Variety (Jul 1946)

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Wednesday, July 3, 1946 P&RIETY PICTURE GROSSES 15 Tostman'-Mills Bros. Wow 70G, Chi; love'-Vaude 69G, 'Reservations' 30G Chicago, July 2. t Despite hot weather, Chicago and Oriental are running neck and neck this week. Chicago has "Do- You love Me','" with Vivian Blaine on sJa-e for huge . $69,000. Oriental 'coinbo of "Postman Always Rings Twice" with Mills Brothers on stage, looks terrific $70,000; . . Wi a sock $30,000 at the Palace, too for "Without Reservations." '■■Others are standing up okay, par- ticularly "Kid From Brooklyn," $36.r 000 at the Woods on third week;. "Cliiny Brown," $20,000 at the Anbllo. second; "Kitty," $25,000 at the Slate-Lake, fourth, and "Gilda." likewise'-at United Artists, also . fou rili frame. Estimates for This Week Apollo (B&K) (1,200; 65-95)— "Cluny Brown" (20th) (2d wk). plump $20,000. Last week, very fine $24,000. Chicago (B&K) (3,900; 65-95)— 'Do You Love Me?" (20th) with Vivian Blaine heading stage'show. Huge $69,000 or. over. . Last week, 'Hearts Growing Up" (Par) with Hildegarde. Patsy Kelly, Jan Mur- ray on stage, terrific $74,000. Garrirk • (B&K) (900; 65-95)— "Dark Corner" (20th) (2d wk"). Fair $12 500. Last week, good $15,000. Grand (RKO) (1,150; 65-95)—"If I Had My Way'.' (U) and "Shadow of Doiibt" (U) (reissues). Average $10,000. Last week, "Runaround" (U) and-"Adventurous Night" (U), so-so $9,000. Oriental (Essaness) (3,240; 65-95) — Postman Rings' Twice" , (M-G) with Mills Brothers heading stage show. Colossal $70,000. Last week, ' Perilous Holiday" (Col) with Spike Jones orch on stage, standout $53,- 500. Palace (RKO) (2.500: 65-95)— "Without Reservations" (RKO) arid "Inside Job" (U). Mammoth $30,- 000. Last week, "Heartbeat" (RKO) and "Deadline at Dawn" (RKO) (2d wk), okay $23,000.' -■' Roosevelt (B&K) (1.500: 65-95)— "One More Tomorrow" (WB) (2d wk). Staunch $20,000. Last week, fat $23,000. Slate-Lake (B&K) (1,500: 65-95)— "Kitty" (Par) (4th wk). Excellent $25,000. Last week, sterling $27,000. United Artists (B&K) (1.700: 65- 95)—"Gilda" (Col) (4th wk). Mus- cular $25,000. Last week, great $29,- 000. Woods . (Essaness) (1.200: 65-95)— "Kid From Brooklyn" (RKO) (3d wk). Smash $36,000. Last week, record-breaking $39,000. Mpl s. Still Off Albeit 'JanieV OK at $14,000, 'Renegades' Modest 10G Minneapolis, July 2. Current layout of newcomers holds nothing likely to cause any boxoffico upheaval. Biz is under par all over. "Janie Gets Married" looks like leader, but not big. Two ot holdovers, "Two Sisters from Boston" and "Bad Bascomb," in their second weeks, size up com- paratively stronger than the new- comers. Estimates for This Week Aslor (Par) (900; 30-44)—"Strange Conquest" (U) and "Hot Cargo" (Par). Okay $2,200 in 5 days. Last week, "Murder My Business" (PRC) and "Caravan Train" (PRC) split with "Two Fisted Stranger" (Col) and "Lion Man" (Indie), neat $2,400 in 8 days. Century (Par) (1,600; 50-70) — -Two Sisters Boston" (M-G) (m.6.). Still hitting at fast $9,000. Last week, "Well Groomed Bride" (Par) (2d wk). good $0,000. Gopher (Par) (44-50) "In Old Sacramento" (Rep). Mild $3,000. Last week, "Dick Tracy" (RKO), $3*500, „ Lyric (Par) (1,100; 50-70)—"Well- Groomed Bride" (Par) (m.o.). Third downtown stand for this. Okay. . $5,200. Last week, "Bride Wore Boots" (Par) (3d wk). $4,000. Orpheum (RKO) (2.800 : 