Variety (May 1946)

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f. Wrtnmlmj, .May *9, 1946 SS A television director is-made by the hit shows he'creates. For obvious reasons* sec teJevision directors are credited with being tops in television. Essentially men of vision and imagination, they got into television in its formative years. Born showmen, raised in show business, they bring to bear in sue television productions the full weight of years of individual succ«»»l»l experience in (he theatre, films, the sports world, and !«»»(#©. That previous experience —adapted through actual dally application to the stricter requirements of the television ~ medium—is reflected in the consistent excellence of all mc television productions. What makes WNBT the best media buy in Television today? At WNBT the experience, imagination and stagecraft of show-wise nb<: television directors {mid writers, earner* urevvs, technicians and engineers) are backed by the ftneei television facilities In the business. Whatever your television requirements—whether you produce your own shows with NBC experts . . . whether your ideas are developed and produced by nbc ... or whether you sponsor programs built and telecast by nbc —WNBT oilers short cuts and economies made possible by expert planning and the longest, continuous practical experience in television. WNBT NEW YORK NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY a "service of radio corporation op amimica