Variety (Sep 1946)

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Wednefidny, September 25, 1946 Ethel Smith, the organist, to Ber- muda on a holiday. Professional Children's School starting a $200,000 drive for school' improvements. Katharine Cornell and Guthrie McCUntic celebrated their 25th wed- din" anniversary. . After liis first vacation in 15 years Paul Dulce is playing dates, opening 8t the Olympia, Miami, , S Barrett McCormick, RKO pub- ad'wpper. on the Coast for couple weeks of confabs on plans. Ben Piazza, RKO talent head, due in from the studio tomorrow (ThUrs.) for a Broadway o.o. . .Horace BiacMahort back in Gotham after 14 months touring with the USO ho.spital unit, "Fun Follies." Humphrey Doulens to the Coast today (Wednesday) to handle fall opera and radio dates for Lily. Pons. Eddie Buzzell. Metro director, kept west while the studio labor situation is but due east for a holiday shortly. , ;" : Howard Marsh, former musicom- edy actor and producer,' new manag- ing director Ot Glactetone-hotel s.Vic^ torian Room. : ., ,. Lillian Jenkins, publicity director of Madison Square Garden, recuper- ating at Hershey hotel, Hershey, Pa., after operation. . j.i.. - Agent Eddie; Smith auditionmg court cases as a juror at White Plains, N. Y. Ditto 20th-Fox's Charlie Schlaifer, The Bob Sisks due from Holly- wood soon to place their daughter Marion in a finishing school. He's the film producer. Republic Pics birthday - partyed Gene Autry yesterday (Tuesday) at the Sherry-Netherland, a day be- fore he opened with the Rodeo. Tom O'Brien: British laborite MP, over here for American Federation of Labor convention, lunching with Dick Walsh, lATSE head, at Hotel ...■Astor..- . . •. ' ■ ' ' ' Eddie Sutherland, in from Coast to set "Abie's Rose" film, week- ended with Grad Sears, United Ar- tists distribution veepee, in West- ■ Chester. Sidney Skolsky is east with his 14-year-old daughter, who . he says is "as big as I am—if you- can call that big." Dorothy Sarnoff and Virginia Mac- Watters, last seen on Broadway in "Rosalinda," singing in City Center's opera production of "La Boheme" ■ Sat. (28). Hal Horne and wife, Lee, on their way upstate to view locations for shooting "This Side of Innocence" scenes and then to the Thousand Islands for fishing. NBC announcer Dick Dudley an- niversary-partyed the Ed Kirbys, As Col. Kirby he was Dudley's su- perior with the Armed Forces Net- , work during the war. ' Mrs. Al Lichtman slated for an ear operation at Dr. Julius Lempert's private hospital during current New York stay. The Metro exec returns to the Coast next week. Kddie Aaron, Metro assistant gen- eral salesmanager, leaving today (Wednesday) for a montlvs swing through Metro exchanges in the ■ midwest and on the Coast. : James Gow, Maxine Wood and Abram Hill to speak at forum on "The Negro and American Theatre" at Fraternal Clubhouse Oct. 7 under Stage for Action sponsorship^ Harry Burns who is In "It Hap- pened in Brooklyn," new Durante- Sinatra film (Metro), in town for couple of weeks, to dispose of some realty, then back to Hollywood. _Unvejlmg of sculptured portrait of Joe Louis' hands by Ray Shaw took place Monday (23) at artist's Studio before various celebs and cnamp who was guest of honor. League of New York Theatres' Jim Reilly can't see the Paramount building clock because of the new limes building going up blocks his Vision. So he had to buy a desk ticker. Ted R. Gamble, Oregon exhibitor, awarded Civilian Medal for Merit in recognition of his efforts in be- half of six War Loan drives by Sec- . retary of the Treasury John W. Snyder. Al Jplson probably won't wait for opening of "The Jolson Story" at the Mu-sic Hall, returning to- the Coast following the American Veterans uomnnittee; testimonial dinner to him next Tuesday (1). June Ally son and husband Dick Powell due in from the Coast to- ttiorrow (Thursday). Metro pro- ducer Pandro S. Berman arrived from the Coast Monday (23); 20th- * ox s Bill Perlberg and Lew Schrei- ber over the weekend, also agent- wnter Jerry Horwin. Omaha, an addition to doliimbia sales staff here. Hotel Dyckman Robin Hood Room floorshow has Tung Ping Soo, Chinese magician. Fred Eisenberg, United Artists' salesman, laid: up with couple of broken rib^ sustained in bathroom