50-70)— Renegades" (Col). , Mild $10,000. Last week, "Lover Come Back" (U) and fight Alms, light $7,500. ; Radio City (Par) (4.000: 50-70)— Janie Gets Married" (WB). Fairly good $14,000. Last week, "Two Sis- ters Boston" (M-G), huge $23,200 and over estimates, RKO-Pan (RKO) (1;600: 50-70)— .Runaround" (U). Moderate $6,000. $7500*"*' " Man,in Grev " <U>, good n Slate (Par) (2,300; 50-70)—"Bad Pascomb" (M-G) (2d wk). Proving a surprisingly strong contender, f'urdy $10,000 after boff $16,000 fl rst week. w Uptown (Par) (1,100; 50-55) — .o'uc Dahlia" (Par). First nabe showing, Okay $4,000. Last week, jjaratoga Trunk" (WB). strong $5,- «t W A 0rl ? <Par-Steffes) (350; 50-90)— t» n n!I eh ? ms Raid" (20th). Fairish (9niu°Vn Last we <*. "Dark Corner" ^Olh (2d wk), mild $2,000 in 6 days. Grosses Are Net Film gross estimates, as re- ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net, i.e., with- out the 20% tax. Distributors share on net take, when playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net income. The parenthetic . admission prices, however, as indicated, in- clude the ' U.S. amusement tax. 'Night'Husky 30G Tops Dull Philly Philadelphia, July 2. The Robin Hood Dell and the red- hot Phillies are: blamed for the way biz is being hit this week. Both are playing to capacity each night. "Somewhere in the Night" and "Wife of Monte Cristo" are getting a good play however. Combo of Bill Robinson and /'Devil's Mask" also is solid. Yesterday (Mon.) marked the .start of the new in-, creased city lax of 10%. Estimates for This Week Aldlne (WB) (1.303; 42-89)— "Hearts Growing Up" (Par) (2d wk). Fair $10,000. Last week, okay $13,500. . ' Arcadia (Sablosky) (700: 42-89)— "One More Tomorrow" (WB) (2d run). Great $8,500. Last week, '.'Kilty" (Par), good $7,000 second run. Boyd (WB) (2.350; 42-89)—"Janie Gets Married" (WB). So-so $16,500 plus fair $3,500 for one-day stand at Earle, Sunday (30). Last week, "Spiral Staircase" (RKO), hefty $17,000 oh third sesh. Earle (2.760; 53-99) •— "Devil's Mask" (Col; with Bill Robinson heading stage bill. Neat $27,500. Last week, "Postman Rings Twice" (M-G) (3d wk) nice $21,000. Fox (20th)'(2.250: 42-89)—"Some- where in Night" (20th). Husky $30,- 000. Last week, "Cluny Brown" (20th) (2d wk). mild $16,500. Karlton (Goldman) (1,000; 42-89) —"Rebecca" (UA) (reissue) (2d wk). Nice $7,000. Last week, fine $10,500. Keith's (Goldman) (2.200; 42-89)— "Pinocchio" (RKO) (reissue) (2d wk). Fair $6,000 after sweet $9,000 last week. Mastbaum (WB) (4.387; 42-89)— "Blue Dahlia" (Par) (3d wk). Oke $18,000. Second canto was bright $25,500. . . Stanley (WB) (2.950: 42-89)— "Renegades" (Col) (2d wk). Medi- ocre $15,500. Last week, good $23,- 500. Stanton (WB) (1,475: 42-89)— "Wife of Monte Crislo" (PRC). Trim $16,000. Last week. "Breakfast in Hollywood" (UA). fairish $9,500. Pitt Flounders; 'Janie' $13,000, 'Groomed Bride' 16G/Widow'Only 8iG Pittsburgh, July 2. Biz is noundcrins everywhere this week, with nothing doing well. "Young Widow" started out fine on the Jane Russell build-up, but slipped later at the Fulton, while "Cluny Brown" will have to struggle to make the grade at "the Harris. Other two new entries. "Well- Groomed Bride." at the Penn,. and "Janie Gets Married," at Stanley, both are light. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 40-70)— "Young Widow" (UA). Got away like a house afire, principally be- cause of Jane Russell legend, but hit skids later. Won't do. more than $8,500, only fairish. Last week, "In Old Sacramento-" (Rep). $6,000: Harris (Harris) (2,200: 40-70)— "Cluny Brown" (20th). Not up to expectations, but July 4 biz may boost this to $13,500. okay. Last week, "Somewhere in Night" (20th), only $11,500. Penn (Loew's) (UA) (3,300; 40-70) —"Well - Groomed Bride" (Par). Near average at $16,000.': Last week, "Bad Bascomb" (M-G). Nice $20,000. Ritz (WB) (800: 40-70)—"Bad Bas- comb" (M-G) . (m.o.). Dping fairly well at $3,500 or over. Last week, "Her Kind of Man" (WB) (m.o.), $2,200. , Senator (Harris) (1,750: 40-70)— "Somewhere in Night" (20th) (m.o.). Modest $3,000. Last week. "Night in Paradise" (U) (m.o.). $3,400. Stanley (WB) (3,200: 40-70)— "Janie Gets Married" (WB). Won't do more than $13,000. on sluggish side. Last week, "Heartbeat" (RKO), $18,500. Warner (WB) (2.000: 40-70)—''This Day Forward" (RKO) and Louis- Conn flcht short (2d wk). Appar- ently Billy Conn's home town is anxious Iri see how ho lost. Oke $7,000 on top of smash $17,000 opener. Walls'-Vaude Best Bet In Balto, Solid $18,000 Baltimore, July 2. Holdovers are. keeping grosses on the light side here this week. "The Walls Came Tumbling Down" at the combo Hippodrome is being bol-' stered by a strong stage layout for top'biz among new entries. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew's-UA) (3.000: 20- 60)—"Two Sisters Boston" (M-G) (2d wk). Holding well at $16,000 af- ter big $20,800 first round. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,240: 20-70) — "Walls Came Tumbling Down" (Col) plus vaude headed by Billy Gilbert and Gwynne magic show. Flesh helping to bolster this to solid $18,000. Last week, "Perilous Holiday'! (Col) and vaude plus Louis-Conn fight films, $17,400. Mayfalr (Hicks) (980:, 25-55)— "Behind Green Lights" (20th). Am- bling along to possible $3,500. Last week, "Made Me a Killer" (Par) (reissue), $3,300. New (Mechanic) (1.800; 20-60) — "Cluny Brown" (20th) (2d wk).- Holding up $12,000 after good 415,600 on first week.. Stanley (WB) (3,280: 25-74)—"One More Tomorrow" (WB) (2d wk). Trim $12,000 after fancy $16,200 opener. Valencia (Loew's-UA) (1.860; 20- 60)—"Bandit and Lady" .(Par) (re- issue). 'Average $3,500. Last week, "Postman Rings Twice" (M-G) . (2d' wk) (h.o.), good $4,700. Car Strike Bops Frisco But 'Smoky' Torrid 30G, 'Morder'-Ink Spots 46G San Francisco, July 2. Streetcar strike is hurting biz at Market Street film houses this week, exhibitors figuring trade 25-40% off from normal for this time of year. Slump is not as bad as it might have been without numerous visitors in town. Golden date appeared headed for an all-time high with "Truth About Murder" and Ink Spots featuring stage layout. Strike will hold if back to second highest week at this spot. Only others to balk downbeat are "Smoky," which is strong at the Paramount, and "Diary of Chamber- maid," rated nice at the Orpheum. Estimates for This Week Golden Gate (2,844; 60-95)—"Truth About Murder" (RKO) plus vaude headed by Ink Spots. Smash $46,000, second best money for this' house. Last week, "Bamboo Blonde" (RKO) plus Sammy Kaye orch and fight short, strong $37,000. Fox (FWC) (2,651: 55-85)—"Well- Groorried Bride" (Par). Mild $24.