Variety (Jul 1946)

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42 Wednesday, July 3, 1946 Variety Bills WEEK OF JULY 3 NnmeraU In >nnn««tlOD. «rltb bllta below Indicate opening day of ihow. whether full or tplli week, letter* In |»:ireuthe*lw Imllrato circuit.. (I) . Indeor ml rot: (I.) I.oewY (V) r*r»iw>ont; <K> KKO; (W) ,W*mec KKW YORK CITY rupitui <i.) 4 Hit/. Hroa Itmldy Morrow Ore The MaxeMo* - tJiacie ftairle Milium LavHIa .Music Hull (I) 4 1'atil Jtaahon tlnii R ohh y ]mloroM Anderson KiIwrhI Relched .ly Andrews Hen Dnva Kockettea dee'Club I'tim mount (V) 3 Raymond Si'oii lid A n<ly RimsWl I'h'd Timers Alun Carney. Jack William* Hnuy <l> S ponnld O'Connor I'aiB.v O'Connor :t Swlfls Hunter Shnver Co Uelle : Aires . Stiit* (I). PrMehard & Lord c.\mi»;x Toner* (!) 4-7 Gay Nineties. Ke^ue' CIIICMiO Chicago (P) 4 Vivian lllatue Lowe, Hlie * Sian I.nwery A- Kae Clark Dros Oriental (1) 3 Mills Dros Danny J>rayaon Nelson Sia . Kay Lang Ore KANSAS CITY . Tower (1> 4 Waller N'llsqon Mnxine. 'ft llobhy lturn* Dunn Jerry Abbott .MIAMI . Olympln (!') $ Pat A Sylvia Chords LuOe'une Ashour Merlbeth Old Lee Da via ]'lltI..%l>KM'lll.% Cnrmiin (l> 4 Donna Louise .. Robe via Hollywood Jordan & l'arvhi Hold Ktllsoii Blue Barron Oro . Eh.hci Itouao Pancho Ore Motel l.ffcioglOB Momt Knl Tapu Kaua. Taltnm . Mali* Mnklhana J. Pineapple Ore. Unlet Xrw Yortcoi Chuck Foater Ore lintel IViinnvlVHiili K Lawrence Ore Hotel rierra Myrua Conauo.lo & Artiril IjOU Panchotj Stanley Melbo Ore Hotel rlnsa Paul Winchcll Clonic/. & Ucalilce Pancho Ore Mark Motile Ore '.. Motel Kuooevell Joe RoMiman Oro Art Waner Ore Slvnle fur to Dick (•RHparre O Kubcrtci Slhmt^v Old KomuftlJiB -L>Kllt- t .|'OH : ' Marn.ll:) & K'lrhTj OIur Orlovn Aihieniic Parker Joe La Porte Ore Klvlem Klia l.oK'in ndra-Kiily Kuyc id Nh Id I Ulrhard Dlmher O Kiihh Kretelmm Rlnirka rlavil. Komoen N Alexandroh* Sari Oorhl . ^liaclin -U/.dahoff liftne I'Yndoia Dara Hlrse ICaravaefT Htnrk Club Morales Ore Vcruhllle* Kvelyn Knight A G E N C Y Tfte Outstanding Agency" 1924-1944 looking for too Most Discriminating of Ifldcpeftdeot Theatro Owotrt • 1501 Iroodwoy-Paromoant Bldg. Now York IRycmt 9-4352-3-4 fluicho Martinez 3 Sailors llu|)|iy Kchon Stninri (U> ft Si'lUv Jones (he l,ONfi JSI.AM> •lamiilrit (I) 4-5 T^nalee J.m'1 Vein I Hdiiak * Wright I'lll Herheri A-1 TtigTlo llr. AlmeS Phlllls Willie Mnrlhn -Warren VllniH Sliei ry A ft M llavel Nleel IMer (I) SO 4 Kvanw R«*nald ft. Rudy JHflciH- ft Howard Sue Ryan liennv MerofT. UAI.TIMORK HI|>|HMlrome <l> 1 Bobby WhnllnK ("o I-'ruuk Cook )>iik Buckley Reneo De.Marco- Royul (I) 4 T.nulH Jordan llolllps I'Hffe Siiiulra Mallard ft Uae Mark ham Uuvil \<i Chapman State (11 -l-U J ft K Haydcn I'.etty Austin Alan Ucno Eiiiiucll Oldfleld Co 7-10 The St CJftlra Helen Tlonan Jack Farrcll" Uroinlev ft Barrett HOSTON BoHtnn (K) 4 The. imnhllla Ann. 