fall. ■■. Ted Bolnick, business associate of Bennie Berger and general manager of his theatre circuit, celebrating 30th anni in show biz, Andre Ko.stelanetz orchestra, brought here by Al Sheehan, drew near capacity at , Auditorium fpr Sunday , (in) afternoon concert. ■ William Evidon, .son of Independ- ent Po.ster Exchange manager, awarded Presidential citation as member of carrier Cabot crew in World War. Another son, member of submarine, crew, lost life, v';'v ■; Fred AUen. and wife (Portland Hoffa) here for Allen's appearance as toastmastgr at University of. Minnesota's dinner for. Northwest Variety club this week, to commem- orate latter's successful drive to raise funds for heart hospital. Ben Friedman, indie circuit owner, member of foursome team that won state professional-amateur golf tour- nament;, with three professionals and one amateur on each team and Fried- man coming through with eagle on seventeenth hole to win the match. CDATTER 63 London its circuit, houses. They are mostly nabe Miami Beach :By Larry Solloway Hotel Martinique, new hotel on North Beach section, will be ready by Jan. 1. Jennie Grossinger and Milt Blacks stone due here to set up Paneoast hotel operation. Chez Paree still on the block. If no bidders appear, King Bros, will resume operation for season. Brook Club, top casino in Beach" area, may not reopen this season, with one of the top partners bowing out. Benny Streit, who owns Grand hotel, rendezvous- for the sporting fraternity, will also operate the new Sands hotel. Mickey Michaels, managing direc- tor of Cadillac hotel, has set Irving Fields and his orch for his Candleite Patio for season. Harry Friedlander, former oper- ator of Paddock Club, will run room in huge Blackstone hotel in down- town Miami Beach. Terrace club, which Lou Walters operated until last season, still on block, with no takers. Spot has largest seating capacity in area. Local club ops okayed deal with AFM local anent reclassification and hike in scale tor musickers. ops dropping idea of bringing in out-of-town bands. Pupi Campo (current at La Conga, N. Y.) and Coatello, his frau, set for Five o'Clock opening before the New Year, Joey Adams, Mark Plant and Tony Canzoneri set to, follow. Many seasonal ops of hotels will not raise rates despite OPA okay to do same, Clajin they'll be taking guests' money and turning it over to Govei'Iiment in higher income tax bracket.s. Bids for acts for Broward county offer choice of two spots—Colonial or La Bobeme. Chances are that La Boheme will be the hot spot for acts if okay comes through on ca- sinos in that county. Clover Club's Jack Goldman has set Betty Reilly and Vagabonds for December date. Vagabonds will stay in for season, doubling between room named after them In spot and the big room for set .shows. Deal includes salary and percentage. Beachcomber's Ned Schuyler flew to Coast to, look over talent. Thus far only Jackie Miles set for open- ing show (Dec. 19), with Willie How- ard' booked in for later in season. Miles goes into Lou Wolter's Latin Quarter on Palm Island after Beach- com'oer stint. Mrs. Irwin Dash sails on the Queen Elizabeth on Oct. IC. The George Posfords are parents of a second son, Stephen James Douglas, born Sept. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Hyams o0 to New York on the Queen Mary on cbinbinert biz and pleasure trip. ■ Sornorset Maugham's "The Con- stant Wife,'' revived after 20 years at the Arts Theatre Club, Sept. 10. , Somerset .Maugham . here. On his first Visit since the war and intends to stay in London till the end of 1946. Yiddish version of Shakespeare's .''The Merchant of Venice'' is doing capacity biz at New Yiddish theatre. East Side.;. ' v'.'; . Anthony Hawtrey's production of adaptation of "Jane. Eyre" by Helen Jerome was well received at Em- bassy, Sept. 10. Dave Coplan, London head of United Artists, and wife off to Cannes for fortnight for belated honeymoon vacation. ; Sonnie Hale discloses secret mar- riage last year to Mary Kelsey, non- professional. ■ Was formerly wed to Evelyn Laye, then Jessie Matthews. Tessie O'Shea is'out of the Lon- don Palladium show "High Time" due to difference with Val Piiinell. with Vera Pearce now rehearsing to take her place. Archer Films "A Matter of Life and Death," which goes