Variety (May 1946)

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Y,V.l..c«1ay. May 29, 1946 P&RIETY MIATTKII 63 Broadway ;A' JnlistiiV. rVirisCe'llntiontni? to New y.Sinidnv. '• . ' ! Walter Crcaza pinned lo Minne- apolis lo be al st ricken father's bed- i ' < K(l Miii'CSrcgor reported Very sick AVes". Side hospital and slated for operation. . ■ AI'-'Gi consume back from Coast w.ber.e he .bought in on racetrack • confessions. i Job.. -Farmer.- of RKO. gimping. •alter hurling leg in ballgame at Bear■.Mountain. ."' Bill Danzisei- has landed with.Uni- versal in Hollywood doing', special idea campaigns., . .. . . ■ . . ., ' Hilda iMrs. Meyer) Davis sold he.- third song. "Ah American Acre,'' tu Fred Waring. ' ■ —Uncle" Hemy Bcrlinshoff,' of the William Morr.s agency,marked 75th birthday Thursday. <23).. Arnold Slolz. PRC's pub-ad chief, returned Monday, -trout two-week ' v;:ration. in LakewOod. (X Don Henderson, 20th-Fox treas- urer, left :for the Coast last Friday i24> on month's vacation; -. Will or George Arliss. fljed in London last. week, showed., estate of $547,620. .bulk - going to his widow. Morris Slollcr. William- Morris 'agency comptroller; in the Boule- vard hospital with virus pneumonia. Theron Bamberger running ads in adjacent New Hope, Pa., weeklies for a summer home, wfithout success. Louis Calheru received Barter '-theatre--award yesterday. iTue.O as ."outstanding American actor of the year." ■ .-'-." : , . • '. The Bob Considines hosting Inez Robli next week on the vet news- gai's return from Berlin assign- ment. '.'■'■■• Sardi's at lunch was- halt capacity Friday (241 indicating"number of suburbanites kept at home by-rail strike- Janet Tyler, who plays the nurse in "Harvey.'' leaving cast this .week, Toni Favor, of the Coast company, replacing. Fortune Gallo's San Carlo Opera • troupe -claimed a record 12-day date at the. Center, with 1C. sellout - per- formances. ^ Gertrude Lawrence and husband Richard S. Aldrich have'purchased . land in Rockland county and will build a home there. Nola Luxford back in N. Y. after nine, months in Europe in USO- ' Camp Shows" legiters "Double Door" and "Junior* Miss.'' Billy Goodlieart. MCA exec who retired to an Ohio farm .some years ■iKo, visiting former office on cur- rent two-week vacation. Moritz -Bombard' joined' staff of Deertrees theatre. Harrison, Me., as conductor of-opera-dept., in charge . of all musical programs. •Lizabeth Scott., in N.\ Y. for a series of radio appearances - and fashion mag layouts, returns to the Coast either June 9 or 16. Lou Clayton in. .a week ahead of Jimmy Durante. Metro planning a big "30lh anniversary in show busi- ness" hoopla for the Schnoz. Mrs. William Morris. Sr. and "Aunt Emma 1 ' Berlinghoff came down from their Saranac Lake re- heat especially for: the Johrr Golden dinner. Sylvia Fine <Mrs. Danny Kaye) writing three songs for "The Mighty Mr. Milly." nee "Secret Life of Wal- ter Miliy." Kaye's iiext for Sam Goldwyn. Beaumont Bruestle, former Tenv pie U. (Philadelphia) drama instruc- tor, niore. recently in "The Tempest." signed for Cragsmoor <N. Y.) straw- , hat season. Larry Nixon: aviation and travel writer, has joined public relations department of Pan American World Airways. He will direct the line's news bureau. Transfllm. Inc.. non-theatrical, film outfit, has added Bill Vogel. stunt and special effects cameraman for- . merly with several majors on the . Coast, lo N. Y. suit. Victor Payne - Jennings to Ber- muda for.a couple of months'..being . partnered there/' in ' an exporting business. English manager resumes Broadway production in the fall; Mary Wickcs. Lewis -/Martin. Ken- dal Clark. Robert Pike. Gage,Clarke, Sayre Crawley and William Roerich signed-, for Berkshire Playhouse. Slockbr.idge.