'J'liolu Mlfchn Aner PUk SVahllt* Oro Chal ft Somap (ieorgie Kayo Arnnul Bro* KOCKVORI* I'iiIiicc (I) 4 r. -.Tayloreires O'Donnell ft Ulalr Konyat Co '£ Hallantlnen S<»p)ile Parker Fred Caaeerlo KAN FRANCISCO (iolden <intr (K) 3 ]>cl RIOH J ark son ft Rlnck'l Klleen Hart on Mbrcy AniHtei-dnin Itcd Nichols Co KPKlN<iFlKXI) Court Sq (1) 4-7 Krnestine Mercer Miller, ft Jean .Milton DouRlas Co Nickolal. Paul ft P Armond ft Pallclc- Don Henrx' 3 WASHINGTON Cnpltrl (I,) Harold liarncs V.obby Cillbert Dale Belmont HarrlHOn ft Fisher WIM.OW <;kove I'Hrlc <l) 4 Only mil Harrin •-' Jyns sim Uay Rlh-CH Jto%o Snyder . Co Knlhleen Byrne 3 7 Only .T ft F Haydcn Betty Austin Alan Reno Kmmett OldHeld Co (One to nil) WORCKVTER Plymouth <I> 3 Armond ft Pallette Rrneatlne Mercer Miller ft Jean Mlhou Dnufflas Co Dchi Henry 3 Cabaret Bills NEW TOEK CITY Aqiliirlum' Charlie Barnct Ore Rex Stewart Ore . HI no /ingei Robert Maxwell Kddle Mfivfchofr Kills Larkln 3 Kddib Mnychoff James C'opps 4:nfe Poxiely <l>owntowii) Ja»1> White I.yhno Barrett Krnle Hol&l Bd Raul ft Eva Reyea Peter Llnd Hayea Ulamoutl Horwtilior Joe E Howard Lionel Kaye Walfloh 61a Fritzl SchefT Ann Ponnlneloo Willie Solar Jacqueline Hurley THE 3 RAYS Now Playing Their 12th Wook AT LATIN QUARTER. N. Y. Mftt.: EIHHK SMITH IG01 llrnuilnay. New York . Hotel St. Resit Peggy Norman Publ Sparr Ore Theodora . Brooka . Hotel Tttfl Vincent Lope2 Ore Hotel Wnldnrf-A Lclpluon Noble Ore Dorothy Sllftj' Krakson MJjfcha Borr. Oro Icelnnd Ice Revue . Kelly'a Stnttlee Henry Red Allen O Vlcki Zlmmer J C Hlggenbnttoin Ln Conira Dloaa Coatello Ray * Eberle I.uls Hel Campo Pupl Campo Ore l.ntln ^Omirtev Jackie Miles Radio Aceft Penny ■ Edwards 3 Rays Don Saxon Inquires* Marly Beck Ore Buddy Hr» rlowe Ore I.eon & Krtdle'e Kddle Davia Juno St Claire The " Petty* Phyllis Arnold A Del Aires Susan Dnhi Bob Wayne Emll Pel11 Ore VilhtRe Hiiro Billy Kelly CaL-laml* Alici;i \\'nll;ire I'axe Moiiou tlert Sion,- _ J.'alxy Lane Jimmy Nhla Tex l-'lci' hcr . Villacr ViiiiKiinrd ' R l> Kddy Man sun Kh'anor lifivvci'9 Don I'.'ry Hank liunr.-in Trt» Wlvel Bob l-ee Oeru-uOc mid •i ■.*.»)) Ainslie Krancisi-'o Brine Norman 'Vivian' Kirkolson D'RIvcro ft Uuhn'le /nnr.llmr Cab Calloway On: Pi'tui Iriiilcy I riot errs ('•'tei'M Sim , .Miller Bros Alan Dixon Kcc Wee .\:arqueile ClatiOA llnnitln> ; Ur< /.lmniiTiniM>*e Gcno Kurd oh Orb ' W ft J Brown Wnyne Thompson Adrienne T'arker Beln '/.slca . CHICAGO Kluckhank Del Courtney Ore Dottie Dodwon Johnny. Strong Hudson He Sharaa Hoblnson ft Ike Cliev Pnree Joe E. i.cwlft Kvi'lyn" Brooks- l'hyllls Claire CooboIo & Mciba Adorablca (12) Luclo Garcia Ore Gay Clarldge Ore Cnloslmo'a Adn Leonard Ore Jay Seller Virginia Wnltera Johnny Knapp Dp- leers Mel Cole Ore Hotel IllHmnrclr Warmn & Maya Sherman Hayes Or- Ehricn ft Novcllo Bill Burke Dell Welcome MarllnlM-. (2) Eddie Kens Oro Hotel Blacks tone Carl Brlsson E Heckacher Ore H Etlgewnter. Rch Henry Brandon Ore. Haag's Elephant Mlws Ruby Doga Myrtll & Picaud . Coco. Steve, Eddy Dftroihy Hlld Dcrft j '- Hotel Cong reus | Don Salvo' Ore • Panclio Ore - Hotel Continental -Robert Ouin Jou Vera On: Hotel Sherman Carl . Marx Alvinu Key Ore Hotel SI ci rim Arle»*n l.iml.suoin La<td J-yon .11-rr r,iiin* Copsey ft Ay re* Thw ShyretioH Orrln Tucker Oro l.utln tlunrler Merry Macs Mit-i'vltch Rasrals Jarlc ('a i i or The ValleiH L Q Lovellea Buddy Shaw Ore I'll I me r lloiiae Tod Slracicr Ore <^ll Lamb Bob CofTey Nip Nelson Stuart Morgan (2) Merrlcll Abboit l> Klo CnbitDM Harvey Stone Oeorkle Tapps Rln Rumba Ore The I.ovidjeji (10) Cce Davidson Ore Vine Gardens Jessie P.osella Ken Walker Bobby Sin^ent