Variety (May 1946)

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WrrineMlay, May 29, 1946 LEGITIMATE 61 Inside Stuff—Legit Billy Rose lias a press agent for his New York'Diamond Horseshoe night- club, bill he writes his own nd copy. A series of colorful yarns;, in N. Y. <1ntlieri. few of which pertain to the Horseshoe. have attracted the attention of a news syndicate, which offered him a contract Air general publication, lie said it was too much worlci yet he seems lo not n banc out of seeing.the. material in type.' / Showmen were; especially amused at his. paid contribu- tion on Friday i24), which read: "About 15 years ago I made my bow on Broadway with a musical turkey called 'Sweet and Low.'. A discernjng'crilic. dismissed it with'the line—The Hose lhat does mil smell so. sweet.' It floun- dered wildly, and then drowned in a sea of red ink. The day after . it closed a prcss-agciit luim'od Ned AIvord bounced into my. office.. ■He was sporting it .seersuckercufa way, ah iron derby; and a David Belasco collar. In a train-whistle voice he announced I could get Vinyilough back it, I had the guts to. juice-tip my show; take it to : the hihterlands. and sell it like Barnumused to sell hh> circti6. He -gave 6IT sparks and T'caughl fire. I got some- addit-ionaj -scratch by . hocking, my ASCAP, and,told; Ned to let 'er rip.. I'll :' never forgot iipw. he advertised, this pale; little revue—'A Sallir- • niilia of Wanton Rhythm"—'Volupluous Houris— 'Dashing Dem- oiselles'—and every sentence ended "since the. Dawn of Time!" When I protested that we Were carrying only a few crummy cur- tains and 18 bandy-legged chorus girls, Ned's deathless words: weii', 'Take the money and run for the. train.'.. And .for a scream- ingly successful year that's, what we did! Well. Ned has been thumping the tub for me 'ever sinoe--"Juiiibo.'. Fort Worth, the '-. .-Aquacade, and currently 'Carmen Jones/. I'm a respectable old parly .now.'''squatting on niytail'behind an 18th Century desk at the Ziegfeld—but whenever Ned blows inlo lown 1 get the yen to . chuck it ali and. again go whooping around the countryside. New . . York show business is fine—but every year when the dogwood . ■'.' blooms 1 keep thinking of Jiihmy Duranlc's line —'Hcje's to free- man and the open road!' ■' . Jimmy Duiantchad the "freeman" line in"The Ne« - Yorkers."-a musical show--'produced, in 1927. "Jones" was on tour last season and goes to the road early in the tall; Ned Alvord now hciiig on.the job in advance; Ben llechl and Charles MacArlhur are still revising "Swan Song." which opened two weeks ago on Broadway. Most of the notices were not so good aild an expected blast'from the authors appeared in the N. Y. News Tues- day. <28>. It was in the form of a letter to critic John Chapman andlinaled by referring lo that daily's drama reporter as "Boob! 1 .Sylvester.- whose /list monicker is Robert. 'Mac Arthur'was the penman .this lime; not Hechl. One of their, lines was paraphrased and is used in: a curtain speech : by tiie character supposed to typify critics.. He says that as the audience evidently enjoyed the play. Ihey should loll' their friends and if the'show clicks; jt might fool the; critics—it "might even kill 'em."