Variety (May 1946)

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WtfdtifiMluy, May 29, 194$ RECOMMENDED RECORDS (For Jocks and Jukes) By BARRY GRAY WOR-Mutuais AU-Night M.C.) Belly Rhodes I vocal wilh Russ Case OrclH "I'd Be Losl Without You"-"What Has She Got Thai I Haven't Col" iVictor 1B86 «1 So- billed "First Lady of Television" Muss the newest Sunny Skylar tune titled 'Td Be Lost Without You.' Miss Rhodes shows possibilities and Ftuss Case plays the dots on the score well, but the structure for hit- dnm just isn't in the S0H6- It's aver- age, musically and lyrically. Only recommended to introduce Hie lemme. Certainly can't judlte her real potentialities from this. "What Has She Col" is best side. Miss Rhodes, in a warm, flexible voice uaroles the slower beat easier, and sounds 'like the great., late Miss Helen Morgan in the upper scales. This side willscll. Good torch lyric. Neatly played accomp. Recom- mended. Kay Kyscr (vocal by Lucyann ■ poll; and Campus Kids. Michael . Douglas i "Love on a Greyhound I Bus'-'All the Time" (Columbia :i(iH7!)>. "Greyhound" is best .tempo j t.i come off a Kyser disk in a Ions j time. Lucyann Polk skats the lyric . expertly, and backed by the Campus Kids, a strolls: vocal group.' wraps it up ha a lot of potential nickels. Band plays well. "Recommended with a double ca^lo! "All Hie Time" is ballad-wax. Michael Dou.ulas. who shifts like a strong Dennis Day. sounds line. Much belter than aver- aye band vocalist heard around these days. Tune, from the pic "No Leave. No Love" will do well. But ••Grey- hound" will hit top for its (Tie plus lime, and well catch juke and air- timers fancy. Biil> Crosby (vocal by Crosby and Gordon Polk) '■Cement Mixcr"- Where Did You Learn to Love" KARA 137L This Bob Crosby cul- ! .lin'g of "Mixer" is one of the poor- est ot recent indie releases techni- cally speakinsi. Band is badly bal- anced, and sound quality is nil. Vo- calist is badly recorded. Words barelv distinct: Poorly arranged. Not recommended. "Where Did You Learn" - has Crosby's voice. He sounds fine, but the band is behind the catcher's mask ail the lime. What could be an expert clarinet solo is lost in poor waxing. Not recom- mended. Ginnv Simms (vocal with Lou Bring 6rch> "They Say It's Wonder- rul"-"What Could Be Sweeter" (ARA 139). Another ARA disk, and Miss Simms ordinarily a singer with per- fect diction, comes out "mush-mouth- ed.'Listening behind quality it sounds good. Lou Bring orchestra performs classily. and builds a llnd curtain of liddles". Won't sell because of qual- itv. . Not recommended. "Whal Could be Sweeter" is much worse. Doesn't give Miss Simms or Bring a chance! Al Goodman (featuring Maxine and Jimmv Carroll. Audrey -Marsh) "They Say Us Wonderful"-"! Got Lost in His Arms"-"You- Can't Gel a Man With a Gdn "-"Doin - What Comes Natiir'lly iVictor 46-0001-12- inch i. This is the Al Goodman tri- bute to "Annie Gel Your Gun." Bill- ed as a Victor "double feature" disk, it incorporates four of the fifteen nines from'-the score, on two sides. Sung by Jimmy Carroll and Maxine. "They Say" and "Losl" are the clos- es! wax rendition to 'the actual Klhcl .Merman-Ray -Middlel'un "in person" ; performincc onstage. Handled legit, they're played, beautifully by , the maestro, who reflects his .long ■ pit career. "They Say" is the statid- ' out on the "A"' side, and calls for an extra olive twig to Carroll who carols with