Variety (Aug 1946)

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14 Wednesday, August 28, 1946 T%v4» Yoartt irn^ftiri' <lio Musi;ini'iiinl rolt':ifi> or StMnn 1. ilill'r iifo- dH.'iliin. '.SLirs A|:in I.MhN llnuii Diili vy, \\ illf.iiu, jliirty ,KU/.4i'ni.!>l; i'l.-riiirt's lli.Hiii'il .1(1 fiii';.!. K^iili':!- .I'Vl',!.: .M- lilTI IM UU. ,'. Ililiol lHc<10l)!l«. l>in..l.(l li.V John Sc T H-iiiiliU , Si'tim I; MiUi iN tiw.i ni- l;rui I-■ "11 mpi.-r lv\ jji. hiinl Itnii-). i>;iii.- .Ir.i .•iiiiHii'U:, l'!j-m.;.r Uii-sTu; V!>'i-ii'l - 11'.MS, - lii-rilun; .h rinini;«, .). P'V- <ii .,il>, ,l.".'iinj.-: .■liii.r,- W ,. ■ n ; .-.un, \ i. iMi- \ Tr.Hl. shiUvil. X. ^ .,' Ah:;, SJ. ■MS. Ill.liliMi'-i- riMi. ,' m wty. Cirri.,.- ,Su W-Tl ;„ I,::tl.l I;:: h..i -I n 'I'M D'.iK', .V, ,, , . lln,in 11 nh'V> .\u .. .\iat". U I'.'mdj. T,. I'.-in'i- I I'l'. i iii.plviy .1! r>'y l''iti!,'ji->'''ilil . »\|M. f'l.iij-.V 'I'luililli.-lili. . ri'.M.'U't dti 'S.i lsu -Sli Tin ,1 )■'ii,ii)',nn'-;.u v. ... .t':vi)i.-i', l-': in; <i.t( li ;i.;-.mi): , , ■ . .i,,. .- \ll.Mi'KM;'-*|M\' iVisKr, t^n'.iinl, ,\ln,i('.,. i.'.. I .hi'i*,\',nii- .fii ft. Ill Umiiii' ;■, ,',,. ,.\...D.ifp- I Vl ;i-i,riiiin Air.<-i<]iii.....-;..ii''ii.i'{iv iiuiMii'vi ■Ml'.|i'iu'.!'^l«-«i.r.i.'.; U iy I'ulllns riiiv '..i. ; ... , ..„'.%•;■. .Tlii-i).l"re-».«l*. ) Soil:'ill' r. .„..• ,.;, , .-.T.ii.i IVm-nt I ;;.ri'i.-k', . V . ...... ..111! Ill's ! Ui'i'Uc )i,.ii , ■ ii'ri.iif. l■■.l^ll•ll Mfr. ll.ii'il'in si.'nnn. .. . Kalhl'-i ii. l.i" l.liarl Mil'," .1. .. ;... .. : :.: f!..iv:i;.K. y. linn Si l'a,':iiniv. . .: , . .)'I'llni, ill- fi-l.lnliil Wiiil'il- Vii. 1 .... . i.. . ..Ii'llli Hii.i Xailiir Xu, i . ; .,.>.v. . .livnij .IH iImiii;!^ I'larl.. ..-i.illiir .\ii. 11, .i • I''il)a» 'I: .rulaw Siilliir M-ii. •!.. ... . . .. i:... .■.ili'iii'ui' 't'.i'Hs,;-! Ill iii ■SBllnl'-N".- r..'. .. .a; :.rUn. 11 .naL-KIiilV ■ l-iilTMin; tUilMT. .Nil.' ii. I ■ .IMftt l:V Koi'iiimii; Sa';ii.r:.Nu- .... . /.i'ari-.\'n«->; •Saiihr .iliJlil) lA. ■•'■liHiati. ■' Wliit. f.'l-') suii.ii' No.- -jtiU .........-. •. \y,k<- u-ny HaflMi-. .Nil. ■.111. . . . l"i' I'i liiKi tSudoi-^n.a; ;,v. .. Ha." K.I»l.iWP 1S« l^4*«VI'. >'« I^OVt^ ' ■ (.SdNCtS) ■ , , [. "\ ■ .Mi'U'ii I'likii"!' 'it ,.rii>' ,l'ii*ii'ni,ik iMrt'liii'- tiiin. .-suu-.s ■ \':iiY .Iiiliii.i')n, Ki'ininii \N.\iiii, J'lH KirlvWiiil. I'Mwala. -Vrilnljlr rriiiiir i5u\ l.iiiiilii.Vilii. -Marin.1 K"-li. (k, .Mi.ri.' Wililii, l.i.i'ii ,\iii. a, Sail iia iti.yii-. ■ \vn.:aii \'.a',„;. V'riu'c ];i"i;, i''Kiiik ".Sii«alTli:i.'" ]tl',',l.ll- ..Miil,- .\:i\ii'i' I'ntJU ari-Ii. ]iiii'-i-.i .liy ■(■lirirli V .Mai'liil Oi'iniiial .^'•■■■."li.ri|'"y. rl).il'i"--,-Maia :il .rllil l.i'...l:i,. Kar.l.«, ij''.,a..:ai JHi'i 11.111. .1 :■...i-^,i,^''.--■ll,il:■ vii.''I jii'.Miit;. .li iii ,;, Kay 'I'hi.I'ni.-MH , .Millfc's tij 'I hiiuijwitu" Uliiilv - Sliill: , l''ri .ai-Kaili: 'i tiailas' llailiu;' K'.'-i .'ii- .Vliii.rr: .Vl.'ial' .s-.Caiau'llii; /. ■ Hi. hiiliKl : , ■'ililal',' ■I'.iliniil: .\. . ■ Si I-H.!! 1-iliua-a. ' Haiiil.l U".miii. lii.l.'.rl . .-Mi' i. -, i'u-M'VM'.l 1.1 l.iio» TL'il ,Sf rlllalT.. N. V', \ri„ ' Uv, .lliiiiiiinif liiiii., . I 111 MIN>. , . . \"illl .Intlll.silM . Kai^nan nil .I'll! KiK'<«'iiiii i; Jia-iii,. 1 ihtiiHiii,,. iVllL Mi.i.n MwlJ.i iruy l.'.a'aMil.i Iloliarl f.llllV.r'l .Sliia i{;;«iiu;'ivj.,..:.... .V>M> I HUi.'ll i •> c'liu'iiit s.-i .^r (.-.liitt. .