Variety (Jul 1946)

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Wednesday, July 81, 1946 ss cy * * ***** Popular Radio Aviation Hero, Joins SUPERMAN and other Mutual Juvenile Headlines to complete THE TOP PROGRAM SEQUENCE IN CHILDREN'S RADIO Hop Harrigan joins Mutual'* juvenile program parade early in September. It will swing over to this network the tremendous following it has built up in the course of its successful career on the air. The five-ace combination of Hop Harrigan, Superman, Sea Hound, Captain Midnight and Tom Mix, has no equal,in radio —for power, for appeal to young listeners—because the sequence is filled with excitement, adventure, variety of interest and the inspiration of wholesome, manly heroes. Sales-wise, Hop Harrigan has done a great job in the past. 4:45 PM THE SEA HOUND this Mutual newcomer is the kick-off show for the MBS "kid strip." Backed by one of the most extensive promotional campaigns In radio history. 5:00 PM HOP HARRIGAN This popular children's program featuring " the famed aviation hero starts early In September, completes a sequence, will help hold millions of young listeners glued to Mutual. 5 :15 PM SUPERMAN Longest, established MBS kid show, end highest rated on any network, now In its fourth year. "Man of Steel" entice* a monthly audience of millions for Kellogg'* Pep today. 5:30 PM CAPT. MIDNIGHT Entering Its second season on Mutual for Ovaltlne. A recent offer boosted It to first position with a 3.1 raring. (June 15, 1946 Hooperoting) 5:45 PM TOM MIX One of the highest rated afternoon chil- dren's show on the air during 1945-46. It holds an enviable sales record for its sponsor, Ralston Purina Company, It can do a better job in the future—because it will be in the company of such power-house selling shows as Superman, Tom Mix and Captain Midnight. Every advertiser with a prod- uct for children should get the full story of Hop Harrigan — its past record—its future potentials. HOP HARRIGAN AMERICA'S ACE OF THE AIRWAYS PRODUCED FOR HOP HARRIGAN ENTERPRISES, INC. BY ROBERT MAXWELL ASSOCIATES, PRODUCERS OF SUPERMAN AND HOUSE OF MYSTERY. 4*0 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK • PLAZA 34740