Variety (Sep 1946)

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L A. Perks Up; 'Passage' Brisk 5(iG In 5 Spots; 'Sleep' Smash 85G in 3, livers'50G in 2;'Lucky'Only 43G, 3 / Los Angeles, Sept. 24. ' " , three strong, new bills are giving firsl^runs, a: new, lea?e on liie this toame. Although a fourth entry is liot shaping up to. par, "Big Sleep" is shaping up as sock $8.i,000 in three theatres. "Canyon Pas.'age," initial bill" in tTniyersal-International's new five theatre outlet here,: opened strong and is heading for a'big $56,t 000 or close. "Martha: Ivers," playing, in two spots, looks .'itout $50,000 , or over,,, "If I'm Lucky" appears sloW at; $43,- 000 in three, hoiises. ; : Fourth frame of '•Holidaym Mex- ico" in fout- houses Is' still heat at $38,000. Fiftli and Anal round Ql "Notorious" shapes as nifty $30,000 in two locations. "Malte Mine Music' hit good $30,000 in three, spots sec- ciid stanza. "Cleopatra" ended fourth weelc at $19,500 or near in houses. Estimates for This Week Belmont (FWC) (1,532; 50-$l) — "Holiday Mexico" (M-G) (4th wk), Oke $4,500. Last week, $6,300.- Beverly HiMs Music Hall (Blu- menfeld-G&S) (824; 85-$l)—"Cae- ear and Cleopatra" . (UA) (4th wk). Just $3,000. Last week, stout $6,100. Carthay Circle (FWC) (1,518; 50- $1)—'^Claudia and David" (20th) (m.o ). Good $7,000. Last week. "Cen- tennial Summer" (20th) (2d wk- m.o.), okay $4,100. Chinese (Grauman-WC) (2,048; 50-- $1)—"If I'm Lufcky" (20th) and "Strange Triangle" (20th). Light $12,000. Last week. "Claudia" f2Dth) .(2d wk) closed:at $10,600. Downtown (WB) (1,800; !)0-$l) — "Big Sleep" (WB). Big ,$30,000. Last week, "2 Guys Milwaukee" (WB) (3d wk-5 days), fair $10,700. Downtown Music Hall (Blumen- feld) (872; 85-$l)—"Cleopatra" (UA) (4th wk). .Near $10,000. Last week, good $14,500. Earvotian (FWC) (1.538: 50-$l) — "Holiday Mexico". (M-G) (4th wk). 'Oke $8,000. Last week, neat $11,400. El Key (FWC) (861; 50-$l) — "Make Mine Mu.sic" (RKO) (2d wk). Good $7,000. Last week, $10,600. Four Star (UA-WC) (900:-50-85) —"They Were Sisters" (U) (4th Wk). Nice $3,500. Last week, $4,600. Guild (FWC) (968; 50-$l) — "Canyon Passage" (U). Solid $8,500^ Last week, "White Tie and Tails" (U) and "Wife Monte Cristo" (PRC) (2d wk), good $4,200. Hawaii (G&S-Bluinenfeld) (956; 85-Sl)—"Cleopatra" (UA) (4th wk). Fi"aleg at $'3,500. Last week.'$5,900. Hollywood (WB) (2.756; 50-$l)— "Big Sleep" (WB). Sock $28,000. week, "Two-Guys" (WB) (3d 'wk-5 days), oke $7,400. Hollywood Music Hall (Blumen- feld) (475; 85) — "Cleapatra" ■ (UA) <4th wk). Oke $3,000. Last week, $4,500. . Iris (FWC) (828; 50-85)~r"Canyon Passage" (U). Fine $8i000. Moved into firstrru'ni after years as subse- quent, to give U a flve4heatre local outlet. Loew Stasre (Loew-WC) (2,404; eO-$l)—"If I'm Lucky" (20th) and "Strange Triangle" (20th). Slow $23,000. Laist week. "Claudia" . (2bth> (2d wk), tliin $13,700. tos Angeles (D'town-WC) (2.097; COr$l)—"Holiday Mexico" (M-G) (4th wk). Strong $17,000. Last week, $21,100. Million Dollar (D'town) (2,'.20; 65-85)—"Dead of Ni:gt)t" (U) (2d run) with Boyd Raeburn oi'ch, Senor Wences on stage. Light $19,000. Last ■week, "High School Hero". (Mono) .