Variety (Jul 1946)

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Wednesday, Julj 17, 1946 LEGITIMATE Tark'33G, CM; -State SRO 25V 2 G Chicago, July 16. Influx of thousands of convention- eers to Chi last week failed to boost boxofftces, with only two of the four shows turning in good takes. •'State of the Union" jumped to $25 500, and is again doing capacity biz' after a slight drop last week. "Anna Lucasta." which closed Sat- urday (13) after 42 weeks in Chi, had a last-minute rush of ticket buyers to register a good $14,000. "Up in Cen- tral Park" slipped to fair $33,000, while Mae West's "Come. On Up" pocketed a fair $15,000 during its first week* Estimates for Last Week "Anna Loessta," Civic <42d week) (900; $3.60). Closed Saturday (13) with good $14,000. "Come On l)a," Selwyn (1.000; $3.60); $15,000 for 'fair first week. "State «f the Union," Blackslone (12lh week) (1,360; $4.20). Best b« in town, with capacity $25,500. "Up In Central Park," Shubert (13th week) (1,163; $4.80). Down to so-so $33. 000. IVidow'Merry 45G, St L; 'Wakz' Cflireot Repeater St.-Louis. .July 15. "The Last Walts," which received its American preem in the Municipal Opera. Assn.'s alfresco theatre in Forest Park in 1038, and repeated for another one-week stand the follow- ing year, is being presented for the third time by the local enterprise. Piece teed off on another. seven- night stand last night (Monday) be- fore a sweltering mob of 10,000 that laid approximately $4,600 on the line. Top rolcn were taken by Wilma Spenee; Mario Bell, former native and now a Metro starlet, and Joseph Sullivan. Franz Lehar's '"The Merry Widow" wound up its week's engagement Sunday (14) with a' swell b.o. score. A drop In the temperature for most of the run and posies tossed with lavish hand by the crix contributed to luring out 75,000 customers for an estimated gross of $45,000. 'Lire' 16»/ 2 G, Mont'l Montreal, July 16. "Private Lives," starring Tallulah Bankhead, ' supported by Donald Cook, raked up hefty $16,500 for five-day run (two matinees) at 1-750- seater His Majesty's. Opened Tuesday (8) and closed Saturday^l3L^isl£^itte^^avjed^ If my favorite columnist will forgive me for lifting his format, I'd like to use up this white space to kiss goodbyes to Paul Beteman in St. Louis, Bob Boda in Columbus, Bob Royer in Roanoke, and some of the other theater managers out in the wild blue yonder. It's been most enchantin' see in 5 you gentlemen on my tours in advance of Miss Bank- head, Miss Barrymore and Miss Cornell, but I must say that I don't expect to be meeting you this season. Put- ting lanterns in the windows will avail you naught, my hearties. I'm transferring to the New York Chapter of the AT AM and Fm seeking a producer or two with a good disposition, normal digestion, respiration and blood pres- sure, and a soft spot in his heart for a hardworking .press agent. Dean Dick Maney has been good enough to lend me a cranny in his office lor the nonce (spell that with an "o", printer) and over the weekends I may be found # m puttering around the garden A| n in Connecticut. Telephone "' Redding 292. Hello Broad way! v, OR. S. A. DANITS OPTOMETRIST P»aia d a»l« Eve Enalaatlont CONTACT LENSES 1 W«rt Mndiwn S».. t'hiraiw J'ruHldJii Wl Current Road Shows (Period Covering July 15-27) "Anns Lucasta."