■,. A'vs. vf)aTi.ii.:K. .Mr, '1'I'.iwli-;-'. .......,, ...... l;»y l',,iH,i /'l.'iyi'fi..; . , ■■.,'|i'f»iik • .'^li .iKi liaiunii'i'.:.' XaPU; . ; :,. :, V.. Hoy Jii imlln. c .silraia , Xavi T I'li^iii a- ■. . . . . . . . .■Hiin.'a.Ii- ,. K'lw.ii'l ■■Viiiiilil .. .. ;-\l;iiii; \\:ilniii ^.V, .;. ... »,'l .111)11 ■ iiVm-'.s ,.Miirihti 'lvO-^hiMV. .,...... .'.wi'itMiji .liiiyii' . . Wihiin Wii.i.l , ...; . . .. Vtnt'r 'Hiirilini 'S(ii;ai?i'hilt^'-' .Itii'.Mii'siitr aV\V:i,UtT .Sa(vilr ........ . ArtlMii,' W.'ilsh lUy ;Im(iv Ti' .-Uiii Hill I'li.s iH'i'htfii'ti IVai'i'laH . Paranioimt has artotliei' lio'xofl'ice bonanza in "Twp Year.s Btfovo the Mast,."' Film i.s prpba,l)ly the bust ,Qf it.s kind since IVIetro's "Muiiivy. pti Uic Biouniy,'* with direction, aeliiv^', p,>"0- duclion and all the a'oBouti;ci)!eiiti? expevtly Wended to ma!<i,e':it a .oan',t- .proposition. There are pleiity (if ^Sxplpitaiion-ariglps for thi? iyvhib; in- , additipn .to the poteiit of probably every male action .■^tav on the Par lot, including AUm L.add, Barry Fitzgerald, Brian Donlovy, William Bendix, etc. , Chief credit for thi.s Oiic b.elonss . to director John Farrow. ; Only re- cently discharged from the British and Canadian Navies, Farrd\v appar- ently brought much of his ship-learn- ing into his work, and producer Se- ton I,.Miller's choice of him to han- dle tho megging was a Wise one. With the emphasis On ' action throH,i;houtj Farrow keeps his cast thesping to the hilt and achieves sevei-al little bits of suspense that will keep the audi- , Mice on the edge of its scats. Scene •jn which Albert: Delcker ruthlessly slicos the neek oi another ^aiior in cold blood" will liave tHetti talking for days. Other deft touches, such as the convulsions another murdered man goes through before kicking '.lil, also " reflect Farrow's expert handling.. Altliough Ladd and the other stars top I the cast, it's Howard da Silva, a$ the pitiless ship's caiJtain. who walks off with the bliie ribbon. Da Silva first came into his own as the barkcep in "Lost Weekend" and his work in "Mast" should rale him Academy Award mention. He makes his character portrayal even more cruel than Captain Bligh in "Mutiny." Rest of cast, from loads to minor bit parts, perform excellently. Ladd does a nice job as the fop who finds his regeneration while fi,L;hting to get 'hurnan treatment for the merchant seameii of that day. Bendix .sivcs a restrained reading to his rule as the tou,gh but necessarily-sympathetic first mate, and Fitzgerald adds the comedy touches as the ship's cook. Donlovy, as Richard. Henry Dana, thp man responsible lor attracting Con. gres.^iohal attention to the mariners' plight, and Darryl Hickman, as the stowaway cabin boy, are jqually good. Esther Fernandez, in the only important lemme role, is adequate. Pic is strictly fare for tho men and. to offset; this, the scvipters in.iected a minor love theme. Therein lies the film's only major fault. ,\yril(;i's" ap parently didn't know what to do with tlic gal after she first: makes her ap. pearande and this part ,of the story ends abruptly, with the ■gal giving Ladd only a half-hearted prothise that she'll wait for hihfi;^ ^ ^ Story, based . on Dana'.s novel, moves rapidly all the way. i^add, as the worthless scion, of a riclr mer- chant, is'shangliaied onto one of his father'.? ships, along with Fitzgerald, Dekker, etc. Da Silva. dishonorably discharged from the Navy, rules his men with an iron hand, flogging them for