Variety (May 1946)

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44 Wednesday, May 29, 1946 We asked ourselves that question when we proposed that Super* man join the fight against bigotry and intolerance. Of course, we were pleased by the whole-hearted support and co- operation of our sponsor, the Kellogg Company, and their agency. Kenyon and Eckhardt. Naturally, we expected the endorsement of great national organizations, religious groups, educators, parent associations .' . . and we got it ^ enthusiastically (see below). But what about the public . . . what about our audience of teen- agers and sub-teen-agers? Could we do a public service without sacrificing the thrills and excitement which have made the Ad- ventures of Superman so popular? The answer came swiftly and conclusively . . . "lot H ba bopod that other fodio amdbcari. mmgo- jiit* writer* aad t*»tooei»H 1* #■* t n* W » tt» tit* fwhieh, itKldeiiliih*y, includac* arany adetli a lto| wW 1ftrti(|Mr ^h|r ^fload^ iprcnngta 0^ $eoj0fllloja» m*€&Jt tnwiinfi tkfia im that irtmihtr anwIiiWtfaa Of r ott rff t H i jg »**k ctaiMoaca at Iha taildtag of '"f believe |wr««>> and »doM#onj wtfr oajiVwd'tba potftiv* tarfet b j i t tto cb, {» fta cWatt fc > »Vw i i «w pfov* . It repe^^o******* «*»*** fe-ttftftor*. awn favorite ««rfhM to further td«^,/^iwff' 'a^r«Vtt**t*r*f'«tf^*M #T«r»C»tWe' 1 *** *t jrtovotirlut. y^KNlMt 44*e«t»r«, . 'S«p<mM^<ka$ .toco** > W^5.%--*M*m «t boyt oad girt*. Un do ub t ed l y yaw «MhM in thl* , «♦>*« 'MM '•*«*« rt4> « | > f w*j »ji i>y,'«f at-fctfrMtfe ' wrted f» Ifow .rfc* reaction fetf m£m* im,fH« bl*«*t«l»." <r. ». Motoftrt* Central loonlOf toy Acff#f»i Toe ntefftedltf Church "To have a program en Iha air far cbltdrea againil mlolerance, la tackle Mkooi obfenleefini, |a»emle delinquency and peblk hearth, will b« wolceceed by «H fonfitt, MfcOot awlheriilei and ail pwptt tote*. •«*d Jo tkc welfare of awr childhood Voeri t« «n iMereillng esperiaant, bound lo mated. Good luck ond more power i«/ you." iaOvaro'io Kecftafelrer Aom "I am Wy happy to Imm thai you an planning * at* your chlldran'* radio proart*, Suptrmiit, Bill pwp«a*f l*aehl»g -<blWni» that daaiotrcKy littiwdat iha idea al lolaranc* and aqual opportunity f M all ^■WMM^MA^'^ *•« againil raoN and .^^^•T^I-^^rWiha^lrtd. of thiWf.n. H i« math " " " a youna ailnd Ihan lo dli- antisocial taatbtngt hov« 7(^0Stceataif of Camnwrc* •ha Superman program pro •nltrfolnatnl cavpl«d w!lh >n of Iha aittnlial principle*' ■g and lafiranca omong oil} Crtotar N V radanrhan of Chvf<h*r:; ' III l|§|§lfl mm is - & "Qn bafett «t.lM-tt«Mg4N>ri»J«-«b« Ualltd Stabx, Cd»»irV* Htmmw^J^M^i^mt*^ thU'Ctta--,' lien to the SapanMM radio tbaw for it* worthy and tigiiMccMt «rre«4* 4* ttftbtft »tf o t r » tmi Intotataaet J in &>1fiM4.#!*$*,^ <t#*ikWM fcyrwH*{». taiMaiwMftja aM ^j ^ a {W^ a».^h*««>aii aw-t» ba t o m'wMd fi t ylar ilw»<r<i»f't» !, «ta*g Ma cbaMwlt «ew baiag p wr t aad. W« applaod hoarHly rhli neW* attowpt ip «rA«-«^tfrr)r*ii* al titpt thifdiw and 4a aradhMa fro* rhatrmindi aK rhooohli al racial and i rengrovt inramrnaca wINa tea caivfa "W. lia*a baaa loHcwrfng w>rl| a giast dial of latar- «*» tr# •*» «hwy tbta at tba - taynrm g n it>4)a:pra< ora». Wa with t« hiha tMk pp p a rt »»Uy al taajwa nd - •ng rha aroaVcan <ar balOf la the vanguard !» tba Important Ugh) again*) lnManiftca oad brgafty. Vow artry b* twrtt$a that'^adr «Mn»>atg» Im'** rMHtotkit /♦award ICfiraacfc lay*iar»'« Iraltaaar CapMiAf** M t aw'a^igMad- <*!*«» that Mftam attetj lb* trovalr *«*(ll«a awdtiM of radio tar tbaW-<«l> raral and lirttr.raBgtaei adwatlaa of «aviH> ^ know at 4a b«t»»r 3a<n^r^ In rhV «tnat of lb* youna, Iba pflnclpfM al b re rlwb aod , fair ptay fvwry saad mtA tft XK'ifljrVltt < a>jjrlmaj^jpra«ra» , in ih n*w taik and lit vital fuiKMon." SlaanM S Wit* fraa SjrMgagu* " 'SbpamanV (raw now on. will hava many now and wondnrlul canngMlianf far rba dtlMran and grown- «pi who hoard yoy yartnrday, Yo*^ a* an Individual and at a bwnea b«Tng, wtra 'SWM' and your wtwdi ■ndda « ttwlflc Inrpacl upon Iha audianca Evaryenf hai been quoting yov, which ataam thay will alwayi (annmbar iha mmiaga for oocko which you brought •a Iha* " MlUrad T. '(rati. VoutMuMirr ' Wa *onr (o oiipraii not only our pfuoivm 6ul our • highnii corAmnndalion la yob far ijiit nagnlllcerlt •lop forward in the pratenlation al radio programs II it a dlilinci canlnbution lo a batlnr lamorrow and on «utpiclotf«~dugury far Ih* 4v>v'* af radio •"•'f- ' • Mfntnenr" Hit Bolt Kobfft l/nltad Parenti A««ot«rt/oM "Thit it/rary conintondob'la bntatfta Young An*rlca^ v ^-. ; laket ,i. .adto Mr loU Mrloutly. and if «n<>v^?^g ; %g&ffi •an, radio icripl wrilgr* and ptoducan can b* WfS&x " tallnd upon la prelum iha currant rKabl*m^f||o|)p|^»' * ■n a aiannar thai lh*y wilt not contidar *pr< cannol hulp but have iha dnired aflaclt" Da*!* w m^m.^^k .o r ,C,ub.o|f^^*.