finesse. But the whole wreath is handed to Miss Audrey Marsh on the reverse. She really gels her teeth into "You'Can't Gel A Man." and drives il home! Accom- panied by a mixed chorus, iis great! Goodman's men play superbly! There is proof of Miss Marsh's vocal adept- ness when a sweet segue is made lo the opening lines of "Doin" Whal Comes Natiir'lly." Feninie sings like, a balladeer for a few bars, and then switches to a hick hick for- returns! This is the top side, of a lop per- formance on all sides. Highly recommended. Since it's a 12-incb disk, air and hearth sales are the only .outlet". Alvino Rev (vocal by Jo Anne -Rvan. chorus) "Sepnlveda'-Bumble Boogie" (Capitol '282V. "Sepulveda ! is a boulevard in Hollywood. It i seems a silly basis for a tune, since : the word is difficult to understand as put to music' This-disk is-nicely 'done, however. Vocal by Jo Anne ' Rvan. is fair. Chorus, by bandsmen, i is adequate. Band ' plays well. Recommended.. "Bumble Boogie." an instrumental, showcases the Rev rhythm, and the group has a lot of I thill. Accomplished work by the maestro Will sell the. platter, Adapl- •! ed from "Flight of the Bumble Bee" jit consists of a lot'of hand picking ' by guitarist Rey. Likeable and ' recommended. 10 Best Sellers on Coin-Machines , . v 'j Ink Spots .. ... 1. Gypsy (5> lLecds> - ^.-Dlnah Shora... 2. Laughing On the Outside (5) (BMI),.... Dinah'.Shot's-... 3. All Through the Day (7) (Williamson). ^rank S?na"ra!i J Perry Como, ,, '• " | Ink Spots •I. Prisoner of Love (8) (Mayfair). 3. They Say It's Wonderful (1) (Berlin)... {Andy Russell""I" 6. Sioux City Sue W iMorris) ...........'{^.g^" 7. I'm a Big Girl Now (.5) (World) 8; Shoo-Fly Pie (10} iC'riterioiO .. Sammy Kaye .. J Slan Kenton ... ' \ Dinah. Shore ., , 9. Don't Be a Baby; Baby (2! (Triangle). : . { ; ^ 10. Oh What It Seemed to Be (18) (Santly-J) { Frankie S Carle ' Dacca •Columbia ■Columbia • •..Victor •Columbia Victor ....Decca -...Victor ...Capitol Decca ... .Cosmo .....Victor ...Capitol • Columbia ..... Decca .....Victor .Columbia . .Columbia Coming Up I Don't Know Enough About You (CP;. Cement Mixer (Mills) Bumble Boogie (Martini. Ashby De La Zooch (Manhattan") Hey Ba-Ba-Re-Bop (Leeds) , In Love In Vain (T. B. Harms) j Jo Stafford (vocal, with Nai King Cole. Ray Linn. Herbic Haynicr. and 1 Orch conducted by Paul Weslon.i "Cindy"-'I've Never : Forgotten.'' "Cindy'' is side with fasl beat. A folk song) it could be classic modern stuff if sung by Johnny Mercer. Too fast for Miss Stafford. Iiislruiuent- ally line. ' Not reconimended. "I've Never Forgotten" is much easier for the Capitol star. From the film "Earl Carroll's Sketch Book" its very average in construction, musically ! and lyrically. Poor choice on both sides for the vocalist. Won't . heln anyone. Chu Chu ,M:ii linei (Lou Bring OrchV '.-Without You'-'Two Silhou- ettes'' (ARA f>00(>). Another ARA ' mislii. Chu Chu Marline/ is losl Seems Like Old Times (Feist). Atlanta, Ga. (Stevens) i Peggy Lee....;..., } Mills Bros , Slim Gaillard , Freddy Martin Merry Macs , Lionel Kamplon.. . Margaret Whiting ( Guy Lombardo.... ' ) Vaughn Monroe... ( Sammy Kaye ... ' ( Andrews Sisters.. • - Capitol • • - Decca .. .Cadet .. .Victor .. .Decca ... Decca . .Capitol ■ Decca .. Victor ... Victor — Decca behind poor waxing. Lou Brum's | are actually four sets'-of - two. wilh band suffers too. What you hear of | each set being a replica