Variety (May 1946)

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k 0 'c SUPERMAN... No i JUVENILE PROGRAM -HOOPERATING! Then the final evidence -.^ . the day-time Hooperatiftg of May l;7 t ©upermon lopped all other, nine netu/orA fuvenltv program*} The radio audi- ence welcomed beyond our wildest hope Superman'* applied social significance. ADVENTURES of SUPERMAN * Produced,by,Robert Maxwell, Associate* for Superman. Inc. Directed hy Allan Ducoi'ny * Written fcy Ben PelerJFreeman Educational Ad visor ~* josette Frank, ClritdStuJy'Assodulon of America Sponsored by Kellogg's Pep through Kenyon 6 EcMiardl.^lnc. Mutual Nelwbrlc 5:15*5:30. Mon.' thru Fri.