into Metro's Empire, Nov. 1, is the first film made by J. Arthur Rank organization to get an-Empire showing. While at Covent Garden recently, the New York Ballet Co. commis- sioned Benjamin Britten, composer of "Peter Grimes,'' to write a ballet score for Agnes de Mille. : ■ With tranisfer of "Crime and Pun- ishment" from New to Globe, cast also changes,, with star Edith Evans being replaced by Rosalind Atkin- son, whose role is now taken over by Betty Sinclair. "Is Your Honeymoon Really Nec- essary," in its third year in the West End and long-run leader, has had many marriages of cast members. These include Vernon Kelso and Ha- zel Lawrence, now man and wife. Olive March, director of the Lit- tle Players theatre in Notting Hill, is transferring her activities by tak- ing over the Gateway theatre in Bayswater, another small try-out house. Plans her first venture there in October. Annual Royal Variety Perform- ance, in aid of Variety Artists Benevolent Fund and Institution, set for London Palladium, Nov. 4. Two American acts likely to be included in it are the Three Sailors and Three Ross Sisters. Broadcast licenses in Great Britain and Ireland now number 10,673,000, which include 1,750 for television. But figure does not indicate number of television sets now in use as hold- ers need not take out television li- censes until their ordinary licenses expire; ■..' There are indications that the war- time restrictions on, new theatre erection may be made lighter in the near Jutiire, . _ _ Hay A.lsop, Aussie technician, re- cently in the U. S. look-seeing video, has been lecturing on subject to local projectionists. Williamson-Tait's revival of "Rose Marie'' in Sydney has reached eight weeks and will continue, biz being hefty. Local talent used. "Follow the Girls," the new Wll- liamson-Tait show, will open soon in Sydney. Lois Green will have the lead, ,,with Freddy Carpenter pro- ducing. Cass Marshall appointed by Clive Arnott ,to head the new United Art- ists ad-jpublicity . setup.. Marshall comes from Hoyts, but more re- cently is out of the service. Aussie government headed by Prime Minister Chifly indicates that the treasury can't promise any ma- jor tax deductions if returned to power. He said no. promise cOuld be rnade either about the entertainment tax, highest in the world. Minneapolis By Les Bees Curly's nitery holding over Im- aginators. Bob Whelan, RKO-Orpheum man- ager, vacationing. Norman Pyle, M-G-M exploiteer, back from a Hollywood vacatiAn. Fay Dressel, RKO branch man- ager, m New York for sales confer- ence. -North Star Drama Guild's initial Offering will be "June Moon" week of Oct. 2. Lyceum, legit roadshow house, Scts^ Mandrake, the magician, next week (30). . , . Bob ; T^Jolhtyn). frj^nsferred, .from Washington ' By Florence S. Lowe • Little Jack Little checking into El Patio nitery,, Sept. 30. Joe Moss a frequent visitor here these days, said to be location hunt- ing for a new D. C. nitery spot. Jo.seph Blair, who has been learn- ing the business at the Metro ex- change here, is being sent to the Far E' for Loew's International. Bert Tucker, Sophy's boy, who had a brief fling in nitery biz here, last Spring, writes friends that he is mulling nightclub offers in Miami, N. Y. and D. C. Office of Alier Property Cus- todian, which still contrbl.<i film a£i,d music rights for enemy and occupied countries, becomes part of Dept of Justice around Oct. 1. Nate Golden, film expert for Dept. of Commerce, returned from vaca- tion to find he had been handed chore of heading D. C.'s campaign for "Employ the Physically Handi- capped Week," starting Oct. 6. William Wells, UNRRA film head, back from his junket to Europe, where he handled picture details at UNRRA Council meeting at Geneva, Also conferred with Rank people on a short to be made by "This Modern Age," - the new British version of "March of Time," •,• , Pittsburgh By Hal Cohen Irene Small and - Gregg -^Gourtland have teamed in singing act. Announcer Ed Schaughency and his wife off to California for vaca- tion. Lee Brinker named assistant to manager Mannie Greenwald at Barry theatre. Joe Josaclc, Jr., veteran showman, has gone back to the Coast to make his home. Etzi Covato, of Villa Madrid, and Joe Mazzei, of Art Cinema, home from Miami vacations. Murray