Variety (Jul 1946)

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52 ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC Wednesday, July 24, 1946 NBC, CBS, ABC, Mutual Plugs (Peatman System) f'ollon'iiig arc (lie Most Played songs of (Me week. July 12-18. based on the -copyrighted survey by Dr. John Peatman's Office of Research, tisiup the Accurate Reporting Radio Log as basis of information in N, Y. All Through the Day—t"Centcnnial Summer" .Williamson Azusi. •■ ••• ^ ccds , . Come Rain Come Shine— c "St. Louis Woman",.. Crawford Cynthia's In Love Do You Love Me?—i"Do You Love.Me?"., Doin' What Comes Natur'lly—'"Annie Get Your Gun Don't Be a Baby, Baby •'•'• Full Moon and Empty Arms. Gypsy . •• ■ • 1 Don't Know Enough About You...,. I Don't Know Why—i'Taithful In My Fashion".. I've Got Sun In Morning—•"Annie Get Your Gun". I'd Be Lost Without You If You Were the Only Girl I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time. In Love In Vain—t"Ccntennial Summer".. Laughing On the Outside Love On a Greyhound Bus—t"No Leave, No Love"..... More Than You Know Night and Day—v"Night and Day" .... One More Tomorrow Prisoner of Love • ■ Should I Tell You I Love You'.'—""Around the World" Sioux City' Sue Morns Strange Love—t "Strange Love of Martha Ivers" Famous Surrender -.Sanlly-Joy There's No One But You. Shapiro They Say It's Wonderful—""Annie Get Your Gun".... ..Berlin Too Many Irons In the Fire. ... 4Marks Whatta Ya Gonna Do 4BMI Who Do You Love I Hope—'"Annie Get Your Gun ".. Berlin You May Not Love Me—i "Road To Utopia" Burke-VH ...ABC , ..BVC ,. .Berlin ., .Triangle . Barton .. .Leeds .4C-P '.. .Feist ...Berlin .. .Advanced .. .Mutual .. .Broadway ,. . .T. B. Harms . 1BMI ., .Robbins ...Miller .. .Harms „ .Remiek .. .Maylair .. .T. B. Harms t Filmusicol. ♦ Legit Musical. tBMI Licensed. TOP HITS 0F VESTCfcUAY $TA«»*ft»S TODAY HARRY JAMES ADDS 3D NEGRO TO HIS ORCH Harry James added another Negro to his orchestra last week when Jimmy Crawford, drummer former- ly with Edmund Hall's orchestra at Cafe Society, N. Y.. joined the out- fit. He came in for the Coca-Cola broadcast Friday (19). James has had two colored men with the outfit for seme time, the light-skinned Juan Tizol and Willie Smith, outstanding trombonist and sax, respectively. 10 Best Sheet Sellers (Week Ending, July 20) Gypsy — .Leeds They Say It's Wonderful. .Berlin What Comes Naturally... .Berlin Surrender Sanlly-Joy I Don't Know Enough..'... .C-P To Each His Own.,. .Paramount Prisoner of Love. Mayfair ■. One More Tomorrow... .Reinick Sioux City Sue. ...Morris Got Sun in Morning. Berlin Guy Music Notes Frances Langford Inks With Mercury Records Hollywood. July 23. Frances Langford has been pacted for platters by Mercury Records. Chirp last March cut away from . ARA in dissatisfaction over not getting as many releases on sales stalls as she thought her contract warranted. First disking by Miss Langford for new label will be achieved shortly after Jimmy Hilliard, Mer- cury wax chief, arrives here from Chicago headquarters on Sun. (21). In addition to sessioning Miss Lang- ford for four sides, Hilliard also will record Tony Martin. Anita El- lis and the first sides made for Mer- cury by Jack Fina's recently formed band. •Sweethearts' Orch Ain't In Rhythm With FB "Sweethearts of Rhythm" orches- tra, Negro femme outfit which Fred- erick Bros.: has been handling the past few years, is in a contractual hassle with that agency which may result in the securing of a release. Dan Gary, who headquarters in Washington, handles the band's af- fairs. Band Reviews RAY VENTURA ORCH (21) With Billy Held, Max Ellov, Piqulnet, Billy Toffel Adelphl, London Trying hard to get permission from the.Ministry of Labor to bring Ray Ventura and his band over to. play vaudeville dates in England, and fail- ing, Jack Hylton managed permis- sion for French macstro's appear- ances at three special concerts and two televisions and two broadcasts for the British Broadcasting