Variety (Sep 1946)

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8 PICT1JRB GROSSES Wednesday, September 18, 1946 Holdovers. School Bells Dull L A. But lusic' Smash $52,000,3 Spots; 'Mexico' Torrid 49G for 3d Wk. in 4 'hers'Oby $26,000, Frisco;'Jonrnej' 19G San Francisco, Sept 17, Los Angeles, Sept. 17. Witt) bulk of theatres filled with holdovers and long-run pictures and school season starting, biz is off all over this week. Sole important newcomer, "Make Mine Music" is likely to hit a record $52,000 for initial session in three theatres. "Claudia and David" looks to do mildiish $30,000 on second franie in two spots. "White Tie and Tails" paired with "Wife of Monte Cristo" is okay $20,000 in three .smaller houses on second stanza. "Holiday in Mexico" is heading for hffty $49,- 000 for third week in four locations while "Notorious" is solid $36,000 on fourth frame for two spots. "Caesar and Cleopatra" will do near $34,000 for third week, four houses. Estimates for Thls^eck Belmont (FWC) (1,532; 50-$!)— "Holiday Mexico" (M-G). t3d wk). Smooth $6,000. Last week, smart $8,300. Beverly Hills Music Hall (Blumen- feld-G&S) (824; 85-$l)—"Caesar and Cleopatra" tUA) (3d wk). Near $5,000. Last week, good $7,300. Carthay Circle (FWC) (1,518; 50 Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gr,<»ss This Week $7S9,500 (Based on 18 theatres) Total Gross Same Weet Last Xear $695,000 (Based on 15 tlienires) lilfed,' 'Passage' IG Each, Cleve. third and the and new "No- Centennial Summer" (2Gth) (2d wk-m.o.). Okay $4,000. Last •week, fair $5,000. Chinese (Grauman-WC) (2,048; 50- $1)—"Claudia and David", (20th) (2d wk). Down to $11,000. Last week, near average $15,600. Downtown (WB) (1.800; 50-$!)— "Two Guys Milwaukee" (WB) (3d ■wk-5 days). About $12,000. Last week, okay $18,000. Downtown Music Hall (Blumen- feld) (872; 85-$l) — "Cleopatra" (UA) (3d wk). Good $17,000. Last week, nifty $19,100. Egyptian (FWC) (1,538; 50-$!)— "Holiday Mexico" (M-G) (3d wk). Neat $11,000. Last week, good $14,^ 700. El Key (FWC) (861; 50-$l) — "Make Mine Music" (RKO). Great $10,000. Last week, "Black Beauty" t20th) and "Letter for Evie" (M-G) (2d wk), weak $2,000. Four SUr (UA-WC) (900; 59-85)— "They Were Sisters" (U) (3d wk). Steady $4,500. Last week, nifty $5,200. Guild (FWC) (968; 50-$l)—'!Wlute Tie and Tails" (U) and "Wife-Monte Cristo" (PRC) (2d wlc). Nice $4,500 cr over. Last week, good $7,200. Hawaii (QjcS-Bluir.enfeld) (956; 857$1—"Cleopatra" (UA) (3d wk), Hefty $7,000. Last week to $8,700 but still good Hollywood (WB) (2,756; 50-$!)— "Two Guys" (WB) (3d Wk-5 days). Finales at $8,000. Last week, good $13,000. Hollywood Music Halt (Blumen- feld) (475; 85)—"Caesar and Cleo- patra" (UA) (3d wk). Strong $5:000 Last week, under hopes at $6,200. loew State (Loew-WC) (2,404; 50-$l)—"Claudia" (20th) (2d wk). Mild $13,opo. Last Week, mild $22,100. Los Angeles (D'town-WC) (2,0a7; 50-$l)—"Holiday Mexico" (M-G) (3d wk). Trim $21,000. Last week, stout $26,000. V • : Million Dollar (D'town) (2,420; .