Variety (Jul 1946)

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86 RAM* Wednesday, July 11, 1946 ♦ ♦♦♦♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ »♦♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦>♦«♦♦♦ ♦ I From the Production Centres ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ » ♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ IJV' JVEIF YORK CITY ... Frank Waldckor leaving Mutual announcing staff Thursday (18) for freelance assignments Jim Sheldon, radio diueewr of McFarland Ave-. yard & Co.. left Friday (12) for two-week business-vacation trip on Coast ....Anne C. Baldwin, ex-N. Y. Herald Trib, new publicity director .of WOV ....Nora Stirling will play the lead in her own script on CBS "American Portrait" July 20. Script is based on the life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, champion of women's rights... .Peter Michael, co-author with his sister Sandra of "Lone Journey." has gone to Montana. He will visit the Spear-T ranch owned by him and his sister which is the real setting of the serial ....New agency braintrust of Sullivan, StaufTer. Colweli and Bayles look- ing for a topflight media man who can handle radio, mags and newspapers Sydney Smith is the new "Richard Lawless" on CBS. AH other cast members cancelled except Neil Fitzgerald... .Frank DeVol replaces Alfred Newman as music director on "Hollywood Star Time" on CBS. Tom Mc- Avity.has bowed out as producer of show. Jim Sautci-'s arm a casualty via the tennis route. But it's helped him shed 40 pounds, along with dieting... .Charles Oppenhetm of WOR, father of a six-pound girl, Barbara Jo, born last week in Harkness Pavilion hosp. Mother is the ex-Elaine Kent, radio' actress... .Pres. Truman's appearance on Mutual Sunday (14) in connection with the Bastille Day broadcast (at request of the French govt.), was first time a U. S. president was heard exclusively on one network, with the exception of late Pres. Roosevelt's political campaign speeches.. . .Morf Lewis and Vic Knight, scripters on "Jonathan Trimble, Esq." (MBS), are writing the routine for Roddy Mc- Dowell's personal appearance tour this summer... ."Under Arrest," new cops-and-robbers serial, to start on MBS Sun. (28) in the 5 p.m. slot,,re- placing. "Roger Allen." Wynn Wright produces... .Bill Cunningham to report from Parts on opening of peace conference on Mutual, July 28 and Aug. 4...."Tell Your Neighbor," new helpful household hints serial, be- gins on MBS, Mondays through Fridays, 11:15-11:30 a.m., July 29, replacing ELsa Maxwell... .Earle McGill is producer-director of the new "Sound Off With Mark Warnow" CBS show, not Larry Puck, as erratumed last week....Joe Ruscoll, former editor of the "Radio Reader's Digest" show, pacted for a similar chore on the new "State Senator" program replacing Joan Davis on CBS Charles Jackson, who guested on CBS' "Invitation to Learning" July 7, is coming back for another fling on the same show July 28, when he teams up with Glenway Wescott and Max Lerner, of PM, to talk about Thomas Mann's "Magic Mountain." Joe Franklin, of WNEW's "Record Collector's Exchange," guesting on Jim Walsh's "Wax-Works," WDBJ, Roanoke, Aug. 3.... Because there are several other Jack Goldsteins in various branches of show business, the one who's with the'State Dept. shortwave outfit (formerly w#h Radio Luxembourg) has had his name changed legally to Gaines. First name's still Jack... .George Carson Putnam, Mutual-WOR newscaster, has nar- rated a commercial pic for Empire Sound & Film Co ABC concert — +— ■ :— V M|t.: LOU CLAYTON TOUTED REXALL DRUG CO. Friday—CBS—U p.m. D8T < commentator Gene Hamilton did the narration for an Army Signal Corps film... .Bob • Davis' secretary at WEAF flackory is Winnie Schaefer Cliff Edwards, vacationing In Mexico, made some transcriptions for. WLIB, reporting the Presidential elections there., . .Frank Luther, WNEW's di- rector of children's programs, now has his own kid to sing tunes to. He's adopted a girl..