Minster, WJAS announcer, out of commission with bad tonsils which have to come out. Jackie and Didi Fields have moved into their new home after a year of downtown hotel life. Johnny Harris leaves for Holly- wood this weekend to take John, Jr., back to military school there. Charlie Danver, who writes "Pitts- burghesque" column in the Post- Gazette, taking two weeks off. Playhouse will have another orig- inal musical by Charlie Gaynor next spring for first time xn Ave years, Sara Ann McCabe, Cantu; Ethel Lynn and Homei' Ochsenhirt's band make up Terrace Room's reopening show. - Organist Everett Haydn back on iob at 7th Avenue hotel-lounge after, being laid up three months from an auto eraokup. Couple^ of Pitt-sburghers, Gene KeUv and Mary Lou Williams, are profiled in September issue of Sever.tcen mag. •' ■ Austrah'a - George.s Thill, French teiior. is giving additional concerts for the Australian Broadcasting Commission. Terry Walker premieres in Sydney in "Soldier's Wife" for Whitehall Productions at the Minerva, Sept. 16; Outdoor amusement parks open their summer season this month. Most new attractions are from the U. S. Efforts are .still being made in Aussie keys to find a public for Rus- sian-made pix, but the going is tough. Sir Ben Fuller is purchasing a site in Brisbane for a new theatre to house live talent shows in the near future. Greater Union Theatres >i» .still ad,ding more former^iijdje theatres- to Chicago Ed Kennely back at the Oriental theatre after a vacation; Audrey Totter back from Holly- wood to visit her folks here, Maria Jeritza made her first con- cert appearance here since 1934. Wally Ford stopped over to visit with Phil Regan at the Blackstone. Ann Sheridan a surprise visitor at Francete Polly's birthday party at the Cameo. Elsa Maxwell in town to confer with Chi Opera biggies on running an Opera Ball. '■ Mike Todd and son through town to Lawrenceville,"N. J., where Junior is going to school. Joe Sherman, out of the Garrick Stage Door bar, planning to open an eatery on Randolph street. Henny Yoiingman opens at the Latin Quarter Friday (27), with Ar- thur Lee Simpkins held over. Jusisi Bjoerling due in Oct. 7 to sing with the Chi Opera company in "La Boheme" and "Rigoletto." Lucia Perrigo has-succeeded to Ted Tod's WB exploitation spot, with the latter shifting to Vanguard (Selz- nick). Vivian Blaine and her spouse- agent, Manny Franks, hosted the press in stopover on their way back to Hollywood. Jerry White, general stage man- ager for "Oklahoma!" rehearsed the cast despite a leg infection and against doctor's orders. Judy Blair, formerly with George Olsen's band, replaces Dottie Dotson with Del Courtney at the Palace hotel, San Francisco, Oct. 27. The Pat 0!Briens check into the Blackstone this week to visit friends and catch the Notre Dame-lUinois game at Champaign before going on to N. Y. Allan Jones opens a Midwest con- cert trek in Grand Rapids Sept. 28, Tour will hit towns in Michigan, Illinois and Indiana, including a date here Oct, 6, and winds up Nov. 1. following which Jones goes into the Roxy, N. Y. Atlantic City By Joseph Wi Walker Resort flooded past week with 18 conventions which didn't do amuse- ment biz here any harm. Helen Jepson in town to sing to- night (23) lor members of the American Nurses' Assn. in session here. Clicquot Club luring convention folk with Bert Stone, Grayce Ed- wards, LaBlanco & Garcia, Tato & Julia, Rose Gallo aiid Danny Lu- cera's orch., Babette's to remain open all year. Current shows has Beth Challis featured with Jacqueline Deauville, Muriel Jayne, Joyce Aimee, Freddy Bowers and orch. J. R. Gallagher, head of the Resort Restaurant Assn.' joined those pro- testing the rollback on menus by sending telegram to OPA's Paul Porter, Meanwhile restaurants con- tinue regular prices, Fall season finds WFPG's "Forum of the Air" back with the Rev. C. Robert Pedersen again serving as moderator. On the airwaves each Thursday night it deals with the city's problems and 1 as wide follow^ ing.