- To date grosses have been mild. Play, which was tried out as "Crescendo." uses the same selling 'but; as ''Swan Song." it cost ahnoslas much 'more because of new costumes, rurni- ture and repainting. John Clein presents the play hut'the major interest is said lo be controlled by M. 9i Mae A; F.ddic Arraro. the jockey, is reputed lo have been a principal backer of ■"Crescendo."', bill is not supposed lo be in on "Song."' 'Roberta's' SRO $36,000 For Third Frisco Week San Francisco, May 28. ' Jerome Kern's "Roberta" con- cluded its s.r.o. Ihreerweek run at the Cumin Sat. (25), last week's gross totaling $36,000 with .an extra Sunday night performance. "The Vagabond King'.' moved in Mon. i21). to Till next lhree : weeks in the Civic Light Opera series. "Voice of the Turtle," now in 'its 10th stanza , at the, Geary, showed fine $18,000 for the week. B.0.'s Off, but 'Annie SRO 45G, Vic Sock 50G/Born'21G,'State'24^ Chi; 'State' 24G, 13G -. Broadway managers have their lingers cr.ossfed, hoping that the rail- road and coal strikes will not be dis- astrous to the summer season. Mail orders dropped sharply. Attend- ance slowed-" down during the last half of last week but not as milch as had been feared. The impact of transportation, disruption : may . be felt from now on. but the sock shows were: not affected. One such attract ion is "Annie Get, Your Gun." new musical smash ! long lour in fall: around $13,000 Using taken, but chances to dale are not strong: first full week rated around $5,000. "The Glass Menagerie," Playhouse <60th week) iCD-865; $4:20). Some- what affected last "week,, when, tak- ings were claimed to have been over $15,500, . "The Magnificent Yankee." Rovale i.lBi.h week) iCDrl.025: S4.80i...Enr ■ gagomeiu announced to terminate at I end of next week (June 8): slated for Chicago, May 28. which »ot $45,000, all the house will hold. Another is the Old Vic troupe from London which again topped $50,000." Other shows which escaped include "Born Yesterday," "State of the Union'' and "O Mistress Mine. :The Voire of the Turtle," Morosco (112thWeek) (C-939; $3.60). Slill turning'a profit weekly, with takings' last week estimated around $12,000. "This, Too, Shall hass," Belasco <4lh week) (D-1,07.7:'$4.20). Picked Despite poor weather and the rail j Season of 1945-46 technically ends ' up: approached $4,000. trike.which kept suburbanites.;.Saturday ill but "Hamlet" 'returns "Three lo Make Ready," Broad away rrom the b.o.. Chi houses had' for a repeat date al City Center and an average week, with "Up in Cen- i " Second " Best Bed " and 'The Ira I Park" still tops at $45,000. " See-.; Dancei" are due into the Billmo'rc ^>hd Best Bed." the Ruth Chnlterlou-1 next week, produced show, folded Satu.tiav 125... I Estimates for Last Week arter a disappointing $8,000 for the . „ „ _ . . _ ■ „ first week .*•••. ! Kej/s:- C 'Coinedi/i. D 'Drama), "'■Windy City," scheduled bv most ,.CO/iCome^.JDrwnm >, R iRencf). of Chi's critics to fold after a week. '"M.''MwsirnJ). O lOperelhi). .was still around and dointf a fair $17,000. "Anna Lucasla" sl ; (flo $11.'- 000 in the 35th week of its long run at I he Ci vic. - Advances for "Candida!" and' "An- tigone." which opened Monday '27), add up to great $35,000. Estimates for Last Week "Anna I.urasU." MahslVeld. (91st week) 'D-1.041; $3.60). Claimed not to have been dented at boxoffice. Willi profitable business for the. col- ored-cast inn drama; quoted around S13.500. ''.".'