Variety (May 1946)

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46 RADIO Wednesday, May 29, 1916 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦♦»♦♦»♦♦♦»♦♦♦»»»»«»»»♦♦»»»»»♦♦♦ \ From the Production Centres ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ IN NEW YORK CITY ... Ed Murrow lining up a "cross-lhc-tracks" show, In winch CBS inter- viewers will go into homes around the country pitting ban!;\-r's views against laborer's, etc., for cross-scelion slant on .economic conditions, etc. .. ..AEC-Bing Crosby slock deal 'reported pretty hoi ;il the moment. That is, 10 minutes ago. . . .Arnold Moss back on the. Reader's Digest show for CBS after a leave of'absence in Hollywood making.his picture debut, for International, in "Bella Donna" with Merle Obcron, George Brent and Charles Korvin. Unusual js the fact that Moss was signed lor a feature part without a screen tost..'. .Sieve Price, CBS director; will be in charge of teaching radio'technique's at the strawhat: Ogunquil-Playhouse. Ogun- quil. Me., this summer. He'll also direct one of the s.-u.-on's plays Virginia and Carry Davis to appear on WNEW's "Invitation To Stardom" program, about Broadway understudies. Sunday XV. Virginia acts in "Call Mc Mister" and understudies Betty Garrett; Garry plays in "Three To Make Ready," also understudying Ray Bolgor Herman Neuman. WNYC's imi.sical director, to conduct Carnegie "Pop" Concert June A. with Tom Scott. Sus;:n Heed. Mary Lou Williams. Huddie Ledbetter, and Golden Gate Quartet it) inlUson-s as part of program. .. .Mutual's Tom Slater to broad- cast dropping ul wreaths into sea. for Navy personnel lost in war. at tomorrow's (Thur.) exercises ;-h;>nrd USS Franklin D. ' Roosevelt. ./. Beatrice Kav Show moving Jroin Thursday into Wednesday night spot on Mutual July 3. as "Fresh Up Show" goes oil... WOR's "Private Showing" goes Mutual net June 9. Margaret Gardner has been named ■ vecpec' in charge of Coast opera- lions and a member of the publicity nvm of Coll. Freednian S: Gardner. She'll make her headquarters-'in Hollywood... .Elmo Ellis Israel, former production manager of WSB-NF.C. A'llanta, has joined Young i Rubicnm as a slall writer and clilor for "V,'e. the People" Peter and Sandra Michael, seriotors oi NBC's serial. "Lone Journey." kudosed over the air yesterday' (28) for "literary m.'iil." Award was msdc by DK J. Wayne Wn.v.htslone.-associate director. :V. Y. Board of Education. C. W.' (Johnny I Johnstone, director of radio public relations for the National As n. of Manufacturer's, leaves this Saturday for a month trans- continental business trip. He will'- visit NAM regional offices and network and local news commentators and radio broadcasting station personnel in Chicago. Srn Francisco. I.os Angelis. Hollywood. Kansas City and SI. Loins Harry Wi.-mcr has been signed for a new 15-minule. local N. Y. sports- cast, weekly on Saturdays, at t>:4"> p.m.. over W.IZ. ABC flagship. Stanza, signed for 52 weeks beginning 'this Saturday il> is. sponsored by haber- dashery. Weber & Heilbroner. Andre Brummer. husband of Ruth Brummer. of WNEW program dept., will conduct the Carnegie Hall Po'i concert June 9. He is associate: con- ductor of the legiler "Song of Norway" Jason Johnson into cast of ABC's "Hop Harrigan." WMCA staff producer Beatrice Melliclcer being: married June 16 to Alvin Phillips Bob Shaw parted for scripting of five of the U. S. Steel GO-ininule summer mystery shows on ABC. First, on June.30, to be adaptation of Helen Madness' book. "Above Suspicion''.... NEC sound -.effects-men no. like new edict effective June 1. requiring them to wear business suits on all shows after 6 p.m.. .. .WNEW grabbed itself a mittful of kudos for its five-day-round-the-clock. "Operation Famine'' which yielded 22.03!) cans of food, $9,485, plus a special AWVS citation for "outstanding contribution to the campaign". .. .Irene Lesser has resigned from publicity dept. of Universal Pictures and has joined Lou Goldberg's office handling radio publicity... . .Tom Breneman and. his "Breakfast in Hollywood" show slated to come east in July Jean Hcrsholt, now in N, Y.. to broadcast his "Dr. Christian" show, from CBS studios here for next six weeks. IIS HOLLYWOOD ... Dick Uhl, of-KulhraulY & Ryan\s N. Y, headquarters, due in Friday (31) to assume production reins of Dick llaymes' CBS show for Auto-Lite. Dave Young, who has been doing chore, will take brief vaeash and then take over production- of "Surprise Party"... .Constance Bennett last week signed with Ken Dolan, program-packager. She will be offered in a dramatic I series Jack Smith off his CBS show for P&G four days last week will) laryngitis Ray. Perkins, recently out of Army, has gone'to KFEL. Den- ver, where he's how doing daily program. . . .Garry Moore will USO-lour overseas the month of July. Not definite yet which command he'll work ...Clare Olmslcad, McCann-Ericksdn's Coast chief, confined* to home last week ! with severe cold..Bob McAndrews, NBC's local ad and pro- motion mannger, going to N. Y. Sal. (1) for homc-offiec confabs... .Bill Randol, Don Lee production manager, flew to Baltimore lust weekend on two-week V'ueash .. iCharles Bulotli, Mutual's local program director, at- tending soft-drink convention in .San Francisco.. . .Barry Sullivan, NBC photo'editor, ill at• home,.. .Bernard Douglas, vecpec in Foote, Com! & Bclding agency's N. Y. office, here for conferences with Burl Oliver, local manager, and with Arnold Maguire. producer of Tony Martin's CBShow for Bourjois. Talks are anent autumn plans. Douglas, incidentally, saw hi.s first Martin broadcast on Sat. (25). He sold the show, on N. Y. end with- out ever having glimmed il.., .Ed Kcmblc and Jack Hcintz out of uniform and into Mutual-Don Lee here: Former is sales service manager, ncwly- crcaled post, and Heinl/ is stiles exec..: .Vcrna Felton has joined Tommy Riggs' Borden program as permanent cast member.. . .Colton Cronin, of Ken. Dolan agency, back from N. Y Dick Complon, prexy of ad;agency bearing his name, due here in mid-June, strictly on a vacation... .Ed ward Everett Horton, currently before cameras in Columbia's "Down to Earth,'' heads for N. Y. on June 9 to join Kraft summer airshow on NBC. Horton will be. fixture on program till autumn..; .Maxbn. Inc. has landed a new account in broadcasting department of Howard Hughes Productions.... Bonnie Baker toplincs new quarter-hour show being auditioned today at NBC. Format is musical and produced and packaged by John Marshall and John More. ...Al Paschall. production manager of Ralph Edwards' '•.Truth Or Consequences'' entered Queen of Angels hosp on Mon. (27) for major leg surgery. Uridge Vice Fitzpatrick AsWJR'sNewGenl.M gr . Detroit, May 28. Owen F. Uridge has been an pointed vice president and general manager of WJR (CBS) in Detroit Uridge succeeds Leo J. Fity.palriok' who resigned a week ago. ' Uridge has been identified- with WJR for the past 18 years and'was assistant general manager and In charge of sales since 1937. 16 Dailies Combine Continued from paR* 21 — _ FC&B Bay City Tops Quit to Form Agency Hollywood. May 28. Gene Harrington, vcepee and man- ager of San Francisco; office of Foolc. Cone iV Belding. last week quit, along with Mark Buckley, radio di- rector of agency's Bay City outpost. Pair shortly will announce forma- tion of own agency there. Foolc. Cone & Belding will not fill vacated posts for several weeks, it is indi- cated here.. CUP THE COUPON {What Coupon?)i'/ TAKt ADVANTAGE OF THIS SENSATIONAL FREE OFFER . {What tree offer? _,Y, 12.30) READ THE HUCKSTERS THIS VERY MINUTE {Okay, tonight will b» all right) WILL client* and ad agencin put Wakemtn on the black list? Will talent agents cot him dead in the streets? Will this new, stream- lined, vitaminized, creamy, crispy, crunchy novel be barred from the networks? Wouldn't you like to know? THE FOLLOWING SPACE HAS BEEN RESERVED FOR COMMENT BY SOME OF RADIO'S LEADING LIGHTS ayuttiiu uiHitttM ntu ihm* uwt^ Khiiiii' l«t*»M«M««« l»'"'i m» i n 11IX » • • > I ' 1 HMI H«t« <t.d «<«<«i»ll I h i ^K im i ininin m aiiiH» " » «i ut i 1liil 'l1U>| itin 111 *" * Vi ii * •• -■■y-'-'-'- y i-rii-i iM FREDERIC WAKEMAN'S long-awaited novel of adfertiting aai radla Jun» Sthction Book of thm.Moitlh Ciyb Leased to M. G. M. for $200,000 for 10 years RINEHART A COMPANY, Inc., N*w Y«rk 1* Old Vic-CBS Continued from page 27 — stars in "Peer Gynl." with Olivier as the button moulder. The radio