^ Mass.. this summer. Gene Kelly to the Coast for pix commitments after .two-week re- cording Columbia Records on a "Children's Album." He was recently discharged from the Navy. Lawrence Goldwasse'r-, recently discharged from Air Corps, scenic designer at Wcstport Country Playr house when it reopens July .1." Lt. i'j;g.).Dai-id Wells, just out of Navy, appointed house, manager. Mr, : and Mrs. Louis G. Couture, from Montreal, to permanently re- . side in N. Y.' city ; Mrs. Couture . tif.brmer Ida Joy Balabaii), is daugh- . /cr of the A. J. Balabans. ,Lt. Cou- ■: ^Jln e just out of Canadian. Army, v Sundav night, performance of "The Red Mill" scheduled for June 23. in benefit of the Emergency Food 'Collection -for famine/countries. Boxes w ill be $1,000, lower floor $100 per ticket. $25 and $50 upstairs. Dorothy Gish and Louis Calhern, so-starred in "The Magnificent Yan- kee," awarded the Delia Austrian Medal by Drama League of N. Y. • CHlhern mrdallioned for "the most distinguished performance of the year." Entire proceeds of this . yea'r's spring concert and county fair' of the Paramount Choral Society, headed by Agnes Mengel Grew, Par purchasing exec, w ill go to : the Lighthouse,, organization for the blind. — Cartoonist Rube Goldberg's dad,! Chicago .'ind hubby in ... Cobina Wright.- Jr town for a lew days, Bidu Sayao inked Tor Temple Sho- lum concert scries next fail. Mad Man' Muniz. Coast: used car peddler., visiting with his dad. Ted Fiorito back in the midwest after eiiilit years on the Coast. Hollywood Max Goldberg.- former San Francisco . ti - , - , , -, police commissioner,, is 95. He tells /^ V 1 .^ ' fi ' rdls ?' 1 Redded to rep ;>ec ; off visiting Shakespearean troupes i Hilda Simms in Anna Lucasta. - to Frisco whenever Ihev lake liber- 1 E ; *\ ow » >n -Harvey defi- lies with the Bard, as he's a close j '"'fi' '*■'''/ ol -' ,hc ^'"-V" Aug. ; a. student of his works. Elder Gold- ,.~ Jo > e <; Chen!uivsk y< • now in the berg saw Lincoln's, inauguration Central,Park pit at the Shubei't. at 13.; Cleveland men held first annual golf loitrna- mciil. 'LeRoy Johnson, formerly with 20Ui-Fox, . has joined Monogram sales slall'. Ted Boinic-k. .Bonnie Bcrgcr -.cir- cuit general manager, vacationing in California. Hotel Nicollet Minnesota' Terrace has Elizabeth Talbot-Martin- and Walton & ORoui-kc. 1 Harry • Kate, e.-shvhile :'bm4c^iaM. wl ' h v ,,ui - 'operator and Army captain. •: now 11 <-on.Nt;.iice. -'Moore vacationing; -at ..engaged'-in- inaiuifacluring - business. . Pi, ' IT ) s l ; »' i, 'KS- Bill Donald, formerly with Paia- John F. Royal .10 Mexico City on I'mount, has joined Theatre Asscci- -lelevis:on business, i ales, buying and booking combine, as „ Carlos Ramirez' returning from.his . assistant booker. South American tour.. Earl- -Bud" HefTlev mmed <-.le< 1 Bill Sears, former Orpheuiti man- l Klliotl Nugent to Pismp Beach for maS&ct fbr Rndrtil* Se?Sn r5r» ^»K cr ■»"<» 'ater' RKO city manager ' swimnhng and llshing, manage! foi Radiant Sciecn. Coip. in , si0lj cjt h back to become 1 Sidney Landcld packing u Belly Hutlon laid up. with flu: . . Lana-Turner, pinned in from the casi; . Daii M;i.ihwariiii> is laid up -with gout. Grce.i' Carsbn sull'ering. from poi- son oak. Cha. It's "Buddy" Rogers laid up Jose Reuben signed as Chi Opera