Variety (Sep 1946)

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40 RADIO Wediiepclaf, Septemlier 25, 1946 ^^^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»^ i From the Production Centres i; < ♦ ♦ ♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦»♦«♦♦♦♦♦«« ♦♦♦♦>♦♦» ♦♦♦♦♦^ m mW YORK CITY . . . Fred Allen to do Sheridan Whiteside role in Theatre Guild s aifing of. "The Man Who Came to Dinner" on Nov. 24 over ABC. ..J. E. "Dijity_^ 33oyle special events director for WABC (CBS, N.Y.) lor the last 18 months named news editor of the station, newly-created post, with Henry Unternieyer succeeding as special events chief... .Vinton Hayworth, suf- fering a displaced sacroiliac just before dress rehearsal of NBC television .s- "Mr MergenthWirker's Lobblies" Sunday (22), went lhroui«h lehearsal and the actual airing in pain, with hi.s doctor standing by in the control booth. ^ ■ Goody Ace's little white dog, which rejoice.s in the name of Blacl<ie, is now a frequetit visitor on the 18th floor programming hdqs. of (^BS . . .. Ernie Martin back to for CBS. with Cy Howard following... .Peter, 18-year-bld son of Adele Seymour, has just got married but,is; continuing as a student at Columbia Univ.,..Moe Hastings, who handles the Satur- day atternoon symphony program On ABC, has- a bQok coming out in. the spring und-er the Creative Age banner titled "Visitors-to America," Its a collection of biogs of foreigners who came to America and have good stories to tell. They range from Lafayette to Churchill. .. .Leonard Holton is checking out Of Young & Bubicam's: talent dept., With his exit scheduled within &e next month or so.. . .Lester Gottlieb, of Y&R, due back today (Wed ) from the Coast. .. .Wick Crider, of BBD&O. has also checked m, from the Coast. . . .Richard Pack, WOR publicity chief, to give course in radio publicity and promotion at N. Y. U. this fall.. ...Laskin, Corp. launched series of musical commercials Monday (23) on several key .stations (in- cluding N. Y.'s WJZ and WNEW), handled by Sterling.,. .Robert Blake, WOR's feature ed, also appointed trade editor E. P. H. "Jimmy" James, Mutual sales exec, appointed member of NAB research cpramittee., -. Norma Roberts, Mufual's. magazine editor, quitting for;.dpntestic-life .in New Haven Michael JablonS now trade editor at Mutual,, with Frank Zu2ul.o upped to agency and columnist contact. ■ Larry Moiikin. back from Coast to write a radio series for Charles Coburn entitled "The Con Man", .. .Earl Wi\son's ne\y book, "Pike's Peak or Bust," will be dissected on the air by the "AUthdr. Meets the Critics" program day and date with its publication release, Oct. 3. Life mag may do a spread oh it during the broadcast, over WQXR, .N.Y-.- ■ >-Rene Cani- zares. Variety's Havana mugg, broadcast the Louis-Mauriello fight by shortwave from N. Y., will DX the Zale-Graziailo meet, Sept, 27,. and: will alsd do the World Series by shortwave. His sportscasts are broadcast in Cuba over RHC-Cadena Azul net.., .The "Hiroshima" four-shot show on ABC drew a mail of a little over 300 letters;. One letter was from; a lady who congratulated ABC "because I'm an RCA stockholder myself.'' Another said: "I always liked WOR"... .N. Y. Radio Directors Guild ball, Skedded for Nov. 25 in grand ballroom of Waldorf-Astoria. Ted Gannon, director of radio for Weintraub agency, named general chairman of ball committee... ."Keeping Up With Wigglesworths" now airing on 43 sta- tions, with Cincinnati, Baton Rouge and Hot Springs markets added Gertrude Scanlan, local radio manager of BBD&O's New York office, named national radio account rep on Wildroot account. Sister Eleanore takes over berth of local radio mgr... .Betty Mandeville, producer-director, has resigned from Blow.agenc y afte r nine years. She produced "FBI In .': 8'"■ I '.I.'.. '!..'."' '' ■ t'. ' ' . ■ • •'. ^ 0h "HIRES TO YA* " FOR SECOND YEAR HIRES SUNDAY PARTY ABC, COAST'TO-COAST 1 'DUEL'WILL TOSS E-T * PLUGS AROUND WORLD Hollywood, Sept. 24. International radio plugging will be included in the campaign back- ing David O. Selzniok's release of "Duel in the Sun." The use of free- ly distributed transcriptions to vir- tually every foreign station will mark the first time such a method of exploitation has been tried. . Howard Brown, local radio pro- ducer and exporter, is handling the deal for Selznick, while the latter handles production and all costs. The platters will be distributed gratis on the basis of : their quality and ap- peal catching cuffo time in exchange. In non-English speaking countries straight musical platters will be cir- culated. Disks will be accompanied by script material which may be I translated by native announcers. Peace and War" and directed "Crime Doctor"... .G, William Anderson, Jr., has joined Foote, Cone & Beldinjt