Variety (Sep 1946)

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M PICTSnB GROSSES LA Torrid; 'Cleo' Smash 52G, 4 Spots; '2 Guys' Great lOG in 3, 'Mexico' Fat 85G in i mtorions'Wow ii6G, 2d Wk. Los AngeJeSj Sept. 3. Hefty holiday trade ovfer the long ^veekend nnd strong new product are siiovinj; theatre take into a new high total. "Holiday in Mexico," in four ti\oatre.s, is coming through with a .sock $85,000; ''Two Guys From Brooklyn" iilso is great with $70,000 in sight for three spots. "Caesar and Cleopatra" is remark- ebly strong with smash $52,000 in fcuf small-seaters. "Black Beauty" looks as only. light new bill, with only $25,500 likely in three locations. Holdover.s are dominated by "Notori- ous;"' which looks colossal $66,000 on second frame in two "They Were Sisters." British fllm, soloing at the P^om- Star,; shapes for trim $P,000 opening week ; Kstimalcs tor This Week Bclinoilt (FWC) (1,532;. SO^D— '•Holiday Mexico" iM-G). Big $12,- 000. week, "Bad Bascomb" (M-G) i2ri wk), »lc\V $4,000; , . : ISevci-lv Hills Music Hall (Blumen- fold'G&S) (824; i'5-$l) — "Caesar Piid Cleopatra" (UA). Solid $9,000. week, "Nisht Casgblanea" (UA) (4th wk), $2,900. ' Carihav Circle (FWC) (1,518; 50- ■$1)—"Anna" (20th) (m.o.). 'Good $5,500. Last week, good $6,200. Chinese (Grauinan-WC) (2,048; 5n-Sl)—"Centennial Summer'' (20th) (3d wk). Oke $1,').000. Last week, neat SI5,500. Downlown (WB' (1,800; 50-$l)— •■2 Gny-i Milwaukee' (WB). Sft-ong $27.00(j. week, "Night and Day" IWB) (4th wk), nitty, SIS.eOO. : nowntown Music Hall (Blumen- feld) (872; 85-$l )^"Cae.sar and Cleo- pi.tra" (UA); Handsome $23,000. ■Last week, "Night Ca.sablanca" (UA) (4th wk), $6,200 on blowoff. EKVplian (FWC) f 1.538: 50-$l)— "Holiday Mexico" (M-G). Great $24,000. Last week, "Bad Bascomb" (IW-G) (2d wk-0 doy.s). $6,600. El Rcy (FWC^ (861; ' .50-$!)— 'Black Beauty'" (20t.h) and "Letter For Evie" (M-G). Duir.$4,000. Last week. "Hearts Growing Up" (Par) and "Deadline for Murder" (20th), only !SS;900. Four Star (,UA-WC) (900; 50-85)— 'Thcv Were Si.slevo': tU). Sock $8,- 000. ' Last week, "Dead of. 'Night" (U) . (.Id wK-9 daY.<;) lat $4,900. GuiW (FWC) (968; 50-$l)—"Time of Lives" (U)/and "Dark Horse" , lU) (2d wk), Okc S4,500. Last week, ; avern'io S6.30O; Hawaii (C-*;:S-Blun-ien{eld) (9.56; 85-$n—"Caesar Cleopatra" (UA). B'g $12,000. Last week. "Ni.ght Casa- blanca' <UA) '.4th wk), wfcnt out with S2.900. Hollvwooa (WB) (2.756: 50-'$l)— CJuy.^ Mil\\-a(i!-oc" (WB). Stout $22,000. Last week, "Nieht and Day" (WB) (4th wk). hmdsome $9,600. Hollywood Mu'.