■with Freddie Stewart,: WaTffch Mills, Frankie Darro, Jackie Moran, Ray Malone, June Pr'eisser: on stage, good $2?.200. • Orpheum (D'town-WC) (2,210; 55- $1)—"Make Mine Music" (RKO) and "Wanderer Wasteland" (RKO) (2d wk). Down to $16,000. Last week, smash $29,300. Pantages (Pan) (2,812; riO-$l) —• "Notorious" (RKO) (5th wk). Good fl4,000. Last week, sturdy $18,500; Paramount (F&M) (3,398; 50-$l)— "Martha Ivers" (Par) and '*G. I. War Brides" (Rep). Stout ,$.32,000. Last week, "Beauqaire" (Par) and "God's Country'' (Indie) (4thWk), down to $]2.!i00. paramount .Hollywood (F&M) (1,451; 50-$l)—"Martha Ivcr.<j" (Par). Fat $18,000. Last week, "Beaucaire" (Par) (4th wlO, neat $11,800, / ' RKO Hillstrcet (RKO) 12,890; 50- 80)—"Notorious" (RKO) (5th: wk). Oil to $16,000. Last week, big $18,- 600. Bitz (FWC) (1,370; 50-$I)— "Canyon Passage" (U). Solid $11,000. Last week, "White Tie" (U) and "Wife Monte Cristo" (PRC) (2d •wk), nice $5,600. Studio City (FWC) (880; 50-$l)— "Canyon Pa-ssage" (U). Hefty $8,500, Switched to flrst-run for Universal'a new' day-dater setup. United Artists (UA-WC) (2,100; SO-SD—"Canyon Passage" (U). Trim J20,000. Last week, -White Tie" Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Grsss This Wc.!k $681,600 (13a,s-cd on 18 theatres) Total Gross Same Week ; Last Tear $643,000 (ISased on 13 flieatres; 'Notorious' Tops Balto, Wow 28G Baltimore, Sept, 24, "Notorious," at the qombo Hippo- drome is sparking the list here, with terrific session in prospect. Started off with nearly a record opening day. Also doing well is "The Black Angel' at Keith's. • Esirimates for This Week Century (Loew's-UA) (3,000; 20- 60)—"Courage of Lassie" (M-G). Drawing fair $14,000. Last weekj "If I'm Lucky" (M-G), $13,200. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,240; 20-70)—"Notorious" (RKO). Top- ping town with extra shows pushing this to smash $28,000. Lastvweek, third Of "Kid. From Brooklyn" (RKO), down • to- $12,800, but still fine. Keith's (Sohanberger) (2,460; 20- 60)—"Time of Their Lives" (U). Opens today (Tues.) after good re- sponse for "Black Angel" (U) at $12,500. In " "alread;-—"Beaucaire" (Par) (3d wk), big $12,500. Little (Rappaport) (206; 35-66)— "Open City" (Indie). Nice $3,500, oke for this capacity. Last week, "Henry V" (UA) (9th wk), at $2.40 top, solid $5,600 for final stanza. Mayfair (Hicks) (980; 25-55)— "Black Beauty" (20th). House averr age of $4,000. Last week, "Earl Car- roll Sltetchbook" (Rep), fair $3,300. New (Mechanic) (1,800; 20-60 )*-- "Claudia and David" (20th) (2d wk). Firm $8,000 after fancy initial sesh at $11,300. Stanley (WB) (3,280; 25-74)—"Big Sleep" (WB) (2d wk). Maintaining fine gait at $17,000 after smash first round at $23,700. 'SLEEP GREAT 16iG, CINCY; XIAUDIA' 16G Cincinnati, Sept. 24. "Big Slocp" at the Grand is the loader this fcame with a smash fig- ure at this small-seater. "Claudia ami David," at the Albee, Cincy s biggest cinema, is iiext best. 'Time Tlieir Lives," at the Palace, is a .slow third Overall count lor doWritown houses i.s a few degrees under last week, . Holdovers, are fljrn. ,. Estimates for This Week .\lbee (RKO) ^3,100:. 50-70)— ."Claudia, and. David" (20th). All right $16,000. ' week, "Mr. Ace (UA), nice $15,500..: Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 50-70)— "Holiday in Mexico" ^M-G) (2d wk). Stout $11,500 after hotsy $16,000 kicltofl'. Holds again.. . • Grand (RKO) 11,430; 50-70)—"Big Sleep" (WB). Topping city at $16,- 500, whopper for this house. Holds. Last- week, "Three Wise Fools" (M-G) (2d wk). moderate .