the Slightest ofi'ense in his effort to set another record for the trip. Feelings against the captain mount as several of the crew die of scurvy and he still I'cftise.s to put in for fresh supplies. Crew finally mutinies, kill- ing the captain^ and. instead of flee- ing to the Orient, takes a chance on- being hanged by sailing the ship back to the IT; S, , in order to fight their cause thi'ougli Congress. Book penned by Donlevy, as Dana, gets the iiecessa';/ attention, and, while tlic men are pardoned. Congress passes the Merchant-Seamen's act. Production mountings all bear out the film's action theme. Camera work by, Ernest Laszlo is topnotch and the added special elfccts by Gor- don Jennings and J. Devercaux Jen- nings include some of the best minia- ture work yci seen.- Suspense will probably kceij. tho audience from paying too much attention to, Victor Young's scoie. but the nnisic is there in the b!:r'' ound to heighten that same suspense, , ■ ; , ■; ,, , Stai.;, , • Tally ,'on Iho credit sido of - the Icdycr a caiYny mixture of potent mnrciuee pull led by 'Van Johnson, Keenan Wynn and .Marina, ,Kbsl"i,et;Z, a Ijri.gln new luminary that's here to stay,, along \v!th; Joe Pasternalc's usual slick production values and a covey of ,gay musical numbers. Then jnlt, the debit half with too much .of a trito story and its puerile radio broadCaist ■ windup. ' Tote., tip" both •sides, and •.'No Leave, No Love" still comes out ahead as a hot b.o. pic that's drawn a bead on lush returns. Merits of the film far outwoigH4ts failings. And the plus side of the ledger gets a real hj'po lrom'thb gay and'Winning performance,of the un- heralded Miss KoShetz'. Thoroiighly, home as a warbling Rii.ssiaii co.Un- . tcss, this new fenifiic star who's,'the daughter. of faihod opera diva Niiia Koshetz, romps through her comic role lending it the deceptive appear- ance of pure, acasual fun. Her un- studied, : '.singiiig ■ V and, thesping are solid; her appearance is , attractive plus; and when caught by this re- Vie\\'cr, the patrons W'ere audibly loving it. , , ' Tale concerns itself ,with the carry- ing-Diis of two discharged marines, returned from the South Pacific, and the efforts of a radio singer, Pat Kirkwood, to delay thfe arrival horne of one of the vets, a Congressional medal winner, to niarry his girl. Big point in plot complication is that the vet's gal has already spliced to some- one else, ginger's tactics are aimed at keeping the returned hero aWay from home u,ntil his mother, can ar- rive to break the news gently. In the course of the yarn's develop- ments, Johnson playing the medal wearer and Wynn as Slinky, his pal, give Metro, a cliance: to get in its musical pitch via tiitery , and radio .station tOl!iri5.: Comie snarls'^ crop up following Slinky's efforts to corral some easy coin by renting his hotel room to the countess and the radio star's boss, Edward Ai'nold. It all straightens it.sfeli Out befbre fadcout time when Johnson, now in love with the mike songstress, owns up to his sentiments over a major hookup. Johnson's, appeal continues on the same high level that has spelled heaps of coin so far. But the pic doesn't have to lean upon his charm alone, \Vynn as the somewhat dumb and .lupine ;;oldier pal wines, dines and "chases the femmes with rib-tickling fervor. His cavortings with Miss Koshetz and Arnold plus^ a particularly funny scene ih; which he luxuriates in a ■super-bubble , bath brighten