-ic HaU (Blumen- f(*Vd) ('475: 85)-4-"Caesr.i- Cleopatra" (UA). ' Solid' S8.!100. week, '•Night Cp'-ablanw'' (UA) ( wk),; okc $2,700. . Loow State (l,oow-WC) (2.404; 50- $1)—"Centennial Summer" (20th) (3(i wk). Fair $16,000. Last week, slow $17,600. Los Anvoics iDinwn-WC) (2,097; ■ 50-81)—"Holidav Mexico" (M-G). Small Si:in.Ono. Last week. "Bad Bas- comb" (M-G). (ad wk). off to $17,600. Million Dollar (D town) (2.420; 55- 851-"i^artners in Time" (RKO) with "Gay BO's" revenue Jimrny Scribner on stase. Oke ,$21,000. Last week, "SusDonse" (Mono) (m.o.) and "South of Monterey"' (Mono) with Amalia Aguilar on stacc. fair $20,600. Orpheiim (D'town-WC) (2.210; 55- $1)—'•Black Boiu.i1.y" (20th) and ••Letter For Evie" iM-G). Slow $16,- 000. Last week, "Hearts Growing .Up" (Par) and "Deadline For Mur- ch"-" im.W. w."?,k $11 ' no. , Panfagcs (Pan) (2 812; 50-$l)— "Notorious" (RKOV (2d Wk). Wal- loping $32,500. Last wetrk, non-holi- -{'av record at $40,500. . ra.-aniOiint (F&M) (2,812; 50-$l)— "Moh.'^iciir Boaucaire", (Par) and "God's Country" (SGP).'(2d Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gros* This Week , $910,500 iBaseiX on 17 theatres) Total Gross Same We«k Last Year $761,500 rBased on 13 tfteaires'j WmK-C; Ivers Nice 15G Kansas City, Sept. 3. . Line-up of ;tilms is fairly strong, with the^ lioliday impetus helping generally, Leader is "Easy to. Wed'' at tlie- Midland for stoiit session. Smaller Newman \vith' '"iVIartha, Ivers'' aj.'io is big. , ■ . ' ; , ■ Estittiatcs for This Week Esiiuire, Uptown, Fairway (Fox Midwest) (820, 2,043 and 700; 45-65) —"Black Beauty" (20th). Only fair at $13,000. Last week, "Canyon Passaije" (U) (2d wk), nice $12,000. Midland (Loew's) (3,500; 45-65)— "Ea\v To Wed" (M-G). Boxoffice hiiVlisyinoon' at: $18,000. Sure liold^ over. week, "Caesar and Cleor patra" (UA) and "Man Who Dwed" (Cai) (2d wk); strgn& $11,000.. Newman , (Paramount) (1.900; 45- 65)—"Martha Ivers" (Par). Pleasing 815,000, aiui likely holds. Last week, "Ni5ht and Day" (WB) i3d wk), sohd $12,000. Ori»h«!iin( ■ (RKO) (1,900; 45-65)— "2 Guys Milwaukee" (WB) and "Bedlam" (RKO) (2d wk). iJaek Carson's local rep helping this. Nice $10,000. week, fine $15,000. Tower (Fox-Jollee) (2,100; 39-60) —••Strangle Triangle" (20th) and "Danger Woman" (U) with vaude. Regular ,$9,.500 , week. "Wrote Book," (U ); and "Deadline for Mur- der" (20th) with stage, dandy $11,000. US.S/ TERRIF 16€, OMAHA; HOPE 13iG Omalia, Sept. 3, "O.S.S." i.s smash at the Orpheum where likely to be up in the stage sliow brackets. "Monsieur Beau- cairiD," at the Paramount, also is running high. ' estimates for This Week Br»ndei$ (RKO) (.1,500; 16-65)— "Make Mine Music" I RKO) and "Perilous Holiday" (Col). Rousing: $10,000, and may liold. Last week, "Stranger" (RKO) and ''Rusty" (Col), $9,000. Omalia (.Tristates) (2,000; l()-65)—, ''Centennial Sumiiier" (20th) (m.o.)