$6,000, Keith's (Citv Inv.) (1,540; 50-70)— "Notorious" (RKO).. Fourth down- town stanza and first moveover froiii an RKO theatre to this theatre under City Investmient operation. Pleas- ing $6,000, Last week, "They Were Sisters" (U). so-so $5,5D0. Lyric (RKO) (1,400; 50-70)—"Mr. Ace" (UA) (m.o.). No dice at $4,000, Last week. "Anna" (20th) (m.o.), good $6,500. Palace (RKC ■ (2,600; 50-70)— "Time Their Lives" (U). Slow $11,- OOO. ■ Last week, "Bfeaucaire" (Par), swell $17,000. . Shubert (RKO) (2,100; 50-70)— "Beaucaire" (Par) (m.o.). Nifty $6;500. Last week, "Notorious" (RKO), third sesh on- main stem, sock $8,000. Wednesday, September 25, 1946 Pitt Way Off; A.&C. 9G, 'Cko' 19G, 'Stranger' 16G, Thin; 'Killers' 15G, 2d Key City Grosses Estimated'Fatal Gross This Week ?3,366,400 (Boscd on 23 cMics, 202 tJtcn- Ires, (sMefly first runs, includiiisr W.'Y.) Total Gross Same Week Last Year $3,828,100 (Based on 21 cities, 179 flicafres) 'Claudia' Nice 18G, K.C.; '3 Fools' Smart at 16G, 'Beaucaire' 14G on 2d Kansas City, Sept. 24. Newcomers are on the milder side, but biz is pleasant all around. "Three Wise Fools," at the Midland, looks in for a good week. "Claudia and David" in the three Fox first- runs is set for eight days, anij nice. Kids went back to school last week, a week late because of the polio epi- demic. Ringling circus on a three- day stand last week is estimated to have taken out a batch of coin. Estimates for This Week Esquire, Uptown, Fairway (Fox Midwest) (820, 2,043, 700; 45-65)— "Claudia and David" <20th). Came in a day early and will be in for 8 days. Nice $18,000 or over. Last week "Anna King of Siam" (20th) (2d wk), fancy $12,000 in 6 days. Midland (Loew's) (3,500; 45-65)— "Three Wise Fools" (M-G) and "The Unknown" (Col). Family trade boosting this to neat $16,000, and may hold. Last week, ^'Courage of Lassie" ( M-G ) and "Perilous Holir day" (Col), $15,000.. . Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 45- 65)—"Beaucaire" (Par)' (2d' wk). Solid $14,000, first week's $20,000. Orpheum (RKO) (1,900; 45-65)— "Notorious" (RKO) (3d wk). Biz holds up well on this; getting $12,000 this rounij, and couM .go to a fourth week. Last week, great $15,000. Tower (Fox Joffee) ^2,100; 39-60) —"Man , from Rainbow 'Valley" (Rep) and "Night Train Memphis" (Rep). So-so $8,500. Last week, ''Swamp, Fire" (Par) and "Dark Horse" (U). $8,000. lexico'Sock27G, St. L; 'Sleep 25G "'^ Sf. Louis, Sept. 24.- It's a battle between "Holiday in Mexico" and "The Big Sleep" teamed with "The French' Key" currently with "Mexico'' .sock and doing the best at Loew's. "Sleep" is at the big- ger Fox. Biz is steady all over town. Loew's has hiked its scale to the same as tiie Fox, Ambassador and MLssouri. Estimates tor This Week / Ambassador (F&M) (3,000; 50-75) —"Claudia and David" (20th) and "Shadow of Woman" (WB). Trim $18,000. Last week, "Searching Wind" (Par) and "Hearts Growing Up" (Par), $17..500. ■ Fo.