Variety (Jul 1946)

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Wednesday, July 24, 1946 Bands at Hotel B.O.'s Covers Total 'Weeks, runt Covers Wind Hotel l'liiyed \Ye< U On Pate Nat Brandwynne*. Biltmore (600; a la carte) 6 1,900 15,375 Iqr/imy Tucker . .Astor (850; $1-$1.50) 1 3,200 3,200 Guy Lombardo... Waldorf (550; $2) 1 3,100 4 ; 600 Elliot Lawrence . .Pennsylvania (500; Sl-$1.50) 3 2,050 6,050 Johnny Pineapple" Lexington (300; 75c-$1.50) .. 25 1,375 49,850 Joe Reichmart Roosevelt (400;,$1-$1.50)............ 4 2,225 22,075 Chuck Foster New Yorker (400; $1-$1.50) 4 1,475 7,025 • Asterisks indicate a supporting floor show. New Yorker has let show, Lexington; an Hawaiian floor show; Biltmore, Dunninger. Los Angeles Freddy Martin (Ambassador; 900; $1-$1.50). The beautiful biz flows on; 4,100 covers. Kuss Morgan (Biltmore; $1-$1.50). Slightly off from whopping previous stanza, but still bounteous at 4,300 tabs. ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC Chicago Henry Brandon (Beach Walk and Marine Room, Edgewater Beach hotel; 4.G0O combined; $1.50-$1.80 admission to Beach Walk; Marine Room, 75c-$l cover charge, no minimum). Hot wcatlier sent a socko 13,500 payees to this outdoor nitery. ' Sherman Hayes (Walnut Room, Bismarck hotel; 465; $1.50-$2.50 min.). Down to 3,100 but still good 1 biz. Ernie Heckscher (Mayfair Room, Blackstone hotel; 350; $1.50-$2.50 min.). De Marios and Don Richards head new show for a fair first week 2,100. Charley Splvak (Panther Room, Sherman hotel; 950; $1.50-$2.50 min.). Tex Beneke-Glen Miller orch closed Thursday (18), Spivak opened Friday (19) to round out nifty 6,500 week. Ted Stroeter (Empire Room, Palmer House; 590; $3-$3.50 min.). Took a fall to still good 5,300. . . Orrin Tucker (Boulevard Room, Stevens'hotel; 650; $3-$3.50 min.). A w:.-.l S 300. Location Jobs, Not in Hotels (Chicaoo) Gay Clarldge (Chez Parce; 650; $3-$3.50 min.). Joe E. Lewis continues to pack them in. Near capacity 5,800 last week. Del Courtney (Blackhawk, 500; $2-$2.50 min.). Up again as Courtney heads for a Blackhawk record. Henry King (Aragon; 90c-$1.15). A steady 14,000. George Olsen (Trianon; 90c-$1.15). Terrific 17,500. Buddy Shaw (Latin Quarter; 700; $3-$3.50 min.). Show headed by Lind Bros., Minevitch Rascals, and Jack Carter drew a keen 4,100. (Los Angeles) Frankle Carle (Palladium, B, Hollywood, 6th wk.). Windup stanza tapered to 16,000 admishes. Jan Savltt (Avodon, B, Los Angeles, 1st wk.). Pawky pace, with 8,000 payees. Jimmy James (Trianon, B, South Gate, 1st wk.). Wicket-take anemic 2,450 stubs. Eddie Hey wood, Lecuona Cuban Boys (Trocadero, N, Hollywood, 3d wk.). Band keeping biz fair at 2,500 tabs. Leonard Sues (Ciro's, N, Hollywood, 2d wk.). Ledgers still black at 2,100 covers. Stan Kenton (Meadowbrook, B, Culver City, 2d wk.). tloing the most profitable ballroom biz hereabouts, with gold-lined 8,900 admishes. Former Recording Artist Jutt rebated from Navy, anxloui to latch en' at Italured vocaliit with full dance band new at N. Y. location or traveling in Eatt. Romantic bal- ladi, bluet, pop, teat. BOX 789 . VARIETY, 1M W. 4«th St., N. Y. 19 Always $■■«—All Ways Popular MILLS PROGRAM SUGGESTIONS MARY LOU IT MUST BE TRUE • MY HONEY'S LOVIN' ARMS MILLS MUSIC, INC. Ult ■roadway New York 1« Ventura's Roseland Date Stymied by Anthony Hun Charlie Ventura's date with his new band. at Roseland Ballroom, New York, is being partly stymied by the run of another new band, Ray Anthony, brought in from the midwest by Music Corp. of America for a buildup. Ventura was due into Roseland Aug. 5 for a four-week and possibly longer run. Now he will open on that date for one week only, to be followed again by An- thony for another, seven weeks (first run is four). Ventura, saxist formerly with Gene Krupa and now being backed by the latter in the embryo