., arid "Dark : Alibi" t Mono). Aroimd average $9,500. Last week, "'The Outlaw" (UA) (m.o.) and "Strange Impersonation" (Rep), neat $10,500. Orpheum (Tristates) (3,000; 16-65) —"O.S.S." (Par) and "Inside Job'' (U). , Smash $16,000. Last week, "Runaround" (U) with Freddie Slack orch on stage, strong $19,000. Paramount ciristates) (3,000; 16- 65)—"Monsieur ; Beaucaire"- (Par). Stout $13,500 for Bob Hope ; him. Last week, "Centennial Summer'.' t20th), $12,800. W«dn««d«y, icptember 4, 19 16 Tassage'-Vaude Great 40G, Hub's Best; Took' 47G, 2 Spote; Ivers' Tall 32G Key City Grosses Estimated Total Gr«ss This We«k .,.. .. , . $:<,616,500 (Bosed oil 23 ctdei!, 196 (Cen- tres, chiefly first runs, iiicludiiis N. Y.) Total Gross Same Week ' Last Year ..$»,109,200 (Bosed on 20 cities, 173 ifienfres)' Fi''c $29,500. Last week,, sock $35,- 50(1. ' I'iirainount Hollywood (F&M) (1,- 451: !50-,'ftl)—"Beaucaire" (Par) (2d wk). Hefty $19.00(). Last V Week great .$22.i)00. RKO Hillstreet (RKO) (2,890; !50- 80>—•'Notorious" (RKO) (2d wk) Balto Hot; 'Kid'-Vaude Sockeroo 27G, Hope 19G, 'Ufe' 26G, 'Smoky' 15G Baltimore. Sept. 3. Sin ng linetipof product tDolstered by licalthy holiday weok(;'ii(3 ra- .«ponse is beln.t; reflected in ;'.olld biz all over. Top figure^ is being built by '•Tlie Kid From Brooklyn" tied to small vaude layout at the combo Hippodrome and the Stanley is iinak- ing its tuUsome capacity count for equally big, returns with "A Stolen Li''e.'" '■Monsieur , Beaucaire" is set for top returns ,at Keith's, new Bob Hope film cliclciiig: froiTi- start. Est'mates for This Week Century (Loew's-UA) (3,000; 20-60) —"Three Fools" (M-G)., Up against strong competition but man- aging nicely at $15,0,00. Last week, "Cae.'.-ar and Cleopatra" . (UA> (2d wk), at $12 800,. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,240; 20-7a) —"Kid FroriT Brooklyn" wtRKO) plus vaude. Crowding in exU;\ shows and going to terrific, $27,000 or near. Last week, "End of Time'' (KKO) and vjaudo (2d wk), $).5;300.; Keitlj's (Schanberger) (2.400; 20- 60,)—"Monsieur Beaucaire" (Par) (2d wk). Starts second round to- morrow ( Wed;) after great, opener at $19,000. week, "Hearts Grov/ing Up" (Par), $11,800. Little (Rappaport) (306; $1.80- S2.40)—"Henry V (UA) (7th wk). , Holding up well at near capacity wk). I with SU.OOO, last week; about same. 'Notorious' Near-Record $28,000 in Torrid Cincy; 'Ivers' 15G, '2 Guys' 18G Cinoihriafi,,,Sept. 3. • Holiday .stuffing has evcr,y major doing , big biz;. Four nevv bills ^re getting cream of crop with "Notori- ous" topping by a wide margin and approaching the Palace high. Other new entries in order of strength are "Two Guys From Milwaukee," "Mar- tha Iver.s" and '•Black Beauty." Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3.100; 50-70) — "2 Gliys Milwaukee" tWB). J'ancy $18,- 000. Last week, "End of Time" (RKO), terrif $23,500. Capitol (.RKO) (2,000; 50-70) — "Martha Ivers" (Par). Solid $15,000. Holds. Last week, ••Cae.sar ancl Cleo- patra" (UA) (,2d wk),; big $11,000. Grand .(RKO) .