Variety (Jul 1946)

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34 RAMO Wednesday, July 31, 1946 ♦ ♦♦♦♦»»*t ♦»♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»» . ♦ From the Production Centres 1*4******************************* * ****** ******** IN NEW YORK CITY . . F.dgnr Kobak. Mutual prez, on two-week midwest trip, centering / around Chicago. Will attend regional NAB board meeting in Denver.."Radio Best." now national fan monthly! to be published next Jan. by Edward Bnbley'••• .Mutual to broadcast exclusively Sec. of Labor Lewis B. Schwel- Itriibach'i address to American Legion convention in Wash., D. C, on jobs for vets, tomorrow night (1). Newt Stammer, production chief; Ed Anderson, writer, and Ed Stokes, announcer, all of Mutual's. "Spotlight Bands" show, planed to Chicago Mon. (2B) for origination of Friday's (2) show, because Harry James-is doing a one-night stand at the Aragon ballroom there. WMCA's Don Coddard'will have three dally news and commentary shows on his hands next week. He's already doing the Raymond Walsh 7:30 p.m. stint, in addition to his own 12:30 show, and he's taking over Dr. Frank Kingdon's 10:30 .time for a week while the latter vacations Read Wright has succeeded to Carol Irwin's vacancy as manager of the program sales division at ABC Lou Dropkin and Felix Leon, teaming up in their scripting; have sold a show to CBC for Sept. airing on the Canadian net... .Burt Brazier, recently out of the Navy, is now on "Pepper Young's Family" Last Saturday night (27) Paul Tomaine was on the air on two. stations at'same time: On WNYC with his regular "Veterans Jamboree," which he recorded for this session, "and live in the cast of CBS' "American Portrait".. . .Jane Kalmus of the Hutchins ad agency publicity staff and wife of Allan Kalmus, NBC television publicity chief, out of the hospital and recuperating at home.. . .Fred Weihe, oue of the Army, has joined NBC Recording Division Shirley "Mitchell replaced Peggy Conklin as Kitty Archer in the NBC comedy series, "McGarry and His Mouse." Dicker Brecker, son of Roseland ballroom owner, who's been with LaRoche & Ellis radio dept. for summer, going back to musical studies at Juilliard school... .WNEW staff announcer Henry. Waldon has recorded "Rinocchio" for Adventure Records. .. .Louise Speights, former soloist for Aimce Semple McPherson, added to cast of American Negro Theatre Opera Co. on. the.air... .Joe Franklin and Vera Barton to emcee N. Y. City Park Dept. annual folk dance festival at Central Park, Aug. 10.... Kenneth Cherbin, out of the Army, into copy staff of Weintraub agency.... Peggy Mann resumes her radio career in two weeks, having been sched- uled to go on with Mark Warnow on his "Sound Off" program and as guests on "Hit Parade."... .James P. Lappin, Jr., upped to stations rela- tions manager at Keystone Broadcasting System....Frederic Methot new production manager at WLIB,. and Ray T. Murphy added to station's sales staff... .Steve de Baun, at NBC Hackery, taking charge of the pub- licity for the United Nations project... .Jack Manning joined cast of "Aunt Jenny"... .Charles Harrell. ABC director, has written a legiter, "Arrival At Six".-.. .Frank Papp, NBC producer-director, to Chicago for lecturing during August at the University of Chicago's "Radio Work- shop". .. .Johnny Olson and his "Ladies Be'Seated" unit personals and broadcasts from Illinois State Fair, Springfield. III., week of Aug. 12-18.... Ann Shepherd, Larry Kerry and Walter Vaughan added to respective casts of "Lorenzo Jones," "Young Widder Brown." and "David Harum." Irv Morrow, Henry Neely and Paul Dubov new trio on "Backstage Wife." Chi Radio ll^s^ Continued from, pace 23 ade" cast, whose leads now include Francis X. Bushman and . / . . . Met.! LOU CLAYTON . CNITKD REX ALL DBUfl CO. FrW.y—CDS—10 p.m. DST Herbert Rawlinson. "Woman" writer Herb Futran is leaving, as are Sarajane Wells and Muriel Bremner, with Hugh Stude- baker already settled down among the palms. Ken Griffin and Harry Elders, other leads in this strip, re- main. Of the "Children" cast, Betty Lou Gerson is set to go. Director Joe Ainley, her husband, will leave eventually; he also directs "Those Websters," which is • expected to originate from the Coast shortly too. Ed Prentiss, who has been emcee- ing the whole hour, is staying'put. Shows, while ^ired from NBC stu- dios here, were set up so that he could travel from one studio to an- other, but that deal will be dropped on the Coast, with different an- nouncers for each show, because of studio limitations there. Add futility-of-it-all note, for the guys who've been campaigning to "save Chicago radio": "Woman]' writer Futran, who Chierlng out with the rest of 'em. was the sparkplug behind that movement, being prez of the Chi Ra dio Writers Guild. Helen Clioat added to "Barry Cameron" while Dan Ocko joins the The Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters"... .Kale Smith buying^ heliocopter to commute from Lake Placid, where she's summering, and from where- "Kale Smith Speaks" originates. • , ..l-'l. „ : Presentation ceremonies of an Ernie Pyle portrait by Dean Coinwell to the Ernie Pyle Memorial at Indians University will be aired over Maggi McNcllis' "Private Wire" next Friday (2). Painting being presented by True mag, in which it originally appeared last January.: Owen Davis, Jr., NBC television director of scripts ancr literary rights, planning swing around strawat theatres starling Aug. 2 in a search for new plays and talent More than 90% of exhibition space for the forth- coming Television Broadcasters Assn. convention already sold to trans- mitter and set manufacturer. . . Jan Struthers guested on NBC television's •For You and Yours" last Friday (26) night. ' • Jack Ayeis, of "The Wlgglesworths" airer, playing lead in What A Life" at Pompton Lakes, N. J., strawhatter this week. ...Jack Skinner, Bash feature editor at Mutual, convalescing at St. Vincent's hosp after operation... .Paul Conrad written out of CBS' "Cimmaron Tavern" this week fo'Kvisit home to Bay City, Mich... .Jess Barnes, Mutual v.p. of sales, and Phillips Carlin, v.p. on programs, back today (Wed.) from Chi biz trip. - ■ .„■ Mike Spector, Universal talent scout, was on WOR's "Daily Dilemma program Friday (26), seeking aid, as an ex-GI, in finding an apartment. No luck yet... .Jack Lloyd, N. Y. radio actor, to Coast a week ago, and landed several shows in one week, including "Cisco Kid." IN CHICAGO . . Third audition platter for the Don Ameche-Drene show came out of the wax works with a variety label. Previous-two were variety and situation comedy, Joe Lilley's orchestra and Joanell James, vocalist, hold up the musical end with Ameche on Ihe last disc. ...Most of the adaptations for the Camay dramatic series will be whipped up by Bill Hampton, who used to do them for Screen Guild Players Don Wilson will share the emcee chore with Kenny Baker on the "Glamour Manor" strip for the new season .... Foster May replaced George Lewin as director of news and special events at ABC CaTroll Carroll and "Corny" Jackson helping Stanley Resor pitch the hay on his Snake River ranch in Wyoming Brewster Morgan sits in at Compton while Murray Bolen takes his midyear respite from huckstering Bill Robson dons chaps, boots and 10-gallon hat while directing Columbia's "Hawk" Durango." Joe Rines Chief-Centurled to N. Y. for confabs at Sherman-Marquette on the Judy Canova and Mel Blanc programs for Colgate.. . .Bertie Nichols checked out aS fashion editor at NBC Memo to Chicago radio: Irria Phillips is getting to like Cali- fornia more and more. But she still loves Chicago.. . .George Washing- ton Hill hasn't made up his mind yet whether or.not.,he wants Kay Kyser back Jan. 1 but reports are circulating that Colgate has contracts drawn up for a new term deal. The professor is now lying in a Santa Monica hospital after minor merging... .Walter Craig around to make a few talent soundings for American. Assn. of Railroads. He liked "Star Spangled Theatre" but Schenley got there f us test... .Cliff Arquette getting a situa- tion comedy show ready but some agents would rather see him revive "Point Sublime," for years one of the Coast's toppers... .George Volger leaving Art Rush to run his own station in Mucalinc, la., recently licensed. Home town boy comes home to make good... .Glenhall Taylor's deal as Coast radio head for N. W. Ayer allows him. such outside activities as producing, packaging and recording... .Claude Sweeten turned in his baton at KFI after nine years as music director. First assignment as.freelancer is to score Eagle-Lion pictures. James Sample takes the wand... .Fanciest appointed offices on Radio Row are those of Cornwall Jackson at .Thomp- son, and Tom Lewis at Young & Rubicam. They're adding new and gay {pieces as a gag decor feud....Abbott and.Costello searching high and low for comedy writers but most of the better dream boys are already spoken for. IN HOLLYWOOD ... Joan Kauffman, WIND flack, getting hitched to Hank Lowcnthal, Chi manufacturer, Aug. 11... .Rochester, in town for a theatre date, guested on "Breakfast Club" Thursday (25).... 13-year-old Bryan Woods newest addition to the Quiz Kids board of experts... ;Rita Ascot added to the cast of "Tom Mix"....Jess Barnes, Mutual sales manager, and Phil Carlin, net- work program director, in town for confab with midwest heads on new show for Armour.. . .Jose Bethancourt, NBC's maestro-marimbist, off for his native Quelzaltenango, Guatemala, for the first time in 20 years.... Gil Stratton, of Mutual's "Those Websters," being paged by Republic pictures. .. .Edmund B. Abbott named.veepee in charge of radio for the Shaw-LcVally ad agency.