—Civic, Chi. (15- 27). "Blackouts of 1946"—El Capitan, Hollywood (15-27). "Bloomer Girl" — Philharmonic, L. A. (15-20); Curran, Frisco (22-27). "Come On Up" — Selwyn, Chi. (15-27). "Follow the Girls"—Forrest, Phila. (15-27). "Harvey"—Erlanger, Buff. (22-27). "Mary Had » Little" — Geary, Frisco (22-27). "Meet Ine Wife"—Natl, Wash. (22-27). "Merry Wives of Windsor"—Met., Seattle (15-20); Mayfair, Portland (22-24); Aud., Oakland (26); Aud., Sacramento (27). "Otreetston"- Pinney, Boise (16); Chief, PocateUo (17); Capitol, Salt Lake City (18); Laramie (20); Aud., Denver (22-23); Music Hall, K. City • 25-27). "Oklahoma!" — BUtmore, L. A. (15-27). "State of the Union"—Blackstone, Chi. (15-27).' ■"Up In Central Park"—Shubert. Chi. (15-27). -Volee of the, TBrtle"—Lyric, Van- couver, B. C. (15-20); Met., Seattle (22-27). "Voice of the Tartle"—Cass, Det. (15-27). SUMMER STOCK "A Chorea Mease"—Casino, New- port, R. I. (15-20). "A Gomc for Uw Gander"—Play- house, Cape May, N. J. (15-20). "A Wise Child" — Playhouse, Bridgeport. N. Y. (17-21). "An, Wilderness* — Playhouse, Lakewood. N. J. (15-20). "Alice Sit - By - The - Fire"—Play- house, New Hope, Pa. (15-20). "Ansel Street"—Playhouse, Booth- bay, Me. (17-21). "Aneet Street"—Starlight, Pawl- ing. N. Y. (16-21). "Blind Alley"—Playhouse, Boyl- ston. Mass. (15-20). "Blithe Spirit"—Playhouse, Keene, N; H. (16-21). "Brief MameBt"—Town Hal), Co- hasset, Mass. (15-20). "Captain Applejack"— Playhouse, Mt Kisco, N. Y. (15-20). "Clsaate"—Old Town, Smithtown. L. I. H6-21). "Claaaia" — Playhouse, Marion, Mass. (15-20). "Daaaask Cheek" — Playhouse, Woodstock, N. Y. (15-20). "Design far tArlag-— Playhouse, Westport, Conn. (15-20). "Fair and Warner"—Playhouse. Yardley, Pa. (15-20). "Goodbye Again"— Playhouse, Cragsmoor, N. Y. (15-20). "Kiss Theai far Me"—Playhouse. FishkiU, NY, (16-21). "Lost Colony"—Waterside, Roan- oke Is., N. C. (15-20). "New Moon"—Playhouse. Mill- bum. N. J. (16-21). "Nlrht Mast Fall" — Playhouse. Greenwich, Conn. (15-20). "Oar Town"—Chapel, Ridgewood. N. J. (15-20). "Over 11"—Playhouse, Sayvillc, L. I. (16-21). "Personal Appearance"—Province- town, Clinton Hollow, N. Y. (18-28). "Peat Road" — Playhouse, Lake Pleasant, N. Y. (19-22). "fcebeeea" — Playhouse, Stock- bridge, Mass. (15-20). "■Jag Araand Elisabeth"— Play- house, New London, N. H. (17-20). "•tone" — Playhouse, Stamford. Conn. (15-20). "Salome" — Theatre-in-the-Dale. New Milford, Conn. (17-21). "Snsfa" — Green Bush, Blauvelt. N. Y. (16-21). "Ten Little Indians"—Casino, Hol- yoke, Mass. (15-20). "The Bad Man"—Playhouse, Mt. Gretna. Pa. (18-24). "The Circle" — John Drew, East Hampton, L. I. (15-20). "The Enchanted Cottage"—Hilltop. Lutherville, Md. (16-20). "The Late George Apley"—Play- house, Dennis, Mass. (15-20). "The Little Foxes" — Riverside. Bridgeton. Me. (16-21). "The Little Foxes" — Playhouse. Litchfield, Conn. (16-20). "The Male Animal" — Playhouse. Milford, Pa. (16-20). "The Male Animal"—Playhouse. Bennington. Vt. H5-20). "The riiiladelphla Story"—Play- house. Guilford, Conn. <15 : 20). "The Walrus and the Carpenter"— Playhouse, Bridgchampton, N. Y (1(5-20). "Three's a Family"—Playhouse Bolton Landing, N. Y. (16-20). •Tonight at 8:30" — Playhouse Ogunquit, Mc. (15-20). "Twelfth Night" — Chapel, G( I Neck, L. 1. (16-23). ] "Young Woodley" — Playhouse i Beverly, Mass. (15-20). 'Bohemian GrIY 15G Puts Memphis in Black Memphis, July 16. ' Bohemian Girl" pulled $15,000 to the Memphis Open Air Theatre box- office the past week to put the Mid- South Summer musical organization back in the black after a first week made shaky by rain. Alfresco operation needs about $12,000 weekly to break even, and didn't quite get that with the previous week's "Bios-, som Time." Crix went overboard for "Bohe- mian Girl" singing, declaring vocal setup was finest town has ever heard in anything from musical comedy to grand opera, Principals included Rosemarie Brancato, Frank Horna- day, Edward Roecker, John Gurney, Martha Larrimore and Charles Hamilton. B way Static and Biz SHO Blah; 50% of Shows Just Scraping Almg; Annie' 45G; Icetime' 47G Tops All Business on Broadway last week was a shade better than during the previous holiday week. But 50% of. the 22 attractions on the list are scraping along and presumably some of that contingent is operating in the red, figuring on an upturn from now on. The agencies say they are doing more business selling tickets for the baseball games than for the theatres and fine weekend