-^5- i85)—"High School HerO" (Mono) with Freddie Stewart, Warren Mills, Frankie Darro, Jackie Moran; Bay Malone, June Preisser on stage; Good $22,000. Last week, "Blonde For Day" (PRC) with Lucky . MilUnder orch on stage, $21,000. Orpheum (D'town-WC) (2,210; 35- $1)—"Make Mine Mu.sic" (RKO) K'ld "Wanderer of Wasteland" (RKO). Smash 430,000. Last week, "Black Beauty" (20th) and "Letter For Evie ' (M-G) (2d wk), dull $8,000. .'^Pantages (Pan) (2,812; 50-$!)— "Notorious" (RKO) (4th wk). Hefty $18,000.- Last week, very fine $23,000. Paramount (F&M) (3,398; 50-$l)— "Beaucaire" (Par) and "God's Coun- try" (Indie) (4th wk>. Oke $14iO00. Last week, neat $18,000. Paramount Hollywood (F&M) (1,451; 50-$l)—"Beaucaire" (Par) (4th wk). Neat $12,000. Last week, good $14,700. RKO Hillstrcct (RKO) (2,890; ."^O- «0"Notorious" (RKO) (4th wk). Sturdy $18,000. Last wCek, solid $22,400. : , «it2 (FWC) (1,370; 50-$l)—"White Tie" (U) and "Wife Monte Cristo" (PRC) (2d wk). Fine $5,500. week, hefty $8,500. . United Artists (UA-WC) (2,100; .jO- . $1)—"White Tie" (U) and "Wife Monte Cristo" iPRC) (2d wk). Steady $10,000. Last week, .=iolid $15,700. Uptown (FWC) (1,719; 5G-$1)— "Claudia" (20th) (2d wk). Fair $6,000: Last week, average $9,300. VOffuc (FWC) (885; 50-85)—"Make .Mine Mu.sic" (RKO). Sock $l?„O0O. Last week, "Black Beauty" (20th) and "Letter Evie" (M-G) (2d wk), tluU $2,800. Wilshir* (FWC) (2,296; 50-$l)— Cleveland, Sept. 17. Record for long-run hefty grossers is being set at Palace by "Notorious," still doing big biz on third canto, With $85,000 practically in the bag for three weeks to date, phenomenal in these parts for 70c top, this is ex- pected to soar to $100,000 for the one- month run. Easy to Wed," at the State two big weeks, and "Canyon Passage," at the Hipp, both are current smash hits. Estimates for This Week Allen (RKO) (3,000; 55-70)—"Big Sleen" (WB) (m.o.). Lively $10,500. Last week, "Centennial Summer" (20th) (m.o.). same. Hipp (Warners) (3,700; ,55-70)— "Canyon Passage" (U). Sock $30,000. Last "week, "Big Sleep" (WB) (2d wk), stout $19,000. Lake (Warners) (800; 55-70)— "Centennial Summer'' (20th) (m.o.). Slowing down a bit, $3,500. Last week, "Night and Day" (WB), excel- lent $3,800 on fifth downtown week. Ohio (Loew's) (1,200; 55-70)— "Courage of Lassie" (M-G) (m.o.). Going nicely at $5,000. Last week, "Boys' Ranch" (M-G) (2d Wk), pleas- ing $7,000. Palace (RKO) (3,300; 55-70)—"No- torious" (RKO) (3d wk). Looks like another torrid $16,000 currently for this one-month run, the longest and most profitable in the theatre's his- tory. Last week, great $20,000. State (Loew's) (3.450; 55-70)— " to Wed" (M-G). Slcylarking $30,000, and sure h o. Last week, "Beaucaire"' (Par) (2d: wk), fine $17,500. Stillman (2,700; 55-70)—"Beau- caire" (Par) (m.o.). Third down- town week, lusty $9,500. Last week, "Courage of Lassie" (MiG) (h.o.), very good $8,500. Seasonal slump prevails on Marr ket Street this session, with the ex ception of "Notorious," in week at the Golden Gate, "Caesar and Cleopptra at United Artists. "Martha Ivors "Gallant Journey" are the entries, and neither are big. Estimates for This Week Gtitdeh Gate (2,844; 60-95)- torious" (RKO) (3d wk) plus vau(ie headed by Tommy D'x. Solid $32,000, Last week, great $45."