-. . Life's picture series and story of the Beauty Pageant scored by the Business and Professional Women's Club here (18). Women in a reso- lution termed it ''most unfriendly" and "most unjustified." Protest will be sent to mag's publisher and edi- tors. Atlantic City Teacher's Associa- tion to open winter concert and lec- ture series Nov. 7 when Monsignor Flanagan's Boys' Town choir ap- pears. Others booked are U. S. Ma- rine Band (Nov. 23), Stuart Chase, commentator (Jan, 21), Indianapolis Symphony orchestra (Feb. 8), Her- bert C. Lanks, illustrated fJNfafCh IX), 4 Leslie Goodwins divorced. Arthur Murray laid up with flu. John Te CJroen bedded with tiu. "Lew Schreiber trained to Chicago. Marie Nelson divorced Guido Zan- nett, Philip Dorn bedded- with bron-' cliili--. Smiley Burnette injured in a horse accident. Sid Marvin to Las Vegas to open at El Cortez. Marvin Miller hospitalized for - knje surgery. ■EddiS Buzzell cancelled his air 'trij> . to New York. James S. Burkett laid up with a sprained back. . , ' ■ Av.n Sothern and Robert Sterling talking divpfce. ^.. ■ ,i: ' Charles Reisner recuperating from minor surgery'. , Johnny Sands laid up with sun- burn poisoning., ^ John Wexley in from Manliattan. play gandering. V John Hcdiak hospitalized with, a sacro-iliac injury, • Bill DoU to San Francisco, on busi- ness for Mike Todd. Hedy Lamarr laid up with flu and a temperature of 102. Ann Baxter recovering from emer- gency appendectomy. Andra Verne, Polish actress, feted; by the Friends of Poland. George Kelly organizing a Holly- wood branch of the Friars. Bill Latham switched from Gold- , wyn to Paramount flacktery. Gwynne Pickford to Mexico to join ' her husband, Bud Ornstein. Mary Astoi* escaped injury wheii a Cigaret set her bed afire. Jack Carson sued for divorce by the.former Kay St. Germain. Lee Harris recovering from sur- gery in a Santa Monica hospital. Darius Milhaud in town to gander "The Private Affairs of Bel Ami." Lon Hoss and the missus celebrat- ing their S5th wedding anniversary. Vera-Ellen returned to the Gold- wyn lot after gandering Broadway, Lew Rosen, distributor for Repub- lic in Hawaii, in town for studio con- fabs. Jerry Mayer, recovering from sur- gery, wiU return to his Metro- post Oct. 1. " John Clifford resumed hig screen writing after three years in the Army. Peter Murray-Hill. British actor, in from London for American film chores. Gordon HoUingshead hospitalized with injuries sustained in a fire at his" home. Doris Blumberg, daughter of Nate Blumberg, and Stanley Meyer en- gaged to wed. James Craig won a pair of silver spurs as first pri2e in the Wyoming , antelope hunt. : . - : ' , ; Francis A, Bateman on a nation- wide tour as sales chief for Screen Guild Productions. David O. Selznick returned from three weeks of United Artists hud- dles in New York. Jacques Chambrun in from New York to hunt talent for his next Broadway production, Harry W, Flannery lectured on the European situation at the Hollywood Women's Press Club. . Edward Arnold became an honor- ary member ol Sigma Phi Epsilon at University of Southern California. Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Ba- call moved into the house vacated by John Loder and Hedy Lamarr, Marilyn Buford, new "Miss Amer- ica," visited Republic where she was a show girl in "Earl Carroll's Van- ities." Paul Jarrico in, from London where he huddled with Edward Bmytryk on the script of "The White Tower." - Jack Chertok returned from New York where he lined up accounts for his Apex Pictures Go.j commercial film outfit. George Rangi Bennett, New Zea- land tobacco planter, doubling as ac- tor and technical adviser in "Green Dolphin Street" at Metro. Leighton Brill, West Coast rep for the Rodgers-Hammerstein combo, planed east to function as produc- tion assistant on the R-H play^ "Happy Birthday,", starring Helen Hayes. Paris Bill O'Brien back to his Estoril (Portugal) sunshine, One of Laudy Lawrence's hoirses won a race at Longchamps. Cynda Glem getting the lyrics of hef songs translated in French. ' "Fourth Little Show" won't start rehear.sals until after New Year's. Dave Blum back from his Euro- pean -looksee with a heavy coat of tan., ■ ■ Niel Agnew dining with Jack For- rester before latter leaves for a week: in Madrid. . , Harold L. Smith at the Bristol with his wife, and so swamped in work on his return he will have to wait to look for an apartment. Richard de Rochemont, March of Time t>roducer, huddling -for a few fays with. Gilbert Conte. and Maurice anpnter,before returning to, J^. y..