-.. .WIND station operator Ralph Atlass planning party for the press aboard his yacht. Virginia Shell, of WON traffic, and William Ahem, station maintenance, tie the knot Aug. 10 in Chi... .Emmons Carlson, NBC central division pro- motion manager, hospitalized with a stomach ailment... .Andy Murphy, formar Chi Tribune reporter, joins "ABC's press department, replacing Dean Linger, who moves up to position as assistant sales promotion man- ager Don Pontius, of Mutual's midwest sales staff, spending vacation as part of crew on boat entered in Mackinaw Island race Crooner Jack Owens last week rescued a 14-year-old boy from drowning in Lake Michi- gan. .. .Tenor Wayne Vdn Dyne plugged one of his own compositions, "On the Back of a Menu," during WBBM's "Show Tunc Time" Sunday (28) Gene Autry return^ to Chi for. two broadcasts in Sept.... Jim Ameche guest star on "Melody Lane" Monday (29) Eloise Kummer, local radio actress, and Ray Jones, newly elected assistant national secretary of AFRA, wed in Sheboygan, Wis.. Aug. 3 Don McGibbney replacing Paul Nielsen on the WBBM newscasting staff. ACA, WIP PhOiy Strike Settled Yesterday (30) On Management's Terms Philadelphia, July 30. ..■ Strike at WIP, Philadelphia, was settled today (30) effective i m . mediately, with station personnel drifting pack to their posts . Terms of the settlement were almost exactly those offered by the station originally, with no retro- active pay Involved, Strike had been called by Ameri- can C o ni m u n i c a t i o n s Assn. for change in wages and working con- ditions, with management taking over running the- wortcs two weeks ago when staffers vamped in disap. proval of station's counter-offers. Benedict Gimbel, Jr., WIP ".'proxy, had handled library and assisted in newsroom. Cliff Harris, technical supervisor; had manned transmitter. Ed. Wallis, assistant program direc- tor, and Sam Elber, publicity head, handled dials in the control room. On Sunday (28) night WIP was off the air for approximately one minute, after it was charged that someone cut a transmission cable at the station's transmitter at Bell-.' raawr, N. J. Officials of the station notified the FCC and FBI, as well as Jersey police, who are investi- gating. Union officials would not comment on the incident. ACA asked the Philly-Carrideii chapter' of the American Newspaper Guild to call out its members who are employed in the WIP newsroom. The men, James O'Brien, Sam Et- tingcr and Vincent Clark, all are working newspapermen on local dailies;, who work at. WIP In their spare lime. The Guild refused, claiming that it had no control over its members working during their spare time. • . "It must have been those Wheatles. Faye-Harris Contract For Fitch Reported At $3,000,000 for 5 Yrs. • F. W. Fitch Co.. in a move to bol- ster its regular 7:30-8 p.m. slot on Sunday nights over NBC, has signed Phil Harris and Alice Faye to a con- tract extending over five years and reputedly totalling $3,000,000. Deal was handled by the L. W. Ramsey agency, of Davenport, la., with'the new program slated to start Sept. 22. ' On the basis of a 39-week season, production costs break down to about $15,500 per show, which is almost one-and-n-half times as much as Fitch sank into the Cass Daley show, which rilled the slot last winter. Lat- ter program averaged about $9,500. Definite format of the Harris-Faye show has not been set but it's be- lieved it will follow the Daley for- mat of music and comedy, rather than returning to the old "Fitch Bandwagon'' idea. New show will replace "Rogue's Gallery," Dick Powell starrer, which in turn ran as a summer re- placement for Fitch for the Cass Daley program. Fl. Wayne—William H. Myers has been named chief engineer of the radio receiver division of the Famsworth Television * Radio Corp., with offices in both the Ft. Wayne and Marion, Ind., plants. He succeeds J. H. Prcssley, who has been, retained as a consultant. "HIRES TO YA'' .FOR SECOND YEAR HIRES SUNDAY PARTY ABC. COAST-TO-COAST vs,vv get Cashman in Hollywood I.afaycllf. I,a.—Joseph McGlllvra, Inc.. appointed sales representatives for NBC outlet here. Horshey national KVOL, AVAILABLE NOW— Excellent Chicago space for radio or television station/ recording or audition studios, ad or art agency, any firm needing unusual 2-fl. space Unuiuel circumstances make immediately available 8,664 iq. ft. on top two floon of nationally known, modern Chicago office building. Space now laid out with private offices artd itudio workroom!. One 2-story acoustically treated itudio ii 38'x46'. Eiceptionally attractive opportunity for radio or television lta- tion, recording or audition ttudioi, advertising or art agency, commercial photographer—any firm requiring unusual space. Rare chance to acquire prestige downtown location, close to all city and suburban transportation, a) a rental which invites immediate attention.- Principals or Agents Address Box 135* VARIETY. 1S4 Wast 4oth Street. New York 19. N. Y.