band, is currently at Post Lodge, Larch- mont, N. Y. He is not affiliated with any booking office. ASCAP to Skip Usual s Board Meet in July American Society of Composers, Authors and • Publishers will skip its usual director board meeting this month. Confab usually takes place on the last Thursday of each month, but because of vacations, etc., there will not be a sufficient number of board members on hand for the July meet to reach a quorum. .. Clincher was the fact that there are no pressing problems on hand.. Hwood Air Time Buy-In May Cause Jockey Bonanza Hollywood, July 23. Diskeries here are sizzling over Aladdin Records, odd-label operated by Eddie and Leo Messner, buying series of 15-min. programs on Al Jarvis' disk jockey sessions on KLAC. While platteries are agreed that such radio shows are their best form of promotion, in past they unofficially grouped together in tacit.understanding that none would buy advertising on ozone but get broadcasting breaks through wooing jocks socially and dishing them free vinylite disks. Jarvis is known to be soliciting other record company biz, includ- ing majors headquartered in N. Y., now that he has nailed first time- buying 'waxery. With ice cracked, a rush of rivals may eventuate, all bent on underwriting ether time. Such a situation long has been an- ticipated in many quarters of the recording industry. BRETON NAMES BMI AS ITS REP IN U. S. Broadcast Music, Inc., takes over representation in this country of Raoul Breton's France-Music Co. catalog, which recently was with- drawn by Breton from SACEM, the French performance rights society. Leeds Music formerly represented Breton's interests in the U. S., but gave up the affiliation since Breton's withdrawal from SACEM pulled his music out of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publish- ers, which is affiliated with SACEM in a reciprocal performance rights deal. Leeds is an ASCAP member. Under the deal, BMI Is also the selling agent for Breton's. material in this country. On Ik Upbeat ' Henry Bussc added to cast of "Fabulous Dorseys" Aim....Stan Kenton making Universal short this week, "Artistry in fthythm".. ■ .Eddie Oliver's orch will back Hlldegarde during chirp's four-week date at San Francisco's Mark Hopkins hotel, opening Tues. (30).. . .Jack Fina (ex-Freddy Martin' pianist) and 1 new band will play Claremont hotel, Berkeley, Calif., for id stanzas starting Aug. 6... Harry James' first Coast date when he zooms west again after current eastern ballroom tour will be one-niter at Ren- dezvous, Balboa, Calif., Aug: 22 Jimmy Grier combo set for fortnight at Pacific Square, San Diego, starting Aug. 6... .Isabelita, former Xavier Cugat thrush, has joined Lecuona Cuban Boys....Ada Leonard's all-gal orch commences eight-week stand at Sherman's, San Diego, on Fri. (261 . .. .Alvino Rey and crew taking this week off from one-nite trek in mid- west to fish Wisconsin lakes.. . .Woody Herman and the herd will take late-summer three-week vacash in Hollywood, resuming again with string of interstate vau'de. stands in Texas, starting with Oct. 17 week in Dallas ....Red Nichols started four-weeker Mon. (22) at Music Box, Frisco.... Lawrence Welk set for six-day date at Pheasant Festival, Aberdeen, S. D # starting Sept. 18 Eames Bishop, chief of MCA's Hollywood bandw bookery, in Frisco digging dates for his string of combos... .Jack Barrow orch set for stand at Salt-Air Beach, Salt Lake, extending from Fri. (26) until Sept. 2 Jerry Brent's 19-piece aggregation, a Coast outfit, inked to management contract by MCA.... International Sweethearts of Rhythm, all-gal group, wending way back east after two months on Coast, via Aug. 6 date at Oakland, Aug. 7 at Reno, Aug. 9-10 at Salt Lake City and Aug. 12 at Denver... .Ray Noble and wife nixed on passport applications to vacash in