Jim* Hart Dorecn Winters Joe Klsh Ore Yo<ii>K & Lui-ky Sarah Vaughn Cliff Jackaon Pete . .Iohnson J C Heard Oro Cafe Society (Uploun) Bernle 'West Vlnci-nte (;oinez Beatrice Kraft Edmund Hall Ore CurnlvHl Wilton Berle Hop, Skip. Jump Elly A id city Slan Klsher Marlon. Col by Ben Yost Sinners . ■Walter John Miriam Gwlnn Miriam LaVelle Club in Jerry Bergen Mai'ge, Hudaon Bert Kro(in)an Jnyno Manners Florin Vest off Candl Corlez Roy Setlley. Flora Drake G Andrews Ore CopHcnbnn» . DeRl Arnnz. Ore Jails Wilson Bob Johiiflloa Joey Gilbert Michael Edward BUI Acorn Emma Francis Jimmy Allison Bill Moore Four Rosebuds Vincent Tracers Oi Morty Reld Ore 400 Restaurant J Bothwell Ore* Hnvuim-r.TiidrHl Carloa Ramirez Sergio Orta Unit Virginia McGraw Calallno Ore Curios Varela Ore Hotel AmbiiMMitlur Louis . Beluncourl <> Jules Lahde'Oro Hotel Awtor Carmen. Cavallaro Hotel nclmunt rinmi Don CoHlello Doodles AVeaver AVeudy. Bishop Kalhryn Duffy Dcr» Eddie Stone Ore Hotel niltmor* . Dunnlnger. N Bi-andwynne Ore Ralph Font Ore Hotel Commodore Hal Milniyre Ore Hotel nixie Larry Funk Oro Lou Seller Broadway B,0. — Continued from pact 1 - agencies there are but four or five shows that will continue to be highly favored by. showshoppers. the lead- ers being "Annie Get Your Gun," "Call. Me Mister," "Born Yesterday" and "State of the Union," latter pair being straight comedies, with "Har- vey," also a laugh show, very much in the running. Such musicals as "Oklahoma" and "Carousel," how- ever, are doing great business. So is "Show Boat" but it has tapered, while "The Red Mill" holds to goodly figures. "Around . The World" had been climbing until last week but should stick, while "Three to Make Ready" announces tickets on sale into September. Run comedies such as "Life With Father," "The Voice of The Turtle" and "Anna Lucasta" are all slated into next season, respective managements figuring on some red weeks during the summer. "Icetime," the new rink revue, went up against the trend but Is not dependent upon regular Broadway patronage. Last year at this time there were three hits laying off whereas now there is one. "O Mis- tress Mine," which clicked so strongly that it should span the new season. One factor in the current summer outlook is that there were fewer hits produced, during the sea- son just passed than during 1944-45. Still, there are no casts on cut- salary basis as of this week. There were only four such shows on that basis during, the spring, all those now- being closed. Last two to fold were "Are You With It" and "Billion Dollar Baby," while previously slices were made to prolong "Lute Song" and "This Too Shall Pass." Broadway film grosses, which have been spotty during the past month, arc on the upgrade this week, with some new shows as well as certain holdovers drawing heavily. .Managers attribute the upturn largely to the fact all public schools- are now out and summer vacation trade is getting into high gear. MARRIAGES Maggi McNellis to Clyde Mortimer Ncwhouse; New York; June 24. Bride is radio commentator. Dorothy .Byrne to Artie Akers. Chicago. June 22. Bride is secretary to Les Atlass, vecpee in charge of cen- tral division. CBS. Devi Dja to Ace Blue Eagle. Ok- lahoma City, June 3. Bride is Bali- nese