. , VAniiie; Git£r»*r. Gun/' -IniMjrtal , „ n ,ximaled $46,000 last week. I <2d week) iM-1.427: $6.601. With ! 1 ,. T k. n r mih •< dmh-'st hurst 112th week). (R-1.160: $4.80), Expected 16 make a run'of it in thea- tre /.one proper; around $22,500, wlii-h is (I'uite okay"in this spot; ■ OLD VIC "Henry IV." Pails I and II. "Uncle ■Vanva," "Oedtpns" and "The Critic,!' Century (3d weeki u;B70: $6). Had ihe final $12Opening and raves over "Oedipus": takings again rated over $49,000: sensational for repertory; REVIVALS "Show Boat." Ziegfeld i20lh week) i M-1.628: $6>. . Some- variance here, but gross claimed to have ap- "Anna Lucasla " Civic i'«lh week) t akll, « s bettered $45,000 first full <onn- Itrn? crin'^ii It • « i niin ' ; week, new musical standout played 1900: $3.00); Still Off at $11,000. standees all oerformances "Merrv Wives of Wli»aaor;".'Erlan'..! l0 .: s .V n< E e! ? ?!. , ..P*i'f?A' n l?. n « ger 11.400: S3.601. Not bad at $13,000 considering its- lirsl week ol (he Theatre Guild. American Theatre So- ciety subscription. "Second Best Bed," Sal'wvn <1.000: S3.00I. Fohled Saturday 1251 after. $8.00(1 first week. "Slate of The U'nioii," BJackstone >5lh Weeki (1.360: $4.20. Up to. line , $24,000. "Are Yoii With lit", Shllberl <29th : week! '1.382: $4.801. Not lip to 1 .-ill png grosses earlier in the-run but aimed . throygh summer: rated around $22,000 and not 'affected last week. "Around the World," Adelphi <M- 1.434: $6). Presented by Orson Welles: part, musical comedy and J part revue, with score by Cole Por- ter. Variously, reported out of The Red Mill." 46th St. '31st week)- iM-1.319: $4.80), Was some- what underestimated previous week: still making goodly coin:. $31,000. "Pygmalion." Barrymore iC-1.064: $4.80). Final and 22d week: opened with inlention of eight-week limit, but fared so well that it was con-' tinned:'$24,000: \vi\\ be . opening «l- traclion at Cape theatre,- Dennis. Mass.. summer stock. Brock Pemberton states there is.! no dea. with Columbia for the picture ' 1^^%!^™:'' ? P *j « D-H-r Baby,^AUii^23d rights to "Harvey." Repofl of a fresh bid rrom Col arose when the play s j -windy City." Great Northern f 0 * <um ™ e J.' business dipped author. Mary Coylc Chase, looked over Ihe "Kiss and fall" film made by I <2d weeki '. 1.425: $4.80). Chi sticking ! i a i e | y w jth 'last week % eas«d to that studio. Understood that the writer conleihpjales writing a play with 1 with it despite the eritics, for S17 kid'characters and requested a screening. - "CO- , Col baekvd •Manic.", also produced by Pembei ton. but the con.tracl ex- pired before .the play's-run ended. Hnd the film rights were bought by Warners. Half a dozen studios Would like lo. film "Harvey." but none' .wishes to make deal for the.future: for it maybe I wo or three years before, the picture could he released, though Ihe hit has'been running on Broad-; way for a year and a half. j 'Bloomer 35^4G, Xyrano' 9^G, flub In Friday's i24 i \'. Y. papers, it was' announi'ed that '"Lute Song" would close the following night, but Michael Myerber^. its producer, changed his •mind: Saturday 125 > ads read that .'it would continue another two weeks. I ' Boston. May -28. Also slated that while Ihe planned finale is Jline 8,'"Sohg" may continue |"- "Cyrano de Bergerac," evidently beyond that date. J last of season's big .openers, teed off Mary Martin, the. show's star, is not slaled to tour with "Song" in the i »t the .Colonial;_last L jw«k b l( t ran fall. If "Song" folds, it may relight on Broadway in August, with Dolly Haiis replacing Miss Martin. Miss Haas. German actress who appeared in the "Maeflchen In Uniform" film and the British picture.