Variety (Jul 1946)

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40 ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC Wednesday, July 17, 1946 RECOMMENDED RECORDS (For Jocks and Jukes) By BARRY GRAY (WOR-Mutual's AU-Night; M.C.) Jan Garber (vocal by June Ar-1 been added, and by Hallo, it's still lluu- and The Foursome with Tommy I commercial! Monroe's disc will be Traynor) "My Fickle Eve"—"Tl'iis Is snapped - up, (or the tempo is ex- ai .p '/tii- l. wiii.t on.!. ;« 1 cell*"*. The Moon Maids do well, Always" Black and White J, This.js d M , , .,. V0Cill in _ nnd fiood. "Angelus will rniR no bells. The maestro with the M:\icts tackle a very average lyric, below avcrayc oniy as an average mus ic. and com predominates. This' stocks, almost. "My Fickle Eye has \ . . . .. danccability, for it does have terp '""ie.iow.siqc. the "new" Garber band. He's had so many, with regular changes of style, that this will be recognized only as an average group playing tempo, but that's all. The tune, com- pletely average, will not benefit by Garbers handling ov as vocalized by The Foursome. Betty Hutton's Teddy Walters (vocal with Man nie . Klein Oich) "Adventure"— "Which Way Did My Heart Go" (Musicraft). "Adventure" is the sion of this is best so far "This Is latest Nick, and Charles Kenny mil Always" is better. It has some trace , sical adventure, written with Abner of the old Garber "Catalina" styl* ; Silver, and sung by Teddy Walters. Easier beat is smoother, and fits.; It'll go well; Melodic, and easy to Tommy Traynor's tenoring nicely Lad strains occasionally, overall ' good vocalizing, mended for this side. listen to, it's played excellently by but it's Mannie Klein, and the Walters lad Recom- makes a good running mate. With ] a touch of The Voice in his work, and perhaps a bit more bass, he'll Danny ONell (vocal with Virg l, m.-j ,„j _ i„n n.i.. • j-. i v i, T „ t,a„«» • be liked, and a lot! Only fault with called "Thats My Home . This is ,,,,„_., „„,. „„,' ,.„,,„ „„.j j;..„ the best O'Ncil disc to date, and a doesn 1 m»V «encially good disc, great deal is owed to the showcas- i "Which Way" is at least as good, ing musically. Actually the CBSong- | Pretty words, and notes to match, maker thins out in spots, and unac-■ Both sides recommended. And so is companicd by the group would lose ' Teddy Walters. The boy's, gonna be some of . the lush" on the wax. Rcc-] big. ornmonded, and Majestic has turned out unprecedented good cutting. "Then It's Heaven" has lovely lyrics, and sung softly is sold, but again O'Ncil sings harshly on the high ones and loses some of the disc's appeal. In the lower register he is excellent. Song is highly commercial'. Helen Carroll and The Satisfiers .(Rusk Case Orch) "Lil Abner, Don't Marry That Girl!"—"The Boogie- Woogie Barnyard" (Victor).. ,"Lil Abner" was written by the creator of that comic strip, At Capp. It boasts good handling by Helen Car- roll and a fine group. It still won't Vaughn Monroe (vocal, by Betty i work. They 'do wonders with what Norton and The Moon Maids) "Just! they have, but it's not enough. Medi- The Other Day"—"When The An- ocre in all departments. "Boogie" gelus Is Ringing" (Victor). "Just The Other Day" is the nationally known commercial E. T. which ad- vertises Gallo Wine. New lyrics have has beat, and is fine for terp fans. Beat is all it has. Recommended for that. Too bad a group as accom- plished as this must pick poor ones. A Beautiful Hawaiian Medley SWEET LEILANI TO YOU SWEETHEART ALOHA SOUTH SEA ISLAND MAGIC '■r " ."i" \ British Best Sheet Sellers (Week Ending July 11. 