Co. stage director for next season here . Tenor saxist Lester Young front- ing for a one-nighter at El -Grotto Tuesday. <28). Julc Styne also; in from the.Coast lo visit his niolhcr. .seriously ill .in Ml: Sinai hospital. Gene Tunney entertained at. the Pump Room by .Martin Straus. Ever- . sharp Pen chieftain, j Wilbur Evans out: of "Up in Ccn- i tral Park" Sunday i2l to. head for N. Y, and "Show Boat." Belita'doubles on stage and sci cen -IMonogram's "Suspense") at . the Chicago, starling tune 7. Victor. Borge made his last .one-' By (ileiin C. Pullen Bob Edwards new. barilone with Sammy Watkihs' crew . at Vogue Room. .Tillie Schcnckcr reiianied herself Terry Fine for singing deb'ut at Air pine Village. ■ . - Mrs. Lionel Hampton, /wife of sepia maestro, had some of her lug- gage, stolen from her car during visit. Heidi Krall, . ex-nitery singer, making .operatic bdw Willi . Boris Godowsky al Berkshire Opera -Fes- tival. After closing at Mounds Club;! nighler of the season here at Or- tittle Jackie Heller moved down-I cheslra Hall Tuesday "281. town to Hollendeu's Vogue Room ! Sam Nixon, formerly with Erlan- Monday i27>. ' ' gcr' theatre.. Philly. company ■nian- : Continental Club booked Peter ■ agce of "Second Best Bed.'' •-; Higgins Tor second ■ return- date. Gus ' Conhcc Bbswcll. Jackie Green. Le- ; Van. another vet singer, back at Al-• Roy Bros, and the Albins open air pine Village. / the Oriental Thursday i30). WJW's benelit - show for crippled j Florence George "1 Mrs.; Everett ; kids, topped by Tex Rilter and Dick •■ Crosby >' offered lead ill Opera/Co.'s I .exhibitor on own, .Fraiikie Gelsoii quitting, as singer and front for Hotel-.Nicollet Minne- sota Terrace orch to join. Frankie Carle band as soloist. Phil Spilalny's "Hour of Charm" _. „ orcl); and Glenn Miller baivd spotted . calion on a boat at Balboa. _ . .. up for a vacation on Broadway. : S. Barret McCormicfc in from New York for RKO huddles. Richard Thorpe to. Mackinaw-;. Mich... to scout locations.. William Holden spending his va- into Radio City weeks of July .19 and Aug. 30, respectively. Pix vs. Reds , Continued from pace 3 • analysis of Hollywood pictures thai had been offered in the country and was fully - aware- of. which, served his purpose Ho stave off cb'mniu-- nism. and which didn't. .Pictures that should be chosen, he said, need have -no propaganda in them at all. ih'the insidious sense, but .merely portray the average iSioux 'City • Thomas, pulled nea capacity, crowd of 7.000. ■Leo G. Carroll, whose "Late George Apley" troupe disbanded here las.l vveek. said he will repeat role in slrawhat production in Mary William. Fadimah returned : from business trip to New York. . Joan Fontaine in from New -York and right out again to Canada. . Bob Burns llinplng after violent i-oniact with-a |nulc oh his farm. Oscar A. Morgan in town for .hud- dles on Paramount short subjects: John Archer in from 'the.'cast to' join Intcruational's player rosier. Frank .Lloyd lo Lone Pine-to scout locations for "Thai Girl From Mem- phis." Norman Brokcnshirc, and the mis- sus in town, guesting, with Anita Ellis. .."■'••'■• Harry Goetz in from New York with enough golf clubs for a .four- some. I Dr. Gerhard -Dessaur'. of Rochester guesting With Gary Hendrick s summer theatre at Ogiin- i some guest appearances iiext sea upcoming "Amelia Goes lo'the Ball." \ American way of life and, the demo- Balabah.j: Katz throwing a going-, cratic ideal/There is no desire'- for : University away party for ex-ihugg Archie ! them to be anli-Soviet, he Said, but' Cooper ' HerzotY at the Variety Club_.Iune 14. , merely pro-American. - ; Charics Einfeld returned from Pear. Primus pacted_by Cb,„Civ,c ^ ^^.