Variety (Jul 1946)

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Wednesday, July 81, 1946 PICTURE GROSSES 13 Widow-Pastor Wedding Bells At Flowery 55G in Chi; 'Night' 15G, 'O^'-Vaude 6%, Tears 32G, 2d Chicago, July 30. It's mostly an h.o. situation current- ly with grosses accordingly slanted downward. Of the three newcom- ers. "Young Widow," with Tony Pastor's orch on the stage,- is out front, heading for $55,000 at the Oriental. Others are "Somewhere In Night," at the Garrlck, and "Dead of Night"-"Cubah Pete" dualer. at the Grand, which are getting $15,000 and $11,000, respectively. Most solid of the h.o.'s are "O. S. S " with the Charioteers and Fred and Elaine Barry heading stage show. Chicago, $83,000; "Canyon Passage"-"Danger Woman," Palace, $38,000; 'IGreen Years," United Art- ists, $32,000; and "To Each His Own/' State-Lake. $30,000. Estimates for This Week Apollo (B&K) (1,200; 65-95) — "Renegades" (Col) (3d wk). Pallid $9,000. Last week, okay $11,000. Chicago (B&K) (3,900; 65-95)— "O. S. S." (Par) with Charioteers, Fred and Elaine Barry on stage (2d wk); Fine $63,000. Last week, mam- moth $70,000. Garrlck (B&K) - (900; 65-95)— "Somewhere in Night" (20th). Good $15,000. Last week, "They Made Me Killer" (Par), fair $10,000. Grand (RKO) (1,150; 65-95)— "Dead of Night" (U) and "Cuban Pole" (U). Nice $11,000. Last week. "She Wolf London" (U) and "Cat Creeps" (U), standard $10,000." Oriental (Essaness) (3,240; 65-95)— "Young Widow" (UA) with Tony Pastor orch heading stage bill. Prime $55,000. Last week, "Postman Rings Twice" (M-G) with Mills Bros, on . stage (4th wk), solid $45,000. Palace (RKO) (2,500; 65-95)— "Canyon Passage" (U) and "Danger Woman" (U) (2d wk). Very fine $38,000. Last week, whammo $40.000.. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500; 65-95)— "Smoky" (20th) (4th wk). Savory $17,000. Last week, staunch $23,000. Stale- Lake (B&K) (2,700; .65-95)— "To Each His Own" (Par) (4fh wk). Opulent $30;000. Last week, terrif $38,000. United Artists (B&K) (1,700; 65- 95)—"Green Years" (M-G) (2d wk). Muscular $32,000. Last week, great $40,000. Woods (Essaness) (1,200; 65-95)— "Kid from Brooklyn" (RKO) (7th wk). Sturdy $25,000. Last week, creamy $26,000.' 'Anna' Hot $27,000 In Den?.; 'Bascomb' 19G/Searchmg ? 14G Denver, July 30. "Anna" having no'troublc copping top money day-date at Denver, Es- quire and Webber. "Bad Bascomb" and "Letter for Evie" big at Or- pheum and holds. "Searching Wind" headed for good enough figure to also hold. Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 35-74)— "Stolen Life" (WB).and "Dressed to Kill' (U). after week at Denver. Esquire and Webber. Big $0,000. Last week. "Night in Casablanca" (UA) and "Deadline for Murder"' (2011) > (m.o.) big $5,500. Denham (Cockrill) (1.750: 35-70)— "Searching'Wind" (Par). Big $14,000 and holds. Last week, "To Each His Own" (Par) (3d wk), good $10,000. Denver (Fox) (2,525; 35-74)— "Anna" (20th), day-date with Esquire, Webber. Sock $20,000. Lust week "Stolen Life" (WB) and "Dressed to Kill" (U). also at Es- quire. Webber, big $19,000. Esquire (Fox) . (742; 35-74)— "Anna" (2lHh). day-date with Den- ver. Esquire. Big $4,000. Last week. "Stolen Life" (WB) and "Dressed to Kill" (U). also at Denver. Webber, fine $3,500. Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 35-74)— "Bad Bascomb" (M-G). and "Letter for Evie" (M-G). Smart $10,000 or over and holds. Last week. 