1940) London, July 12. Bless You ■. Gay Can'1 Begin Tell You . .Chappell Mary Lou F. D. Sc H. Oh. What II Seemed Sun Money Root All Evil . .Chappell Cruising pnwn River.Cinephonic Rain Must Fall ......... .Wood Chickcry Chick ......Connelly Land Beginning Again . .Fcldman Horn; Sick ... .Sterling I Dream of'You .. .Macmelodies Good, Good, Good ... .Connelly -. Klllv Kallen (vocal with Sonny Burke'Orch) "Ju-st My Luck"—"Why Docs II Gel So Late So Early" (Mu^ sicraft). Miss Kallen, formerly band vocalist With Harry James, and now on the Nash-Kclvihatbr airer from Hollywood, has a winner with this one. "Just My Luck" gives the femme nn opportunity, to stylize, instead, of singing with a band beat, and the tunc stylizes fine. Only one small thing wrong. Miss Kallen, used to band dates for years, and smi'.ing at the dancing trade, has' found a professional smile that has managed to.slay in the act, even though she is now a single. It doesn't go with torch tunes. And the drama of the pop is lost by the happy nolo 1hiit conies throilsh. Recommended. "Why Does'..-It. Get So Late" has bounce, and on this one the smile belongs. But it's not a top tune for Miss Kal- len. Ballads belong' with her work, and with them she'll be great. This side recommended for dancers, not for listeners. Tex Beneke (vocal by Beneke) 'Give Me Five Minutes More"— 'Texas Tex" (Victor). This group figures to be the band of the year. Rapidly picking up musical mo- mentum since their civilian reor- ganization, they sound better an each successive date. "Five Minutes" has the maestro's voice, and a lot of tempo. The band drives, and the danceability of this side is completely evident. Beneke sings like a "Texas" Mercer. And that's good! "Texas Tex",., an instrumental, proves the outfit's newfound clean musician- ship. Not commercial but will be liked by the AFM tickctholders. Or on p.a. 10 Best Sellers on Coin-Machines 1 Ink Spots 1. Gypsy (12) (Leeds) .... ........... J Dinah Shore 2. They Say It's Wonderful (8) (Berlin).. j B?ii» y Crosby''''' 3. I Don'I Know Enough About You (5) <C) * m^'b^ 4. Doin' What Comes Natur'lly (4) (Berlin) ! ?. inah S ^ 0TC ' .■ | Jimmy Dorsey. 5. Prisoner of Love (15) (Mayfair) ., \ Perry Como.. | Ink Spots •';..'. G. In Love In Vain (4) (T. B. Harms)..'.. i H^mes-Porrest..'. | Margaret Whiting •7: All Through the Day (14) (Williamson). | P^'-V Como...... I Prank Sinatra . .., 8. Sioux City Sue (11) (Morris)| ^ Crosby 9. Laughing On the Outride (12) (BMI>. ny Pastor ., Dinah Shore .. 10. One More Tomorrow (3) (Remick)....] '[j' 3 " 1 "'- . C ™iu-'■' I Margaret Whiting. Coming Up Do You Love Me (BVC).... Bumble Boogie (Martin). . Hey Ba-Ba-Re-Bop (Leeds) .., There's No One But You (Shapiro) Love On Greyhound Bus <Robbins)..... Cement Mixer (Mills) .... . .......... Come Rain, Come Shine (Crawford)... Stone Cold Dead (Miller) .........." Mabel, Mabel (United)............. Surrender (Sanlly-Joy >.............-... South America Take It away (Leeds)... Hayrries-Forri'st , Freddy. Martin .., I Lionel Hampton.. | Benckc-Millcr 1 Mills Bros.. } Tommy Dorsey. .. J Guy Lombardo.. . | Vaughn Monroe.. Slim Gaillard ... 1 Dinah Shore ' \ Haymes-Forrest . Fitzgerald-Jordan Woody Herman. ■ Perry Como Andrews Sisters. • •. .Dccca ■ Columbia • •■ Victor .... Dccca ;. .Capitol . . .Dccca Columbia • ■ ...Dccca .... Victor. 