tho film ■no end. Miss Kirkwrood, piping several numbers, including "All the Time" and "Isn't It Wonderful?" does very nicely opposite John.son. Arnold, abandonin;; his, usual'virile slot, plays out-and-out comedy in a knowing fin- ished fashion., SepiaTi moppet Frank "Sugarchile" Robinson polishes off the ivories like an inspired little imp and adds , more than a mite to' the sum total of entertainment. A brace of prch, renditions are fashioned by Guy Lombard©, who's very OK, and as,a final Latin sprinkle to, the musicar mix, Xavier Cugat's ensemble pours out a liquid broth, "Oye Ncgra," that's divertingiy grooved. ; Production motnitings, settings and costumes are burnished with lliV r.-is- ternak'-Metro wealth and polish. Aside from a few draggy moments when, the pic's length tells on itself, .srtiart direction of Charles M.irtlii rates curtain calls. Mnsical djrection and vocal arrangemcnis ore way ahead of norm. Score thi.s, on6. for heavy attendance. '.:. Wki Miniature Reviews '•'two Years ni-fore the Must" (Pari. Excellent action epic of men against the sea., Surefli"e ■:t).b. ■ ••.V«> Leave, Xi> tove" (Song.'il ' '.(■M-&). Sureftre cbmbo'of : Van J«iin>o)i pull and , Pasternak sli.'kitess ht'odod t.)r lush returns, "If I'm Lucky" tMusical) . ■i20th). Lifilit nnisical- \vith,' cniuigh ciist flasli to sight, fair, ,,rel\:(rns;-- ,. ,,. ".Mr. Acc" tBo.geaus - UA). OiDigo Rati, Sylvia Sidney in uninteivsling l.'le about fomme politicians. B.o. potentials mild. "I'lidei- Nevada Skies" (Songs) ilicpi.. Clicko Roy Rogers sad- dler, wi t h fi^ht.3 &nd 'soijgs; gOOdC for solid gro.sscs. "Theirs Is the Gloi-y'^ (OFD). British docinnentary of Arnhem campaign; dubious as big grosser, ,in y; s.,:;'-.'"^',', ;r.;,-V;' "The Shadow . Bcturiis" (Mono I ,Trite, \vhoduh,i1?k duals^ -: - ■ ■ "I'k'oadilly Incident" (Pathe). Anna Neagle in- latest Herbert Wilcox British-made production;- looks possible U. S. entry. If 1*111 Luvky (MUSICAL) Hollywood, Aug. 26. T\vi ,nli('ii)--I.-ii\' rnt<.;vki' lif Tiryan .li'oy pro;: ilii'-iitm,. i^tars yi,\iini lihiihi^. rt'i-ry- i^i-i.niii,- Harry ^taiui ■ 'i'nrinen .\ttriiiul(i; fpatiires I'liil- .-.lilM'i.s. IHw-alril .hy l-i'Ayi.s , Si'iltn-. St'i'fm play, Siuij^ NVt'i-rji^. ItubiM't t'lllia, Ui'lt'li l.oKHil anii l^^H-Kii nri'-ltar; I'aiii'i'ra,, tUrn Mhi'AN iiliuniw; , o liliii:., .Viiriiiyn Col- in rt: son,!.'*;. ,(iiM'L',M.\ nnv, I.:iij.,'ar llo - Laiig?; iiui'<ii:al ■'lii,-f-i'tor, [':iiiiJ .Vi'iMUan. 'I'l'iiilp- wiiiiwii ,.\iit;. -jii, '.Hi. riunniijs: time, V8 >II>S. 1-iliila ..Vivian itlaini? .Mini, Ciai'k . .. . . ['ci-ry ,Canlii Kui-i Diirilim, J lurry: Jiihics MiolK'HW LP'ro'iiie,,..a,,,;.CuI'lnim : .Miranda Waliy a .,\ .. IMiM. Sill verj; MiiKiinriaol,.- ..,:. 1.;..,... .:i.:ij;nr BiU'lianan roiiltli-n- .:. . UviHl. lUulloy Harry ,I.ain«.s' .\Wisl,' .\liilii.r.g... .Thcmsi-lve.'i i;m i.j'nar ijuiHiy Uiirry llayden (larsan . Marry Clit'SllU'e lll,\-li.v Wiliiam HailiBnu J HV,\ fr ....... ,i.,...... li'rank Fenton Ciliiniittalfr i,......... l.nvi.'! Itussell .'^ci'i'ttary .... ,....-.,■;.,,..