England. British-born batoneer was told papers will be issued only to those going aUroad on biz Tommy Tucker set for Nov. 19-Dec. 25 stretch at Hollywood's Palladium. Henry Wells, former trombonist with Andy Kirk and Jimmie Lunceford bands, organizing his own small unit of four or five pieces. David Stein- berg will be outfit's personal manager. Freddy Martin, who owns the Martin Music Co., in- addition to operating his orchestra, has opened a retail music store in Los Angeles' Ambassador hotel, where his band has been a fixture for years. Art Mooney orchestra, at Palisades Park, Fort Lee, N. J., virtually since start of season, holds over for the remainder of the summer, first time Palisades has used one band in such a way... .Jimmy Palmer orchestra replaces Charlie Ventura at Post .Lodge, Larchmont, N. Y., July 20, for six weeks Tommy Tucker into the Palladium Ballroom, Hollywood, Nov. 19 for five weeks, two days.... Billy Butterfield's new band into Avodon Ballroom, Los Angeles, Aug. 14, for four weeks Commodore Records, jazz outfit, bought General Record Co., producer of General, Gamut and Timely labels. Filipino Musical Upbeat Manila, July 16. Cultural reconversion of the Philippines is keeping pace with that of industry, as the islanders have picked up, musically, where the outbreak of the war left them. In the government-sponsored mu- sic contest for Philippine Indepen- dence Day, a first prize of S1.000 was awarded to Captain Antonio Buena- ventura, conductor of the Philip- pine Army Band, for the best sym- phonic poem. Winning effort, titled "Youth," is the second prize-winner written by the composer, the first, "By the Hillside," having, won first prize for the most original compo- sition in a national contest in 1941. RECORDING STUDIOS FOR SALE On* of the finest ••tups In the out, complete with now 1946 Presto equipment and modern studios, is offered for tale, loi 3537. VARIETY, 154 West 46th Street, New York If, N. Y. Lunceford Eyes Oxley As Morris Pact Winds Hollywood, July 23.. It is known that Jimmy Lunce- ford is flirting, with Harold F. Ox- ley's agency and may return to that banner for representation when con- tract with William Morris agency expires at end of the month. The band was handled by Oxley on per- sonal-management basis for 12 years before severing last January. Lunceford, who closed week at vaudfllm Lincoln last night (Mon.), has been dissatisfied with Morris' handling, especially in the securance of theatre dates. Contract with pres- ent agency calls for spotting in N. Y. location spot and as yet Mor- ris' bookers have not delivered: Oxley, who fortnight ago sold out his N. Y. office and henceforth will concentrate here, is due in today (Tues.) and will see Lunceford be- fore band blows town. N. Y. COPS FINGERPRINT NAME BANDS IN HOTELS New York Police Department has extended its rule requiring all nightclub entertainers and operators to be fingerprinted, enlarging it to include all hotej rooms which em- ploy only name bands. Cops are currently In the process of sampling the whorls of major maestros and their musicians. $5,000 K. C. Holdup Kansas City, July 23. Frank W. Murray and Edward J. Nettle, co-owners of the Music Serv- ice Co., which operates a string of jukeboxes in taverns and restau- rants, were held up in their place of business by two masked bandits and robbed of about $3,770. . Money taken from the employees brought the loot to about $5,000. Andy Russclf wafcfies his manager, George "Bullets" Durgom, eat his latest Capitol record of "Pre- tending" to pay off a bet. Russell claimed that "Pretending" would be his biggest telling record. Durgom claimed otherwise. Russell holds Capitol statement .'showing over '/j. of. a million records shipped in the first month since its release. Publisher Criterion Music Corp. also reports heavy sheet sales.