weather sends a majority of the citizenry to open-air diversion. However, theatres can de- pend on liberal percentage of con- ventionites. "Tidbits of 1946," a vaude revue, was thumbed down and disappeared after one week. "Maid in the Ozarks" opened Monday; panned as expected. Estimates for Last Week Keys: C (Comedy), D (Drnma), CD (Comedy-Drama), R (Retme), M (Musical), O (Operetta). "Anna Lnessta," Mansfield (99th week) (D-1,041; $3.60). Very little difference in long run colored-cast drama; evidently getting by: around $aooo. "Annie Get Taar Gan," Imperial <9lh week) (M-1,427; $6-60). Stand- ees at all performances; so strong that it's a cinch through next sea- son: more than $45,000. "Aronnd the World," Adelpbi (7th week) (M-1.434; $6). Might fare bet- ter in more favorable location,- but no intention to move; rated around 321.500. no better than even break. "Bora Yesterday," Lyceum (24th week) (C-983; $4J»). Advance sale so staunch that nothing can effect the capacity pace of laugh show, which tops $21,000. "Call Me Mister," National (13th week) (R-1,142; $6). Another stand- out that continues to sell out all times with the gross quoted over £32 500. "Carcase!," Majestic (65th week) <M-1,667: $6). Second summer natu- rally not as strong but this is still among the top grossers; rated around $36,000. "Dear Ruth," Miller (83d week) (C-940). Down around the $5,000 level and will depart after another week. "Deep Are the Boots," Fulton (42d week) (D-968; $3.60). Eased off fur- ther and using some cut r.-tes Philly's toner Philadelphia, July 16. Length of stay here for "Follow the Girls," town's one legiter, is in doubt. Musical, starring Gertrude Niescn, has been doing nicely at the Forrest but well under a capacity pace. Gross for last week, its third stanza, was $28,500, City is plastered with paper of a fall opening already, something of a novelty. Show is "Voice of the Turtle," due in return engagement Labor Day. Only other fall booking officially announced is the newly - formed American Repertory The- atre, which opens a two weeks' stand at the Shubert Sept 23. Outfit will give two performances of t heir pro- jected repertory—''Henry VIET and "What Every Woman Knows." Eva Le Gallienne, Walter Hampden, Vic- tor Jory. Ernest Truex and Mar- garet Webster are a nucleus. HOT WEATHER SHOW BIZ GOOD FOR 135G IN LA. Los Angeles, July 16. Midsummer show business is go- ing . along at a mighty clip here with four major attractions holding down permanent spots and the Hollywood Bowl drawing its thou- sands four nights weekly. Still top- ping the gross peak is "Bloomer _ Girl," which wavered only slightly 'around $7,5CK). Revival"oi "The Front to $51,000 for 1 the third week at the Page" may follow, but not due until Philharmonic Aud. "Oklahoma!" car- ried through its 10th. week at the Biltmore with sold out $38,000. Advent of Hollywood Starlight Theatre Assn. on the local scene: at the Greek theatre in Griffith Park had "Two Hearts in Three-Quarter Time" bowing as the first attrac- tion to tune of $27,500. This is not: last up to nut figures, but points way I ,as to future profits, when the public gets outdoor conscious for operet September. "Barvey," 48th Street (89th week) (C-925: $4.20). Strongest among straight play holdovers with .the sec- ond summer seeing laugh snow still selling out: over $19,000 quoted. "kctfate." Center (4th week) (R- 2.994; $2.40). A natural in the Radio City sector: running much ahead of summer's skating ' show with week quoted around $47,000: tons all. "Life With Father," Bijou (345th week) <C-614: $3.60). Claimed to ance advocates helps somewhat; $7,- 000 estimated. "Seng of Norway," Broadway (9Cth week) (0-1,900; $4.80). Among the stayers doubtful Of profitable operation recently; rated around $19,000. • "State of the Union," Hudson (35th week) (CD-1,057; $4£0). One of the standouts for w h i c h attendance