('liarles- Tannen Polire Caplain .. ,,.,..;>;... t-'hnrios WHson Repeals Sunday Law 'Wellsville, O., Aug. 27. First Sunday picture in this City of 9,000 since 1914 will be shown on Sept. 9, effective date of the repeal of a long-standing blue-law forbid' ding Sabbath films and baseball 'gaihes.' Returned war veterans were suc- cessful in forcing council to change ihe law, by a 5 to 2 vote, despite bit- ter opposition by churches. City has.only one house, the Liberty, cO- owned by George C. Davis and Paul Vogel. Latter is also head of the Veterans of. Foreign Wars post, which speai:headed the move. : Average musical that will get sell- ing aid from names. Six tunes are .spotted, several of wh'rh are reprised, and the numbers are em- bellished to give a neat display. Pro- duction-backing is good without be- ing lavish. It's all on the light side but with enough , weight to amuse modestly, .a Perry Conio holds the male and gets over via his personality and vocals. He wraps up three of the Josef Myrow-Edgar de Lange tunes to good results. . Ballads, t'lf I'm Lucky" and "One Mofe Kiss," are good listening and he also shows ■well with swingy "One More Vote." Vivian Blaine reprises the title tune twice and Works: with Carnven Mi- randa on novelty "Bet Your, Bottom Dollar," Latin turns her personality loose on ".Tarn , Ses.sion in Brazil," aided by Harry James. Latter also sells trumpet solo. Entire cast vocals "Follow the Band," wbich is also reprised at the finale. Plot tells of how group of would- be musicians become ballyhoo out- let for campiiigning politician. When the latter defends his political ma- clnne, Como is rung in as the can- didate fo? governor and wins the election. Plot is peppered with usual cliches and misunderstandings, plus preachment for the cOmmOh mSh and honesty in government. There's nothing to boast about in the writing but if does serve as a sufficient framework for musical moments. Lewis ,: Seller's directiofi •sends; players through their paces IS Pliil Silvers, as the bands manager, is in for comedy but doesn't have ,tOo much of a chance. Edgar Biichanan, candidate lor governor; Reed Hadley and Frank Fenton, crooked politicos, and others of cast are good. Harry James": Music Makers give .sinai-t workout to the hiusic. Bryan ,Foys_ production gives = expert blending to the music, and: story Lensing, : musical direction, etc, measure up. Film features two large production numbers. One a dream jicquence for Como's vocals of "One More Vole." Other backs Miranda's ■,Jarn Session" display.: Brog. , . 3(1% Ace (ONE SONG) lailliil .Vvil.ns n Ira-se o£ BOTe(Tli,'t noKrau.s pri'.llii.lioii. .-Jtarfj (Icorffe. RuCt, Kylvi.i'.Sid- my- ,iiami'f..<i Jcvonie Cowan, i^ul .Kllvern. Uniiiaii llireotoil l,y Kdwln 1. Murin. 'H-'Sinal ■ '■■-lory and Ki-rci'hplay by and !• Uiklali.iri'f; i.aiiii'i'a. K'arl , pdi- inr, lamias Sniitli; hoii;;, ' •'.\(nv, and Thm,", l.y fM-l; Hlln rs, Frod PilHtlctrolTo; scare, 111 iiiz Hof.o iK'ld. Tratlrahown: -N'. y., .Vul- »». ••!«. Ifiiiiiiiiif,-. lime.; 84 SIINS. •• . l-.ddiB Aao .. .a, ......, . ■,. .■ Qeorfro Hatt' .H.ifHal'ft WynillialiT I'ha.'io.. .Sylvia Kldiify '''',""'■''■* ■ ■ ■ Stanley. nidRPa .Mnia ,..,.. .Sara lladan I'fior ( rai.i;-....,.........I... ..ici'.imi! ('(.v.aii l-ani'il,..,., Sid . fiilvi'l'.S •'li'i'"" :■ • ■. • ■ • •............ Aim K'hvards I'l-iilf vsur .'V'ani.s kbman Bohnen Here's n picture tliat's very much ado about notliing. 'With a good cast topped by George Rkft and Sylvia Sidney and .some sets and other mountings, "Mr. Ace" comes a crop- per inostiy liccause of a poor story. Star billing would rate it a-crack at the houiics, but its Uoxoftice potential tliere looks doubtful. Idea ol the story, revolving around an unscrupulou.s woman politician who gets nominated for nin-yor but then.,,undergoes a .change of heart and' with<;ra\vs. is a good one. Scripter Fred Pinklohon'e, liowovcr, I'fiiled to take advantvigc Of the idea isnd turned (Hit a plot holdin.g vL'i-y little fnterist. Tln;nie falls flat in tlu> eoruy; nienlions of "religion," w'lrich liits I he politician for he. ap- parent rca.'