}»'- Fox (FWC) (4,651; 55-85)- "Martha Ivers" (Par). Okay $26,000. I,ast week; "Centeniual- Sumniei ^Tal-hef/'fFWC)- (2,(i56; 5.5-8..)-"2 Guvs Milwaukee" (WB) (^d wk). Down to $16,500. Last week, nice *^ra?amount (FWC) (2,646; SS-SS)- -"Searching Wind" (Par) and "Specter of Rose" (Rep) (2d wk). Three days got $7,000. . Last week, IIS (fWd) (1.400; 55-85)- "Centennial Summer" (20lh) (^o wk) (m.o.). Nice $11,500. Last week "Green Years" (M-G) (3d wk) ^T^e*^^*) C2.133; 55-85)- "Beaucaire" (Par) (m.o.) (2d wk). Still neat at $9,000. Last week,, fine *^0?phe»m (Blumenfeld) (2,148; 55-85)—"Gallant Journey (Col). So- so $19,000. Last week, Canyon la-ssage" (U) (4th "wk). $10,500. United Artists (Blumenfeld) (1,- 207- 55-85)—"Caesar and Cleopatra (UA) (5th wk). Firm $13,000 hear. Last week, $14,0OOi 'Summer'Hotcha32G. Hub;'Wy'29G, 'Mexico' 51€, 'Paris' 19G. AH 2 Spots Key City Grosses Estimated Total Gross This week $3,346,000 (Based ori 23 cities, 199 thea- tres, cJite/Ii/ /irst runs, including JV. Y.) Total Gross Same Week Last Year $3,004,000 (Based on 22 cities, 183 theotres) or 'Claudia'Sturdy $14,000 In Slower Buff.; 'Wind' 18G,'Notorious'13G, 2d Buffalo, Sept> 17. Biz is slightly off, ail over, town this week, with holdovers and re- issues also hurting. "Claudia and David" and "Searching Wind" look toppers. Estimates ror This Week Buffalo , (Shea) (3,500; 40-70)— "Searching Wind" (Par). Okay $18,- 000. Last week, "Of Human Bond- age" (WB), $17,000. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,000; 40-70) —"Claudia and David" (20th). Good $14,000. Last week, "Martha Ivers" (Par) (2d wk), stout $13,500.. Hipp (Shea) (2,100; 40-70)—■Hu- man Bondage" (WB) (m.o). Neat $8,000 or ever. week, ''Centen- nial Summer" : (20th) (m.o,), $10,000. Teck (Shea) . (1,400; 40-70)— "Martha Ivers" (Par)-(m.o.). Around $6,000. Last week, "'Plainsman" (Par) and "Jungle Princess" (Par) (reissue), $7,500. Lafayette (Basil) (3,300; 40-70)— '■Down Missouri Way" (PRC) and •"Avalanche" (PRC). Nice $11,000 Or near. Last week,. "Time of Lives": (U) (2d wk) and "She-Wolf of Lon- don" tU), good $9,500. 20th Century (20th Cent.) (3,000; 40-70)—"Notoriou.s" (RKO) (2d wk). Likely $13,000, fancy. Last week, strong $16,500. L'ville Lush; 'Kid' Fast 24G,'Widow'-'Abilene' Solid 19G,'2 Guys'9G Louisville, Sept. 17. "Kid- From Brooklyn" is packing the field this week at the Rialto, and many shows each day will help. "Young Widow" at the ' State is proving that Jane Russell is box- office draw, with a dandy session in sight. "Two Guys' From Milwaukee" at the Mary Anderson is healthy. Weather is rated a favorable factor at the first-runs this stanza. Estimates for This Week Brown (4th Ave.-Loew's) (1,000; 40-60) — "Canyon Passage" (U) (m.o.). Excellent $5,500. Last week, "Beaucaire" (Par) (m.o.). $4,500. Kentucky (Switow) (1,200; 30-40) -^"Blue Dahlia" (Par) and "Night In Paradise" (U). Oke $3,300. Last week,"Two Sisters Boston" (M-G) and "Night Train Memphis" (Rep), $3,500. Mary Anderson (People's) (1,100; ,40-60)—"2 Guys Milwaukee" (WB). 