'Two Sisters" (M-G) and "Truth About Murder" (RKO) (2d wk). good $14,000. Paramount. (Fox) (2.200; 35-74)— "Somewhere in Night" (20th) and "In Fast Company" (Mono). Fine $10,000. L;isl week. "Her Kind Man" (WB) and "Return of Rusty" (Col), fine $10,000. Riallo(Fox) (878; 35-74)—"Night in Casablanca"'(UA) and "Deadline for Murder" (20lh), after week at Denver. Esquire, Webber. Aladdin. Good S4.000. Last week, "The West- i-rne." (FC) and "It Shouldn't Hap- pen lo a Dog" (20th) (m.o.), good $4,500 Webber (Fox) (750: 35-74)— "Ani;a" (20lh), day-date with Den- ver. Esquire. Good $3.00(1. Last ■ week. "Stolen Life" (WB) and "Dressed to Kill" (U), also at Den- ver, Esquire, fine $3,500. Grosses Ar« Net Film gross estimates, as re- ported herewith from the vari- ous.key cities, are net, I.e., with- out the 20% tax. Distributors share on net take, when playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net income. - • The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, in* elude the' U. S. amusement tax. fed* Huge 20G, life 16G, Mpls. Minneapolis, July 30. "Easy, to Wed" and "A Stolen Life" are current ace newcomers and they're dishing out prosperity for Radio City and the Orpheum, respectively. Other, newcomers are doing their share to keep the. loop take at a highly respectable'level. It's the fourth and final week for "Kid From Brooklyn" and "Without Reservations," the third for "Smoky" and the second for "The Green. Years," all of which have been do- ing a terrific box-office job. Estimates for This Week Aster (Par) (900; 30-44) — "Cat Creeps" (U) and "Strange Voyage" (Mono). Okay $1,800 in four days. "The Unknown" (Col) and "Inside Job" (U) open tomorrow (31). Last week, "Return Rusty" (Col) and "Cowboy Blues" (Col), split with ''Dangerous Business" (Col) and "Freddie Steps Out" (Mono), good $2,100 in eight days. Century (Par) (1,600; 50-70) "Her Kind Man" (WB). Mixed opinions on this one so fairly , good $7,000. looks about all. Last week, "Smoky" (20th) (2d wk), fine $9,000. Gopher (Pari (44-50) — "Dead- line at Dawn" (RKO). Thriller hit- ting satisfactory clip, helped by cast names. About $4,000 in prospect. Last week, "Home on Range" (Rep), same. Lyric (Par) (1,100; 50-70) — "Smoky" (20th) (m.o.). Third ■ loop stand and third week downtown for this high box-office stepper. Nice going at $5,000. Last week, "Cluny Brown" (20th) (2d wk), mild $4,500 after light $9,500 first week at State. Orpheum (RKO) (2,800: 50-70)— "Stolen Life". (WB). Belte Davis always a magnet in this burg and current offering highly regarded. Big $16,000 the goal. Last week. "Slranger" (RKO). good $11,000. Radio City .(Par) (4.000; 50-70)— "Easy to Wed" (M-G). Heaps of box-office ammunition here, with Van Johnson an atom bomb at the gate. Pepping up gross to huge S20.000. Last week, "Hearts Were Growing Up" (Par) and Phil nv's "Hour of Charm" on stage (50- 65-85). terrific $41,000. RKO-Pan (RKO) (1,600; 50-70)— "Kid From Brooklyn" (RKO) (4th wk). Bow out after this canto. Has done magnificent box-office job. Finish looks like good $0,000. Last week, big $8,000. . Slate (Par) (2.300; 50-70)—"Green Years" (M-G) (2d wk). Still going strong at fast $10,000 pace after smash $18,000 first week. Uptown (Par) (1,100; 50-55) — "Well Groomed Bride" (Par). First neighborhood showing. Reaching for fair $3,500. Last week. "Do You Love Me?" (20th), mild $3,000. World (Par-Steffes) (350: 50-90) — "Without Reservations" (RKO) (4th wk). Has qualified for box-office honors after two good weeks at the Orpheum and then the pair . here. Bidding adieu with profitable $2,000. Last week (3d), good $2,500. 