-i (F&M) (5,000; 50-75)—"Big Sleep" (WB) and "The French Key" (Rep) Fine $25,000. Last week, "Beaucaire" (Par) and "Danger Woman" (U) (10 days), $34,000. Loew's (Loew) (3,172; 50-7.5)- "Holiday in Mexico" (M-G). SOck $27,000. Last week, "Renegades" (Col) and "Great to Be Young" (Col), $15,000. Missouri (i'&M) (3,500; 50-75)— "Martha Ivers" <Par) and "2 (3uys Milwaukee" (WB) (2d run). Good $13,000. Last week, "Martha Ivers" (Par) and "Anna" (20tb) (2d run), $16,000. Orijhcum (Loew) (2,000; 44-65)— "Renegades" (Col) and "Great to Be Young" (Col) (m.o.). Sad $5,500. LcVt week, "Courage of Lassie" (M-G) and "Out of Depths" (Col) (m.o.), neat $8,000. St. Louis (F&M) (4,000; .^0-60)— "O.S.S." (Par) arid "Smoky" (20th). Oke $8,500. Last week, "The- Plains- man" .(Par) and"Jiingle Princess" (Par) (reissues), big $13,000. Indpls. Oif But 'Kid' Socko 17G Indianapolis, Sept. 24. Film biz still is in a slight dip here with sole exception ol "Kid From Brooklyn" at the Indiana which is sock, and best Danny Kaye film to play here. Ideal fall weather is, partly to blame f(jr slump from recent high levels. Estimates for This Week Circle ^Katz-Dolle) (2,800"; 40-60) —"Searching Wind" (Par) and "Slightly Scandalous" (U). Mild $11,000. Last week, "French Key" (Rep) with Stan Kenton orch, others on stage, dandy $21,000 at .46r72c scale. ■ '■.": Indiana (Katz-Dolle) (3,300; 40-60) —"Kid From Brooklyn" (RKO). Socko $17,000. Last week, "Anna" (2flth). oke $13,000. Loew's (Loew's) (2,450; 40-60)— "Gallant Journey" (Col) and "Man Who Dared" (Col). Slow $12,000 -Laat_ji!S£ki, "Di^ry _pf Chambermaid'' (UA), $13,000 Lyric (Katz-D'olle) (1,600; 40-60) —"Anna" (20th) (m.o.). Fair .$5,000. Last week, "Canyon Passage" (U) (m.o.), $7,500. (U) and "Wife Monle Cristo" (PRC) (2d wk), good $9,600. Uptown (FWC) (1,719; 50-$l)—"If I'm Lucky"^ (20th) and "Strange Triangle" /20th). Fair .$8,000. Last week, "Claudia" <20th> '(2d wk), fair $6,000. Vogue (FWC) (885; 50-85)—"Make Mine Masic" (RKO) (2d wk). Sturdy $7,500. Last v.-eek, $11,700. Wilshire (FWC) (2.296; ,50-$l) — "Holiday Mexico" (M-G) (4th wk). Good ,$8,500. Last week, $10,800. Wiltern,<WBJ (2,300; .'iO-$l).—"Big Sleep" (WB). Potent $27,000. Last week, "Two Guys" (BW) (3d wk-5 days), fair $6,500. Laurel (Rosener) (835; $1,80-2.40) —"Henry V" (15lh wk). Lively $4,000. Last week,' $5,500, Denver Mild; tW Only 20G,'Wed' Nice 12G,2d Denver, Sept. 24, Final week of polio restrictions is letting i8-year-olds attend theatre, but start. of school is slowing this favorable influence. Number of hold- overs also is holding down overall total. Top newcomer is "(jaesar and Cleopatra," but it's moderate iii three spots.. GstimalCs for This Wccl. Aladdin (FoX> (1,400; 35-74) — "Canyon- Passage" ttF) and "Slightly Scandalous'* lU) ('m.o.). Big $5,500. Last week, "Claudia and David" (20th). and :"The Unknown" (Col) (m.Q.), $4,500. Denham (CoQkriU) (1,750; 35-74)— "The Plainsman" (Par) (2d wk). Fine $11,500. Last Week, great $14,000. Denver iFox) (2,525; 35-74) — '•Caesar and Cleopatra" (UA), day- date with Esquire, Webber. Modest $34,000, Last week, "Canyon Pas- a.ix'.-'c'' (U) and "Slightly Scandalous" (U), ; also Esquire, Webber, big $18,000. Esquire (Pox) (742; 35-74)—"Cleo- patra" (UA), also Denver, Webber. Nice $3,500. Last week, "Canyon Pas,sage" (U) and "Slightly Scan- dalous" (U)> also Denver, Webber, $4,000. Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 35-74) — "Easy to Wed" (M-G) and "Strange . (Continued on page 31) Heat Sloughs Hub But 'Notorious'Wham 40G; 'Angel'-'Star-Garler' 26G : Boston; Sept, 24, Sudden terrif hot spell thi:ew a wrench into the Hub's biz this week, to reduce all takes to the small po- tatoes bracket and causing yanking of several pictures. Only new bills are at RK() houses, "Notorious" do- ing best by far at Memorial, and "Black Angel," with stage show, which is moderate at the Boston. Estimates (or This Week Boston (RKO) (3,200; 50-$1.10)— "Black Angel" (U) plus "Star and Garter" revue. Modest $26,000 due to slow opening. Last weels, "Can- yon Passage" (U) (3d wk) plus Tony Pastor orch, others, 'on stage, solid $24,000. Esquire (M-P) (1,500; $2.40)— "Henry V t26th wk). Heat hurt a little, but film now is getting the stu- dent trade and second wind for nice $6,000, with winter-long run in view. Already pa.ssed record for any run here. Last week, $5,800. Fenway (M-P) (1,373; 40-80)— "Martha Ivers" (Par) and "Sunset Pass" (RKO). . Haci previous week at Met; opens here today (Tue.s.) after yanking ''Searching .Wind" (Par) and "Fast Company" (Mono) on fifth day of .second week witli only $5,000. First week was, flue $11,000. : Majestic (Brand-Mage) (1,500; 40- 80)—•'Scandal. in Paris" (UA) and "Love on Dole" (Indie) (2d Wk)i Way 0(1' at $6,000 after nice $9,000 first. '.. ■ ; Memoiidl (RKO) (2,900; 40-80)— "Notoi'lou.'j" (RKO). Best in to.Wn at $40,000, wham, despite heat wave. Last wack. "Time of Lives" (U) and "Thoy Were Sisters" (U), neat $28,- 000 in 8 days. Metropolitan (M-P) (4,367; 40-80) —''2 Guys Milwaukee" (WB) and "Decoy" (Mono). Opened here to- day after yanking "Centennial Sum- mer" (Pair) and. "Swamp Fire" (Par) on fifth day of second Week, sad $16,000, First week hit staunch $32,000. Orpheum (Loew) (2,900; 40-80)— "Holiday Mexico" (M-G). Conked out on heat wave to $19(000, thin,'after nice $29-000 for first. Paramount (M-P) (1,700; 40-80)— "Martha Ivers" " (Par) arid "Sunset Pass" (RKO). Opened here today when "Searching Wind" (WB) and "Fast Company" (Mono) folded on fifth day of second week with limp $12,000. week, trim $18,000. State (Loew)r#*!,200; 40-80)—"Hol- iday Mexico" (M-(j). Sloughed on second week to mild $12,000 after good $19,000 flrsti 'Fremont (Brand-Mage) (1,500; 40- 80)—"Scandal in Paris" (UA) and "Love on Dole" (Indie). Second week OflE to $6,000 after okay $11,000 first.' ■ •■: „ Pittsburgh, Sept. 24. Biz is • mainly in the dumps this sessioHi Big sports week-end, with pro Steeler.s. grid team under Jock Sutherland for the first time, Pitt U inaugural and big night benefit National League baseball game pre- ceded by all-star stage show com- ing at same time knoclced things into a cocked hat. That's too much com- petish for what there is on tap at film theatres. Best Of the lot are "Killers" at Harris, holding up sol- idly in second week, and "Wife of Monte Cristo" at Warner, a last- minute booking. The big new" ones, • "Caesar and Cleopatra," at J^enn, 'Time of Their Lives'' at' Ftilton and 'The Stranger" at Stanley are way oft. Estimates For This Weeic Pulton (Sliea) (1,700; 40-70) "Time ' of Lives" (U). . Abbott-Costello comedy no dice here. Will be lucky to get $9,000, not so good.: But holds because house is in a spot for prod- uct. Last week, "Runaround"' (,U) $7,000. . Harris (Harris) (2,200; 40-70) "The ' Killers" (U) (2d