-. .WINS' director of continuity and public interest pro- grams, George S. Carlesco, going out of his >vay to spread kudos for WNYC's Seymour Sicgel for sending out cuffo public service spots on a weekly basis. Carlesco also bows to the scriptcr of the series, M. Walter Stegman... .Stand-ins for Fiorello LaGuardia on his WJZ Sunday noon broadcasts during his current six-week overseas ' trip include Borough Presidents Jamcs^ J. Lyons of the Bronx, Hugo E. Rogers of Manhattan, State Housing Commissioner Herman T. Stichman, City Planning Commis- sioner Newbold Morris and Ira A. Hirschmann. radio exec and oldtime LaGuardia intimate... .Christopher Cross, United Nations liaison man with the radio industry in the United States, is currently, on a cross- country swing, lining up coverage for the forthcoming meeting of the UN General Assembly which is scheduled to convene in N. Y. at the .end of September. While, Cross is away, his job is carried on by his assistant, Susan Lusty. CAA's Grounding s Continued from page 2 — their flight bookings snarled up. TWA is pressing a group of con- verted C-4 Army transport planes into service. Shortage of available planes has made it uncertain whether many of the film industry, officials '■ now in England will be able to fly back. Latter include Matty Fox, Leo Spitz, Nate Blum- berg, Robert S. Benjamin and Jo- seph H. Seldelman, all execs of the Universal-United World Pictures combine, in England for huddles with J. Arthur Rank, and Joseph I. Breen, Production Code adminis- trator. Grounding of the Constellations has given foreign airlines, includ- ing Air France, Dutch KLM and British Imperial Airways, a chance to grab off some of the business. Most of these, however, are not as fast or convenient as the Constella- tions. British Imperial, for instance, has U. S. headquarters in Baltimore, meaning that Irving Berlin, who commutes between N. Y. and his summer home in Bermuda, has to get from here to Baltimore first. George Jean Nathan, slated to fly to Stockholm this week, postponed his trip several weeks for the same reasons. IN HOLLYWOOD . . . Morgan Ryan has Milton Biow's eye for headmnnning the Hollywood office. Hub Robinson also looking around for a Coast manager of the Footc, Cone & Bclding setup...: Don Lee's Sid Gay nor insists that its Mutual skein has as good a chance as ABC to land the Bing Crosby-Gen- eral Motors record deal if it reaches consummation.. . .Myron Kirk around to wrap Up some talent for another pitch to Texaco. If that one doesn't jell look for "Mike" to branch out as an account exec....Z. Wayne Grif- fin "did a friend a favor" by directing the audition of Eddie Bracken's new show. Bracken and George Hope (Bob's brother) wrote it... .Raves being heard around town on the first plattered version of the Phil Harris- Alice Faye show (for Fitch). . ..Brown-Williamson moved in fast on "Peo- ple Are Funny" when word got around that John Guedel had firm offers from two other clients. Pact had year to go so Raleigh spread the cape for John Guedel to walk across and thr6\v some ink on a new term deal ..:.Bob Hope has finally been caught up with.' He was heard to say, "I'm tired.".. . .ABC insists that Al Pearce will be physically up to his new Armour series come September. He is said to have recovered from a slight stroke and is noy/ whipping the streams up north... .Lewis Allen Weiss is taking August off for his first sabbatical in five years and will take the missus and daughter boating to Hawaii, where he served, during World War I... Joe Parker finally de-khakied and getting re-oriented production-wise, j. .Clarence Menser put his stamp of approval on Mark Hellinger's "Fourth Estate," packaged by NBC and ordered it into RCA Sunday niche for the summer. If it's not commercial Hcllinger isn't in- terested. .. .Hank Booraem around for a month to scout talent for Hutchins agency of which he is radio director... .Bud Edwards back with ABC production after four months of ranch life..Peter Donald will be in "Allen's Alley" next season to calk the voiding Falstaff Lou Levy turned over the Andrews Sisters to MCA for packaging to two interested sponsors.. . .Jay Faggan moving his flack headquarters here.. . .Bob For ward, replaced Bill Randol as Don Lee production supervisor "Corny' Jackson has a date next month with Stanley Resor to pitch hay on the Thompson prexy's Wyoming ranch. ..Bill Henry coming home to do his newscasts from here for a few weeks Kenny Delmar may head up his own show for Anacin or Kolynos through Dancer, Sample 8c Fitzgerald .Ed Cashman was invited to Frisco by Alpha Delta Sigma to discuss "The Hucksters." Being one of the characters in the book (Larson) he declined with thanks.. . .Pinch hitters for Kay Kyser during his seven week layoff will be Art Linkletter (4), Jack Haley (2) and possibly Jack Benny Joe Qiiillen and Bobby O'Brien, who used to grind out jokes for Eddie Cantor, will do likewise for Joan Davis next season. Nat Lin rounds out the battery. , CINEMART offers you- CINEMART • OPEN TIME at your convenience • Om of tfct lirgjtt sWIos hi New York • Absolute fidelity studio end off tke-alr recording! • Complete disc and filn recording facHitiM • Vfnylite Pressings—deliveries 710 days, rush orders la 4 e Highly experienced technical stall • Electrical transcriptions of NAB ut . Orthacoostlc Characteristics • 16mm. notion pictures for television