1 Sturdy ■ $9,000. Last week, "Of Hu- man Bondage" (WB), was good enough at $7,500 to hold, but new product pushed it out. National (Standard) (2,400; 40-80) —"Night Editor" (Col) and A. . B. Marcus show "La Vie Parec." Town hasn't had a musical of this kind for a long time. Result is a strong $13,- 000. Last week, "Unknown" (Col) and vaude headed by Robert Alda, $11,000. Rialto' (Fourth Avenue) (3,400; 40- 60)—"Kid From Brooklyn" (RKO). Strong $24,000. Last week, "Canyon Passage" (U). terrific $27,000. State (Loew's) (3,300; 40-60) — "Young Widow" ' (UA) and "Abilene Town" (UA). Biz is really jumping here, but long show hurts, . Solid $19,000 or over. Last week. "Ciourage of Lassie" (M-G) and "Johnny in Clouds" (UA), $25,000. '3 Girls' PhiBy;'Cleo'29G Philadelphia, Sept. 17. DeUixers are still enjoying okay biz this week. Week marks the opening of "Caesar and Cleopatra," "Thtee Little Girls in Blue" and '•Walls Came Tumbling Down." First two are getting a nice play. Top holdover is "Notorious" in third week at. the Stanley. Estimates for This Week Aldinc (WB) (1,303; 50-94)—"Three Wise Fools" (M-G) (2d wk). Fair $11,000. Last week, neat $14,500. Arcadia (Sablosky) (700; 50-94)— "2 Guys Milwaukee" (WB) (2d run). Nice $6,000. Last week, "Each His Own" (Par), great $7,500 second run. Boyd (WB) (2,350; 50-94)—"Caesar and Cleopatra" (UA). Oke $25,000 plus $4,000 for Sabbath showing at Earle. Last week. "Searching Wind" (Par), fair $22,000. Earle (WB) (2,760; 60-99)—"Walls Came Tumbling Down" (Col) with stage show topped by Bob Chester orch and Paul Winchell. Pale $15,- 500. Last week, "Faithful My Fashion" (M-G) with Alvino Rey orch, $17,000. Fox (WB) (2,250; 50-94)—"Three Little Girls in Blue" (20th). Husky $30,000. Last week. "Anna" (20th), nice $15,000 on fourth canto. Goldman (Goldman) (1,350; 50-94) "Beaucaire" (Par) (5th wk). Okay $15,000. Last week, fine $19,000 Karlton (Goldman) (1,000; 50-94) —"O.S.S." (Par) (3d wk). Trim $13,- 500. Last week, good $16,000. Keith's (Goldman) (1,500; 50-94)— "End of Time" (RKO) (2d run). Fair $7,500. week, "Plainsman" (Par) and '' My Love" (Par) (reissues), so-so $4,000 on second week, Mastbaum (WB) (4^350; 50-94)— "Big Sleep" (WB) (3d wk). Neat $25,000. Last week, big $29,000. Stanley (WB) (2,950; 50-94)—"No- toriou.s" (RKO) (3d wk). Bright $29,000. Last wc«k, sock $36,000. Stanton (WB) (1,475; 50-94)—"Mr. Ace" (UA) (2d wk). Good $12,500. Last week, hangup $18,500, Boston. Sept. 17. .''Searching Wind," "Scandal in Paris" and "Holiday in Mexico" look solid this week. But "Centenial Summer," at the Met looks stand- out. ■ ■ .-. Estimates for THIS Week Boston (RKO) (3,200; 50-$1:10) — "Canyon Passage" (U) (3d wk) phis Tony Pastor orch, others, on stage. Still good at $24,000, despite three weeks for film. week, with second week of John Calvert, others, on stage, $29,000. Esquire (M-P) (1,500; $2,40)— : "Henry V" (UA) (25th wk). Still jogging along at $5,000 about same as last week. Fenway (M-P) (1,373; 40-80)-, "Searching Wind" (Par) and "Fast: Company" (Mono). :Ne~w bill, in this usual second-run house will get big: $11,000. Last week, ''Janie Gets . Married" (WB) and ''Somewhere in Night" (20th), $10,000. Majestic (Brand-Mage) (1,500; 40r. 80)—"Scandal in Paris" (UA) and : "Love on Dole" (Indie). Looks nice $9,000. Last week,"Mr. Ace" (UA) an<i "Freddie Steps Out" (Mono) (3d wk), $6,000. Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 40-80)— "Time Their Lives" (U) and "They Were Sister.s" (U). Fine ,$28,000 in 8 days. Last week ''Till End of Time" (BKO) and "Palooka" (Mono) (3d Wk), big $22,000. Metropolitan (M-P) (4,367; 40-80> —"Centennial Su;nmer" (Pat) and : "Swamp Fire" (Par). Staunch $32,000. Last week, "Martha Ivers" , (Par) and O. L Brides'? (Rep), .$26,t 000 on second week. Orpheum (Loew) (2,900; 40-80) — "Holiday in Mexico" (M-G). Great , $32,000, with h.o. in view. week, "Courage Lassie" (M-G) and "Walls Tumbling Down" (Col), $24',000. Paramount (M-P) (1,700; 40-80) — "Searching Wind" (Par) and "Fast Company" (Mono)., Excellent $18,- 000. Last week, "Janie Gets Married" (WB) and "Somewhere in Night" (20th), $16,000. State (Loew) (3,200; 40-80) — "Holiday Mexico" (M-G). Potent $19,000. Last week, "Courage Las- sie" (M-G) and "Walls Tumbling Down" (Col), $14,000. Tr&nslux (Trartslux) (900: 30-74) —"Below Deadline" (Mono) and "Brighton Strangler" (RKO) (reis- sue). Usual $5,000. Last week, "Traffic in Crime" (Rep) and "Great Guy" (Indie), $4,500. Tremont (Brand-Mage) (1.500; 40- 80)--"Scandal in Paris" (UA) and "Love on Dole" (Indie). Nice $10.- 000. Last week, "Mr. Ace' (UA) and "Freddie Steps Out'' 'Mono), $6,000 on third week. "Holiday Mexico" (M-G) (3d wk). Stout $11,000. Last week, sturdy $12,800. " Wiltcrn (WB) (2,.300; 50-$l)—"Two Guys" iWB) (3d wk-5 days). Ends run at $7,000. Last week, good $12,600. Laurel (Rosener) (835; $1.80-$2.40) —"Henry V" (UA) (14th wk). Smooth $6,000, Last week, $6,500. 'SLEEP' TERRIF 25G, BALTO; 'CLAUDIA' 12G Baltimore, Sept. 17, New entries brightened up the downtown front here this week with ''Big Sleep" a sock hit at the Stan- ley. "Claudia and David" also looks nice at the New. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew's-UA) (3,000; 20- 60)—"If I'm Lucky" (20th). Draw- ing well enough at $14,000. tast Week,"Mr. Ace" (UA), $12,700. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,240; 20-70) — "Kid From Brooklyn" (RKO) plus vaude (3d wk). Wind- ing up strong stay at $14,000 after solid $18,000 last week. Keith's (Shanberger) (2,460; 20- 60)—"Black Angel" (U). Opening today (Wed.) Last week, "Beau- caire" (Par) (3d wk), good $12,500 after fine $16,000 on second. Mayfair (Hicks) (980; 25-,55)-- "Earl Carroll Sketchbook" (Rep). Betterinj; average at $4,500. Last week, "Rendezvous With An- nie" (Rep), $4,200. Little (Rappaport) (306; $1.80- $2.40)—"Henry V" (UA) (9th wk). Winding up final sesh at $5,200 same as pace of recent weeks. New (Mechanic) (1,800; 20-60)— "Claudia and David" (20th). Nice $12,000. Last week, second of "Smoky" (20th), $9,800. Stanley (WB) (3,280; 25-74)—"Big Sleep" (WB). The big news here with great $25,000 looked for. Last week, "Stolen Life" (WB) (2d wk), $13,000. Prov. Big; 'Claudia' Wow 20G,'Passage'Tall 18G, 'Widow' Fancy at 18^ Providence, Sept. 17. "Claudia and David" at Majestic is the hot entry this fairly active week. Right behind are "Young Widow" at Loew's ..State, and "Canyon Passage" at RKO Albee. "Claudia" is unuisually big for the small-seater Majestic. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,200; 44-65) — "Canyon Passage" (U) and "Cluban Pete" (U)., Hefty $18,000. Last week. "Till End of Time" (RKO) and "Step by Step" (RKO), $15,000 in 8-day stand. Carlton (Fav-Loew) (1,400: 44-65) —"Centennial Summer" (20th) (2d run). Good .$5,000. Last week. "La.s- sie" (M-G ) and "Johnny In Clouds" (M-G) (2d run), nice $5,500. Fay's (Fay) (1,400; 44^65)—"Ban-: dit of Sherwood Forest" (Col) (2d run) and vaude on stage. Solid $7.- 500. Last week, "Cat Creeps" (U) and vaude, $7,200. Majestic (Fay) (1,400; 44-65)-^ "Claudia and David'.' (20 th) and "Strange Holiday" (Indie). Great $20,000. Last week, , "Centennial' Summer" (20th), $16,000. Metropolitan (Snider) (3,100; 70- 85)—"Night Train To Memphis" (Rep) and Alvino Rey orch onstage for three-day weekend run. Fairly good $7,500. Last week, "Sensation Hunters" (Mono) and Hildegarde on stage, wow $112,500. State (Loew) (3.200; 44-65)— "Young Widow" (UA) and "Break- fast In Hollywood" (M-G). Steady $18,500. Last week, "Three Wise Pools" (M-G) and "Great to Be Young" (M-G), good $16,500. Strand (Silverman) (2,200; 44-65) —"O.S.S.'' (Par) (Third week began Monday). Second week was strong I $10,000 after big $16,000 opener. ' 'NOTORIOUS' HUGE 13G, OMAHA;'IVERS'lOG Omaha. Sept. 17. "Notorious" at the Brantieis is .so far ahead of the field here this week it's in class by itself. Despite limiled capacity of house it will beat the much larger Paramount and Or- pheum. Looks like new jecord "Martha Ivers" at Paramount is next best grosser. Estimates for This Week Brandeis (RKO) (1,500; 16-65)— "Notorious" (RKO). Terrific $13,000 or better for what looks like a new house record. Last week. "Make Mine Music" (EKO) and "Perilous Holiday" (Col) (2d wk), big $8,000. Paramount (Tristates) (3,000; 16- 65)—"Martha Ivers" (Par). Lighter than expected at $10,000. Last week, "Canyon Passage" (U) „. . , ,, fine $13,200. O-rpheum (Tristates) (3,000; 16-65) —"Wife Monte Cristo" (PRC) and "Alventurous Night" (U), 'fhin $9,500. Last week, "Lover Come Back" (U)-and Desi Arnaz band on stage, great $20,000. Omaha (Tristates) (2,000; 16-65)— "Canyon Passage" (U) (m.o.) and "Night Editor" (Col). Okay $9,000. Last week, "Beaucaire" (Par) ancl "Dark Horse" (U) (m.o.), about same. ■, ■ Indpls. Off;'Anna^ 14G, 'Diary' 13G, Both Mild Indianapolis, Sept. 17v Film biz here has levelled off alter Labor Day spurt, but figures gen- erally are holding near average. "Anna," at the Indiana, and "Diary of a Chambermaid," at Loew's, are getting only modest returns to lead straight-filmers. "French Key," Ih''H- fiting by draw of San Kenton Ijand on stage, is well out in front at ine Circle. - Estimates for This Week Circle (Katz-Dolle) (Z-SOl): 4C-72) —"French Key" (Rep) with Stjn Kenton orch, others, oh stage. D«'Y;y, $21,000. Last week, "Cuban PcU (U) with Johnny X^ng orch, .luhnny (Continued on page 20)