wk). Packing a healthy wallop at $15,000 or over, which ought to rate it another .stanza. Last week, giant $22,000. Peiin (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 40-70) ' "Cleopatra'' (UA). Expensive Eng- lish biggie ■ is taking ' it on chin. Heavy, costly., campaign apparently couldn't help it any and critics didn't make the going any easier. Maybe $19,000, which is depressing. Last week, "Beaucaire." (.Par) (2d.wk), olcay $19,000. Eltz (WB) (800; 40-70) "Searching Wind" (Par) (m.o.). May gel a bit above a woeful $2,000 on moveover frorii Stanley, where it w'as mild,:> Last week, "Two Guys -Milwaukee" (WB) (ra.o.), okay $4,000 for third week downtown. Senator (Harris) (1,750; 40-70) ".1 angle Pri-ncess" -(-Pax-)—(-reissue) and "Swamp Fire" (Par). Okay $4,000 or over. Last week, ''Sun •Valley Serenade" (20th) (reissue) and "Strange Triangle" (20th), $3,000. Stanley (WB) .(3,800; 40-70) "The Stranger" (RKO). Not going for this one despite marquee draw and fairly good notices. Sluggish $16,000 looms. Last week, "Search- ing Wind" (Par), mild $18,500. Warner (WB) (2,000; 40-70) "Wife Monte Cristo" (PRC). time an indie distrib ever got such an. im- pressive first-run break here. Picr ture is doing well, with $10,000 or close. Last week, "Deadline at Dawn" (RKO) and "Shadow of a Woman" (WB), only $7,000. 'His Own'Lusty $29,000^ In Okay Del.; 'Claudia' Stout 36G,'Lassie'32G Detroit, Sept. 24. .• There are four holdovers and 3' many new bills this week with the . overall total satlstactory. .Biggest, money will . go to "Claudia ^and David" at the big Fox but "To Each His Own," at the smaller United Artists, looks comparatively stronger. "White Tie and Tails" is moderate at the Downtown. "Courage cl Lass ie" shapes as sturdy at the Broadway-Capitol. .: :: - Estimates for This Week _ Adams (Balaban) (2,863; 60-8»)— "Canyon Passage" (U) and "Mpten-- . ous Mr. Valentine" (Rep) <3a., wk.)., : Okay $16,000. Last week, lofty $18,000. ./ , r^„ Broadway - Capitol (United Ue- troit) (3,400; 60-85)—"Courage ol Lassie" (M-G) and "Larceny m Heart" (PRC). Big $32,000 Last: week, "O.S.S." (Par) and ''Swamp Fire" (Par) (4th wk), stout $14,000.. .Downtown (Balaban).. (2,683;. bU- 85)—"White Tie and Tails" CU) "They Were Sisters" (U). 0^*/. $12,000. Last week, "Song of Ari- zona" (Rep) with Ink Spots, Peg Leg Bates, Eddie Vinson orch, others on stage, nice $18,000.. „ ^„ ... Fox (Fox-Michigan) (4.049; 60-85) —"Claudia and David" (20th). Stout $36,000. week, "Thrill of .Brazil (Col) and"Phantom Thief" powerful .$30,000. (Col), Madison ■ (Urtited Detroit) ) (1,856, 40-55) — "Tomorrow Is Forever (RKO) and "Seventh. ' Veil" tU,'- Okay $2,400 in 3 days. week, "3 Sisters from Boston" (M-G) and "Perilous Holiday" (Pol),. $2,200 m 3 days. , nnt. Michigan (United Detroit) (4,034, 60-85)—"Martha Ivcis" (Par) ana "God's Country" (PRC) .i2d wk). Rousing $28,000, Last week, terntio $38,000. ,, ■ Palms-State (United Detroit (2,9(6, 60-85)—"Outlaw" (UA) and "Fred- die Steps Out" (7th wk). Still strong at $15,000. Last week, sur- prising ,$20,000. . ^ , ... United Artists (United Detroit,',. (1,941'; 60-8S)—"To Each His Own (Par) and "Hearts Growing Up (Par). Lusty $29,000. Last week, "Caesar and Cleopatra" CUA) and "Fast Company" (Mono) (2d wk), fast $18,000.