^ t .^ York huddles about Eiiterprise The type, of illms that must be , Marion Herwood: inked as' chief Opera ballet director Ruth Page for also going abroad on similar, bus- man's holiday. Pittsburgh By (1*1 Cohen Hollywood Show Bar installing 'new $10,000 cooling plant. Johnny Morin has shed his ma- jor's g^old leaves for civilian, clothes. Ernie Neff and Hammond organ into the Blue Ridge Inn for a run. Joe Hillcr into hosp for an opera- lion lo remove growth from -vocal, chords. Bill Brandt filling in as relief-an- nouncer at KDKA during the vaca- tion season. Jim McKechnie in from the coast to take, over publicity for "Maid In the Ozarks.'* Pianist Al Sabin. just out of ar- my, into Club 413, replacing Regina Peterson, accordionist. Harold Lund has • quit that 16m picture outfit in NY lo go with Ward Wheelock ad agency in Philly. Dave Sha.nahan and Murray Levy,, from Nixon b.o., will be pasleboard- ing Pitt Stadium for summer opera. Bill Eythe sails. Saturday 11) on Queen Mary to make ah English picture for 20th .after visiting folks here: Columnist Florence Fisher Parry coast-bound for a visit with her son. Dave . Parry, the Sam ' Goldwyn flack. Milt Augusteiie has rejoined WWSW engineering staff after 18 months in Aleutians with Coast Guard...'.'.' Capacity biz for "Front Page" at Playhouse has resulted into another extension of run. this time through June '8. Las Vegas By nea Ralillffe Gregory Ratoft getting some sun. Sara Hamilton at El Rancho Ve- gas. ' Veronica Lake's mom vacationing herr. .' Virginia Brute back to Holly- '. wood. ■ Rufe Davis heads Nevada-Bill-j more show. Eve Ardcu'hcre.:D!Uo Bill Bacher. | Freeman Gosdcn and Charlie Cor rell due in for a visit with Gos'den... Jr.. who graduates- from Culver Military Academy June 8. Chicago theatre laying out the red carpet tor June 21 booking of Hildegarde. Patsy Kclly ; Jan Mur- ray, and Harry Sosnik's orch. Frances Langford, in- town lasl week/ reported, she's dropped man- agement contract with Ken Dolan and is; now with the. William Morris Agency. • . • Frank Sinatra, stuck in town by the rail strike; rubbing elbows, with George Jessel at .the Jan Murray- George & Gene Bernard Rio Cabana opening. . . • Louis Ruppel winds up his pub- licity stint for Joseph P. Kennedy s Merchandise Mart this week, to open a photo studio here later in June. Mike O'Conncll. cx-Hearstite, re- places. Maureen Cannon, ot ''Central Park." who struck pay dirt follow- ing an appearance on . the Morris B. Sachs ' Amateur Hour" airer here, paid her respects to the old Alma Mater in a guest shot Sunday <26). Julius Rosenwald fund throwing a cocktail parly next week, foi- Hilda Simms and other members of the. cast of "Anna Lucasta" who bow. out to start, rehearsals on Harry dibble's "Romeo and Juliet" this week. Bucks County, Pa. Bv Sol Jacobson Holiday magazine readying color spread on New Hope for Sept. issue. Margaret Dolf, proprietor of Sheridan Sq. Shop. New Hope, back from Florida vacash. Mary Bear, member of Playhouse summer acting troupe, in. from Hollywood for season life seem to leave .so much stronger mpression than the better aspects. Bill Hole swung over to Universal ; as Script supervisor after nine years he said, that a- couple of gahgstei • at Metro, pix quickly ha*e everyone thinking ! Peggy' Field and Louis Haywaid America is composed of nothing but '< announced