adaptation . of "Richard" is being made al CBS program writing di- vision by James and Elizabeth Hart under supervision of Robert J. Lan- dry, supervisor of Workshop series. Charles S. Monroe is adapting "Peer Gynf to radio. CBS deal with the Ofd Vic is said to involve payment of $10,000 tor the two broadcasts, with both Olivier and Miss Leigh forfeiting their share to permit the remainder of the cast lo divide the coin. CBS. however, wouldn't confirm the financial setup. Deal was negotiated between David- son Taylor and I. S. Becker for CBS and Laurence Evans, general man- ager, and John Moses, agent for the repertory group. It's a one-price package deal, including the services of all members of the company plus John Burrcll as director and Her- bert Mcnges as musical conductor, the kilter's own original music being utilised in "nichard." (The Edward Grieg .score will, of course, be used for "Peer Gynl' i, Associated witli Burrcll in 'the direction of the two broadcasts will be CBS staff director Richard Sanyille. Jaeger's Fluff Payoff Disks in Philco Tiein; Ayem Shows on Teeoff Tee-off date for C P. ("Pete") Jaeger's new Souvenair Co.. which is to produce and distribute albums of recordings of the best radio fluffs, has'been postponed from June 1 lo June 18. First release will be made on that date of the best gags from the studio audience of Tom Brene- man's "Breakfast : in Hollywood" show. In a distribution tieup with Philco, the pressings will be released under the title of "Souvenair Hall of Fame.'' Albums will be spotted in Philco's merchandising outlets throughout the country. Albums, containing what Jae'.'cr terms "hitherto untapped enlcrluin- avenue." will contain material j mostly from audience participation | shows, in which the guests often ! make/slips, of the tongue that break 1 up ihe shows. Second album, staled for release within a few weeks after | he Breneman pressings, will be based on Don McNeill's "Breakfast Club.' Jaeger, former vecpec over crea- live'sales or tlie ABC web. announced that present plans call [or the press- ing of 14 shows from each program into six sides. had been made of the major markets and their rclalimiship lo die three principal types»of advertising: Radio, ncwspaj>er.s and magazines of na- tional circulation. The survey, with figures being kept secret, was'made by Marion Harper Association. Harold B. Sherwood, advertising director of the New York Daily News, is president of ANAN; Daniel E. Moran is director of publisher re-, lotions: and Edward D. Madden is executive vecpec and general man- ager. Moran. recently out of the Army, had been president of News- paper Groups. Inc. and vecpec of the corporation which . published This Week. Madden lias been vice prexy of McCann-Erickson, where he headed the central new business dept. The newspapers in the group, and their radio station -affiliations.'arc: Washington Star, WMAL; Baltimore Sun; Philadelphia Inquirer, WF1L; New York Daily News: Boshm Globe Jtlicd. in with the Cou les group and WCOP); Cleveland Plain'Dealer- WHK and W1IKC (Columbusi; At^ lanta Journal. WSB: Columbus Dis- patch tWHKC); Louisville Courier- Journal WUAS, and Louisville Times: Des Moines Register & Trib- unes. Cowles radio interests; Chicago Tribune, WON; Milwaukee Journal, WTMJ: SI. Louis Po.-t-Dispalcli, KS'p; Omaha World Hi-rald. KOWH; Minneapolis Star-Journal-Tribune, WTCN: and Indianapolis News, WIBC. Ugl. LOU CLAYTON / IMTKIl BKXAI.I, l>ltl<: <<>. *>i<i»y—t:ii>^-i« i>.m. i»sr PROGRAMMING PROBLEM Additional sales pressure needed in 15 markets ... no network time avoilaW* WHAT • TO- DO : Then reach for your phone and get complete facts from your nearest NBC Radio-Recording reprejenlalive about our CuslonvBuilt Program Service which provides network-caliber programs... built to your specification! . . . and distributed for local broadcast to # * stations which umbrella the 15 markets you wish to cover. * If your programming problem niitnbUi Ihit. . call g. _ the nearest office of the NBC Radio-Recording blvhUn. NBC RADIO-RECORDING DIVISION Radio Cly, New York • Oucooo . Worfiingfoh • Hollywood • SonFroneeco ■A-SHOW, D » O f R ° - wtHUl •^•'"'...It / *"^" .^ft^^h^^^BS1sS^^lBs4^S^B^H^9aBVKSH9BB^S7WraSB^