- "■Broken. Blos- soms." is- wed to Al Hir.vhfleld. sketch arlist in the N. deparlment/ "SI. Louis Woman" drew strong grosses until-lately, with many theatre parlies a factor, but it's geared so high lhal il s more costly lo operate than "Oklahoma!" and some others. Colored casl musical.comedy has one salary of $1,200 weekly, with oilier herty paychecks, and a goodly share or the gross goes for royalties, which 'amount to I3'j'.'. N.oi only the book and score writers receive royalties but two stagers are also on percentage. Lemuel Ayers. ihe show's designer, first having lhal assignment until Rouben Mainiiuiian was called in. Latler's contract calls for 3'.. "Woman."' Ihe first musical offered by Edward Gross, with the backing of two Coast film executives, is said, to represent an investment of over $20tj,000. snVack. into strike, heat wave, circus ! and the town's amazing baseball • fever. Good though not rave notices ' failed lo help and show finished 'Dancer Weak 2G $24,000. -Born Yesterday/' Lyceum. <17th syeek) 'C-993: S4.80). Mail orders Philadelphia, May 28. for future dates may decline bjjt it\s phjljy s 1945-46 legit season looka a sellout for come; $21,000. a bout wound up. although two book- "Call Me MUterj" National '«th.! mgs ule officially set and one stage week) (R-1.142: $4.80). High on tVie ; snnw i!; continuing this week. list of favorite musicals,: GI re\"ue Last week's leader was "Around figured to clean up: up Ur $29,000 , th Wol ., dj " at the Shubert, but the .^M' 2 Oraon Welles musical didn't hold up iM-1 66. $6). Was pretty well sold , t jt eavIjer promise. Notices may,, out jor balance, of ^-eek when t RR; h t g eile , a l W ord-of- started, and although a bit pffM. moulh - was not unfavorable, much- ^D«r.R„0?» Miller '76th week) ! a( ^'^ d M f iet « i , nna ^ M * «P .C-940: $4.20). Not many cancella- | » „' " ing , asl .. week was Tllcs . lions reported: eased off to around ; - day . s J pi .^ m u f . Tne Dancer" at the Y. Times drama first, week way under nut. I "Bloomer Girl" remained staunch at Shubert. however, strike can- 1 cellal ions, being snapped up by i apid_ | uansit commuters, -while "Turile.'l in 24th week, remained impervious . to all changes ' for regular weekly, take. "G<Vise for the Gander'' sched- • • uled tor Colonial June 3. I Eslimales for Last Week 1 "Bloomer Girl," Shubert ' 1.590: 1 .$4.85). Remained s.r.o. for second- .week notwilhstanding strike situa- tion to gel a great estimated S35.500. top. Here until June l.Mh ; ami should stay at this level throughout . run. "(■vrano de Bereerat/' Colonial Raymond N. Harris is reliiingVas manager or the Playhouse. Wilmington. . i t,50t>: $4,201. Failed lo catch, on which he managed for the Du Ponts over a period' of 16 yearsC Little known I despite plenty of critical boost. • in New York, he was back with roadshows for Kla\v-& F.rlanger. and the ( Strike, baseball. ...circus and heal I Selwvns afU'i" starting as advance man for road attractions originating in ngurcd main reasons and nice boost ■ - expeclc-d this week over estimated $•1.5011. "Voir* of the TurHe," Plymouth Chicago: Current Road Shows Vaiicoiiver .'27-3111: York. Victoria ■ 31-1.»: Mayfair. Portland i3-H>. "Srhool for''' — Locust Si..' Phila. '27-1 i. Candida" — Harris 1 "'Slate of Ihe I'iilon"--Blackslone. Chi. '27-8 I. '-■.''