doesn't vary; more than $24,000: ca- pacity. "Swan Song," Booth (9th week) (CD-712; $4.20). Another show not figured to have bettered operating outlay since opening; $5,000. "The Glass Menagerie," Royale (67th week) (CD-1,025; $3.60). Pace little better than even break; rated under $10,000. ' "The Voice of the Turtle," Mo- rosco (119th week) (C-939; $3.60). Somewhat better here with takings indicated around $9,500; should be okay at this time. "Three to Make Beady," Broad- hurst (19th week; (R-1,160: $4JO). Revue .started off to great business in much larger house but tapered here. Around $21,000; still indefinite. REVIVALS "Show Beat," Ziegfleld (27 th week) (M-1.628: $6). Getting goodly share of visitor trade but has been o/f recently; rated around $35,000. "The Bed Mill," 46th Street (39th week) (M-1.319: $4.80). Picked up last week to around $25,000 and ex- pectation is for continuance well in- to autumn. VAUDE-REVUE "Tidbits of 1946," Plymouth. Vaudeville mostly of small-time brand: nanned and stooped after one week. NEIGHBORHOOD "On the Town," Windsor. Bronx. "Snds In Soar , Eye," Flatbush. Brooklvn. LAYING OFF. "Dream Girl." Coronet (CD-1.037; $4.80). Plaved 29 weeks: will relight. "O Mistress Mine," Empire (CD- 1,082: $4.80). Played 22 weeks: will resume. 'LADIES' 46 FLOP, T0R0IT0 Toronto, July 16. "Good Night, Ladies," starring Ed- die Nugent and Alien Kearns, nose- dived to $4,000 at the Royal Alex- andra, with 1.525-seater scaled at S2 40 ton. Ken Murray's ''Blackouts of j havc fa red better in past season than las. 1946'' went past the 212th stretch ' oreviously" but count" down around with standard $17,000. S6.500. ! "Maid In the Ozarks, Belasco (C- 1.077: $3.60). Presented by Jules IPfcifTer: written by Claire Parrish; i originally shown Uti the Coast five rears aeo: opened Monday (15). "Oklahoma," St James (177th week) (M-1,509; $4.80). Management doesn't attempt to explain the record run but the agencies predicted it; close to capacity; approximately $30,000. "On Whitman Avenae," Cort (10th week) (D-1.064: $3.60). Gratuitous ourchase of tickets bv racial toler- Tortnne' Bright 33G, 'Wives' Blah !f& S. F. San Francisco. July 16. "The Fortune Teller," third in the series of Civic Light Opera produc- tions, now in second week of its three-week engagement at the Cur- ran. played to sellout $33,000 last week. "Merry Wives of "Windsor" con- eluded its four-week run at the Geary' Saturday (13), dropping in final stanza to $9,500. "Mary Had A Little." Al Rosen ; show starring Edmund Lowe and ; Mary Brian, opened at the Geary 1 Monday (15). j Turtle V 18G D.C. Finale i Washington, July' 16. 1 National did mild $18,000 last week i (or the fourth and final stanza of - Voice of the Turtle." Considering I run and the heat, return was better than expected. Mary Bol;ind. in "Meet the Wife." • meeting with good mail-order ad- ! vancc for its week here starting July 22. This is one of show's few big-time stands on its summer stock ; tour. "Dear Ruth" skedded for a run I starting July 29.. GEEEK NIXES SABBATH Hollywood, July 16. 1 Hollywood Starlight Theatre Assn. changed its policy with the 1 adoption of a six-night week, wiping •' Sunday off the schedule at the Greek Theatre in Griffith Park. Gene Mann, managing director. . i explained that the players arc so ' >>i>.«y with •. performances and re- .s>rsals that they need at least one i I day of rest per week. THEATRICAL FA1RICS for COSTUMES DIAPEIIES STAGE CUITAINS AMwfM. uppIlM «v*ty Pahrk aood Ur loading arondwoy p r tim S itm mmd Hollywood tlwdlof. I 7A« ibtut el £r/v,cv" 130 WmI 4Hk Statot, Now V*n\ rillCACO IXM'ANOBI.KS r. IC. Uikr St. Ill* So. L. A. St. SAMUEL FRENCH Biscr. its* Play, Broken and Authors' Repreflcntatfves ttl Wat 4Mb ttfwet, Mew T«tk ■II Wcti 7Ik Micet, Vm Aaadea FULL COLOR SCREEN TEST IN 16 M M. CALL SEIDEL-CORYN Clrcl* 7-0S75 853 Seventh Avanu*, N*w York