dancer. Connie Green Anderson to Wally Wanger, Chicago, June 25. Bride is former member of. the Chez Parc'e line; : groom is nitery producer. ■ - • Barbara Elaync Rubin to Herbert I. , Wciner, : New York, June 30. Groom , is district manager for Co- lumbia Pix in Philadelphia. Catharine Nanette Jordan to Al- bert T. Pearson, Glendale. July 1: Bride is daughter of Bert Jordan, Hal Roach film editor. Claire Valensi to Red Doff. Holly- wood, June 2C. Groom is indie pub- licist. Marybelle Curry to Harold Childs. Las Vegas, June 27. Bride is a screen actress; groom an assistant casting, director. Gladys Kissinger to Ed Hunt. N. Y., Juno. 5. Both are in legit and recently returned' from USO Euro- pean tour in "Arsenic and Old Lace." Hilda Alvin to John Nacey, Pitts- burgh, June 15. Bride's on Metro start. OBITUARIES ANTOINETTE. PERRY Antoinette Perry, 58, actress and stager, died of a heart attack at her home in New York Friday (28). Further details on Page 45. CHARLES STEINER Charles Steiner, 63, theatre owner, who was one. of the- pioneer- mo- tion picture exhibitors in New York, died J line 27 at Rockaway Beach, N. Y. He opened the American theatre in a renovated stable on N. Y.'s caslside in 1906, using a slide ap paratus to round but a program based on a meager footage of rota tional 111m strip. Featured in the early programs were such thrillers as "The Life of a Fireman" and "The Great Train Robbery." A contemporary of Marcus Loew, as one of the first: screen showmen in New York, Steiner developed his business into a chain of 32 theatres in. the N. Y. metropolitan area. These were known as the Manhat Ian Playhouses; He was a member of the board of directors of the Motion Picture Theatre Assn. of N. Y. State and a member of the board of directors of the Independent Theatre Owners Assn. since ils inception in 1933, The Assn. was successor to the Theatre Owners Chamber of Com merce, of which he was a founder. In declining health in recent years he had reduced his holdings to two theatre*. Bijou and Palestine in New York. . Survived by widow and two daughters. LEONARD - HALL Leonard Hall, 50, newpsaperman and former drama critic, died June 2'fi: His death was discovered by his wife, Alice Hughes Hall,, newspaper columnist, upon her return from shopping tour. ... Hall was born in Cleveland, was a veterai- of World War I and entered newspaper work after his discharge. For ; several years he worked for United Press and began/writing drama criticism in the Des Moines bureau. He transferred to the Washington Daily News as drama critic in 1922 and then came to N. Y. as drama critic of the old Telegram in 1927 20. . Later he served as m.e. of Photoplay Shirley Marshall to Herman Rock- mag and as film critic for Mademoi- "~ 1 L '*— ' ;. Bride Iselle. During the past few years he con- centrated on mag articles pn the- atricals and to preparation of a man, Pittsburgh, June works for Columbia Pix. Edith Levine to Milton Weiss, Hol- lywood, June 29. Bride and groom are Metro publicists. Rhea .Colburn to Malcolm C. Bul- lock. Hollywood, June 29. Groom is a still photog at Paramount. Janise W. Rentchler to Joseph C. Shea in Englewood, N. J., June 14. Bride, advertising-publicity director for Skouras circuit, recently re- signed