in N. Y. office as asst. to Stephen CzuHn, veepee and American Tobacco account exec.,;.Don Ball back at CBS as asst. director of editing dept., his former post. ABC web preparing a big ballyhoo for next week (1) when its N. "V. flagship, WJZ, celebrates its 25th anni CBS' veepee Ed. Munow will go to Paris in November as a member of the U, S, delegation to the UNESCO meeting... . ABC's music editor. Dr. Harold Strickland, renew- ing his music classes at Hunter College Leonard Carlton to Kenyon & Eckhardt as asst. producer on ''County Fair," with James Knox bowing out of that spot....Jeff Selden new continuity head, Oct, 1, at WNEW, while William E. Shea quits New York to take up similar job at WHDH, Boston American Veterans Committee kudosed' ''Superman," its chair- man; Charles L, Bolte, appearing on the air on the show last week for the purpose.. . .Add writers on Jimmy. Durante-Garry Moore show; Stan Davis and Elon Packard N. Y. to D. C: Wahoo LaHay, of N.W. Ayer, in connection with Phil Spitalny air preem next Sunday from Constitution Hall. .. .New package outfit specializing in political and relief programs, lias been formed in New York under title Feature Productions. Heading organization are Walter Lewis, former managing director WTNJ, Trenton, N. J.: Peter Roland, Hollywood film researcher; and Ernest E. Hotheins, former UNRRA officer. IIS HOLLYWOOD ... It's now official that Bob Ballin, recently made a veepee by Ruthrauff & Ryan, heads up the Hollywood operation relieving Nate Tufts, who goes to become aeeount exec for the agency on a now piece of business. Sam Pierce moves up as supervisor of production. Realignment was made by Merritt "Pete" Barnum, who also had a tew talks with Frank Morgan relative to blocking the move of the. Pall Mall account from R .& R to' Foote, Cone & Belding due Sept. 28... .Tom Breneman's absces.sed ear may force him to cut short his vacation for treatment at the Mayo clinic.... Lome Quinn now captaining the rewrite squad for Mel Blanc... .John Guedel branching off into the tran.scription business with five-minute "Vest Pocket Mysteries'" and "Marketing" as the initial sellers. . . .Sheilah Graham's cinema chit chat on Don Lee renewed by Rayve while a national deal .pends. . . .Bing Crosby cut four records for Philco from Thursday through Sunday. He'll hunt deer and pheasant on his Nevada ranch be- fore staftihg the next batch....Ray Sinatra taps the iowtibeat on the Bob Burns show, taking over from Gordon Jenkins who this season is ex- clu.sive to Dick Haymes and Auto-Lite... .Carol Richards, staff Singer at KSTP, St. Paul, won Bob Hope's "Cinderella slipper" and opens in the vocal spot. If she works out she will be permanent replacement for Frances Langford. . . . Jane Lait doing a whale of a press job for Philco's B, Crosby and Burl Ives.. . .Maestro Claude Sweeten hospitalized, after severe heart attack. NBC's Alex Hobb still in critical, condition.. . .KNX Newcaster Nelson Pringle was. guilty of questionable taste when he bulle- tined the passing of G. W. Hill in this flippant manner: "George Wash- ington Hill is dead; yes, George Washington Hill is dead." He defended it as a sober paralleling of Luckies slogan... .Name guestars will be called in when Phil Baker pitches "Take It Or Leave" here for nine weeks or more.. , .Just when it looked like ."Man Called X" woiild .be Frigidaire's new entry, the client pulls a surprise and renews "Hollywood Star Time." Also in the running were Arthur Godfrey's "Talent Hunt" and a show built around Monty Woolley... .Hastings Piston Ring bought "Michael Shayne" for a Mutual spread after being confined to the coast Don Lee network for Union Oil. Latter will replace it with a mystery show of its own creation;.. .Marlyn Maxwell is the featured singei-" with Abbott and Costello Tom Conway replaced Basil Rathbone as Sher- lock Holmes for Kreml. Rathbone is going back to the theatah. lis CHICAGO . . . I Arthur Lee Simpkins sang "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" over WBBM in I spiritual tribute to the late Johnnie Neblett... .Walter Lurie of MBS pro- duction dept. in town for confab with midwest execs Dorothy Hamil- ton, ex-Wave, on WGN public relations staff Dick "Two-Ton" Baker laid up with laryngitis, with Jeanne McKenna subbing in his spot on WGN ....David J. Kempkes, NBC central division engineer arid former Army captain, awarded Legion of Merit for secvice in African-Middle Bast the- atre RKO pix promoting "The Stranger" via station breaks and e.t.'son practically every station in town....M. Michael Brown will head new I radio dept. for James J. McGuinn and Associates, new Chi public relations ' firm. Diok Enroth will do color and Jack Brickhouse play-by-play on football games aired over WGN this season Geraldine Kay