Variety (Sep 1946)

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42 ORCHKSTIIA$-AIUSI€ Wednesday, September 18, 194ft Columbia Crosses Rivals in Disk Waiting Game Over 'Things We Did' , . Loud'objeeUons scyerar .w ago \,\ Columbia Recoidt, Dccc.i and Morlis'■ S/Iu^ic, aga inst ; ttie . jplaiis ot Capitol Records to maiKel Jo Sldt- foids, du-kine ol 'The Things Wc Did Last Sumrticv" prior to the-.Oct. 15 relcas-o date set by' Morris came to a fiinny surprise end. last wocK. Wliilc Morris vvas diligently.; watch- in t; tor Capitol to thrriw tho/StaC- lord disk into sales stalls, Columbia, which was supposedly doing the ■same -tiring along with Becca, sneak- ed through on.: the ' rail and beat c\eiyonc to the punch by loloasing Fiank Sinatra's disking of the tune in the Coast aiea This switch caught Deeca b\ sui- pilsc: It had been building up a backlog of Bing Ciosb\ prcs-sings ol the as; a means of swamping Kiss Stafford's version if Capitol ■■was ttf.Jump-.-the-guft. The next, day, howevei, ovci 100.000 Ciosby copies went -into eompctiViori- witlt Sinatra . CapitoV,a bad thii-il UCter'being In the di'ivct-'s scat all along.^ Capitol, which clain-ied -It had not been advised of the 15 release date bv Moiii>! bofoie it gave the sons' to Miss Stafford schedu'ed the latter's . vev.sion. for rcloase on Sept, 2, After Morris" beef and a threat of - a' suit if Capitol put the song on the, market : carliev than planned, Capitol agreed to hold it up for a while, but not until Get. 1,") Thci-cafter, Morris ahd: Pccca .^nd Columbia kep-t walelt oil. Cafi.ltpi. for the release of the' dii;!?,. .. :\Flnal giggle oh the-'wbO!'air is that RCA-Victor/ whieh :'hatf not' scheduled the .tune lor recordir,!'., was torccd to .make U tO: bo- ready for. -thp pos.siblfe #cc,es!i bf: t'hc song due to the exploitation it drew from ■the argutnent. .Vaughn Monroe will compete for ■ RCA with Sinatra, Crosby and Miss Stafford, Hal Mclntyte 'made It for Cosmo. ^1 Oof CAPITOL SONGS, Inc. CRITERION MUSIC CORP. M. H. 60LDSEN, Vice Pre$. I New York-RKO BIdg., Radio City Hollywood-1491 No. Vine St. I Circle 5-7236 i DAVE BLUM, Prof. Mgr. Granite 1050 RALPH HARRIS 10 Best Sheet Sellers (Week JStidiTiflT Sept 14) To Each His Own. .Paramount Five MliiUtOA More.,,, McUoso So Am Take It Away..Witmaik Suiicndei . , Santly-Jov It You Weie'Only Giil Mutuil Gyp,sy ,. .. . ........, Leeds Lost Wilhuut You .-., , Advanced What Comes Natur'lly.. Berlin I Doii't Know Why. , . . . .Feist I Don't Know Enough,*,, ,C-P . Coming Up RunlOI^ Ail ilying, Oxtoid This Is Alway.s . BVC My Sugar So Refined. .Critorioh Who Told You That Lie. Stevens More Than You, Know. .. .Miller Somewhere in Night. . Triangle:^ Old Buttermilk ■ Sky, .BUvkc-VH. Thei c s No One But You Shapu (> You May: Not Love.. ;Burkc^VH' Lingci- in My Arms,' . , Boun-ie New Payola Bsefs To Be Aired At MCPE Meet Oct. 1 Payola sc uawk is rearini; its ugly head again m New York after months of comparative quiet follow- ing the installation ot Dr. John Peatman's' systeni of measuring tlie value of. radio plugs.. ■, Bob Miller, president of the Mu- sic Publishers Contact Employees union, has received: so many beefs in recent weeks on under-the-table transactions that he intends making the situation the top ^itcm on the agenda of the Oct. 1 niecting ot the MPCE council, the fiist mucc last spring. : ■ Extend Peatman Gauge Variety this week adds the extra 25 or so song,s listed bv Dr, John G. Peatman's survey as not having enough pertormEince credits to attain the top, 30 group. The extended list will be car- ried each week. Songs With Largest Radio Audiences T/ic (op 31 sonqs oj the week, based on tUe copvnghted Audieitre Cover- oqe Indoi SiiM'ei/ o/ Pop»lni jHumc Broadcast oil Radio JVclU'oiKs y'ui,. Usiied bu the Office of Research, Inc.; ■ r-"''■:'■■■■:]■'''.,',.. Survey Week of September 6-12, 1946 All the Time , RobUins Alony Wifh Me-* Call Mo Mister" Witmaik "Annie Get Your Gun" And.Then It's Heaven Blue Skies—-fBlue Skies" ,.. Cynthia ,s In Love ,..,, Doin' What Comes NaUir'lly—> ,Fivc,, Minutes More ,......... Girl That I Marry, '-The—'-^''Annie Get Your: Giin"..