- 000. Last week, "Postman Rings Twice" (M-G) (2d wk)."neat $25,000. Warfleld (FWC) (2.656; 55-85)— "Cluny Brown" (20th) (2d wk). Slow $10,000 in 6 days. Last week, lukewarm $27,000. Paramount (FWC) (2:646:- 55-85)— "Smoky" (20th). Strong at $30,000. Last week, "Hoodlum Saint" (M-G), thin $23,000. St. Francis (FWC) (1.400: 55-85)— "Postman Rings Twice" (M-G) (m.o.). Not so hot at $11,000. Last week, "Dark Corner" (20th) and "Her Kind of Man" (WB) (m.o.), $8,000. State (FWC) (2,133f 55-:85>— "Hoodlum.Saint" (M-G) (m.o.). Sad $6,000. Last week, "Bad Bascomb" (M-G) (m.o.). solid $10,000. Orpheum (Blumenfeld (1.207: 55- 85)—"Diary of Chambermaid" (UA). Fancy $22,000. Last week. "Night in Paradise" (U) (2d wk). only $9,000. United Artists (Blumenfeld) (1.- 207; 55-85)—"Outlaw" (UA) (5th wk). Dropped to $15,500. Last week, only Frisco theatre where playing, soared to great $22,300. "WALK' SOLID $11,000, OMAHA;/JANIE' 10G Omaha. July 2. With weekend . weather ranging from torridity to cold rains, the boxofAce here is standing up fairly well. Best bet appears "Walk in the Sun" at the Orpheum where a good week looms. Estimates for This Week Orpheum (Tristates) (3,000: 16- 65)—"Walk In Sun" (20th) and Hot Cargo" (Par). Good $11,000. Last week, "Her Kind of Man" (WB) and "Blondie's Lucky Day" (Col), $9,800. Paramount (Tristates) (3.000: '10- 65)—"Janie Gels Married" (WB), Okay $10,000. Last week, "One More Tomorrow" (WB). nice $11,500. Brandels (RKOi (1,500; 16-65) — '.'Suspense" (Mono) and "Joe Pa- looka, Champ" (Mono). Neat $7,000. Last week, "Heartbeat" (RKO) and "Deadline at Dawn" (RKCi) plus Louis-Conn fight short., stout $8,200. Omaha (Tristates) (2,000; 16-65) —"One More Tomorrow" (WB) (iri.o--)' and "Red Dragon" (Mono) (1st run). Nice $9,500. Last week. "Do You Love Me" <20lh) and "Made Me a Killer" (Par) (m.o.), big $11,500. State (Goldberg) (865; 15-50) — "Saratoga Trunk" (WB). Rousing $4,500. Last week. "Come and Get I It" (FC) and "Beloved Enemy" j (FC). (reissues), $3,000. N. Y. Tone Stronger; 'Smoky-O'Connor Potent 101G, 'Wind-Stage High 87G, Dead' Lively 26G, Anna Huge 141G, 2d Though the figures are variable, with numerous holdovers dotting the scene, the tone of Broadway busi ness is stronger currently than it \vas last week. Heavier vacation trade and the closing of all public schools are believed contributing- to the upturn. Four-day weekend start- ing, with tomorrow's Fourth of July holiday is expected to provide a ma- jor boom at the boxoffice. , Heading arrivals of the past week is Roxy's "Smoky," with Donald O'Connor in person. House had a big weekend, as did most others, and finished initial seven days last night (Tues.) at a very potent $101,000. Another in the big money is the Paramount where' "Searching Wind," Andy Russell, Alan Carney, Pied Pi- pers and Raymond Scott band are pulling heavily.. First week through last night (Tues.) pushed to a very strong $87,000. Another stageshow operation that returns to high gear this week is the State, which has "Green Years" oh second-run with Rochester (Eddie Anderson) in person.