their intention' to marry racketeers with Tommy guns.. And ^ eek Grapes, of Wrath" in ho time has the populace of a foreign country befieving America is one great dust bowl filled with poverty-stricken inhabitants. . (Pointing up this concept was an interview given a few. days earlier | by Daniel. .X- Brigham, an American newspaperman, who lias just re- turned to the States from six'years in . Switzerland. He. stated that the German-press attache in Berne had given away free tickets throughout Switzerland for such films as "Grapes" and "Tobacco Road." The ducats were accompanied by mim- eoed handouts asserting that these films best depicted from what the Nazis were attempting to* save the world.) Stale Department" officer reiter- ated that getting the right pictures into Europe wasn't merely a matter of maintaining American prestige-^ important in itself in helping to achieve permanent. peace—but it was a matter of good business, in- asmuch as officials of non-eom- munized nations would ^welcome the proper kind of pictures and balk at the ones they considered poor for their purpose. "The effect of American films in molding the ideas of foreign peoples is so great," he asserted, "it seems .Louis B. Mayer to be an honor guest at the annual Cinematograph- dinner. • Albert Lewin's illness halted pro- duction on the Loew-Lewin picture. "Bel Ami." . Arthur Rose. Metro unit manager, broke his wrist in three places in a fall at home. Parkyakarkus 'awarded the Treas- ury Department medal for. War Bond selling. James OToote shifted from Uni- versal flackery to Robert Riskin Productions. . W-. K. Craig returned to his Melro chore after recuperating from an auto accident, Cyd Charisse returned to work at Metro after a. week off with: a sprained ankle. .. Edward L. A1 person in town, for conferences about his pictur< ."Black Beauty." David Hopkins, currently with ' Enterprise, awarded the Bronze Star by- the Navy. . Bobby'Gilbert checked into Metro after six months in the Orient wilh USO-Camp Shows. . Ralph Wilshin. National Screen official, returned from a business trip lo Manhattan. Frank P. Rosenberg awarded the Treasury Departments Silver Medal for War Loah work. ' ■ Frank Borzage to sponsor his-sec- ond Motion Picture Invitational Golf Tournament in July. Paul Small in from New York 1o confer with 20th-Fox about several. Harry Ginsburg. . . _ . rcity." ^'Leaves foi-: Holly wood Sal. il).' lo work on Sigmund Romberg program. Bernie and Moss Hart host lo 40 relatives and friends Sal. '25) on to me highly unfortunate that Hoi- Damon Runyoh yarns, lywood producers have apparently KonsUntin Slmonov hosted at din- failed lo appreciate what a weapon ncr by the Academy of Motion Pic- for world good they hold. It became lllic A, ts and Sciences. "u"- "> ™-i „„.,r,ni n»n*l „,„'.*;! evident to us. during the war years! Catherine Craig back in town member of OPA conl ol panel. mo\- E • • lhil „,_ * miir . ,,,„,; - • i after a week in Mexico wilh her ing from Lumberville lo Carvers- | " *-uiope lha. films, more than any I| Ulsb;ilu , Robert Preston, vine." ',. - | other means of communical.on. w'ere, Wallace Beery's^daiighler. Carol Henry Chapin, Playhouse Corp . the strongest means of rendering a j Ann. will join a Connecticut slraw- prcxy. winner in Congressional i permanent influence on populations, j hat company this, summer, primaries on Democratic ticket... Hollywood, 'if it at all values the ' Jules Fields, home .office publici- Opponent is Republican incumbent;; peace and setul . ilv of