(1.430; gO-70) — "Black Beauty" . (20th). Nifty $10,- 000, Last week, •'Postman Rings Twice": (M-G) (4th wk), hot $6,000. Keith's (Citv Inv..) (1,542; ,50-70)— '■Courage of La-ssie" (M-G) (3d wk); Strong ,'S8.000 after great $10,000 second stanza. Hbld.s again. Lyric (RKO) tl,400; 50-70)—"Kid From Brooklyn" iRlCO). (m.o.). Smash $8,000. Last we'(jk, "Canyon [Pa.ssage" (U), (m,6;), good $6,000. I Palace (RKO) (2,600; 50-70)^"No- i(oriou.=i" (RKO). Sen.sational $28,000 ! and close to, house record. Holds. I Last week. "Kid From Brooklyn" I (RKO) (2d vvkl. fatso $16,000. ■ i Shubcrt (RKO) (2.100: 50-70) — I "End of Time" iRKO) im.o.). Sweet $6,500v Last,Week, "Night and Day" (WB). £()uj-th';we,ek oil' main line; solidji7.flf)0..'. :- , 'Beaucaire' 27G, 'Sleep' 28G, D. C. Washington, Sept. 3. ; Boxoffice is .uniformly good cur- rently with r e c o r d, attendances chalked up on Labor Day at some spots. "Smoky," "Big Sleep"; and "Kid From Brooklyn" all look great. Estimates for This Week Keith's (RKO) (1,838: 44-80) — "Kid From B r b o k ly n " .(RKO). Sturdy $14,000 or better. Last week, "Canyon Pasisage" (U) (JJd : wk), great $27,000:in 12 days.; •-:':-v Capitol (Loew) (3.434; .44-80) ^ '•Smoky" (20th) with vaude. .Sock $35,000. Last week. "Bey,'.*; Ranch" (M-G) plus vaude, big $27,000. Palace' (Loew) (2,370; ' 44-70) — "Monsieur Beaucaire" (Par).; Smash i $27,000 or over. Last ueek. "Cr,c.sar and Cleopatra" (UA), (2d wk), big 1 $20,000. ! Columbia (Loew) (1,263; 44^70)— j "Anna" (20th) (2d run). Nice $10,- 500. Last, week,"0;S,S." (Par) (2d I run), $8,500. 1 Earle (WB) (2.1.54; 44-85) — •'Big Sleep". (WB)., Great $28,500, week. "Night arid Day'' (WB), (3d wk). $17,500, ,: I Metropolitan (WB) il,513; 44-70) i—"Shadow of Woman" (W,B). Trim $11,000. Last week. ••Stella Dallas" (FC) (reissue). $9,900. Great S;i3.500. week, non-holi-j, 120th). *10,600. Jlayfair illicks) (980; 25-55)— "Rendezvous With Annie" (Rep), Starts tomorrow (Wed.) after good week with "Swamp Fire" (Par) at above average $4,800. New (Mechanic) (1,800: 20-60)— "iStnoliy" (^Oth). Going 'o $15,000. La;st week fourth of "Annie'' ■day record of'$41,600, Ritz (FWC) (1.370; .50-$l)—"Time or Lives" (U) and "Dark Horse" (U) i2d wk). Fair .$5,000. Last week, oke S6.S0O. United Artist* (UA-WC) (2,100: .50-$l)—"Time of Live.V (U) and "Dark Horse"- (U) (2d wk). Good $10,000, :L.-:st week, average $14,000. Uptown (FWC) (1.719: 50-$l)— "Centennial Summer" (20th); (Sd" wk). F.'nale $5..')09.' Last week, oke $8 200. Vosuc (FWC) (885: 50-85)—"Black Beauty" (20th) and "Letter for Evie" (M-G). Light ,$5,500. Last week, "Hoacts Growing Up" (Par) and "Deadline for Murder" .(20th), okay .$6,000. Wilshhe (FWC) (2,296; 50-$l) — "Holiday Mexico" fM-G). Nifty Stanley (WB) (3,280; 25-74 )— "Stolon; Life" (WB). Capacity help- ing tills to big .1)26,000 or week, "Night and Day" , (WB) (3d wk), very high $14,800; Valencia, (Loew's-UA) (1,360; 20- 60)—"Caesar and Cleopatra" (UA) (m.o.). , Drawing good $5,500. Last v. cck, "Death Valley" (Indie), .