. "The 'l>aiu-rr" — Walnut, Phila. '27-11. "Vp . in Central Tark"—Shuberl, Chi. '27-81. "Voire of the Turtle" — Geary. Frisco '27-8 i. ••Voice of the i'u'r.tle" (2d Co. '-- Plymouth. Bust. '27-81. "Windy City"-- Gl. Norlhern. Chi. 127-1 i. - Sl'M.MKR STOCK (Peiipd Covering Mny 27-Jinie 8) "Anna l.urasla"—Civic. Chi 127-8 >■ "Ai'illgoiie" Chi. 127-81. , "Blackouts of,j»46" : — F.I. Capital!. : Hollywood '27-81. i "Bloomer Girl" — Shuberl. Biist. ' (27-8). "Cyrano-de Bergerac." — Colonial. : Bosl. i27rii; Forresl. I'-htla. '3-81. ' "Goose for the Gander".'■- Royal Alex.; Toronto i"27-l i; Colonial. \ Bnst. 13-81. ' "Ilamler' -Ca.-s. Del. '.27-1 •; ■•■liarve>■:-'- Mel.. Seallle <27-8). . . "LaffiiiK- Room Only" --- Ford's i .Bal.lo. '27-1): .Nat.'I. Wash. i3-8i. "I^ile Geoi'Re Aplcy" -"- Ni.xon. j - Tills. 127-1 I. "Laura" Mal l, Wash. '27-1 >: ; Cass. Del. i.'l-8i. "Meet the Wlfe"-Sliubert-Lafay- j *lle. Det.. i3-8). ■ .. "Merry Wivo.s of Windsor"- Er- langer. Chi. '27-81. I "Oklahoma:" — Billmore, L. A.-j '27-8). I "Ring Twlre Tonight" — Sim lid, , '1.200: $3). In 241 h over previous .-lanza. oslimalcd .-'$14.1100.' week gained for profitable N. Y. CITY OPERA ; NABS $69,000 FOR 18 ' The N. Y. City Opera Co. gro-scd 1 over Will."0(1 -Tor its regiilarly-sched^ ' -uled 18 performances in its sp> ing , season al City Center. N. Y.. ending I Sal. 1261/doing nightly SRO biz to ; represent the largest gross the com- pany ever received for similar num- ber of pi rloriiiitnces. As result, lour I extra operas were scheduled .'.for !o- , ni-iht i2!li through Sat. ' 1 •. "Bitter'Sweet"-Paper Mill Play-i ,".?'»>• Center issued a re.porl on its i . ' -v-i iiu, .. v i ,i>T i-, • Ihii t annual-season., period .coveriiu: house M.llburn \.J..2<..l ... .April 29-. '45. lo April 27. '46. Will. "Blilhe Spirit T - Bucks Coiiuiy - m vi . vU , rilUnn . t .^ 0 ( | t . s j| ; b ; ;li,t. Playhouse. New llope. : I'a. u-8i. -\ „ ])Cf i , ; M i(l symphony. Gcnler allracf- "Sailor, Beware" •-: C'ainl'iidgc Suihmer theatre. Caiubiidge. Mass! •1-H>. . "Soldier's Wife"-Music Hall;-Clin- ton. N\ J. '27-1l. "The Milky Way" —: Playhouse. Cedaihursl. L. I. '2t)-l). ■ "When Laities .Heft"-: Playhouse. Worcester. Mass. '27-1). $9,000 which probablv meant- some profit: '-'Deep Are the Roots," Fulton j 134th weeki iD-968: $3,801. Slipped °to'around $8,500: new-low for this , one. Slaled lo continue after this |.week with a .cast change or two. "Dream Girl," Coronet '-.124th weeki iCD-1.037: $4.80V Has been easing off hut likely .to span summer and exlond into new season: last week's, uross $16:000 estimal'ed. . "Harvey." 48th Sheet '82d week) 'C-925: S4.20). Slaled to have had no .:r.sold tickets thus far and strike conditions have not denied thai record: $19,300. "I Kemeinber Mama." Music Box- '95lh weeki 'CD-979: $4.20'. Ap- proaching end of long slay: company . will lay off prior lo going on lour: rated under $13,500. "Life With -Father." Bijou <338lh week i iC-B'l4:■ S3.60I. Business not much under $8.000'which is sliahtly belter than an even.break for run leader. . > "Lute Song." Plvmoulh M7lh • week i ' D-1.063: $0 i. Slated to close ; next: week but niay slay longer: 1 however . it's expensive lo, operate:. . up. to $16,000. "O Mistress Mine." F.mpir.e : ' 17lh i week I iCD-1.082: $4.801. Oiie of the few exceptions lo general droppini; of i:l osses and estimated over $24,000 ■ again. . !