Variety (Sep 1946)

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Wcdneeday, Sejj^tember 18, X946 OIICHESTRAS-MVSIG 45 Music Notes Edward Heyman composed title song for "Magic Town" Dr. Miklos Rozsa writing the score for "No Trepassing",,. .Leo Talent, of Mutual Music, in Hollywood for confabs with Mike Gould' Hal Borne organ- ized Gibraltar Music Co., with "When You're Near" as first tune lule Stvne and Sanuny Cahn defied eight numbers, "The Song's Gotta Gome from the Heart," "The Brooklyn Bridge," "Bach Invention," "Time After Time," "I Believe," "Its a Wonderful Day for a Ball Game," "It's the Same Old Dream" and"Whose Baby Are You?" for the Metro picture, "It Hap- pened in Brooklyn." Max Stelner back in Hollywood, after a New York vacation, to score "Life With Father" at Warners... .Freddie Martin donating first prize in music contact men's golf tournament at California Country Club, Sept. 16....Paul Barry of New York Mayfair staff, doing Hollywood with Buddy Morris... .Herb Lutz resigned from ABC Music to become a partner in George Simon, Inc., with headquarters in Hollywood.. . .Richard Hageman, composer, inked to play a composer in the Jules Levey fllmusical, "New Orleans".. . .Music Guild of Los Angeles sponsoring 10, chamber music concerts, starting next month.... Oliver Sabin, national sales director of Musicra't) loo'^'^S over the Hollywood field. Harold Adamson and Jimmy McHugh .sold "Chiquita from Santa Anita," to Republic for use in "Hit Parade of 1947" William Lava composing bri!,'inal score for "A Boy and His Dog" at Warners... .Eddie Cherkose and EUa Mae Morse collaborated on ''Sandman Never Sleeps".. . .Arthur Newman conducting his own score for "The Razor's Edge" at 20th-Fox ... .Sigmund Romberg composed new tune, "Christmas Eve," for the Mike ■Todd producWpn, "Up in Central Park," at Hollywood Bowl. Herbert Stothart writing background music for the Katharine Hepburn- Robert Taylor picture, "Undercurrent," at Metro.. . .Lud Gluskin is musi- cal director and Lucien Mora week composer of score of "The Retur n of Monte Gristo" at Columbia Carl Stalling and Milt Franklin on their 350 musical collaboration on the Bugs Bunny cartoon, "Hare Grows in Manhattan," at Warners.. ^ .Lou Adrian scoring the William B. David pro- duction, "My Dog Shep," for Golden Gate. Smiley Burnette and Curt Massey organized the Western Music Co., for publication of cowboy tunes... David Snell composing "The Mighty McGurk" score at Metro....Hanns.Eisler, who wrote the score for Arnold Pressburger's "A Scandal in Paris," is composing an orchestra finite on the same theme,.. .Bronislau Kaper writing background music for "The Secret Heart" at Metro. Toung Man Mose' Gumble . Herman Starr and the Warner Bros, music bunchi plus others, gave Mose Gumble a surprise birthday party luncheon at Toots Shor's res- taurant, N. Y., last week. The vet music contact man, who prides him- self on being called "songplugger" (eschews the fancy present-day tags),, is 70. As Starr wired Gumble, he's ■'Young Man Mose" to the trade. Jitterbugs Kick Prom B. With 20G Damage Suit Minneapolis, Sept. 17. Prom ballroom, playing name and other bands, is defendant in a $20,000 damage suit brought by one Eleanor Erickson. She claims her right foot and ankle were per- manently injured when she was knocked down by a jitterbug dancer while she and her partner , were dancing. ■.Suit is due for trial soon. ;. , AKM, Austrian Counterpart of ASCAP^ Ruled Ineligible to Levy Mu»c Fees RCA Drops Dave Rose Composer-maestro Dave Rose's recording contract with RGA-Victor has expired and has not been re- newed. He-has been with Victor for years, but lately has npt had an out- standing piece of music. Rose is currently on the Nash- Kelvinator radio program; which also changes personnel the end of this month. Vienna, Sept. 3. In a surprise decision an Austrian court reversed the findings handed down by a lower court which had upheld the right of the AKM (Austrian Society of Authors, Com-f posers and Publishers) to, collect royalties for its, members in various places of amusement , wli^re its music , is used. Upper court's re- versal has dealt a heavy blow to the reconstruction of AKM, badly shat- tered during the war years, as jt has stopped the Austrian Union of Theatre and Cabaret Owners from .iftking a royalty agreement. , Predicament grew,: out, of a lest, case wherein AKM, represented by attorney , H. Brandstetter, sued the Simpl cabaret for non-payment and asked for a provisional order pre- venting the Siiifipl frorn playing music registered with the AKM. Court agreed with AKM and ordered the ciibaret' owner, to abstain ;from, playing its music. Fine plus four weeks arrest was; threatened for each infringement. Cabaret appealed to the upper court, which ruled that the govern- ment has not yet re-enacted the former laws dealing with this sub- ject. Decision means AKM not only cannot collect any more royalties but could even be forced to refund monies received; in the past and al- ready distributed. Royalties of all American authors, , composers and publishers are also at stake since AKM has a reciprocal royalty ar- rangement with the American; So- ciety of Composers. Authors; .and ' Publishers. , ;, AKM will fight the decision. Knickerbocker Y. C. Into Names; Elgart Tees Oflf Knickerbocker Yacht Clubj, Port Washington, L. i., assumes the status of a name band tomorrow (Thursday) with the opening there of Les Elgart's orchestra. Club has: been using full-sized orchestras in its Anchor Room, all,: Sumnjer, biit, , never went into the- name class. It, will, originate network remotes. Room now seats approximately 1400; however, a terrace used in the I summer to increase capacity to over I 500 will be glassed in as soon as possible.