Variety (Sep 1946)

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52 ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC Wednesdaf, September 25, 1946 On The Upbeat New York I,ewis R. Zeyher has been named Moii-is' band...Eli Oberstcin, RCA- Viclor artists and repertoire head, «old his Barryville, N. Y., estate of 57 acres, swimming pool, tennis courts, etc.. .Benny Goodman's press agent planning to distribute plastic lobsters to newspapermen to herald B. G.'s disking of "Pity the Poor Lobster*'., tian - American Records vill distribute Gotham disks on the Coast, Gotham will distrib Pan Ah in the east. Barry Gray, WOR's all-night disk jock, to do a broadcast U'ow Army as a major and into Allied Record Manufacturing Co. as an executive . . ..Billy Butterfield cut four sides for Capitol Records . . . Connie Haines, backed by Manny Kline's band, waxed four platters for Mercury-rBob Bberly. Xarmor vocalist with Jimmy Dorsey's or- chestra, in Hollywood for a .film job in "The Fabulous Dorseys," Earle : Spencer and Mel Torme's Meltones put on a show for wound- de soldiers at Bidmingham Generit Hospital . . , Jane Powell waxed album 61: songs she sang in Metro's "Holiday in Mexico" . .. Tex Bcnekc Glenn Miller orchestra signed for a musical short, "Ten Minutes to Love," at RKO . . . Russ Morgan 3 I band checked in at Columbia Pic- Pittsburgh Aquariuni Restaurant, N. Y., Oct, \vhen Duke Ellington band opens tures for musical specialty spots in there Jack Leonard, ex-band vo- -Cigarette Girl." enlist now a single, signed to seven- year Columbia film contract by Jonie Taps .Major Kay Hansen, once with Genei'al Artists and later band press agent, has ben shifted into regular Army and will make it a career; currently stationed in Washington, D, C. Joe Mooney's quartet, which has created such a Stir at Sandy's, Pat- erson N. J., moves into Club 18, New York, Oct, 7.., .Albert Earl named assistant ad manager of Co- lumbia Records....Lilyann CarroU, eX-Louis Prima vocalist, into Gotot net, Philadelphia, Friday (27) for two weeks.. . .Marianne Dunne, last with Herbie Fields band, into new Charlie Ventura combo Jack Meyerson shifts to general manager of World Broadcasting, Decca sub- sid, while Stanley Goodman takes his Decca spot as merchandise man- ager of phonograph and accessories division... .Tommy Tucker added new femme quartet to band— Donahue & Coe to handle M-G-M disk advertising... .Leonard Stevens now road manager for EUiot Law- rence orchestra... .Lecuona Cuban Boys plays first eastern theatre date at Earle, Philadelphia, Oct, 4. Irving Berlin Wins Inj. In Amateur Song Ginunick Federal Court of Newark granted an injunction Monday (23) halting use of Irving Berlin's name by Eleanor Filak or anyone connected with her in the organization known as Universal Writers of America. Suit was originally brought Jn New- ailc fortnight by Berlin's at- torney, T. Newman Lawler, of O'Brien, DriscoU & Rafferty, when Miss Filak disappeared from New York offices set up under UWA, and New Jersey was found to be .her home.'^ Berlin instituted action when it was discovered that UWA, headed by Miss. Filak, was circulating a letter to amateur songwriters asking them to join the organization at a $10 an.' nual fee, and signing it "Irving Ber- lin." Composer charged illegal use of the name to defraud in brief filed by Lawler. Victor Lombardo's band into Bill .Green's for : two weeks beginning Oct. 7. Tommy Carlyn, who opened Monday (23), hold^ until then . . . Baron Elliott orchestra, resuming as WCAE staff band, wiir double into Vogue Terrace for fortnight starting Oct. 18 . . . Justine Wayne into the Green Acres cocktail bar and Billy Catizone's orchestra into the main dining room . . . Eddie Metcalfe, formerly with Tommy Tucker, re- cently out of the army, Joining new Homer Ochsenhirt band at William Penn Hotel's Terrace Room as vo- calist and lead sax . . , Ginger Snaps have had option renewed at Oasis through middle of next month . , . Stan Bailey trio. Hollywood Show Bar, replacing Two Kings and a Queen . . . Both Billy Leech, former Guif Lombardo vocalist, and Johnny Kirby, KDKA singer, who left town only short time ago to Joinv staff of WBBM in Chicago, have landed commercial shows there. Bands at Hotel B.O/s Bnai Griff Wniiami...,Waldorf (550; $2) 0 Henry King..... .Rooievelt (400; fl-fL$0).0 Les Elgart , New Yorkw {400; 1.50) 0 rtrnr** Week On Data tl,300 tHOO tl.OOO 1,100 1,000 Hollywood Lew Fidler and his Latin band onened at the new Club Cobar, Los Angeles . . . Leo Fortin, trumpeter, recently discharged from the Army, rejoined Lawrence Welk's orches- tra... Eugene R. Mathis, out of the POCKET METRONOME WhcM Opoiicil, BacV of Case Sctv«b an £nBel. . , Af!Tll.