'Trunk' Big 16G, Mont'l Montreal, July 30. "Two Sisters" on h.o. at Palace and "Monte Cristo" at Princess showing up nicely. Biz generally fair. Estimates for This Week Palace (CT) (2,700; 35-62)—'Two Sisters" (M-G) (2d wk). Okay $10,- 000 after opening at sock $15,500. Capitol (CT) (2,700; 35-62)—"Well Groomed Bride" (Par). Fair $11.- 000. Last week. "Without Reserva- tions'" (RKO), weak $9,500. Loews (CT) (2,800; 35-67)—"Sara- toga Trunk" (WB). Big $16,000. Last week, "Zicgfeld Follies" (M-G) (2d wk), good $13,000. Princess (CT) (2.300: 35-63)— "Wife Monte Cristo" (PRC) and "Junior Prom" (Mono). Okay $0,000 for repeat session after big- $8,000 opener. Imperial (CT) (1,850: 25-45)— "Adventures Marco Polo". (FC) and "Bohemian Girl" (FC) (reissues i. Good $5,500, • Last week, "Walls Tumbling Down"- (Col.) and "Talk About Lady" (Col.), okay $5,200. /Anna' Slow 5G, Lincoln Lincoln, July 30. Summer heat hit the trade here this week, and business at. all thea- tres looks slow. "Anna," at the Lin- coln, is even drawing poorly for no apparent reason. "From This Day Forward," at Varsity, and "Well- Groomed Bride," at Stuart, are doing only fair in comparison with recent weeks, "Green Years," moved from Stuart to Nebraska, is still drawing them in, however. . Estimates for This Week Lincoln (LTC) (1,500; 44-60)— "Anna" (20th). Poor $5,000. Last week, "So Goes My Love" (U), ex- cellent $8,000. Stuart (LTC) (1,800; 9-60)-"Well- Groomed Bride" (Par);' Fair $6,000, Last week, "Green Years" (M-G), smooth $8,500. Varsity (NTC) (1,800; 35-55)— "This Day Forward" (RKO). Medi- ocre $5,500. Last week, "Badmans Territory" (RKO), good $8,500. Nebraska (LTC) (1,126; 9-60)— "Green Years" (M-G) (m.o.). Sturdy $3,000. Last week, "Smoky" (20th) (m.o.), same. State (NTC) (830; 24-35)—"Paloo- ka" (Mono) arid "Sunbonnet Sue (Mono), split with "Partners m Time" (RKO) and "Dakota" (Re- public). Oke $2,000. Last week, "Return of Rusty" (Col) and "Phan- tom Thief" (Col), split with Gentle- man Misbehaves"' (Col) and 'Sher- wood Forest" (Col), $2,200. 'Smoky' Smash 19G Leads Cincy, 'Each' 14G,'Wed' Same, 2d Cincinnati, July 30. Ace houses are having a rosy hot- weather round after last week's b.o. binge. Of three new bills, "Smoky,' at the Palace, is topping by a comfy margin. Next best tugger is "To Each His Own," at the Albee. "Lover Come Back." just so-so at the Grand. Holdovers- are fronted by "Easy to Wed," a sizzler at the Capitol in wake of its sensational preem.- Estimates for Th's Week Albee (RKOV (3,100| 44-70)—"To Each His Own" (Par). All right $14,000. Last week, "Human Bond- age" (WB), so-so $12,000. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 44-70)— "Easy lo r Wed" (M-G) (2d wk). Strong $14,000. in wake of sensation- al $21,500 preem. Grand (RKO) (1,430: 44-70)— "Lover Come Back" (U). Fairish $6 000. Last week. "Make Mine Mu- sic" (RKO), third downtown sesh. sweet $6,500. Keith's (United) (1,500: 44-70)— "Renegades" (Col) (2d wk). Good $6,000 trailing sock $11,000 teeoff. . Lyrlo (RKO) (1,400; 44-70)— "Without Reservations" (RKO) (3d run). Okav $6,500. Last week, • Stolen Life" (WB) (3d run), $6,000. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 44-70)— "Smoky" (20th). Terrific $19,000. Ditto last week with "Centennial Summer" (20th). Shuberl (RKO) (2.100: 44-70)— "Centennial Summer" (20lh). (m.o). Great $8;500. Last week. "Without Reservations" (RKO) (mo.), robust $7,000. 'YEARS'TOPS IN K.C. AT 17G, 'WIND' 14G Kansas City, July 30. Product is fairly strong along theatre row and biz is in same groove. "Green Years," at the Mid- land topping a double bill, will be week's leader, closely followed by 'Searching Wind" at the Newman. "Stolon Life." heading bill al Or- pheum. is in second . week. Polio epidemic holds some threat to patronage, but as yet affecting first runs only slightly. Heat wave no help to biz. Estimates for This Week Esquire -Uptown - Fairway (Fox Midwest) (820.' 2,043. 700; 45-65)— , "The Runaround" (U) solo, with i houses remaining on a Saturday I opening. Downtown, uptown and I suburban location of these houses I has caught effect of polio scare and I biz is off at $11,500. Last week. I "Lover Come Back" (U), moderate i ■$ 13.000. 1 Midland (Loew's) (3,500; 45-65)— I "Green Years" (M-G) and "Walls Tumbling Down" (Col). Trade good ' at $17,000 but doubtful of holdover: i Last week. "Whistle. Stop" (UA) and i "Phantom Thief" (Col), topped ex- i pcelatioits at $14,000. . Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 45- 65)—"Searching Wind" (Par). Nice $14 000. Last week. "Bride Wore 1 Boots" (Par; (2nd wk). okay $10,000. ' Orpheum (RKO) .(1,900:--45-65)— "Stolen Life" (WB) and "Bamboo Blonde" (RKO) (2nd wk). Fine $11,000. Last week, same bill, did fal $16,000 to win holdover. Town (Fox Joffee) (2,100: 39-60)— "One F.xciting Week" (Rep) and "Freddie Steps Out" (Mono) with ! vau'de. So-so $9,000. Last week. "In Old Sacramento" (Rep) and Throw Saddle on Star" (Col) with : vaurie and two-day p.a. of Wild Bill i Elliott started strong but wound up mild $9,000. New Entries Up B way; Ivers-Shore, Stabile Terrif HOG; 1 Guys'-Rich 60G, 'Night' 48G, lime' 38G, AH Big There are. nine new shows on Broadway, leaving holdovers in the minority for the first time in several years. Fresh entries range from dis- appointing to exceptionally big. Pic- tures on extended run are generally strong.' Very nice weather over the Weekend retarded pace somewhat. In the vain among hew arrivals is Paramount's bill of "Martha Ivers" and a stage complement including Dinah Shore, Gil Lamb, Acromaniacs and Dick Stabile band. First seven days through . last night (.Tues.) soared to a sensational $110,000, this being seventh show to exceed the $100,000 mark in 20-year history of house. At another combination stand, the Strand, an extremely fast pace is be- ing set by "Two Guys. Milwaukee" and the Buddy Rich band, plus Rob- ert Alda. Outlook is for $60,000 or over. Other Warner house, Holly- wood, is carrying a heavy load with "Night and Day," which will end its initial week here tonight (Wed.) at a particularly big $48,000. "Till End of Time," which finished its first round Monday night (29) at RivOli with a strong $38,000, is best of other new pictures.. At the Globe, "Young Widow" is on the slow side at only $17,000 and will get but one more week. v'Courage of Lassie" is no better at $16,000 on initial seven days ended last night (Tues.). Winter Garden's "They Were Sisters" got a first week's take, ended Monday night (29), of $26,000. good. 