Corp. Ventura was due here in 1939 but was compelled to cancel when nearly his entire band was called to the French colors- Orchestra now has been re-formed and has since played Lyons, and Marseilles in France, Monte Carlo and Switzerland. Also appeared in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile. Outfit comprises three trumpets, three trombones, five reeds, three vio- lins, seven rhythm and vocalist and vocal quartet. Outfit started with Paul Misraki's "Insensiblemcnl" to nice response, following with "Cal- donia." Then Raymond Bernard, pianist, gave out with "Polonaise," with Billy Toffel supplying vocals. Billy Reid, author of "Gypsy," popular in America, has a new one in "It's a Pity to say Good-Night." which was given sendoff by Toffel with vocal quartet of Bob 'Jacqo- main, Mary Jane, Johnny Mcstag and'Harry Breyrc supporting. Henry Salvador, West Indian wilh an infectious grin, gave a couple of impressions. "Popeyc," one of them which has been done to death, was refreshingly handled. Toffel again took the stand to sing "Symphony." Max Elloy, comic of outfit and ringer for French ace comedian Fer- nandel, clowned with his effort to sing "Pepita". Second half teed oft with South American swing.melody. "Chiu-Chiu" with full band in action and with Toffel and the quartet vocalizing. Followed by Paul Misraki's "That Was a Night" and then a semi-com- edy number describing GI's mash troubles with French dames, titled "Hello Baby Mademoiselle". Inevita-. ble Sinatra takeoff in "Nancy with the Laughing Face" caused no swoons. Another number that clicked was "Me Do It," written by Noble Sissle specially for this band when they met in Belgium while Sissle was touring for USO-Camp Shows. Guy Plquinet gave out with "Smoke Gets in Your .Eyes" to strong returns. Instrumental quartet from band scored with,"My Guy's Come Back," being forced to encore with "Crazy Rhythm." Closing num- ber was medley of "pops". Show went over big. Outfit is re- freshing and brings something that's lacking in most local aggregations, with biggest novelty being Ray Ven- tura's refusal to accept "plug" money offered by most of local publishers, and something almost unheard of among local bands. Rege. Stan Kenton band culs four more sides for Gapilol Records Thurs. (25» on Coast.. . .Spinu-Green Music Co. has made deal with London firm of Campbell-Connelly to handle distribution of songs In Great Britain..., Jack Fina's recently formed orch will do first waxing under new pact with Mercury Records today (Wed.) in Holly wood... .Diana Lynn disking a pianology album for Cupilol..-. .M. K. Jerome and Jack Scholl signed to clef ditties for Warners' "Love and Learn" pic.. . .Xavier Cu'gat arid Dinah Shore had disk dates with Columbia Records on Coast last week... .F.lla Mae Morse signed by Capilol Transcriptions... .Igor Stravinsky left Holly- wood .for Mexico City last week for guest batoning fortnight... .Dick Jurgens' band will wax ten tunes for Standard Transcriptions on Aug. 12 Pied Pipers inked into El Cortez, Las Vegas, for two weeks commenc- ing Aug. 24....Johnny Mercer and'Glenn Wallichs, prez and vecpee re- spectively of Capitol Records, arrived in Hollywood yesterday. (Tues.). Kitty Kallcn cut four more sides for Musicraft last week, backed, by Sonny Burke orch..Sammy Friedman named Hollywood dep of Peter Maurice, Ltd., British pub firm which has working agreement in U. S. with Lou Levy's Leeds Music. Friedman , formerly Was a Coast contact man.for Frank Sinatra-owned Stanwood Music... .Joan Barton will disk first four sides under her new 4 Star Records pact end of this week.... Johnny Burke and Jimmy Van Heusen turned out three tunes last week for Paramount pic, "Emperor Walt/."