-.... ... .. . .Berhn Gypsy , ,. ,, ,,, ,,,,,,, ,, .......... .heeds I Don t Know Enough .\bout You .iC-P I Don't Know Why—i' Faifliful In My Fashion ' ,.Fcjit I've Got Sun In the Moining—*"Annie Get Your Gun" Berlin Rennek, Beihn ABC Berlin, Meli'o.>-e, I'd Be Without ,You, It You Woo the Only Giil .. . I've Never Forgotteiv-—''Sketch Book",,..',...... .-.. ,... Linger In My Ariri."* a Little .Longer Baby ...,. .... ,. . , , On the Boardwalk-—,-^'''ri)ree Littl(5 Girls in Blue",,. ,,. . Scptembcf Song,..... ....... ,. . . .,,,,...; . .Somewhere In the Night^'-'Three: Little Girls In Blufi"- South Amciica Take It Away— Call Me Mistei" Suuondoi . .. There's No One But You ;Thcy Say .^Il's-WQndertHl--T*''Ahnle: G Your Gvih;":.vv".. This Is Always -'iThiee Little Guls in Blue To EaUi His Own—i' To Eaih Ills Own' Under the. Willow: Tree, ;: I'V. ■ ... ,,; .i.,. Whatta Ya Gonna Do: . . , .., „,';. .-nV. . . .■,.., .:: . Who Told You That Lie. . .:.;,:::>:.;.. . Wliy Doe^ It Get So Late So Eaily ... . Without You (Trps, Palabras)--^t;'Mal!e Mine .:Musi<:"i. . You Keep Coming Back LiKo a Song—1 •'Blue Skies' Adv.meed .Mutual Moi 1 IS ,Bourne , BVt , Crawford .Triangle,, . Witmurk ,; .Sanlly-Joy ^.:. .Shapiro : .Berliiv ■ BVC .Paranioimf " .Peter Maui iue BMI , $Ste\'i.'n.s Harms ,Southern . : ■ BCI 111! .Miller, who has been hduhdod constantly on the subject, as have his predecessors, will demand a showdown; He intends asking that the members of his union'who have been yelping loud and lo.ilg about suspected infractions either"put up or shut up." In short, squa\vks will ■have to be substantiated or >thosc that make tliom will be told to keep quiet. , , For years- the payola beef has been a headache to the MPCE, but when investigations start and wit- nesses are hauled on the carpet, "no one seems to knb-w anything:" Therefore, nothing can be done and the thing goes on ulcerating the mu- sic-business. Miller feels that a good deal of the talk is started by con- tactmen who cannot keep the pace o£ secuung perlormanee,s' with ri- vals and, to cover their own inade- quacies, the payola cry IS rai.sed. Since the: installation of the Peat- man system by trade papers, there have been numerous .objection.^! to the system filed with VAKiutv. Small publishers claim tha'. (1) the method of measuring performances, - which gives more credit to sustaining and conmiercial programs with-:tbe: high- est ; listener ratings than those ip the lower biackets, makes it almost im- possible to iaunch .a now song. Radio prbduccr,s woft't play the song until It's on the sheet, and they cannot get it on the sheet without good plugs. This.-they 1 !c:, gives the ma- jor publisher an unfair advantage, .'Tpo, t-ho small pUbs. have .been ciaipaing, that IVaij simp.U^ switched from late night band le- rootcs .to. daytime rad,io perfarrriet'.-!, that the Peatman : system hardly eliminated the evil. FoUoihing songs are those thai did not hace enough performance (tcdnn on the week to be inOuded in the lop f/roHP, Theiy mostly aie tiitics rising inpopularitiu.' ,:;:.' '.;':. 'v'--'''^'!. ';:■ ,-'■.