'Truth About Murder" just gets by at the Rlalto at $6,500. Very bright among holdovers is "Centennial Summer," with Chico Marx and Jane Pickens on stage, at Roxy. which closed out second frame last night (Tues.) at $91,000. Estimates for This Week Astor (City Inv.) (1,300; 70-$1;40) —"Kid Brooklyn" (RKO) (15th wk). Slipping a little, as is to be expected by this time, but at $23,000 this week still good. Fourteenth was $28,000. Capitol (Loew's) (4,820; 60-$1.10) —"Easy to Wed" (M-G). with George Paxlon orch. Hal' LeRoy. Joey Adams, others, on stage (3d wk). Holding up stoutly at indicated $79,- 000 this week, while second ran to a very smart $91,800. City Center (1,617; $1.10-$2.40)— "Henry V" (UA) (7th wk). Remains strong, sixth week through Sunday (28) being $29,000. Criterion (Loew's) (1.700: 60- $1.25)—"Courage of Lassie" (M-G) (2d wk). Dog picture not doing well, initial week through last night (Tues.) having been disappointing at only $16,000. . Second week for "Renegades" (Col), slow $13,000. Globe (Brandt) (1,500: 70-S1.20)— "Young Widow." (UA). On light side at $17,000. Last week, second for "Breakfast Hollywood" (UA) nosedived to' $6,500, bad. Gotham Brandt) (900: 70-$1.20)— "O.S.s: -- (Par) (10th wk). Retains fine strength, this week looking. $13,000. right behind* ninth's $14,100. Sustained strength sets back opening of "Hearts Were Growing Up" (Par) which was to have opened Saturday (3). Hollywood (WB) (1.499; 80-$1.10) —"Night and Day" (WB). Powerful from gun. with initial week heading for gigantic $48,000. Concluding 1 eight days On 12th week for "Stolen I Life" (WB) was fair $15,000. | Palace (RKO) (1.700; 60-$1.20)— ■.. "Stranger" RKO) (4th wk). Con- I tinues smart stride, third round | Ihroush last night (Tues.) having I been $33,000. Second topped $40,000, I big. Paramount (Par) (3.064: 70-S1.20) —"Martha Ivers" (Par), with Dinah I Shore. Gil Lamb, Acromaniacs and | Dick Stabile orch in person (2d wk). High in the empyrean at $110,- 000 on first seven days ended last : night (Tues.). In ahead, fourth week- for "Searching Wind" (Par), Andy j Russell. Alan Carney. Pied Pipers and Raymond Scott orch was strong 1 $65,000. Radio Cltv Music Hall (Rocke- fellers! (5.945: 70-S1.25) — "Anna" | (M-G) and slageshow-(6lh wk). Off - from prior breakneck pace but at ; $126,000 this week still hefty. Last < week (5lh > ended al sensational I $136,000. 1 Rlalto (Mayer) (594: 35-85)— • "Truth About Murder" (RKO). Just ' fair at $6,500. Last week, "Unknown" I (Col) good $8,500. ! RIvoll (UA-Par) (2.092: 70-S1.25)— ) "Till End Of Time" (RKO) (2d wk). Pulling- very well here, with first ; week concluded Monday niaht (29) | hitting $38,000. Final three days be- I vonrl seventh week for "Cluny. Brown'' (20lh) was poor a I less than 'Ci.OOO. Roxy (20lh) (5,886; 90-S1.20)— ' "Centennial Summer" (20lh). wilh ■ Chico Marx and Jane Pickens on stage (3d wk). Ended second canto last night (Tues.) al very strong $91,000 though rather sharp drop from first s terrific $113,000. I .State' (Loew'.s) (3.450: 43-M.IO)— I "Well Groomed Bride" 'Pan '2d 'run), with Enoch Light orch oii stage. Slow at about $19,000. Last week, second for "Two Sisters 0 (M-G) (2d run), with new stagebill including Jerry Wayne, Ben Carter arid Manton Moreland, good $37,000. Strand (WB) (2,758; 70-$1.20)— 'Two Guys Milwaukee" (WB) and Buddy Rich orch, plus Robert Alda. Heading for exceptionally good $60,- 000 or over. Last week, third for "Human