added to "Ma Perkins" cast....Gil Hix, WLS newsca.ster, resigned Rev. Hugh Calkins will do 13 Thursday morning broadcasts on parent-child problems over MBS, starting Oct. 3. .. .ABC's bowling team is a combo of eXecs, Jim Stirton, Gil Berry, Karl Sutphin, Garry Vernon, Fred Dickinson and Frank Coveney Roy Franklin, former program manager ot WCFL, taking oyer assistant-boss job at a Savannah, Ga., station... .Ade Hult,' veepee of MBS midwest division, off on business hop to D. C. and N. y' Don McNeil, "Breakfast Club" emcee, teed off the local Community Fund Drive by addressing 650 volunteer workers Gene Autry gave WBBM a sagebrush-and-prairies touch Sunday (22)... .Lonny Lunde 10- year-old Quiz Kid and composer, is a songwriter on the side latest com- position being,"Ypu've Got Blues; Oh Brother, You've Got Blues" REQUESTFULLY YOURS" PROVES IT and Paul Brenner, every early evening 4^ers M^' Hmft ^ \V3¥t TIMES AS MANY FAMILIES per doUar as any New York network station ... V'^t least 2 TIMES AS MANY FAMILIES per dol- lar as any New York inde p endent station! Another Reason Why,. • WAAT delivers more listeners per dollar in North Jcrsey-^jii 4th Largest Marifc**—than any other station, include ing all 50,000 waiters! 5ovr»i Pulii >f NgcHi Janqr and SlaiKlwd Dm. aixl Ooio lEuludiog loLm uml HnbbardKSTP, MiniL, Sole Owner Minneapolis, Sept. '24 Stanley Hubbard, founder of KSTP, local NBC outlet, today (Tues ) became full owner of the station through purchase of 75% of stock outstanding. He had owned the other 25%. Hubbard, president and general manager of the station, had operated it since he founded it 19 years ago by purchase of KFOY and WAmI) stock. Purchases were made front Frank Brown estate, 500 shares!, and Lytton Shields estate, 1,000 sli.'^res. Brown and Shields had backed Hub- bard in the original venture. Indicated purchase price Would put station value at about $110,000. Ramsey county probate court, St'- Paul; permitted transfer ot lu" shares'from the Brown estate held in name of James Brown, minor son. Deal will be subniitted to the FCC tor approval. It was aiiticipated that the FCC might forego the usual 60*day wait, the nature of transaction being what it is. No change in management is foreseen. Schreiber's Top WGN Spot Chicago, Sept. 24. Frank Schreiber was "ajDpoiiited cxecutive direclor ot WGN last week by Col. Robert R. McCormick, editor and publisher of the Chicago Trib- une, which owns the station. Move was an uppance for Schreittcr, who's been general manager of ttie station tor tlio past few year.s. Ho. succeeds Chesser M. Campbell, who was named treasurer of the Trib. Latter also retains title of veepee and ad. manatier for the paper. A Trib .staffer since 1918, Schroi'bcr now fakes complete charge of V.'GN. Lawrence, Mass.Frederick P. Laffey, discharged from the Array with the rank of Sgt., is returning to WLAW here as chief announcer. Do You Need a Rehearsal Hall? FOR YOUR BAND RADIO PROGRAM LEGITIMATE PRODUCTtON W* have available a largt ballroom —Monday to Friday morningf and aflernooni. STAGE 36x12 WITH FULL EQUIPMENT REASONABLE RATES . CONVENIENT LOCATION Phone SU. 7-3000, Banquet Department RIVERSIDE PLAZA HOTEL 253 WEST 73RD STREET NEAR BROADWAY, NEW YORK UOPWA Victory Bumps Off Old-Line IATSE,IBEW In CBS Union Elections Two old-line unions—the Interna- tional Alliance of Theatrical hnd Stage Employees, and the Interna- tional Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, both AFL—took a licking in the final count ot the CBS col- lective bargaining elections com- pleted yesterday afternoon (Tues- day) by the National Labor Rela- tions Board. The elections were held June 14. , For the citywide white collar unit, the winner is a CIO union, the Ra- dio Guild of the United Office and Professional Workers of America. Thi.s outfit got 338 ballots out of a total of 796, or three more than a clear majority. IBEW was third on the balloting, having got 104 votes, as against 212 for no union at alV lATSE came in 'way behind, with only 15 voles. In, separate balloting for directors in CBS television, it was a fight be- tween two AFL unions, lATSE and the newly chartered Radio Directors Guild. RDG won by a vote of 8 to 5. While the total here, 13, is very small, the battle presages an impor- tant precedent on' who is to control television unions in the future. Prince George, B. C—CKPG joins the CBS Trans-Canada Network, Oct. 1 as a supplementary station. On the air as an indie since last February, the outlet, a 250-watter, is on the 1230kc band.- LIKE THE NAME OF ON A SYMPHONY.:a WIRE ALL OVER THE INDIANAPOLIS BUYING AREA WHERE LISTENERS DEMAND QUALITY PROGRAMS BASIC NBC • 5000 WATTS JOHN E. PEARSON COMPANY Represenfof/ves AFFILIATED WITH THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR