Variety (May 1946)

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48 ORCHKSTRAS-MUSIC Wednesday, May 29. lOitf Shapiro To Chase 'Rainbows No More; Drops All Claims to Three-Way Tune Shapiro-Bernstein, which has fig- ured in a three-way scrap wilh Fred Fisher. Inc.. and Robbins Music over ownership of the- son« "I'm .Always Chasing Rainbows." will not buck the situation any longer. Co. lias agreed to drop all claims to iho tunc, acquired from Harry Carroll, co-aulhor wilh Jim Mc- Carthy, in deference to a prior re- newal agreement Carroll had made wilh Fisher personally; This was done iii 11)35. and alter his < Fishers 1 death his widow turned the agree- ment over to the-firm bearing his name. ! Shapiro has agreed to drop its claim lo 50'. of the copyright only: it Fisher and Carroll forward com- | plele releases from any obligation. This course obviates the necessity of ] a suit Fisher was preparing against i Shapiro and Robbins seeking 50'. j title to the kmc per its renewal through Carroll. ; Carroll and McCarthy wrote "Rainbow" years ago ar.d it was published ti-.en by McCarthy & \ Fisher. Inc. After-McCarthy's death, i his widow disposed of her renewal' rights lo Robbins. . Fisher, having ; gotten the 50'; which Shapiro took ; title lo as ot March -2 last, is now , said lo be negotiating with Robbins for that firm's halt of the song. Dave Rose to Play UCLA Hollywood. May 28. David Rose will play a dancc- conccrl dale, his fii'st in four years, at "Tropicana Ball" on UCLA cam- pus Sai. ill. Bntonccr agreed to supply (he music lor hoofing only if he could use a 45-piece band, which was agreed. Kilty KaUen. Vocalist on Rose's airshow. will thrush. Although a William Morris client. Rose was set for dale by Music Corp. of America. Tito Guizar Buys Into Mercury Records Firm Hollywood, May 21. Tiio Guizar. Mexican vaudc and screen tenor who currently is facing cameras in Columbia's "Thrill of Brazil." last week bought a piece of Mercury Records, pop-plallcry head- quartered- in Chicago which shortly will unveil Coast oll'icc. Singer himself is also under chirp- ing contract lo the diskery. 10 Best Sheet Sellers iWeel: Ending, May 25) Gypsy • Leeds Laughing on tha Outside. .BMl Prisoner of Love Maylair Sioux City Sue Morris All Through Day... .Williamson I Don't Know Enough C-P They Say it's Wonderful. Berlin Full Moon. Empty Arms. Barton I'm Big Girl Now..World Oh What It Seemed. .Santly-Joy Olympic to Press For ARA Hollywood. May 28. ARA. pop-plattery. closed deal over weekend whereby Olympic Record Corp. will press 500.000 disks monthly for six months. ARA owns a plant here, bul has been unable lo perk up enough production of lale. * In essence. Musicraft will be pressing a rival's platters, since former owns majority of stock in Olympic. Desmond Guestar With Old (Glenn Miller) Love Johnny Desmond, vocal soloist ■ who got his start as a single be- cause of the commotion he created I wilh the late Major Glenn Miller's I AAF band overseas, will work with I thai outfit for the first lime since : both returned to civvies. Saturday | tl). He'll do a "Matinee at Mead- i owbrok" broadcast wilh the Miller | combo from Fank bailey's Meadbw- I brook on CBS. 5 to 0 p.m. Desmond will do three tunes with the band, all of which he did wilh it overseas— "Laura," "Symphony" and "■Together." Aquarium Ritzy ; Slaps On Covers Aquarium Restaurant, N. Y., which recently instituted a policy of high- priced bands, last week revised its relatively low prices for customers. Ben Ilarriiiuin, owner/who had been mulling a cover charge idea, experi- mented lirst wilh the establishment of a $2 minimum. When there Was no customer beef about it, he revised that lo call for a $1 cover from all those who occupy I tables in the room. People al .the [bar. \vho liave-an-unobstructed view- lot the band, can still gel by wilh a short beer.