore will stay at the cafe and some arrangement will be made to permit use of Blue's name in ads. Unions New Orleans Basic Contract Drive Aided by French Casino Signing Capitulation of the French Casino, New Orleans, this week to demands of American Guild of Variety Ar- tists, is figured by union to strengthen its organizational drive in that area which has been tra- ditionally adverse to labor unions and had .paid . entertainers lowest salaries in the country. AGVA has aligned with N. O. local of Ameri- can Federation of Musicians in its drive to pact some 20 other niteries in the French quarter of the city. LA. Orpheum Ends Vaude Policy For Straight Pix Shows Los Angeles, May 21, Orpheum theatre, long devoted to a vaudfilm policy, will head a new string of day-date house for the showing ,of top English features, United World Pictures and domes- tic product. As a result of this change, the Million Dollar theatre will switch to vaudpix and book the shows that formerly played the Orpheum. Several other houses will join the Orpheum in the new policy, which calls, for the showing of top Ameri- can pictures in addition to British productions. Million Dollar thea- tre will start its new system June 11, with the Ink Spots as head- liners. House will close June 4 for facelifting at a cost of $200,000: Both theatres are operated by Met- ropolitan Theatres. Saranac Lake By HAPPY BENWAY Saranac Lake, N. Y., May 21. Laura M. Sloan, formerly with publicity department of Loew's State, N. Y., shot in for rest and checkup at the Rogers. Among those winning cash prizes on radio station WNBZ quiz contest were Eileen Grotte, Marie Southard and Isabel Rook. Jordie McLean, who had a long rest routine here, handed her go- home papers, and left for New York City. Sam Schulman cheered up by visit from his mother, who motored in from Brooklyn, N. Y. Joseph Denicolo elated over sur- prise visit from his frau last week. Margaret Dougherty ended a 10- day furlough out-of-the-san and Is back at the Rogers doing the rest routine. Sam Lefko, RKO sales-manager, enjoying 10-day leave from the Rogers. Visiting friends in Phila- delphia. Ben Schaffer back at the Rogers after a two-week furlough in N.Y.C. Ben says that he spent one week at the Lambs and the other in the Au- tomat. Did okay in both spots. Dr. George E. Wilson, chief medico at the Rogers, back from well-earned vacation. . Phoebe Gregory, who beat the rap her* and a former member of the staff of the old Mount Baker Club here, is now asst. manager of a Can- andaigya hotel. Mrs. William (Mother) Morris and Aunt Alia BerlinghofT hosted a church group at a Camp Intermis- sion lawn party last week. (Write to those who are III.) DAN HEALY DICKERS FOR N Y. CLUB SITE Dan Healy,vaudc and nitory com- edian,'is negotiating lease cn former site of the late Thomas Healy'.-. Gol- den Glades nitery in N. Y., to house his own nitery. He ! has financial backing from an outsider. Site angled for is the main floor, which under the aegis of the de- ceased restaurateur had been the main dining room and one of three dinner and supper rooms projecting floor show entertainment in the erstwhile four-story structure. When Tom Healy quit restaurant biz for real estate a double-decade ago building was converted into a two- story edifice. New lessee would convert into bar and cocktail lounge with clam and seafood bar on corner, with supper club on other side. He'll call it Dan Healy's Broadway Gardens and in- stall intime type entertainment headed by himself and Helen Kane, boop-a-doop songtress (Mrs. Healy). Deal is expected to be set this week for a late August opening. Same as the French Casino truce all deals will call for contracting union tooters as well as AGVA talent. French Casino made peace with the union by signing minimum basic agreement and posting cash security covering salaries of talent. It drew Class-B rating calling for scale of $75-$45 on a six-day week. Lower scale is for choirsters. Recent cleanup by new local .ad- ministration of bawdy shows and other conditions may help whip these places into line for AGVA and AFM. Authorities have nixed all' but a strait-laced operation. AGVA's first tilt with operators of the area . happened some lime ago when AGVA femme perform- ers were cancelled out for refus- ing to mix with visiting firemen. AGVA's contract prohibits such mixing. Stabile Into Par, N Y. Dick Stabile's orchestra is signed to work the Paramount theatre, N. Y. behind Dinah Shore. They go into the house July 21 Miss Shore is drawing $10,000 weekly. Stabile's new combo is now at the Biltmore, N. Y. F ROM - LATIN QUARTER NEW YORK LOEW'S STATE NEW YORK (Week May 23rd) WILLIE HOWARD Per. Manager: HERB RUBIN Booked Through FREDERICK BROS. Private Detectives Conffaaofmf favwftgofions Personal and Industrial Berlin Investigation Service 60 Wall Strwt, New Yerlc 5, N. Y. WHHlhal 4-7941 Miriam Seabold PRIMA BALLERINA CURRENTLY AT HOTEL SYRACUSE, Syracuse, N. Y. Opening May 27th HOTEL SHOREHAM,Washington, D. G. Featured 17 Weeks at THE VERSAILLES, N. Y. WALTER WINCHELL: "The Big Tim. ... MIRIAM SEABOLD Ballarii at YanalHes." EARL WILSON: "Sh* mi oaly danctt, bat hat kamrtifal Ug>" AVAILABLE . . . JUNE 9TH