■::,„:;, :■ -^'v Adventure . . ,,:,,..; , ,,: ^ „",. ,.r.V,.V. ■ •:, /Starlight : ■ Coffee Song, The. .\ ..:., . :, ..... ,.. .JValiant Come Rain oi-Gome Shine—* "St. Louis Woman",,,.,,,. , ,, .Crawford Either Its Love Or It Isn t—-fDcad, Reckoning'.... Mood Miisu' Eveiybody Loves My Baby , . Good Musu How Cute Can You Be , . Baitoii I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time Blo,ldua^ It's a Pity to Say Goodnight . , ,. .. . Loon^ Just the Olhei Day Shapu o Moic Than You Know MilUi My Fickle Eye. . .. ,Santlv-JoA-- ,My Sugar Is So Refined ...... . . ,:,;>;,, ■.:. ;:, ,,;:;: ,',>.,.,;..:.,. .Capitol ' Night and Dav—,"Niglit and Daj" , Haims Pa.sse , ...,,.-1, . ....... .. ... ,,. .Foist . Rumor.'! Aie Flying . ,, , , , . Oxford That Little riroam Got Nowhei e—f Cross My Heart" Famous Too Many Iron.s in the Fire, Two Silhouettes ,., Wherever There's Me There s You. You May Not Love Me—•■''•Nellie Bly . , . . , t Filmnsicat. * bci:<i. IVlrislcaL tBMt Licensed. .}E B MjiUs C. K H.uiis .Republic Buike-VH Bottletop Bandleader Akron, Sept. 17. : Johnny Long,'gave Akron bobby- roxors a break while at the Palace theatre (13) last week. Instead of bru.shing them ofl, or niaking them wait in the alley until ready to sign autograph books, he held a paity for fhfim' after the afternoon show Friday (13), , There .was only one catch—they had to bring along a record of Long's recording of "Shantytown," Those who met the requirements were served a coke and had their discs autographed. 4 isw«*» TWO 'STORY BOOK BALL' SONGS IN LEGAL SNARL An infringement suit involving two songs with siiTiilar titles came to light when Leeds Music charged in a N, .Y, federal court action that Melrose Music's "The : Story Book Ball" infringed upon its song, "At the Story Book Ball." Papers were served upon Hcniv M Spilzci, gen- eral manager of Melrose Melrose nuttiber ;was: .written around 1917 by the late Billy Mont- gomery and George Perry, viiude team ot those days, and the orig- inal copyright was held by Will Ros- siter. Renewal rights were as- signed to Melrose by. Perry and Montgomery's widow, ;Perry was a former newspaper contaclman for the N Y. Yankees after leaving the stage. Montgomery died in 1934. Written some 30 years ago by Er- nie Burnett, "Story Book Ball'' was held by the old fuTn of Waterson, Berlin & Snyder. Mills later brief- ly held the copyright when it ac- quired the Waterson catalog around 1931. Renewal rights were assigned to Leeds seveial years ago by Bur- nett who IS now living near Saranac T,ake N Y He's the wntci of the famous , standard, "Melancholy Baby." - Bernard: L. and Morton Mijler rep- icsent Leeds while Lee E>tslman is defending Melrose. ■ :. :.,;:■.;.,■■ TOP HITS OF YESTERDAY GREAT POPULAR STANDARDS TODAY New Seattle Ballroom : ■'.::" wC- ■-- ; ::; Seattle, Sept-■ 17, Show Box, large nitery here, has been leased by Nate Lyons to North. West Eht^cprisies,. ■Iiic.;,' which .will: convert the spot into a straight dancehall. Name will be changed to New Show Box, and Les Alien will be resident manager. Show ,Box, physically'one of (he finest spots in town, ha.s been plagued with low grosses due to its location and fact no mixed drinks can be sold. Was closed for most of summer, opening for several weeks run with .shows ,headed by Gypsy Rose Lee and the Duncan Sisters, but biz didn't jiustify thp outlay. New operating outfit also runs the Edgewater Beach Ballroom in San Francisco, and hopes to cash in on current local boom in dancinjj. For new arHst copies and arrangemehfi^wrlt^ pr phone PHIL KORNHEISER, Monagci, fhc Big 3, 1619 Broadway, New York 19, Circle <S-2939