- Ray Ventura Returns To Paris to Do Show, Represent Music Pub Rounding out his fourth -week in the U. S. Bay Ventura, French or- chestra leader and music publisher, painted a drab picture of the sheet sales situation in England and on the Continent, revealed plans for a mu- -sical comedy which he'll produce this season in Paris and also dis- closed a publishing deal he nego- tiated wJule here. He planes to Paris Saturday (21) having been in th* U. S, since Aug; 25. ^ Slump in sheet sales started in En.i(land and France last April and Ventura estimates sales in Britain to have dropped to one third of mnmal and 40% off in France. He said he had the "impression music business was inflated during war years" and added no one really kno ws what is meant by "normal.'' However, the turning point has been reached, and sales are slowly improving in England. Very much snafued by an un- healthy tax situation, high musi- "cian"s' wages, plus increased produc- tion costs, which have mounted fan- tastically, small intimate musicals of the type formerly presented at the 800 seater, Le Bouffes-Pari- sienne, can no longer be produced profitably, Ventura declared. Chief drawback to producing ventures is the 45% tax which prevails on all seats. However, Ventura hopes to over- come all these factors in presenting, "La Bonne Hotesse," at the 3,000-scat Alhambra. He plans a December preera.. Show, With book by vet Serge Veber and music by Bruno. Coquatrix, will star Andre Claveau and filmite, Giselle Pascal. It will feature a radio comic known only as "Bourvill," who, according to Ven- tura, "tops everything in Paris show- biz." He sprang to prominence in the past four months in a show pro- duced by-Jean Jacques Vital. While here, Ventura concluded a deal with the U. S. branch of Peter Maurice Music, a Leeds music affili- ate, to act as selling agent for his own French Rayven Musit;. Its cata- log consists of South American copy- rights, plus many French songs. Deal also provides for Ventura to act as Paris rep for Peter Maurice and Leeds, He'll be in charge of Mau- rice's, Paris branch as partner and manager and will agent; for both catalogs in all western Europe. Ventura's band opened at Palm Beach Casino, Cannes, Sept. 16, without him, playing the engage- ment with only 16 pieces. When he gels back to Paris, Ventura leaves immediately for Cannes where he'll rehearse the band for five days with an extra 10 men—outfit's normal size. They close at the Casino the 29th and appear the following night lor a concert date at the Marseilles Opera House. Follow with dates in Lyon, Mulhouse and on Oct. 3 opens ,at the biggest G.I. club in Heidel- berg, Germany. Orchestra then tours f Plgium and returns to Paris Oct. k HVH SIHGIMG STAR RECORDS fOUR ROHHAHTIC SONGS CXCLUSmiY fOR SIGHAWRi Jutt 6 months ago Bobby DoyI* was in the Unlttd Slates Navy singing for the GIs at Guam, Okinawa and Japon. He is currently hoard coast to coast on the new Eversharp program with Ray Bloch's orchestra. Bobby is young, only 20 years old, has bluo oyes and blond hair. < . « romantic voice that will give you thrills and fever.. Bobby's records have been pi.cked. by Martin Block as the records of the week .. < he is being acclaimed by fans and critics «io twi ^ YOUKRPCOMINGlACKlIKE A SONO • AND THEN IT'S HEAVEN records Auttgnphtd by th» ArtitI * SKNATUtI RKORDINC CORP. Ml W. Ztth ST., H. X. C. alike as Iho new romantic singcrof our day. More and more of your favorite artists «r* now recording exclusively for Signature ... all under the expert supervision of Bob Thiele. Autographed by the artist, each Signa- ture record assures you .clear-<uf, long- lived balanced recordings . . . thanks to technical know-how, high-fidelity record- ing, and new and improved equipment. Ask your dealer for Signofure Records. MONICA LEWIS . . . Tli« liolion'i naweit itnsma itot >inst a cut* rhylhmic long > . / a itery of a tot ond a conory...You'll lov* Monica'* dtllghtful traolmcot of Ihil twtll numbtr couplxl with a now batM. SIC. \mz . nuMiiVnniif MUM RAY BIOCH . . . S!gnatur«'i Muitcdl diroclor recordi two ,bnlliantly or* rongod initrumcntali... both hovo a lotlfi-Amoricon flovor, . > a must for your focord library. -sir. *<iin-B™«»» SiC. 15015 •jHijBi HAZEL SCOTT . . . Tli« ilor of Cafo Socioty mokoi h«r ',tlobUt on Signo- turo focordi wtflt on album of • ctoitlci and {aiz...ptonty of rliytliin pqcltod In tills (our rocord album. AlllM t-1 MURI IlLSS JOHNNY tOTHWEll . . . You'll, wont, fill now plottor. Joftnny scoror, ogoln with anothor hit bocouio thoro's ptonty of that lonsotionol olto lox pfayod by Mooitro Bothwolt. SIC ts0if<>**o<<ic<>*o[iiAn SKINNAV ENNIS . . . Tho liar of tho bob Hopo show end loodor of « torrlftc , now bond ,comoii, thi!oy|li: with ,,two fomoui numbori'„atwdys' aisQciotod with Sitinnoy, ""■•"''"•iMiriniMfiB f^iyL^j^ift-^ ^^iy^z;^^ Mu^y-^U^