$3,300. .^14,000. Last week,, "Bad Bascomb" (M-G) (2d wk), $4,700. Wilfern (WB) (2,1100; 50-Sl) —"2 Guys Milwaukee" (WB), Solid $21,- 000. Last week, "Night and Day" (WB) (4th wk), stout $10,100. [.anrel ( (835; $1.80-2;40) —"Henry V" (UA) (12th wk). Steady $7,000. Last week, okfe $7,000. Seattle Better; 'Wed' Big 17iG,'Beauty'IIG ■ : Seattle, Sept. 3. Lon'.' weekond holiday Is boosting boxofiioc uike all over this week "Easy To Wed," "Black Beauty" and "Tw;) Guys Prorri: MilWaukoe'".;i6Qlt:, lop new entries. Estimates tor This Week Bhic (H-E) (800; 45-80)— "Green Years" (M-G) (3d wkl. Frorn Fifth A\-e. Heading f(n- swell $7,000. Last wee!.:. "Each His Own" (Par) (3d wk), okay $5,200. Fifth AM'uiic (H-E) (2,349; 45-80) —•'Easy To Wed" (M-G), Looks to do nr.mense $17,500. Week. "GreCii Years"; (M-G,), (2d wk i, big )»ill,000.- ,ti6erty,. (.I &- VH) (1.C50: 45-30)— "Caesar and Cleopatra" (UA) (3d wk). Big $11,000 or near. week, great $12,400; Music Box tH-E) (8.50; 45-fO)— "Kid Fr.oni Brooklyn" iRKO) (."ith wk). Solid SCOOO or close after great ,'«7,,'?00 1a.Kt week. Music llall ,i-H-E) 12,200; 45-80)—' "Black Boauty" (20th) and "Bambo^ Blonde" (RKO). .Strong $11,000 or better. Last week. "Make Mine Music" (RKO).. (3d wk), good $7;400. Orpheum .(ll-E) (2,600; 45-80l-^"2 Guys MilXvHUkee" (UA) and "Ih.«ide Job" (U). Swell $14,000. Last week, "Runaround" CU) and "She Wrote Book" (U), good $11,800. Palomar (Sterling) (1,3,50: 45-80)— "Ayalanche" (PRC) and "Rainbow Over Texas" (Rep). Looks to hit oke $6,500. Last week, "Bowery Bombshell' (Mono)) and "South oC Montoroy" (Mono) with Huntu Hall heading vaude. great $11,500. Paramount (H-E); (3,039; 45-80)-;^ "Anna" (20th) (2d wk). Anticipate .strong $10,500. week, very good $15,81)0. ■ . Roo.scvcit (Sterling) (800; 45-80)— "Night and Day" (WB). (5th wk). Looks around $5,800 after $6,800 prior week. Wiiiicr Garden (Sterling) (800; 25- 50)—"Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G) and "So Goes My Love" (U)' (3d run). Trim .$4,800. weck. "Adventure" (M-G) and "jtJoart!! Growing Up" (par) (3d run) .$4^600. Hope Great 18G, Indpls.; 'Fools' Fancy at 18G, 'Bondage' Sturdy IIG Indianap,)li,s,, Sept. ,3 Holiday. hypo helped - l.iiz' Here ,: despite,tprrific: draW:. of -fifst Indiana, .state fair since 1941. playing to e.^ti- 1 mated .7,00,000 alfendanco this weel?. I "Monsieur Beaucaire" at the Indiana and "Three' Wise Fools^' at Loew's I bot.h;are in the ,sock olas.s., with lat- iter pos.sibly holding, ■ "Of ,Human Bondage" is okay at the Circle; I Estimates for This Week Circle (Kat;?-Do11e 1 (2.800: 40,-6,0) ' —•'Of Human Bondage"; ; (WBi. : Sturdy $11,000. .Last week, "Hearts Growing Up" (Par) and "Made Me I Killer" (Par). Nice $11,500. ; Indiana (Katz-Dollc) (3.300: 40-60) ; —'Mensieur 'Beaueaire": (Par), New (Bob Hope film loolcs .sock $18,000. Last week, "Without Ro,'--crviiliOns" (RKO). great $19,000, Loew's (Loe'w'.s) (2,450; 40-eO)— "Tlir(;e Wise Fools" (M-G) and "Peri- lous^oliday" (Co!).