Variety (May 1946)

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28 Wednesday, May 29, 1946 He says he can prove that the largest share of the nation's spendable income belongs to families who Listen to «*« FIND OUT where the nation's spending money is being passed around, and you'll find the bulk of it in the areas blan- keted by ABC's 204 stations. And this cover- age is local coverage because ABC stations cover more of the 300 major U. S. markets from within* than does any other network —an important factor to advertisers who de- sire to merchandise their radio programs. That is one of the big reasons why so many leading companies are buying time on ABC today. They know they can reach a rich, nation-wide audience... do it at a low cost per thousand... and over a network whose facilities are constantly improving. Right now, for instance, ABC is able t© point to a 100% increase in its number of 50,000-watt stations. KABC, San Antonio, Texas, has just gone from 250 watts to 60,000 (10,000 night time). WLAW, Law- rence, Mass., will go from 5,000 to 50,000. KCMO, Kansas City, Mo., from 5,000 to 50,000 (10,000 night time) and a switch in Buffalo adds WKBW with its 50,000 watts. Improvements are happening fast on ABC, and one by one the best time periods are being, snapped up by advertisers who know a good radio value when they see one. Valuable ABC franchises have already been nailed down by leading companies like Swift, General Foods, Westinghouse, Miles Laboratories, Philco, Jergens, Kellogg, Procter and Gamble, Sterling Drug, General Mills and many more. If you are thinking of radio in terms of good time periods, low cost per thousand listeners and a franchise that will be mighty valu- able for years to come, investigate available time periods on ABC. 'Meaning a elation actually located in the market 7 REASONS why more leading advertisers sit up and listen to ABC 1. ECONOMICAL RATES-Coverage of the im- portant markets at rates that effect a low cost per thousand listeners. 2. REACHES 22,000,000 FAMILIES, located in practically every major market in the U. S. 3. EXPERT PROGRAM SERVICE available if and when you want it. 4. EFFECTIVE AUDIENCE PROMOTION that if making more and more people listen to ABC 5. GOOD WILL—a nation-wide reputation for public service features that present all sides of vital issues. 6. 204 STATIONS-eager to cooperate in making every program a success in every way. 7. PRACTICAL TELEVISION - program-building on an economical basis. American Broadcasting Company A 'NETWORK OF 2 04 RADIO STATIONS SERVING AMERICA