Variety (Jul 1946)

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86 ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC 2 Wednesday, July 3, 1946 Music Notes Bernie Kaai and his Hawaiian orch out 12 sides for Majestic Ftccorcis Eli Obcrstein, Victor yccpo.c, back in N. Y. from his Coast recording trek Curt Barrel!, western musical, director at Memo Records, coaching Edgar Buchanan to chant an oatune, which he will do in Metro*i "Sea '©I Grass".. . .Sugar Chile Robinson will make, first Coast appearance at Million Dollar theatre, L. A., week of July 30... :Bobby Wess, Musicraft Records' Coast .chieftain, will be profiled in Sept. issue of Pic mag as "Young: Man of the Month"... .E. Paul Ludinan named general-comp- troller of Capitol Records, replacing C. H. Wolf, resigned. ...Stan Kenton band, current at Mission Beach. San Diego, making three disk dates at Capitol platters:.. .The Fran Kelly-promoted jazz concert in Los Angeles last .week, in Embassy Aud., lost $1,000: nut was $2.200... .Comedian Walter O'Keefe has commenced clefflng Latin novelty tunes. Has peddled, a pair, "Pio Pico O'Hare" and "Yo Tu Quicro'.' to Southern Music Co. lor late v summer publication... .Joan Barton, chirp, inked' by 4 Star Records to wax 24 sides within a year .. . . Julie Losch will be Coast rep of Mood '.Music' Co.., .Miguelito Valdcs cut eight sides for Musicraft, on Coast.... .Paul Cavanaugh Trio, recently pactcd by ARA, cut first for sides for label in Hollywood lasf week... .Joe Liggins' orch slashed four sides for Exclusive ....Golden Gale Quartet set for fortnight at El Cortez. Las- Vegas, starting July 13..;.Eddie Bracken and Virginia Welles have collabed oh ditty, "The Love Waltz," turned out while being on lot together for Paramount's "Ladies Man." Song has been sold to Andrew Stone for use in his forth- coming film. "Strange Bedfellows". . . .Dimitri Tiomkin signed to score Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life" Earl Brent and Nacio Herb Brown composing for Metro's "The Kissing Bandit".. . .Pat Friday has been pacted by Enterprise Records... .Jimmy Young inked to waxing con- tract by Bel-Tone Records.. . .Smiley Burnette collabbing with Anri_ Clark BMI % SHEET Hit Tunes for July A STORY BOOK ROMANCE - tommy Fatter—01 101 THERE'SGOOD BLUES TONIGHT Mcrttni t*«n-C«p. 144 ■ Town? Dcmiy-Vic. JO-1M7 (Embany) Iwhr MiHii^r-OK. I1U3 • Ui Ir.wn-d J4W1 Clyd* McCoy-V«cjucj.7Sl Alt THE CATS JOIN IN — tenity OMdiMri-C«l. MH7 • toy EMr*dte-D*<. 1MM Opi« Cattt—f*vt' Itar 1101 BLUE CHAMPAGNE - tommy Dor»y-P*c. 3773 * fr'rfdy Mertln-Vk. 3O-1070 Fro nine Mo*ter»-C4eri 6179 • Chm Crati— Coronet 10 DO YOU DO? DO YOU DO? on children's album for ARA.,. .Roy WebbAscoring RKO's "Sinbad the Sailor",...Max Steiner scoring "Cloak and dagger" for United States Pictures... .Leon Rene and Buddy Baker, prcz and musical director re- spectively of Exclusive Records, going to national jukebox operators' con- vention, to be held in Chicago, starting July 12 Alice Ignoff has opened new music pub in Hollywood, ITNI Music. First release will be own ditty, "I'm Beginning to Live Again". .'. .Eddie Dean, PRC Pictures' western star, pacted for two-and-half years by Majestic Records... .Kathleen Sullivan, formerly with Hearst's Examiner in Los Angeles, has joined Victor Rec- ords' Coast cubicle, replacing Kay Lewis, who has quit to marry. Jim Conkling. waxing chief of Capitol Records, back at Hollywood office after two weeks' recording spree in N. Y,...Dick Jurgens' band, cur- rent at Claremont hotel, San Francisco, this week disking batch of biscuits for Standard Transcriptions..,.Lccuona Cuban Boys inked into Trocadero, Hollywood; for run starting July 4.— Rocco Vocco, veepee of Bregman, Vocco St Conn, on Coast for fortnight... .Curt. Barrett and his western s band have cut four sides for Memo Records, in Hollywood... .Hoagy iCarmichael had a disking session at ARA pop-plattery last weekend.. Glen Wallichs, Capitol Records" Veepee, in N. Y, for huddle* with waxcry's prez, Johnny Mercer... .Jimmy McHugh and Harold Adamson have eleffed two ditties for Republic's "Calendar Girl" Aim..