- Aquarium startled band buyers several months ago by the manner in w'hich it went after a name band policy. It has yet lo pay a band lower than $4,000 a week and is pay- ing most $5,000. Thai's a lot of scratch lo gel up from a gross thai was never guaranteed by a cover or minimum. Spol continues- lo buy Hie top names, however. Alter Ihc current Gene Krupa conies Charlie Barnel, then Les Brown, then Count Basic. That's as far as the spot is booked, though there's a deal on to bring in Ina Ray Mutton's male band in con- j junction wilh Buddy Rich's new . ! combination. now working its' 1 way back from the Coast. NBS, CBS, ABC Mutual Plugs (Peatman System) Follou'iiifl are (lie Most Plowed senps o/ t/ie week, JWn|y 17-23. bnscd oil (fie copt/rinhleri surrey b\i Dr. John Pealman's Office of Kescnicii. „_„■„ flic Accurate i?c|>orliiif; Rndio Log at bash of iii/oniifllion in w. y. All Through the Day—fCoiileniiial Summer".' ; .Williamson As If I Didn't Have Enough On My Mind...... ..Melrose Atlanta. Ga • iSlevens Coax Me a Little Bit. ...Bourne Come' Ruin Come Shine—'"St. Louis Worflan" . ....Crawford Day By Day Barton Do You Love Me'.'—v"Do You Love Me'.'"....,....: BVC Full Moon and Empty Arms. Barlon Gypsy, The Leeds I Don't Know Enough About You 4C-I' I Don't Know Why. Fcisl I'm a Big Girl Now World I've Got Sun In Morning—""Annie Get Your Gun"........ .Berlin In Love In Vain—fCentennial Summer" T. B. Harms In the Moon Mist .Shapiro Laughing On the Outside . SB Ml More Than You Know............. ....... .Miller Oh, What It Seemed lo Be One More Tomorrow Onc-zy, Two-zy Personality-i-'"Road To Utopia" Prisoner of I.ove Seems Like Old Times Shoo Fly Pie Should I Tell You I Love You? Sioux City Sue ...... . They Say It's Wonderful—' Annie Get Your 'Gun" We il Gather Lilacs .'. : Without a Penny In Your Pocket',...; You Won't Be Salistied , v Filniiisienl. * Leoit Musicirl.- i BMl Licensed. .San1!y-Joy .Remick .Marl in .B-V II . May iiiii- . Feist . C'apilot . I larm.s .Morris .Berlin .ChapoMl Global .Mutual IT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN By SYMES, NEIBURG, LIVINGSTON Twin Thornhill-Lawrence j Styles To Intrigue N.Y. Band and music business in N. Y. is looking forward to the prospec- tive debuts in this area of the Claude ThornhiU and Elliot Lawrence or- chestras. The two bands achieve their "sound" differently but actu- ally the two. to the layman car, will be almost impossible to distinguish. Both men are pianist-leaders wilh almost identical keyboard styles. .ThornhiU originated his ideas be- fore the war. Then he broke his band up to go into' the Navy. Law - rence is a newcomer, having matric- ulated from WCAU, Philadelphia, where his dad, Stan Lee Bru/.a. is musical director. He led a studio band on the station for more than a year, gelling choice CBS air lime to build a rep. He opens July 1 al the Pennsylvania hotel. N. Y. Thorn- hill debuts tonight (Wednesday) at Post Lodge, Larchmont, N. Y. Syndicate Buys 4-Star Lock, Stock & Diskery Hollywood. May 28. Syndicate headed by Clitf McDon- ald and Don Pierce last week bought 4-Slsr Records outright from Dick Nelson, who founded firm. Purchase also includes a seldom-used label. Gilt Edge, and processing plant as well-as office building housing com- pany. McDonald long had handled re- cordings for Nelson, and Pierce had charge of administration. Many dilVercnccs had cropped up ot laic between Nelson and McDonald, who wa.v under long-term contract at S250 a week to direct diskings. Fric- tion led to McDonald and Pierce rounding up some unidentified back- ers and meeting Nelson's pi ice. Werner Janssen Disks Tie In With 'Masters' Shorts Hollywood. May 21. Werner Jansscn's symphony or- chestra will cut saleable diskings of the scores of James A. Fil/.palrick's forthcoming- series of "Famous Mu- sic. Masters" shorts, as well as the scores themselves. Platterbooks will be put on sale simultaneously with showings of fealurellcs. lo be sold in special ticups with music dealers. Four sides of llirec-ininutc platters will bt: in albums in addition to a brief .summary and dramatization of the life of Ihe composer whose music is played. Total of 2(1 albums and shorts are planned. Musicraft Toppers To Set Up Coast Branch Hollywood. May 28. Irving Fell, prez of Jeliersoii- Tr;;vis Corp., parent firm, of Mn.-i- craTl- and Guild Records, planed in from N. Y. late last week wilh Peter Hilton., recently appointed prez ot Musicraft. Pair will perch here for one more week, selling up local office. Bob Weiss, assistant to Hilton, breezed in four days ahead of bosses. Weiss probably will chief Const office. THE TALK OF THE TOWN GEORGE TOWNE Currently ANSLEY HOTEL ATLANTA, GA. ■roadcoitlng Four Tlmti Wcikly WOR-Murual. Comt-toCoait * OPENING MAY 21 PELHAM HEATH INN NEW YORK Mgr.: MUSIC CORP. OP AMERICA Muiit by FRED I. AtilEftt j^^^m&^'iU^i IOMBARDO and JOHN JACOB LOEft x-. ,. ■'