- Prospects are for an exceptionally, nice $32,000. Three straight-Aimers have new pictures. "Dead of Night," at the Winter Garden, looks to get $26,000 or thereabouts, good, on its first week. At the Criterion. "Hoodlum Saint" is very, disappointing, having hit only $13,000 on initial seven days ended last night (Tues.). "Deadline For Murder," at the Rialto, will get only about $7,000, mild, and won't hold. Nothing short of sensational, among extended runs is "Anna" which is heading for a stratospheric $141,000 this week (2nd), same as scored on the first. The Capitol show, "Two Sisters From Boston" and Ritz Bros., Gracie Barrie and Buddy Morrow orch, is another holdover that rates as outstanding. Current (4th) stanza will likely be a fancy $87,000, not far from last week's $92,700. "Henry V" remains a sellout at the City Center on a roadshow basis. The second week, with 14 shows as against 13 the first, ended Sunday night'(30) at $34,200. Goes here un- til at least Sept. 2, perhaps longer,, depending on whether picture has to make way for opera season. Estimates for This Week - Astor (City Inv.) -(1.300;-70*1.40) —"Kid From Brooklyn" (RKO) (11th wk). Continues at a good gait, this week appearing $29,000. . The . 10th was 28,000. Capitol (Loew's) (4,820; 60-$1.10) —"Two Sisters Boston" (MG), with' Ritz Bros., Gracie Barrie and Buddy Morrow orch on stage (4th wk). Very steady, currently being on way to fancy $87,000, while third frame totaled $92,700. City Center (1,617; $1.20-$2.40)— "Henry V" (UA) (3d wk). On sec- ond week through Sunday (30), with extra show added for total of 14, gross went to $34,200, capacity. First was $31,000. Criterion (Loew's) (1.700; 60-1.25) —"Hoodlum Saint" (M-G) (2d wk). Very disapointing at only $13,000 on initial seven days ended last night (Tues.). In ahead, "Lover Come Back" (U) was only $10,500. Globe (Brandt) (1,500: 70-$1.20)— "Diary of Chambermaid" (UA) (2d wk). Okay $19,000 and goes one more week. First was $23,000. Gotham (Brandt) (900; 70-$1.20) —"O. S. S." (Par) (6th wk). Re- mains very consistent with . stout $19,000 seen this week, right behind fifth's $19,500. Here indef. Hollywood (WB) (1,499: 70-$1.10) —"Stolen Life" (WB) (10th wk). Holding to a good profit at $23,500 for ninth round ended last night (Tues.). Eighth was $26,000. "Night, and Day" (WB) opens here July 25. Palace (RKO) (1,700;. 60-$1.20) — "Without Reservations" (RKO) <4th wk). Currently will be about $18.- 000, fair enoughj while last week (3d) was $23,000. Paramount (Par) (3,064: 70-$1'.20) —"Searching Wind" (Par) . with Andy Russell, Alan Carney. Pied Pipers and Raymond Scott orch in person (2d wk). This show drawing forcefully, with big $87,000 clocked oil first week through . last': night (Tues.). Concluding (3d) round for "Bride Wore Boots" (Par)'. Glen Gray orch and Louis Jordan's Tym- pany Five dropped to $55,000 but okay profit. Radio Cltv Music Hall (Rockefel- lers) (5,945; 70-$1.25) — "Anna" (,20th) and stageshow (2d wk.) Very mighty at the b.o. and unusual in that this week will be the same as the first, $141,000, terrific take.. Rialto (Mayer J (594; 35-85)— "Deadline For Murder" (20th). Mild $7,000 and won't hold. Last week. "The Spider" (20th), aided by Louis- Conn fight films, pushed to strong $9,300. Rlvoll (UA-Par) (2.092; 60-$1.25i —"Ciuny Brown" (20th) (5th wk). Still way under hopes at indicated $17,000. slow. Last week was $20.