lhe wor i t | i ; ty chief Tor 20l.h-Fox, in Hollywood Gei lack. • ' .. .,.'' ' should dn ewrvthinc in' its rimwr i for a week of conferences. Don Walker flew to New Hope ; ™ » ^ a ^nlrl,£Z!L 1 Sidney MeSibov and D. John Phil- home from Chicago a.rier .scoring <o ?im i|s might at making piclui es . Iips . in from - tne home ofrice for new Dick Kollniar musical. "Windy which will maintain thai pcaco and studio con.fabs at Paramount. "Duffy's to di- froin Ed Gardiner in lo do Tavern"', -broadcast. I Martha Scott expected in I voice Carlton AIsop. j John She.llnn ' recovering i.hej've paralysis in one cheek. The Delta Rhythm Boys and Sell- er, Wences into El Rancho Vegas. . Laurilz . Melcliior ; eniou'.e to the Utah mounjains for lion- liiinling. Diana Ba'rrymore at the Nevada-. Billmore to divorce BranvwelKFIel- cher. ... Mary Beth Hughes and Ted North called-off'lhe divorce and returned to Hollywood. Mrs. Hal Peary i "Great Gilder- sleeve" I called off the Nevada .di». vorce and returned to sue in Cali- i tornia. * ) security." ■ ralher's"84th birthday at Aquetong : estate. Charlered bus . brought guests from N. Y. George Kaufman. ] Walter Balchelor and Thcron Bam bcrger among lpeal guesls. Minneapolis ol war plays by reducing the com- bat scenes, which were a major part of the leg iter, -to incidental propor- tions. Psychiatric process of narco- By .I.ex Reea : ' synthesis seen in the play.' will be . Curly's nilery: has Barbaiy Coast j pl cscl v C d. Emphasis, however, will Boys. . be oil flashback scenes to which the I George Marakas. who shifted from ■ Daily Variety to the Samuel Gold- wyn flackery,-switched-to Metro. I Edward Arnold appointed a'inem- • ber. of the Administralivc Commit- • tee of the Los Angeles County Hos- : pital siu vey. ... .. , .... I Patty Early. Joy Mckinnin and- play, in w hich the endeavor will be to Eleanor Malena. members of lhe lake the film put of the classification Ice-Capades .troupe, took out inar- 'Home of Brave' == ('onllnned from page I I jean Himilton into Hotel St. Pa.ul > ■ Gopher Grill.. i Billy Samuels A'.Co. heuds llappy, | Play won wide plaudits, only last treatment leads. i iage licenses. R. H. Poole and L. O. Lukan rep- resenting the Pacific Coast at', the Conference of Independent Exhibi- tors Associations in Chicago. Joan Barton, screen actress, and June Barton, radio singer, divorced their respective husbands; \ James Thomas and LeRoy B. Mftlouf. Sam Marjc tossed a party for cast Roy Rogers. Dale Evans.- Gabby Hour floor shosv _ - Hayes in'town to act as judges for | . Sidney Lax. Columbia office man- the Helldorado-also to appear in agei- vacationing, in New York. . pic of same name Mel Turner, back from . armed Alan Curtis. Jerome C o w a n ' ices, to M-C-as booker, Evelyn Ankers. Jack Holt, Inez! Harriet Joniison Cooper, and Mjcheline Cheirel at | music colilmiiist, the Last Frontier while on location ; here. ' week receiving the Sidney Howard '•«"' crew of . ""My Brother Who Memorial Award. ■ Also got a prize I™ 1 ™ ^^."OTV.^tet^Tfh'r : Horn lhe American- Academy of Arts \ to cclc.brate completmg of. the „„„ | and Letters. Laurents'deal with,ther Ju( ,j, h Anderson Constellations New York'' Piisl" "«»"n«-ArmaiMl Deutoch- produc- \ , 0 • Enj , (aM j(„ie 19. taking her visiting parents 1 l !on outfit gives him participation in : ,„other back to her home in London. for a pic. I Reel Fellow's, Club of film sales- profits, with an advance against the Actress returns lo N'ew York in au- percenlage, lumn tor lei'it. "Come of Age:"