- Strong $18,000, nearly tops for double feature there. week. "Cae.sar and' Cleopatra" (UA), $8,500 after rousing $16,000 opener. Lyric (Katz-Dolle) (1,600: 40-60)— "Without Reservations" (RKO) (m;- 0.). Dandy $8,000. Last week, "Night and Day" (WB) (m.o.-), $«,0U0 on third week downtown. 4- Boston, Sept. 3. After hitting the all-time top with Dick Haymes and "Cuban Pete" last week at $70,900, the RKO is again leadins the town with "Can- yon Passage'* plus John Calvert and others; on the stage. Other .spots, many with holdovers, are a bit offish from last week. "Three Wise Fools" looks strong, day-and-date at the; Orpheum' and State. "Mattha Ivers'- also is big; Estimates for This Week Boston (RKO) (3,200; ,50-$1.10) — "Canyon Passage'? (U) with John Calvert, Charioteers, other.s, oh stage; Great $40,000. film is to .stay three weeks with n(3w; stage; .show coming in. Last week, "Cuban Ptte" (U), pushed to all time high of ,t70,- 900 by Dick Haymes plus Nicholas Bros, on' stage. Esquire (M-P) (1,500; .$2,40) — ■•Henry V". (UA) (22d wk). Up a,gain to $6;500, helped by 'VFW con- vention bringing in.people from Out of city. week, $5,500. Fenway (M-P) (1,373: 40-HO) — "Night , and Day" (WB). Big draw here after twosome at Met with $11,000. Last week, "Stolen Life" (WB) and "Shadows Chinalowh" (Mono), $9,800. Ma,1cstic (Brand-Mage) (l.;'i00; 40- 80)—"Mr. Ace" (UA) and "Freddie Steps Out" (Mono), (2d wk). All; right $7,000 after $9,000 on, . Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 40-80) — "Till End of Time" (RKO) and ' Pa- looka Champ" (Mono). Third ses-, sion begins today; week wa.s big; $28,000. Ficst week hit great $30,000. Metropolitan (M-P) (4.367: 40-80) j —"Rtartha Ivers" (Par) and ••GI j Brides" (Mono). Strong $32,000 in view. Last week, "Night and Day" (WB) (2d wk), $27,000. Orpheum (Loew) (2.900: 40-80 )— "Three Wisie Fobl.s", (M-G) and i "Ni !.'ht Ed itor!' < Col). . ;Moderate , ' S27,000, Last week, "Cao.sar and ! Cleopatra" (UA) (2d wk); $20,000, . Paramount (M-PV (1.701); 40-80)— ;'•Ni.eht, and Day" (WB). Tlere from Met and great $18,000. ., week, [ "Stolen ; Life" - (WB) : qiid '•Shadows ; Chinatown" (Mono). $l(i.00(), ■ i State, (Loew) (3,200: 40-80) "Three Wise »Fools"; (M-G) and I "Night Editor" (Col). Slauneh .'S20,- 1000, Last week, "fiaGsar and' Cttib,'';. I oatra" (UA) (2d wk). $14:000, ' ■ 'franslux (Translux) (900:; 40-80)— . "Undercover Wpipan" (Rep) and "Dynamite Kid" (Mono) irei.ssuo); Good $5,000, Last;week. '-Wohian in j Window" (RKO) and 'Larceny" . I I WB). $,5,000. , , ■ ' , ; Trcmont (Brand-Mage), ri.sdO: 40- ■ 80)—"Mr; Ace" (UA); and"Freddie Steps Out" (Mono) (2d wk).. .Vice 1*7 000 after $8,500 