■. .Abe Olman,new topper of Robblns-Feist-Miller, due in Hollywood July. 8, on periodic prowl and huddle with Metro execs....In Hollywood Miguelito Valdes filed papers, through attorney Bob Broder to form own music pub firm, which will specialize in Latin ditties. Company, which will be named Val Music, will issue as its "Vera Cruz," a Valdes orig. which singer recently put on Musicraft platter.. . .Milt Transchcl has joined publicity- promotion dept. of ARA... Les Reis, Martin Block Music contactman. on Coast visiting brother, Herb Reis, also a ; songplugger... .Frank Deutsch, Chi rep of Emery Music Co., which is owned by brother, Emery Deutsch, in N. Y. recuperating from third operation since.exiting Army last winter In Hollywood Jimmy James' new band cut four sides for Enterprise Records... ;Frariz Waxmah currently scoring Warners' "Nora Prentiss".... Artie Wayne disked four-sides for Bel-Tone Records, backed by 24-picce orch and male quartet... .Hans Eisler scoring RKO's "Woman on the Beach".. . .Georgia Gibbs pacted for platters by Majestic. . . .Jack and Dave Kapp will hit Hollywood in late July; will be Jack's first Coasting in about a year... .'Danny Cameron has quit as songplugger for Paramount Music in N. Y. and gone to Coast as contact there for Jewel Music, moving into spot vacated when Harry Hume left firm to open nitery booking office in San Francisco.. . .King Sisters waxed four sides for Victor in Hollywood thus washing up contract. Vocalists aren't being renewed, according to Eli Obcr- stein.. . .Ink Spots cutting four sides for Decca, in Hollywood... .J. F. Bard and Franz Green, veepeos df Pan-American Records, out of Hollywood headquarters for month's swing through midwest, lining up dislribs for their product. .. .Marlin Skiles composing score of "Gallant Journey" for Columbia Picts... .Lennie Hayton stick-swishing the symph orch Metro is using on score of "Till the Clouds Roll By"... . Anne Jeffreys did four sides of "Roberta" tunes for Spotlight Records. ■ » Enoch li(kl-C«fl. 11U urcwl) (Co. ABOUT YOU (Compbell Porgl*) (ft Ml) oftdon) T DON'T KNOW ENOUGH Jfthnnr Ocimond-Vic. 30-1(41 • PtS9? lew-Cap. J3t Mill lroH)art-D«. 1M94' LAUGHING ON THE OUTSIDE Oinoh Skoro-Col. 34t*4 • Enoch Uphl-CoM. 1175 M«»r Mki-Dcc. 1UM • Toddy Wort«i»-A«A US tommy Koyo-Vic. 30-1154 • Andy luiwH-Cop. 1M Jocry WoM-l»noio 3007 • Vlncont lopcc-Mcrtury M74 MOON OVER BROOKLYN - Gvy lombordo—D*e. lUOt TOO MANY IRONS IN THE FIRE Milli lrom«ni-Do«a' (M VEMVEM^ Joi« Morond-Apollo 1007 ■ Don Joia-Oomont 101 ' WHAnA YA GONNA DO.... Imli .rfmo-Moj. 71*1 • lovli AntHlioni-Vlc. M-lttl * lobby lyino-Cotmo 4W • Nkk tucoi-Wamond Nit Johnny Aloddm-MPt 1304 • HcJ.n E*crotl-Doc. IttM Opio Colc*-rW Jtoi' • Ooocf. *ot>— Co.on«4 17 Mly tuttoihoM-Cop. 3*5 • Plril IHfo-Muilcroh' Key Ky«.c-Coi.* • Ihop HoWi-Vogvo'. lonny Uylor-Moic' • Herb Korn-Tompo* (Morli) WHEREVER THERFS ME THERE'S YOU .(Republic! ' ■oily Hunon-Vk. 30-1913 WHO TOLD YOU THAT LIE?. ConnM Boiw»ll-0«. leUI • Votighn Moncoo-Vic. 10-11*1 Phil Irilo-Muciccoll 15073 • Haity Cool-Sicj. 15031 WITHOUT YOU (TRES PJUABRAS) Andy Bulioll-Cop. 334 • Doii Ainoi-Vic. 30-0151 Joyno Wollon-Marcuiy 3001 - Noio Motolii-Moj. 5000 Handy Biookc-Doc. 10374 • Joel Cairoll-Mlilil Art 730 Chvcho Mortln<l-A*.A 300* . I M l HIT tUMS AM AVAIlAaif, roo. ON All y«4N{C»PriON UHVICU *Soon to ho rofooiod Band Reviews ELLIOT LAWRENCL ORCH (30) With Jack Hunter, Rosalyn Patton Hotel Pennsylvania, N. Y. Elliot Lawrence is the 21-ycar-old pianist - composer 7 conductor w h o came to attention over WCAU and CBS pickups with a suave brand of dansapation which commends him particularly for the hostelrics. An enthusiastic, personable youngster, he made the grade on his own with a modern idea of terp tunery. Fact is that his father, Stan Lee Broza, the station's production chief, couldn't effect the lad's progress if he didn't possess the fundamentals. He has manifested thai over the air. via Columbia records (just out) and now on his first location engage- ment. That his style may remind of Claude Thornhill stems from the French horn-English horn-oboe-bas- soon style, but it ends there. He captures the mood of the room rightly, accelerating as the dinner progresses, and plays the jump and society styles just as facilely. Above