\I. BlZifl 8% IN'CHCIS PKItl'lSCT MHf:il.\MSM ACC'lKACl' CiUAKANTlOI'.l) t^^^ No redorul. '.I iii: •J****"** Nickel Cliroinx Mali Order!) Promptly I'Sllml I'rk'e Includes Fvatnice and 8lii|>i>l»e ALFRED H. GLASSER JEWElfR 421 Madison Avenut Now Yutk 17, N. Y. Dallas Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey's bands will play opposite each other here, T. D. at the State Fair of Texas, while J. D. is at the Plantation . . . Woody Herman orchestra due for a run on the Interstate Circuit . . . Harry James orchestra doing a series of one nighters. at Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Port Arthur . . Joe Sudy's band now on deck at Pappy's Showland . . . Mural Room of the Baker Hotel has reopened after being closed for several months, with music by Vincente Brigale . . . "Lady of Liberty'' a song written by John W. Miller local lawyer and set. to music by Paul Wellbaum, has been published by Carl Fischer, Inc. CoL Records' Mex. City Plant Cincinnati, Sept. 24. Priming for a chunk of the half billion records the disk industry is aiming at for 1947, Columbia Re- cording executives, production, sales and advertising chiefs, and personnel from 48 distributing points through-, out the country conclude a. two-day convention in the Gibson hotel to- night. Attendance is close to 500, including a constellation of the CBS subsidiary's top warblers and foot- ers, brought on to give personal oomph to the powwow, the largest yet held in the platter field. Columbia's newest of three press- ing plants is located at nearby Kings Mills. This unit was purchased in December, 1944, from Remington Arms, finally' went into small pro- duction five months ago and is ex- pected to double Columbia's pre- war output by early 1947. Formal opening of the plant was tied in with the sales convention today. At one of the business sessions which filled Monday's (23) schedule, Edward Wallerstein, CRC prexy, announced .that the exipansion pro- gram calls for two new pressing plants, one in Beverly Hills, Calif., and the other in Mexico City. Erec- tion of these properties are to start with the lifting of government re- strictions on materials, the sites for them having been purchased, build- ing plans drawn and equipment and material orders placed. Chicago Ilonry Brandon (Marine Room, Edgewater Beach hotel; $3-$3.SQ )nin.). Conventions helping to healthy 6,000. Mel Cooper (Mayfair Room, Blackstona hotel; 350; $1.50-$2.50 min). Had been closed by strike. Phil Regan opened Wednesday (19) and built up good 2,000. Sherman Hayes (Walnut Rootri, Bismarck hotel; .465; $1.50-$2.50 min.). Arthur Nelson puppets and Singing Martinis new show Friday 120). Strong 3,200 on the entire week. Clyde McCoy (Boulevard Room, Stevens hotel; 700; $3-$S.S0 ihin:). Closed by strike. Holdover show reopened Friday (20)i Nic* 1,500 for Friday and Saturday only. Freddy Narel (Elmpire Room, Palmer House; 650; $3-$3.50 min.). Ev«lyn Knight and Roily Rolls followed Diiiininger and non-music layout Hiui's- day (19). Socko 7.500 on the week. Loult Prima (Panther Room, Sherman hotel; 950; $1.50-$2.50 min.). Powerful 7,000. Los Angeles I.eirhton Noble (Ambassador; 900; $1-$1 .')0; 2d wk). Rush on here as strike closes other hotels; clips 4,500 tabs. Buss Morgan (Biltmore; 900; $1-$1.50. iiidef). Strikeslashed', only about 2,500 covers. Location Jobs, Not in Hotels (Chez Paree; (Cfiicapo) 650; $3-$3.50 min.). Gracie Fields terrific Gay CUridc« 6,000. Saxie Dowel! (Blackhawk; 500; $2-$2.50 min.). New layout opened Wednesday (18), following Del Courtneyv Extra good 5,700. Dick Jurrens (Aragon; $0.90-$!.15). Opened Tuesday (17). 