that post; groom is advance agent with road co. of "Harvey." Beatrice Brown to. Arthur Gar- son, June 30, Napanoclv N. Y. Bride is publicist George B. Evans' general aide. Margaret Grayson to Tommy Dix, Birmingham, Ala., June 29. Groom is vaude-nitcry singer. Leonore Kettleman to Lewis Rosenstill. Los Angeles, June 29. Bride is niece of Harry Cohn, Co- lumbia Pix prexy; he- is chairman of the board of Schenley Distillers. book, his first, on -the life of Gilda Gray, the dancer. Survived by widow, who writes a daily column, "Woman's New York," which is syndicated by Xing Fea- tures; a sister, and an adopted son. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Al Riggs, son, Holly- wood, June 22. Father is sound man at Warners. Mr. and Mrs: Michael Duane, son, Hollywood. June 26.. Father is film actor; mother is . former actress Phyllis Ellermah. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, twin sons, Los Angeles, June 26. Father is radio producer and emcee. Mr. and Mrs. Andre Baruch, son, New York, June 2C. Mother is Bea Wain, singer; father is radio an- nouncer. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stacey, daugh- ter, Hollywood, June 27. Father is a unit manager at Warners. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shopenn. son. Steubenville ; O., June 24. Father manages WB's Capitol theatre there. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gihon, son. Los Angeles, June 19. Father is man- ager of the - Ccntro theatre in that city, WALTER JOHNSON Walter Johnson, 38, radio director for the A&S Lyons agency, Holly- wood, died June 28 at his. home in Pacific Palisades, following a heart attack. He was one of the pioneers of west coast radio, starting with KHJ and later joining Music Corporation of America as California radio di- rector. During the war he served with the Marines, mustering out with the rating of captain. For sev- eral months after his military re- lease he labored as program di- rector for KHJ-Don Lee, after which he shifted to the Lyons agency as radio director. Sur>iving is his widow, Virginia, formerly a dancer. ABRAHAM S. GILBERT Abraham S. Gilbert, 72, music copyright attorney, died in New York, June 30. For many years Gilbert had been legal representative for Irving Ber- lin, Leo Feist, and other publishers. He was also actively engaged in politics as a leading member of the New York State Republican Party He. was member of the firm Gilbert & Gilbert. Survived by daughter. widow, son, and FRANK A. MULLANE Frank A. Mullane, 68, retired vaude perrormer, died in Brooklyn, N. Y.. June 24. Mullane had appeared in vaude as „ , j a monologist and singer for 25 vears Mr and Mrs. Vincent Corso. son, , and had recently been doing club Pittsburgh, June 27. Father operates dates. When divertine from mom, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harkenrcider. 1 and other circuits billed as «u» v.„ son Pittsburgh. June 26. Father's a Off the Ice Wagon" and later did ra M° mU T a ?; x D : another act captioned "Musical . Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Adelman, Scales and Humorous Tales " ^"5 ^'',V Da rl la , S ' Iecently ' Father is Sur vived by widow and three head of the Delman Theatre Corp. I daughters. THOMAS E. FRANKLIN Thomas E. Franklin, 63 vet vaude and nitery performer, died in New York, June 30'. He' had been in. vaude 25 years as part of singing team of Rogers Hughes and Franklin, and later' with other acts. In recent years had done club dates and nitery •work. J Survived by widow. JOSEPH F. REILLY Joseph F. Reilly, 69, head of the Reilly Theatrical Transfer Co., N Y died at Belle Harbor, N. Y., June 26* Reilly founded the transfer com- pany 50 years ago and did haulage for practically all prominent Broad- way producers. Survived by widow, three daugh- ters, brother and sister. EDGAR BENSON Edgar Benson, 65, who had been a talent agent for many years, died iii N. Y. June 25. He had operated a booking office in Chicago for some time before coming to N. Y. to set up offices in 1929. Until his retirement some years ago he had handled club book- ings. EDWARD J. BERGEN Edward J. Bergen, 32, manager ot the Rilz, Wilmington, Del., died at his home in Glenolden, Pa., June 25 Before going to Wilmington, he had managed theatres in Philadel- ; phia> Camden and. Chester. He had been with Wariiers for past 12 years. WALTER JAMES Waller James. 60, actor on stage and screen, died June 27 in Garde- nia. Cal.. following a heart attack. Shifting from the Broadway stage to Hollywood 25 years ago. James was noted chiefly for his character roles. EDUARD VETERMAN Eduaid Vetermari, one of the top novelists and playwrights of Nether- lands, died in hospital there June 28 of injuries suffered in an auto accident. Mrs. V.etcrman. . wife of the plav- wright, was also killed in the crash. PENN DELBERT OWEN Penn Delbert Owen, 03, who trav- eled with boat shows in his youth and was known on the rivers as a musician and songwriter, and later became a linotype operator on The Parkersburg^W, Va.) News died at latter city June 24. ESTHER WHITEHOUSE Esther Whitehouse iMrs. Palric Curwen) 52, who played leads at the Old. Vic from 1921 to 1923, died in London June 24. Mrs. Rebecca B. Blaufox, 77, died in New York, June 27. She was the motheT of Joseph D. (Jay) Blaufox. mag writer and film publicist, and j ' u Who has been in exploitation and theatre management for many years. Mother, 73, of Thornton Wilder, novelist-playwright, died in Nan- tucket, Mass. Also survived by an- other son. Dr. Amos N. Wilder, au- thor and poet, two daughters and a sister. Father of Nicky Goldhammer. v.p. and general sales manager of Film Classics, died in Minneapolis, Mon- day (1). .„ Mrs V CUta Vo,k . 62, mother of film actor Lee Frederick, died in Holly- wood June 21. ■ ■ .■ Decree Cut SS Contlnuei) from page 7 - — niflcent Doll," starring David Nivcn, Ginger Rogers and Burgess Mere- dith;-"Portrait in Black" and "Sunny River," latter in Technicolor; Mike Todd will contribute "Great Son," from the hovel by Edna Ferber, while Walter Wanger will turn in "Smash-Up," starring Lee Bowman, plus "The Secret Beyond the Doof,". starring Joan Bennett, which will be made under the banner of ' Wanger's Diana Productions. . . Rank pix on.the.slate are "Notori- ous Gentleman," "They Were Sis- ters" and "Dead of Night." "Night" had its American- preem last week at the Winter Garden, N. Y. In addition to the.features, U will also make four serials and the usual shorts program.