.-on and causes ,lH.r to. re- form. Filni gOcs init of; its way to eiiiphasii'.o. tile clh-t.v groundwork, of political, pot'ses ,and then gOe.s: iiud-, denly, idcali.stic, \yitlioiit pointing, lip tlie rra,s:6n.s for the chai'ige. Ca'it: is, capable onpugh,' aUhough tlie script cloosn't give any of them a chance to sliine. Miss Sidney makes the politician as believable as pos- sible, while stili getting; in enough of the: loary-eyed glance.s that have bc^ conie lier trademark. Raft is his usual lac<mic .self as a political niachinist, and the love .scenes between him and Miss Sid:ney ciinie oil okay. , Roman Bplincn tops 1110 .supporting cast as an tilealislte college iprofe.'i.sor who backs llieUernihe al'fer her regenCra* lion, and Jerome Cowan doe.s a nice job as her,, Sid Siteers fs funny enough but't scbn; ijaOugh :as Raft's chief lackey. iStory :;,haf5,: Miss Sidiiev coining to make a deal with-Raft to help her get nominated, buthe turns her down under the belief that wOmen have no place in politics. After getting the nomination when one of Raffs hench- men double-cro.sses him, she gets "religion" and witli'draws; Idea is ap- parently infectious because Raft also gets the idea of wanting to do good in.stoad of bad. He and the professor line up a new party, .sweep ,llie ,elec- tion tor Miss Sidney;.: ari,d ' she and Raft fall into each olhipr's arms for the hoopla ending. , AUhough the billiivg spots a new song, "Now and Then," penned by Finklchofl'e and Silver.s, the tunc is sung Oiiiy• once, : with the singers spotted so far out of caniera-reach they can hardly be seen or heard: Melody is played throughout the film, thouahi and is ,catchy. , : . With; tire exception of the slory, Benedict: Bogeaus has done a nice production job on this. Director Ed- Win L. Marin.puts the cast through its paces In acceptable fa.shion, and Karl SIrusK demonstrates competent camera technique. Slal. l.'M«l«'r »v»ila Sli.i<>8 ; (.SONGS) Hollywood, Aug. 2.'?. IJi-mrtitfc rdli'iise: of: aii Kilward .). While prodiii'liiiu. Kficis Itiiy ItuKti-.s; fi'aUiri'a lIcorBC ■il.iliJn" liaj,cs, i>are Kvnivn. 1)1- ni'iad liy (''rank -.MvU naW. . .Srveejuilay, Paul Cam,! hi;,,: .r. HetlKm rhcni'y, rtom orlKlnal l.j .\K (Valp.K: Wch'.sirr: oaiiiora. WillUun la-aiirord; niiiiiio. Iliaic (lutln- odi- liir,. Kd-ivar.l .Mann; aw, ,iUri>ali.r Val.iina CailKII, l'1-iHi.MM'd .Vug. o.j ;iuiiniiiL.- llliic. id \)I.\S., , liny Hii|,ei-,>-,-,,.'....,', ,|{„v Kg, n< "rriKKi'r, ;'.iljim,l( l.;aTiliy-\\ li il la Uf-r.. ... .Ocoi-K-e llajps Hiloi Willialiis..;.....„'.;;.....lia'le ICvaPs Ai-llpiV Cpiiiini'y.I)„iml„rt IMiinlil'illo lorn I ral!;.. , |,,.5 11,11,1 ,Uo<l,L;son Han .\iiailia:.;. 'n-ialr.iin l'„ffi„ Allir-rli..-. ..... ................ ||u,|„|,,|, Anders Jlany Kiidds. l.nnnv Mason .ehlal-i,. ... ,, •.<!«,,^ ;|,ynn ■lyiiiK Kaxii . ... ..... .daoif;,' ,|. l.nvi.s Uoltipaiia,........ .y. .,,., „..„.,:, .:r,„u (jiiinn , ;. .Bob .Spliiu Mill Si.iis «£:, ili,n ;X'l;.iponi'ii - ; : Past-paced we.stimprwith plenty of gtinlights and roii.