21,000. > Art KmscI (Trianon; |O.90-$l,15). Okay 17,000. BiMl4y Staw (I^tin Quarter; 700; $3-$3.50 min.). Jackie Coogan, Arthur Lee SimpkinSj Diosa Costello with Sliaw for neat 3,600. Very good Tex Beneke-Glenn Miller (Palladium, B, Hollywood, 3d wk). Hit hard by walkout so only gathered 10,000 entrants. Bill Butterfield (AVodon, B, .Xios- Ange]«s, Otli wk). Repeat for another nice 6,000. ' Lionel H»mi>ton (Trianon, B, South Gate, 2d wk). Fairly well satisfied with 5,900 pasteboards. Carmen Cavallaro (Giro's, N, Hollywood, 1st wk). Smash houses after half week start good for 2,800 covers. Benny Goodman (Meadowbrook, B, Culver City, 2d wk). Staying as powerful as ever with encored 9,000 customers. Jimmy and Tommy Dersey CCasino Gardens, B. Ocean Park (5th and 2d wks). Fraternal stand keeps up boffo to 13,000 entrants. J>an Garber . (Aragon, B, Ocean Park, 2d wk>. Even though sea.son's over this still holds to 5,000 payees.. Chicago EarrMines marks his 20th anni as a bandleader when he opens at the Regal Theatre, Chi, Friday (27) . Five Harmoneers, spiritual singers pacted by Chi office of William Morris and signed by King Records, . . . Chester Conn of Bregman, Vocco & Conn in Chi to promote score of 20th-Fox's "Three Little Girls in Blue" . . . Armand Kline left Wil- liamson Music to move over to Mood . . . Dick Jurgens started run at Aragon Ballroom last week, his first Chi date in almost four years, since entering Marines . . . Lawrence Welk, npw playing one-nighter.s in the Dakotas, follows Jurgens into the Aragon sometime in November for an indefinite stay . . . Sully Mason opens at the Lowery hotel, St. Paul, this week . . , Mel Cole orchestra closing at Colosimo's and opening at Vine Gardens. AMERICA'S NO. I FEMALE COMPOSER UNA MAE CARLISLE CURRENTLY DOWNBEAT CLUB NEW YORK ViCTOR-BLUEBIRD RECORDS EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATED BOOKING CORP. JOE GLASER, Pres. 745 Fifth Ave,, Nev^^ York 22 PL. 5-5572 Newark Terrace Room Resumes, as BaOroom, With Qen Gray Orch Terrace Room, Newark, which started its career as a cafe during the war, when Frank Dailey opened it as a substitute for his war- snagged Meadowbrook, in nearby Cedar Grove, N. J., resumed last week (Tuesday) as a public ballroom under the name of Terrace Ball- room. While the Rosenhaus broth- ers, owners of the Mosque theatre building, which houses the room, couldn't make a go of it as' cafe op- erators last season,: when they suc- ceeded Dailey, the chances seem much better that Simon La Farge New York concessionaire, is going to do allright with the spot as a ballroom. Cheering for him will be Dailey, who didn't care much for the Rosen- haus use of the room as a cafe since their search for the best name bands constantly threatened to in- terfere with the booking of them for his Meadowbrook. La Farge debuted the ballroom policy with Glen Gray's orchosti-a, asking a flat 83c admission week^ days, $1,17 per on weekends. Open- ing night crowd was claimed to have surpassed 1,600, which is more pa- trons than the spot held at any time during its run as a cafe, except a half dozen or so occasions under Dailey. Remainder of the week was good and the weekend was reported biff. There is no other public*ball- room in Newark. La Farge didn't change the appear- ance of the room much. It had been completely ; redecorated by Rosen- haus. Notably, he enlarged the dancefloor. He is running contests every night. So far. La Farge has bought only three bands, Georgie Auld and Buddy Morrow to follow Gray. He's not looking beyond those as yet, pre- ferring to wait and see what hap- pens at the b;D. He Won't .use the top names, idthough it's probable one will be brinight in every now BVC Sips Broekman Composer-maestro David Broek- man was signed to a term contract by Bregman, Vocco & Conn last week. First works by Broekman to be marketed by BVC will consist of a series of new compositions under the title, "The Music of David Broekman." List includes some unusual titles, a la Raymond Scott. They are: "Samba of the Orchids," "Etude for Violins and Love," "Intermezzo for a Day in May," "Dialogue for Love," "Chant of the Amazon" and "Beauti- ful Blue Hudson;" Dugatij Galkin Team John Dugan, head of the theatre department of Music Corp. of Amer- ica, and Joe Galkin, manager of Tommy Tucker's orchestra, become business partners ri6xt month. They have purchased a neighborhood bar in Sunnyside, L. I., which will open Oct. 2 under the name Melody Lounge. Spot seats 150 and has been under- going a complete refurbishing the past few weeks. It will use small musical combos set in the middle of of a hufie circular bar. Material is ready on Lvric bv M1.11C OV TIM GAYLE C-Mt SlTTON MAGGI McNELLIS L,t s - ,co ihtu BMI SUTTON MUSIC COMPANY *0C0 B'oodwav, San Diego ^ Cotiloinla KEYBOARD ARTISTS! =========== W« fav* yoH "Dlny Flngert" and "KHtM M th« K«yi" -—NOWI • . ■ Our GreaWsr Pidne Novelty MUSICAL TYPIST MILLS MUSIC. INC. UIV Broadway, New York 19 WHEN THE ORGAN PLAYED AT TWILIGHT WALLACE-CAMPBELL-CONNELLY SANTLY-JOY, Inc U19 Broodwoy, New York 19 Tommy Volando, Gen. Prof. Mqr