Phone us today: PLaza 3-9172 RECORDING • MOTION PICTURES • PUBLIC ADDRESS 101 Park Avene • New York 16, N. V. den IN CHICAGO ABC partied press and ad reps Wednesday (10) at video station WBKB prior to first Chi remote pickup of wrestling matches which network spon- sored... .Nannett.e Sargent off on two weeks' vacation to Clear Lake Ind ....Carolyn Gilbert, NBC chirpstress, and hubby Ed, both victims of ptomaine poisoning- "Club Matinee" returned to the air Monday (15) as a two-week replacement for the Al Pearce show while the Pearce gang takes vacation Kenny Delmar in town on his way to Hollywood and pics....New baby boy at the Charley Zeller house. Father is m c on WJJD's "Charlotte and Charley" show... Paul Robeson guested on WBBM's "Democracy, U.S.A." show Saturday (13) ABC vacationists'include Robert McKee and Frank O'Connell, sales- Dick Garner, account exec; John Bryson, announcer; Walt Emerson, legal head, and James Baxter, press "Meet the Editor" new show" over WHBF, Rock Island-Moline, bowed Sat. (13)....Bob Venables, WBBM announcer, and Evelyn MacLaren, freelance writer, married in Chi Sat (13)....Quiz Kid Marve Fischman in Hollywood to interview screen mop- pets for the Chi Times was piped in from the coast for Sunday's (14) show WBBM vacationists include Walter Preston, program manager and Bob Croft, sales service manager Donna Leslie new addition to the Curtis L. Pierce, household. Father is NBC central division field en- gineer... .Studs Terkel, whose Sunday night "Wax Museum" is a treat m.c'd a nabe rally last week which protested the elimination of price controls....MCA is cooking up a radio package featuring Gov. Jimmy Are My Sunshine" Davis of Louisiana and Frances Faye Jim Chevalier Continued from page 1 ment will be limited, however, de- clared Lesser, as a tour of key cities is also contemplated. Chevalier is currently playing through Belgium and the Scandinavian countries and will come to the U. S. after a junket through Canada. While here, Lesser is also setting plans for a U. S. legit production of the French film hit, "The Baker's Wife" with Raiinu"starring. Latter' is now recuperating from a serious injury to his legs suffered in a re- cent auto smashup and will not be ready for work until the end of the year. Lesser, who also manages Danielle Darricux, is trying to ne- gotiate a picture deal here for the French actress. Newspaper Continued from page 1 — vertising" puts their space In the hands of the groups with the most money. The parcel deliverymen argue that R. H. Macy, in its cur- rent strife, has the advantage be- cause o/ the store's large space con- tracts. Also that the unions can't afford such expenditures. The political Action Committee of the Palestine body (playwright Ben Hecht heads that one) is a target there. - (Since then the Treasury Dept. has ruled that donors to such groups can no longer take advant- age , of the tax-free "donation" clause, because it is not a charitable but a political cause). This Palestine group interposed itself in the Brit- ish loan to-do because of the politi- cal strife in the. Holy Land. 'You Cornell, WBBM research head for the last five years, leaving the station for a position with the research department of Foot, Cone & Beldine ad agency. B Rooney, Benny — continued from page 1. ^ the proposition for sometime and is held waiting for some film deals to jell before starting out. Sam Stiefel, Rooney's personal manager, has been negotiating with the William Morris agency, and deals are expected to be set up this week. Other major tour this season is that of Jerry Colonna, who's been on the road for about a month. Colonna started in the New England terri- tory, where b.o. was strong, but grosses have fallen down for him in the southern territory. The Hope' hegira, which netted the comedian around $200,000, was made possible by use of two transport planes which permitted him to play virtually every part of the country. It's not yet known whether Rooney will plane or train. Canton—Robert G. Clayton has joined the announcing staff of WHBC, Canton. He previously was associated with WKBZ, Muskegan, Mich. He served 58 months in the Armed Forces Radio Service. Memo. Oh!! OLAN SOULE SAM RYDER I* "Iqchtlor'i Children"—Urk Y«or LEADING MAN la "FIRST-NIGHTER" ffu RapretMtotlv** DUTTON-LIPPOLD MY SINCERE THANKS ■4 The WILLIAM ESTY COMPANY for my asso- cation with them as the VOICE OF PIEL'S and far 28 consecutive weeks with the EVANS QUARTETTE for the Bob Hawk Show. MY HEARTFELT GRATITUDE TO-- FRED WARING for 986 radio appearances with Honey and the Bees. Hob CvghI Now Prosonting the Outstanding Favorites Hi-Lo-Jack and the Dame Bob Kerr 2116 RKO Bldg.. New York