^ing i-aiige' action this IS one of Roy Rogcr.s' better saddle olterings. solid n-iysterv story certain to hold interest both of juve and,adult audiences. Six songs are interwoven, into plot, with star and Dale Evans delivering strongly on musical end and George ■'Gabby" Hayes up to his customary brand of sea.soned comedy. .Yarn concerns Rogers tracking down murderer of his, friend, Ley- land Hodgson, and recovery of a jew- eled cre.-it which contains secretly a map; pointing to location of pitch- blende deposit, knowledge of which will enable, any , nation to use it for uraniun.1. -Writers don't bother to ex- plain who killed victim, but they've contrived neat bit .of action in lead- ing up tOyclimax, -With Rogers head- ing band of Indians inswooning down'on heavies who have rres( ■ aPrank; McDonald's direction main- :tam,s logical motivation, of plot and he Keep.S hiS: characters ever on the move. Cast without exception enact parts well, with Rogers; in there with fists swinging and guns,; blazing. Dale, Evans pretty /ais'.,usual, as; she wai^los nielodicaliy, and- Hayes ef- Icctive with his comedy performance. Edward J. White's production values are there, loo. Song numbers include K?;, Wie- song. ,"Anyl,ii,f,c, Thit I'm. ^'r X!»"' , '^e-hfih-'iee" - Want lo Go West," and "Sea Coin' Cow- TlK'irs U ihe filory IDonimeiUai'V) BBITISH-iVLi\DE , London, Aug. 15. r-i. n. i-ai I'-iiii, r-ii.Mi-n.iir.ii'.H' P!™.nj,,.|, „ri,i ' ;',„^' J-ri^rV:! «'i"'o'e i(,ftin'.iV ftmi- Tliis is a war documentarv 16 end an war fihns. Hade at Ariilieni, by he bp.YS who actually took part in ^'""^ memorable Sept. n, 1944, It depicts the struggles, trib- ulations and mi.sery eneouiitend bv unfortunate and Amor. leans in their tragic attempt to hold that vital Arnhem Bridge. Picture gives a clear idea of the incidents which led to the abandon- ment of this strategic position at a loss of 8,000 men out of 10,000 be- cause reinforcements '"couldn't get through. Naturally it's the ordinary Tommy who: gets;away with the act- ing honot!!, with, the bra.sshals iar- ung with their Oxford drawl. Situations are nof .entirely devoid of comedy, with real guffaws result- ing cv(;n in the actual battle scenes. 'Film'is being distributed by gen- eral Film Distributors and produced by Gastlefon Knight, who specializes in this type of picture. Itwas direct, cd by Brian Desmond, with no credit giVtn anyone, something of a novelty in itself. This required ten weeks to make, cost only aoout $320,- 000. Direction and lensing are boilh high. Rej/c. The Shadow Itt^iiiriiN Miihograill release of Joe Kiuirmiin . rl.oii iiroek), production, ti^oaiui-es Kane uirli- mondi l^arliara JCeed. Diri'i-UMl by I'hii Ko.sti,lT. fc>cri.>C'nplay, (^eorK.i ('allaluiil. iiiisi'd nn !3ll(Kl0W, StaifanUu! .stories; laimera.! \V1|- Iiain,'v8i('krti*r,; editor. .N.-e Hariiian. .At StriitKl,, ,Broo)ilyn. dual,; week Am;-. ' iii. . Uuiinlnsr time, «1 ."IIINS. l.finitjjit ^Cransto^,..... k'luie 'hininui Sliu-iSrt , Ijrtne. . .,,..; ,.... .narlVai'a l!ei>d:: Shevvle. ,. a. . .Xoiit l)ii);uii, Inspeetov Cardona..; .'..losi'iill ,i;rpl)(in Commiifflipiier Woston ;.; l',i(>ri'i> Wt.Uciri Oharlea Fr'obay,,.. .Itoliei't lilmmoti, Kcaha ' Wlehael' llasidon,.,,-'.;.,,'.'.... |i"rank neieher,- William Monk; ..... .Lester liori' T.eliore Jpssup. V., ...... Itebel iSamiaU hreok Yomans.-.lOniinf-iI Vomiii neliert ,Duol,i,....... . .,-........; .Sli 'rrv llaU John Adam.s;....,;. . ....;,. .Cyril, i H'ltivailli An unexciting whodun it, , a ■"The, Shadow Returns" is a ihiuOr ,d,ualer. 