Bondage" (WB) and Spike Jones orch, ended at $44,000, satis- factory. Victoria (Maurer) (720; 70-$1.20)— "Suspense" (Mono) (4th wk). On way to fine $20,000 this week, while third was bit over $28,000. Holda further. -:•'.. Winter .Garden (UA) (1,312; 60- $1.50)—"They Were Sisters" (U) (2d wk). Pulling very well at $26,000 grossed on first week ended Monday night (29). Final four days on fourth frame of "Dead of Night" (U), slow $7,500. W.'Wham 25a 'Boots' 18G, St L. • St. Louis, July 30. Return of high'temperatures after several days of cool weather is bol- stering b.o. activity. "O.S.S.." dualed with "Yank in London," is out in front by a comfortable margin at a sock $25,000. "Two Sisters Boston'* and "Man Who Dares," on holdover, is also strong. Estimates for Thlt Week Loew's (Loew) (3,172; 44-65)— "Two Sisters" (M-G) and "Man Who Dared" (Col) (2d wk). Strong $19,- 000 after swell $28,000 on initial ses- sion. Orpheum (Loew) (2.000; 44-65)— "Postman Rings Twice" (M-G) (2d wk). Fine $8,500 after neat $7,500 first week. Ambassador (F&M) (3,000; 44-65) —"Bride Wore Boots" (Par) and "In- side Job" (U). Okay $18,000. Last week, "To Each His Own" (Par) (2d Wk), $16,500. . Fox (F&M) (5,000; 44-65)—"O.S.S." (Par) and "Yank in London" (20lh). Whammo $25,000. Last week. "With- out Reservations" (RKO) and "One Exciting Week" (Rep), $23,000. Missouri (F&M) (3,500; 44-65)— "Centennial Summer" (20tlr? and "Deadline for Murder" (20th). good $15,000. Last week, "Virginian" (Par) (2d nin) and "Smoky-" (20th)' (2d run), same. St. Louis (F&M) (4.000: 50-60)— "Deadline at Dawn" (WB) and "One More Tomorrow" (WB) (2d run). Okay $7,500. Last week, "Dark Cor- ner" (20th) and "Tarzan Leopard' Woman" (RKO), $8,000. 'Smoky' Zingy $24,000 In 2, Pro?. Standout; 'Hearts' Dual Big 14G Providence. July 30. Hefty is the Word all around. Do- ing surprisingly well is the \ery rarely tried stunt hereabouts of showing the same bill simultaneously in Fay's and Majestic within three blocks of each other. "Smoky" is hearting the bill in this experiment. Sock holdover biz is being scored by "Green Years." Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2.200: 44-65.;—"Kid From Brooklyn" (RKO) and "Dan- ger Woman" (U). Opened today (30). Last week "Make Mine Music" (RKO) and "Falcon's Alibi" (RKO) 12d y/k). Heavy $14,000. First sesli rounded out sock $20,000. Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1,400: 44-65) —"Cluny Brown" (20th) and "Strange Triangle" (20th) (2d run). Nice $6.- 000. Last, week, "Janie Gets Married" (WB) and "French Key" (WB) (2d wk). swell $5,000. Fay's (Fay) (1.400: 44-65 >— "Smoky" (20th) and "Deadline for Murder" (20th). Strong $8,000. Last week. "Stolen Life" (WB) (3d down- town wk), good $5,000. Majestic (Fay) (2.200: 44-65)— "Smoky" (20th) and "Deadline for Murder? (20th). First lime, dual showing simultaneously wilh sister house in many years, proving sur-. prisingly successful. Building to solid $16,000. last week, "Clunv Brown" (20th) and "Strange Triangle" i20ih>, swell $16,000. State (Loew) (3,200; 44-65)— "Green Years" (M-G)/and "Sing While You Dance" (Col) (2d -wk) Strong holdover at $16,000, First Week caught very nice $24,000. Strand (Silverman) (2,200; 44-65) —"Hearts Growing Up" (Pari, and "Return Rusty" (Col) (2d wk). Start- ed h.o. Mondav (29 i. First week was happy $14,000. "Groomed BrldeV (Par) and "Hot Cargo" (Par) (2d wk i. fair $8,500.