all. he has a solid dance beat in a team which .comprises six brass, five reeds,, the two extra horns, bassoon and four rhythm. Jack Hunter and Rosalyn Patton alterate on the vo- cals, former sounding particularly good, although the lass is adequate. Lawrence hops from piano perch to standup batoneering and. while a bit awkward on the Pennsy's Cafe Rouge podium, it's not too bother- some. Withal, as one of the newest maeslros of hoofology he shapes up as one of the bright hopes. Abel. CHARLIE BARNET ORCH (21) With Johnnie McAfee, Fran War- . ren, Art Robey Aquarium Restaurant, N. Y. Charlie Barnet's crew, is the.fifth top name band at the Aquarium since owner Ben Harriman convert- ed the ealery-nitery into a jive joint and. despite the top money he's reportedly laying on the line, the idea is apparently continuing to pay off. Aquarium is jammed throughout the evening from the dinner show on, and the spot's doormen practically have to use shovels to clear the non-paying fans off the front sidewalk. With a dance floor, almost like the proverbial postage stamp, the payees mostly can only sit and drink or eat. which might explain why Harriman gels such good returns.. Owner apparently hasn't had a chance yet to convert his dance- stand, and Barnet's orch. for one. was iairimed together more than the customers. However, Barnet's over- sized crew would overflow almost any stand. Band comprises 10 brass, seven reed and three rhythm, plus the maestro and Fran Warren, his femme vocalist. Though four of the trumpets are seated urouhd a corner from the other two. the orch gives oul with a repertoire of solid swing that has the customers beating their cutlery in rhythm. Barnet is one of the few remain- ing leaders who sticks to straight disdaining the current Latin music fad or any attempts to mod- ify the jive stuff via strings. Ar- rangements are evenly balanced be- tween jump numbers and ballads, and all come on! in line fashion. Trumpet section is one of the best in the business, and four trombones achieve harmony that's reminiscent of the late Glenn Miller's original band. Reeds are never overpowered by the topheavy brass. ■ Barnet himself remains one of the top alto saxmen. He rides solo in al- most every number, from such stuff as "Cherokee," the theme, to dreamy ballads like "Blue ■ Champagne '' Band's two lop numbers when caught were "Sky Liner," lalest re- cording featuring a pyramid effect in the brass section, and Duke El- lington's composition, "A-Train.".' Miss Warren, a blonde "looker handles the pops okay. Johnny Mc- Afee doubles on the vocals and bari- tone sax, and demonstrates nicely ■fn both. Art Robey. trumpet, gives out with scat vocalistics on such tunes as "Hey-Bop.", Stal. Omaha Switch Omaha. July 3. New policy of Peony Park, big dance, swim aiid recreation spot, being watched with interest. • Park, which played name bands on one nighters only,' now using them for a week. British Gov't = Continued from page 1 the play, but turned It down because of expected difficulties in earing for her children in postwar London Reassurance on this factor won her over, plus fact that actress will be on percentage, with, her take in- creased now that double taxation of artists working, both Britain and U. S. is out. Tax relief cinched deal plus enthusiasm of John Byram head of Paramount's play dept., for the script. Latter, with his wife Marian, has just returned from a British visit where (as friend both to Coward and Miss Martin) he heard a reading of the operetta. Neysa McMein, an- other mutual friend, heard score in London and relayed favorable word to Miss Martin on her return. Operetta concerns a singer on a British isle in the Pacific.. TOP HIT Of YESTERDAY ondW.^'"" ■OH For new ortisr copies and arrangements, write or phone PHIL KORNHEISER, Manager, Standard Exploitation Dept., The Big 3, -1o19 Broadway/ New York 19, Circle 6-29^9 10-INCH SHELLAC RECORD PRESSINGS AVAILABLE SMALL OR LARGE QUANTITIES High Quality — Fast Service MASTERS BOUGHT-S6lD> EXCHANGED SONGCRAFT INC. 1650 Broadway, New York 19 AM INTERESTED IN ACQUIRING CONTROL OR OUTRIGHT PURCHASE OF RECORD COMPANY Submit Dotails to H A R RV FROMKIS 33 MoH Avenue New London, Conn.