'yarn deals with roi.ssihg.'.iew'cls spirited from an opened grave. CJondarmes ihvssstigate amid the usual flickering h'ghts and eerie shadows. Meanwhile several sus- pects are mysteriously rubbed out, baffling Inspector Cardona wbo's taunted from time to time by The Shadow (Kajie RichmDivd), due to his inability to, make any progress oh the Case. ' Later The Shadow re- veals ,the jewels ;.ctually contain a revolutionary plastic fornrula andv collaborating with sleuths, eventn- a!ly collars the culprit. Plot, on the whole, was accorded frequent yawns 'oy the audience v/hen ,: caught. Richmond, as The Shadow, acguits himself as best, he can under circumstances; Barbara Reed, his girl Friday, is on hand mostly for decorative purposes.while Tom Dugan contributes .some fair comedy relief as The Shadow's chauf- feur. Joseph Crehan is an okay in- spector.: , : Production values are in keeping with the Meager budget. Phil Ro-scn directed at a standard pace r.nd George Callahan'.? original screen- play faithfully followed the cliches present in similar minor whodunits, IMccadilly liividonij (BRITISH-MADE) London, Aug. 2.1. Pathe Plcture.s release of A.'.-soriaied Krl- tish Pictures film. Slars \nna .Ne-mle llk-bael WnahiK. Dlrei'ted lly llfrliert Wileox. Screenplay by I'^lorencp 'l-ianter I'a mora, Bryan I.anBley, .Vlas i;ieene I're- viewed at private, theude. i.ondoii. Kun. niiis-.tlme, 10(1 JIH.NS, i)ia,na, Fwser. \nn,, Xnnnia I'aptntii Alan Poii^son.......\iiiJinei wildimf .Toan Draper..,..,..;,..i,....,,i.-,^i,„.,,s .MeiWi- • \ ivfjlnia Pearson,... .I'.iral la-oWn^ ,,'.','.*')'"''''« rearson,.-...,..A. K. .MaUhews, liill V, ealon...... ;., , • m e| i .aiirenee i"™ •••••; > • • • • ■■■■ ' . .Kilward JilRl.v •; '"> Be"Jon ,.. HreM.|a Bruce Mrs. Mllllijan ..Haire n'lS'elll hnni.,. i....Livslle tWfykr. Herbert Wilcox has used a tittle- known flaw in legal,proced- ure as the basi.s for, his latest film. If a man, thinking, his wife dead, marries again, the c>iild of (he mar- riage will be illogitiTrtate beyond all redress should his i'irst wife prove npt to have died after all. That's what the law says in Britain. According to Wilcox, diving into musty records, some 200 ()f, this kind exist at present. CJucstion here of course, is whether dlie ease can be made effective as .screen fare. It appears to have pcssilnlities in U. S. becaiise of Anna Neagle- Herbert ,Wilcox combo. ; Picture shows a giving judg-, ment on a case and then goes into a flashback to tell the main story. A Wren and a Marine ihftet by chance in an air raid. They- get married, Wren goes overseas, is posted as, missing. After three years Marine marries again and a child is born. Then the first wife return.s. her death; being a mistake. Wife No.;l, confronted by wife No. 2 plus a child, dies in an air raid. After a good deal of to do with her pals on a desert islarid, Anna Neagle, as the Wren, emerges with a first-rate piece of dramatic acting. Romantic scenes wi th . goodlooker Michael Wilding' are well handled, though dialog is conventional and ■ leaves, the problem unsolved. Not- Withstanding some scenes of Adam- and-Eve temptation on the i.sland and the usual Wilcox polisli. .'•lory could have been improved w'ith a general tightening-up. Length of picture, tends ;tb handicap the sus- pense, Film may do well because of its provocative theme, the pull of the Anna Neagle-Miehael Wilcox team and an admirable all-arouiui ca.^t. Ebt'l.