... .Phil Brito will cut four sides for Musicraft in Hollywood on Fri. (26) and bring it back to N. Y. following day Irving Mills back in Coast cubicle after month-long huddle in N. Y. with brother Jack, during which time former revised Mills Music's copy- right dept... .Eddie Marmdr, prez of Left-Marmor Music, back on Coast aften ten-day junket to Manhattan... .Lou Busch has joined Capitol Tran- scriptions as arranger-conductor Tex Ritter-back in Hollywood after coast-to-coast personal trek. While in N. Y. he opened eastern oflice of rustic-rhythm pub firm he has been operating on Coast... .While U. S. Senator W. Lee (Pappy) O'Danicl is still under contract to Southern Music as a songwriter, lie hasn't submitted a ditty since, he was Te\ns' governor, back in 1935. Last known tunc the statesman authored was "If There Ain't No Texas. Then I Don't Love You" . ".. .Ben Ellison, who quit as gen. mgr. of Exclusive Records last month, now fronting new odd-label, Hollywood International Records.... Eric Bernay, proxy of Keynote Records, in Hollywood for a month, setting up Coast office Teddy Stauffcr orch waxing album for Roger Records. ROSENBERG STRICKEN WITH HEART ATTACK Jack Rosenberg, president of New York Local 802, American Federa- tion of Musicians, is in Polyclinic Hospital, N. Y„ after suffering a serjous heart attack last week. He has been in an oxygen tent since be- ing removed to the institution. Rosenberg suffered the attack in the street, and for a while after be- ing taken to Polyclinic his identity was unknoum. First pressings for Cosmo by Sher- man Hayes' orch, currently at the Bismarck hotel, Chicago, made in that city last week ... A Beautiful Hawaiian Medley SWEET LEILANI TO YOU SWEETHEART ALOHA SOUTH SEA ISLAND MAGIC REX STEWART ORCH (7) With Henry Wells, Robert Williams Aquarium, New York Booked into the' Aquarjum as second band after playing some of the 52d street boites, Duke Elling- ton's former first 'trumpet man, fronts a fine medium-sized combo as speller for Charlie Barnet, currently headlining the spot! Although billed as headliner and relief, the two out- fits share playing time almost equally until midnight concert, and the smaller Stewart aggregation more than holds its own with the payees. With two reed, two brass and three rhythm, the blue-mood arrange- ments come up as a reminder of the Duke, which is natural, since Ste- wart's been away from his former mentor only seven months. Vocally, bassist Robert Williams handles scat stuff, while Henry Wells, trombone, takes the swoon tunes, both ade- quately. Maestro still plays a fine open horn. Alto saxist George Johnson is featured for good returns in several arrangements, standout being "Cher- okee." Combo does very well with "Mood Indigo" (composed by Ell- ington), marked by reed-brass be- hind Rufiis Webster's piano melody. Floor stays crowded throughout. Tonint Jordan 111, Forced Out of Harlem Apollo Louis Jordan, opening at the Apollo theatre, N. Y., wilh his Tympany Five last Friday (19). de- veloped laryngitis just before going on and has been out of the show since the second performance. Bill Robinson was brought iti after Jor- dan was forced out and has: been conducting Jordan's combo and hoofing ever since. Jordan went to Chicago lo con suit his own doctor. Whether he will be back in time to do any shows before the week is finished tomor- row (Thurs.) night, is uncertain. Raebarn Inks With GAC Hollywood, July 23. Boyd Raeburn band, current at Club Morocco, over weekend signed for representation with General Artists Corp. Musicrew in recent weeks also had a feeler extended by Music Corp. of America. Last winter Raeburn severed from William Morris agency, after long period of mutual dissatisfaction. In the interim, date-getting for band has been done by Lou Bolton, com bo's manager. . BOURNE I n c Top Tunes for Yoflr Books An All-Time Favorite DON'T BLAME ME Music by... JIMMY McHUGH Published by ROBBINS Wally Downey, foreign consultant to ASCAP, operating a new Cuban publishing house, Melodies Cubanos, and placing .Latin . song material with U. S. publishers. America'* Greatest Youthful Entertainers BILL TURNER And Hit International Boys Featuring Den Santera Now 5th Week—Rip Tide Club Calumet City, III.