1.. .Dccca •.. .Dccca • .Capitol •■-.Victor:' Columbia •. . -Dccca ■ •• -Cosmo .Columbia Columbia • .Capitol ... - Dccca •... Victor ;i .... .Decca ... .Victor .... Decca .Victor ... .Decca ... .Victor ... .Cadet .Columbia ... .Dccca .... Dccca .Columbia V.. .Viclor ... .Decca Gayety Inn, L.A., Gets AFM OK After Blacklist .Los Angeles, July 10. Gayety Inn, blael;-and-tannery, has been removed, from blacklist of Negri) Musicians' Local 767 following, payment of $396 in back salaries owed Bill Rowland's five-piece orch. Crew was ordered out of spot two weeks ago, following complaint of Rowland that spot wouldn't pay off. Gayety went musiclcss until money forth .enmc. Rowland now is back. S-J Sets Up New Pub Subsid, Oxford Music Santly-Joy has set up a new subsidiary company called Oxford Music, which will be put into opera- tion, immediately alongside the other companies under S-J ownership. Initial tunc by Oxford will be one by George Weiss and Benny Benjamin, titled "Rumors Are Flying." They're the writers of "Oh What It Seemed to Be." Cavallaro May Work 2 N. Y. Hotel Rooms Carmen Cavallaro, who finished a run at the Hotel Astor Roof, N. Y., Saturday (13), may have two major hotels as New York bases of opera- tions—one in the summer, the other in the winter. Maestro has been signed for the Biltmore, N. Y., open- ing Feb. 7, for his second straight winter run at that spot. Cavallaro's plans for next sum- mer, however, are a bit complicated in that both the'Astor and Biltmore want him for a summer period. If he can straighten the latter conflict out so that he plays the Astor Roof, which operates only in the summer, during the latter period, and work the Biltmore in the winter, he'd have something unusual. WHAT GOES? So we publish "LAZY LULLABY" by LARRY "Navajo Trail" MARKES mid JUSTIN "Lonely Serenade" STONE, so JO STAFFORD introduces it, JERRY WALD, CONNIE HAINES, MAXINE SULLIVAN, "TRUMMY" YOUNG and THE HOLIDAYS, among others, ask to record ii. So WARD DONOVAN and the DANNY O'NElL show feature it. So orders start pouring in and they tell us we have a real "sleeper." Does that mean you have to bother us for copies of "LAZY LULLABY" too? WHAT GOES? KANES MUSIC PUBLISHERS 1619 Broadway, Ntw York 19, N. Y. 'THAT LITTLE DREAM GOT NOWHERE' By Johnny Burko and Jimmy Van Houson from fht Paramount Picture, "Cross My Htart." RECORDED IY BING CROSBY. : ..Dacca TOMMY DORSEY Victor DINAH SHORE. Columbia TONY PASTOR Cosmo PHIL BRITO Musicraft RAY McKINLEY Majestic MARIE GREEN. . Signature JEAN McKEON ...... Black and Whitt 'STRANGE LOVE' By Edward Heyman and Miklos Roisa from the Hal Wallis production, "The Strange Love of Martha Ivors," a Paramount Picture. RECORDED IV ELLIOTT LAWRENCE . .. .Columbia RANDY BROOKS ... Decca TEX BENECKE. . . .. . .Victor (Glenn Miller's Band) PHIL REGAN... .... Majestic MARIE GREEN .... . Signature TED MARTIN .. . . . .DeLuxe In Preparation: 'MY O' DARLIN' MY O'LOVELY MY O'BRIEN' By PAUL SECON and LOU SINGER FAMOUS MUSIC CORP. HI 9 Broadway • New York 19 rubllnhfn to r«r»roount Picture* 'TO EACH HIS OWN' By Jay Livingston and Ray Evans, Inspired by the Paramount Picture, "To Each His Own." RECORDED IY EDDY HOWARD Majestic FREDDY MARTIN...... Victor MODERNAIRES ... .. Columbia With Paula Kelly INK SPOTS. .. ........Decca TONY MARTIN .......Mercury DEL COURTNEY . .... . Musicraft TRUDY IRWIN.. Four Star Record (Opie Cotes Orchestra) 'LOVE IS THE OARNDEST THING' By Johnny Burke and Jimmy Van Heusen from the Paramount Picture, "Cross My Hear 1 ." RECORDED IY TOMMY DORSEY BETTY HUTTON TONY PASTOR. .Victor ^ .. .Capitol .. . . . .Cosmo In Preparation: AN OUTSTANDING BALLAD b • JOHNNY MERGER and ROBERT EMMETT DOLAN PARAMOUNT MUSIC CORP. HI 9 Broadway • New York 19 Publisher) to r«ramonnt Picture*