- "Oklahoma:" St. James . 165th •"Week l- 'M-1.509: S4.80i. Strikes have not -a ffeetcd pace of sock long- runner, which has never been much under capacitv In more lhaii three venrs.. $29,500. I - "On Whitman Avenue." Colt '3d ; week.i ' D-1.084: $3.60). Sunday busi- ness fair last week/ rated aioiiiid $ bid may iinprov'e.. -"Song-of Viirwav." Broaclwav '92<l : .weeUi i()-l.!)00: $4,801. .Like iit;':ers- i chances. Ihi oiigh suninier ilenei:;l on ', visitor volume:'" olf lo $24,000 est!- | maied last week. . I "Stale of the tinlon." Ilud-oh »2fllh Walnut. Show received one rave notice, one good one and two; n.s.g. Despite very weak $2,000 for seven performances. Abbott held show over and general feeling, in trade seemed ■lo be that it had a chance if given a thorough going-over. "School for Brides."'after'threat- ening lo settle down for a haphazard kind'of- run, closed Sat. • 25 J at the ■ . Locust after throe weeks. Final session saw farce comedy, panned by all local erix. get $6,000. Forresl. although dark last week and this, re-lighls next Monday '3) with Jose Ferrer's "Cyrano de Ber- . gei ac." Revival is skedded for two weeks, followed on .June 17 by "Fol- low the Girls." which should make ' a four to six weeks' go of it here in, this narlially air-cooled house. 'OKLAHOMA!' 38G; 'KING' OUT WITH 126G,IN L. A. Los Angeles,.May 28. 'Oklahoma!'' went into its third, and., first- non-subscription week at Ihe Bihiiiorc and shoveled in a.tre- mendous • $38,000. largest In history of the house. '"Vagabond King'' tlnale.d tifler three .weeks at the Philharmonic, with $126,000 for the run and S40.000 on the concluding stanza. Bl Capitan is feeling no pain -with hefty $17,000 repeated on the 2051 h flame for Ken Murray's "Blackouts 'of 1046." Main worrying is being done at the Mayan, where "Tobacco 'Road"-.opened and look in $7,500 for. Ilie initial stanza. . Advance is. not loo heavy. tor gross receipt-' Hamlet's' Hefty 14y 2 G. Indjls. Indianapolis. May 28. Miiurice 'Evans in ."Hamlet"' Kink a heMv $14,500 iif roui 1 performances al ihe English ' 1.500) at a $120- $.'l.t>() scale May 23-25. Managenient sold cxlra chairs in orcheslni pit Hants Low In Buffalo- , companv to. be readied for Coast. .: at all perrormance.". Buffalo. Mav 28 I "St. Louis Woman." Beck 'Bill ! Fa cut brought long season, slretch- "Goose lor the Gander." Gloria ' week I iM-1.214: $0). Took a drop ing rrom Sept. 30. lo close at house. Swan-on starrer- at the Erliinger. to S25.0O0 week, which is only . While 23 attractions, outside concert "eiied iiiildish under $4,000 Tor four . laii- fur. high-cost colored musical. ; series., were shown there, peak was 'vhofas in-three diiys, Hist half of last r "Swan Son»." Booth i.2d .'week) reached Nov.-Dec. and fare has been i Wei*. | (CO-712: S4.20L Some extra adver- very thin since mid-January. i-d (iH.liIlO peisoii: of .$!lll.-):50ll. •Goose' weikv '('[)-l.057: $4.80). -Anoiller exceplion: sold bill in advance, -and ■ takings are well nver $24,500: lliird ! companv to. be readied for Coast.