- 000. "Two Years Before Mast" (Par) is slated for. sometime between July 15 and Aug; 1. : Roxy (20th) (5.886; 90-$1.20)— "Smoky" (20th) and Donald O'Con- nor in person (2d wk). . Extremely potent at . b.o., first week having ended last night (Tues.) at $101,000. Second frame for "Somewhere in Night" (20th) and Copabana Revue was $73,000, oke. Slate (Loew's) (3.450; 43-$1.10)— "Green. Years" (M-G) (2d run) and Rochester (Eddie Anderson) o n stage. Big week of $32,000 in view. Last week, "The Virginian" (Par) (2d run), with Ann Corio and Irv- ing Caesar in person was-sluggish $23,000. Strand (WB) (2,756; 75-$1.20)— "Janie Gets Married" (WB) and Erskine Hawkins orch (3d-flnal wk). Ending run tomorrow on Fourth of July, gross should hit $35,000, as against $34,000 on second week, but in both cases disappointing. "Of Human Bondage" (WB) and Spike Jones, orch open Friday (5). Victoria (Maurer) (720; 70-$1.20) — "Badman's Territory" (RKO) (5th-final wk). On blowoff will be satisfactory $13,000 : while fourth canto was fine $18,000. "Suspense" (Mono) opens tomorrow (Thurs.). Winter Garden (UA) (1,312; 60- $1.50)—"Dead of Nights (U). Doing well here at probable. $26,000 on first week. Nine-day run ot "She Wrote the Book" (U) was only $11,500, weak. 'Renegades-fast $16,000, Prov. Ace Providence, July 2. Loew's State, with "Renegades,"' Ls about the best - here, as record heat is sending more and more va- cationers out of -the city. Theatre- goers are also shopping around for their shows. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,200; 44-65)—"She Wrote Book" (U) and "Madonna of Seven Moons" (U). Fair $11,500. . Last week. "Heartbeat" (RKO) and "Deadline at Dawn" (RKO) (2d wk) plus Louis-Conn fight short, nice $12,000.. Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1,400; 44-65) —"One More Tomorrow" (WB) and "Inside Job" (U) (2d run). Oke $5,- 000. Last week, "Dark Corner" (20th) and "The Runaround" (U), good $6,000. Fay's (Fay) (1,400; 44-65)—"Span- ish Main" (RKO) (2d run). House switching to reissues and second-run policy for summer, dropping vaude. Not too bad $5,000. Last week, "God's Country" (Rep) and vaude on stage, $7,000. Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 44-65)— "Somewhere In Night" (20th) and "Shouldn't Happen To Dog" (20th). Below average $12,500, Last week, "One More Tomorrow" (WB) and "Inside Job" (U), stout $15,000. State (Loew) (3,200; 44-85)—"Ren- egades" (Col) and "Phantom Thief (Col). Leading field at nice $16,000. Last week, "Night In Casablanca" (UA) and "Man Who Dared" (Col), big $17,000. Strand (Silverman)',.(2,200; 44^65) —"Bride Wore Boots" (Par) and' "Made Me a Killer" (Par) (2d wk). Started holdover on Monday. First week was fairly good $12,000. In ahead "Perilous Holiday" (Col) and "Talk About Lady" (Col), $9,500. Iodpls. Wilts Albeit 'Heartbeat' Okay 13& . Indianapolis, July 2, Tone of film biz at deluxers is still below normal because of con- tinued heat wave;' but some film* are doing well. "Truth About Mur- der." paced by Tex Beheke and the Glenn Miller orchestra on Circle stage, is the money leader. ''Heart- beat" is .about average at Indiana. Estimates for This. -Week Circle (Katz-Dolle) (2,800; 48-74) —"Truth About Murder" (RKO) plus Tex Beneke and Glenn Miller orch on stage. Good $26,000. Last week, "So Goes My Love" (U) and "Blonde Alibi" (U), nice $11,500 at 40-60c scale. Indiana (Katz-Dolle) (3,300; 40- 60) r— "Heartbeat" (RKO) and "Strange Conquest" (U). Modest $13,500:. Last week, "Do You Love Me" (20th), nifty $15,000. Loew's (Loew's) (2,450; 40-60)— "Gilda" (Col) (2d wk). Down to $8,500 after plump $17,000 first week. I-yrle (Katz-Dolle) (1,600; 40-60) —"Do You Love Me" (20th) (m.o.). Nice $6,000. Last week, "Blue Dahi lia" (Par), about same, also move- over.