on fir.sf HOPE WOW 20G, MPLS.; 'CASABLANCA' BIG 12G jVIinnoapoli,-;, .Sept. 3, , It's comedy Week hei'e, with'"IVUm- .sieur Beaucaire" and "A: Night In Ca.sablanca," .. the prineipar how- coiners, ahd .both sock. "Boaucaire" ' j will load the. fiold by a wide margin, I at the Radio City, with "Casablanca" i also big at ;th(j .smaller State, ; ;; ; , Estimates (or This Week Astor (Far) (900; 30-44)—"Colora-. do Serenade" (PRC) and "Danger Woman" (U). Okay $2,000 In 5 day.s. Last week, "Sing While You Dance" . (Continued on page 30) • Pitt OK Despite H.O.'s; '2 Guys' Stout $27,000 Pitt.sbiu'gh, Sept. 3. Biz ;is booiTiirig; : again hei'e: ;with: holiday helping to .shoot'grosses to high figures. Big leader is St.anley's '"Two Guys , Fron-i ; Milwaulcee.'' ''Boy's Ranch'' at , :Wyri)cr Is In groove. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700: 40-70) — "Anna" (20th) (3d Wk). Doing nice- ly at $8,000. Last week, $10,500. Harris (Harris) (2,200; 40-70) — "If I'm. Lucky" (20th). Swell-1.5,- 500. Last week, "Cla((diaand David" (20th) (2d wk), good $10,000. Penn (Loew's) 13,300; 40-70) " to Wed" (MrG) (2d wk). Wow .$24,000. Last week, .sjna.sli $33,500. : , Hit* (WB) (800; 40-70) — "Night and Day" (WB) (m.o.). Very big $5,800, best in week.s; Last week "'To Each His Own" (Par)- (m.o.), fine $5,500. Stanley (WB) fS.SOO: 40-70) - "2 Guys Milwaukee" (WB). Town's leader at stout $27,000. Last week. 'Night and Day" (WB), big $16,800 for third session. Warner (WB) (2,000; 40-70) — '■Boys' Ranth" (M-G). Hefty $10,- 500. La,st week, ''Goiirage of Las- sie" (M-G) (2d wk), big ,$9,500. 'Notorious' Loud 30G, Buff.; lives' Hot 20G Buffalo, Sept. 3, "Notorious" is the standout entry this week, being terrific at the 20th Century theatre. "Time of Li\'es" and "Martha Ivers" look next best with about .same totals. Estimates lor. This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3..500; 4fi-70) — "Centennial Summer" (20th). Nice $22,000. Last week, "Three Fools" (M-G) and "Deadline tor Murder" 120th), $20,000, Great Lakes (Shea) (3.000: 40-70) —"Martha Ivers" (Par). Fancy $20.- 000. Last week, - "Night and Day" (WB) (3d wk), big $15,000. • Hipp (Shea) (2,100; 40^^70)—"Three Wise Fools" (M-G) and "Deadline i'or Murder" (20th) (m.o.). Trim ISIO.OOO. Last week, "Caesar and Cleopatra" (UA) (m.o.), .$8,500. Xeck (Shea) (1,400; 40-70)—"Night, and Diiy" (WB) (m.o.). Faiit .$7,000. Last week, "Beau Geste" (Par) and "Lady Eve" (Par) (reissues), about .same. ,■. , ■ Lafayette (Basil) (3,300; 40-70)— "Time of Lives" (U) and "Danger Woman" (U). Big $20,000 on Abbott- Costello comedy. Last week. "Can- .von Pa.ssage" (U) and "Slightly Scandalous'' ■ (U) (3d wk), stout $10,000. 20th Century (20th Cent.) (3.000; 40-70) — "Notorious" (RKO). Ter- I'iflc at $30,000, or over. Last week, "Kid From Brooklyn" (RKO) t4th wk-5 days), neat $7,500.