or a broad. " " ' cast or show -given- before Coast Alanine/, is fine. Syrupy and Span . ish. he scores! Poor waxing edges j il in black, however. "Two Silhou- j elles." like the "A" side, has a j chorus in Espanol. Bring plucks | liddles behind it. But thai record- ing engineer was trying to make a Mexico City Siesta sound like a Kansas Cily traffic-pain, and he didn't leave out Hie night noises in the silo. l*e£B>' Lee (vocal with Dave Bar r hour Orch i "Baby You Can Count i Guard. Navy, Marine and Army fans. Only drawback to airing possibilities, is the Hope incorporation of an oc- casional toothpaste plug, which may b« objectionable lo non-NBC sta- tions. But. on the other hand, it's a great way for-net -stations, and in- dies, not'carrying Hie Tuesday night laugh-getter lo astonish audiences by proclaiming. "And now we present, Bob Hope!" And then, -solto voce, recorded." Should do line business on Me"-"Linger in My Arms a Little Longer. Baby"' (Capitol 263 i. "Baby" is good stuff by -Miss Lee. . Smart lyric, and warbled smartly by the pop chanlooscy. Group do some adept accompanying. Will sell. Recommended. "Linger" is the stuff Dial ballads are made of: both or- cheslrally and vocally muled, its soft and caresses the lobes. Fine for *lale lime airsliots. or the hearth. Recommended. Four King Sisters l wilh Buddv Cole Orch i "Chiquila Banana"-"Piu Marin" ( Victor 18841.- This is the "Banana" song's debut on commer- cial wax. That is. wax that isn't for. station break usage. Originally sung as an E.T. by Elsa Miranda for a fruit company's commercial radio break. Four Kings swing il well, and if the national waxbuyers aren't tired of hearing this ditty fol- low .the stentorian tones of the local announcer's station identification, they'll'buy. If played for air audi- ences perhaps the.'local radio hawk- er should announce "the following is not a commercial transcription." Otherwise a few dialers may flip the switch, thinking it is. "Pin Marin" noted in this spread last week on George Olson's disk as a Mexican moppet fave. hasn't changed much. Although Ihe feninie group do il belter than Olson (they sing to- gether). It's commercial draw i> doubtful. ' Banana" recommended. Bob Hope's "I Never Left Home Album." Eight Sides. (C'apilol Al- i bum CD-26. 10047-10050 >. Capitol's ambitious effort to snag buyers for novelty disks, but wilh purpose. Eight sides waxed wilh Pepsodenl's I favorite man. represent briefly the j thousands of gags flung to military men over half the world's surface by Hope during the war years. On each side there are rapid-lire funny lines by the ski-nosed comic. Applause by the O.D.. Bluejackcled. and Leathernecked audiences, plus musi- cal bridges dubbed by Paul Weslon's Orch. In playing.. Ihe eight sides wilh home Viclrola owners. Saxle Dowrll's new band will- make its vaude preem al Ihe RKO theatre. Boston. June 27. m Ut OF YISTIROATf 0*1** POPULAR $T*IU>ARD TOO.At SL.- Feotured in M-G-M' j copies and 4SER, Mflnaw ' Ckcle 6-2939 ARNOLD S. GOODMAN MUSIC ARRANGER CLASSICAL—VOCAL—POPULAR 330 W. 101»t St.. New York, N. Y. MOnument 2-6892 YOU'LL HEAR ENOUGH ABOUT- I DON'T KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT YOU PEGGY LEE Capitol 236 Written by Ptggy Lm and Dava larbetir Recorded by MILLS BROS. Decca 18834 JOHNNY DESMOND Victor 20-1861 CAMPBELL-PORGIE, INC.; 1619 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 19, N. Y.