Variety (Dec 1946)

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We«lne8(lay, December 4, 1946 FILM REVIEH'S 13 Tin- Secret Heart ;;,!^.|; •^'^UuiaeLte,. Colbert,; VViiltev •"''''r,' Jt, hi'i'l-WlcHIns, Miirshnll Thoinpwin. 5\',' , Iiy Uolicrt I>oimv<l. Ki'L-fOiriUii.v. w il Mil ^lol! »"« Anne MoiT.w.n Imi.m. I .^,1 ortstniit story nml. aclMpliuuu. l.>- ' ' '■■ ihi lis (■ uiwiw Folwy;. <-dH»v, iVHri- •""*„' V V- .\ovV ai,s'4«. Kufiiitms' IjuH-. ' »•■. ■»,lilim^ ..,.Cl:iiU()i-(lc (MlliiM'l Ji«''W«-''--..WaHo,/ :i"iii«oo„ I),.. iliissi.SPV...., ('hi«i" .N. Ail'lMiiia . , , Bivluliiii ju^\noIrts.,./,.Mars_))Rl_r '«»|nawon , jiiV is I • ■ j,;,ii>''A'l<l'anva tiii v Hiirlis. .., j|„Vllu,||.jr.. J'i,tlii,\, (iliilil-, .,.,. ,Jtino , ,\ll,\V(in .liionel J'<uri'> uiui'c^ .. . .Kolfei't Sti'vliiii .,,,,Hl<'Iiiir(l JWiT ,, . , , .Btlv >i,!ilyoii. pwayne IticUin.'ih '■The Sccpet Heart" could.probably best bt' doscribcd as Hollywood's an- swer lo the British-inade "Seventh Veil." biLsed as it i.'! 6n a psycholdg- ical thi-'ni<-> iiitcrwoven with classical music. Film is as good as "Veil" and should ehjo.Y the. same- bountifiU, woi'd-of-ino"tli^ Marquee-laden cast topped by Claudette Colbert, Waller Pidgeoii and June AUyson will boost the pic's pulling power, making it a good b.o. bet in any situation. AltlioLiuli "Heart" ties in with the wave of p.sychological dramas to hit the screen in recent months, it's more than just a suspenseful thriller. Based on an orifiinal story by Rdse Franken and Williinn Brown Meloney, the film presents in honest fashion a tale of a young Kirl with a father, ftxatiori that ilii.alit liiiye been takett from an ac- tual case history. Top teamplay be- tween, director, Robert Z. Leonard and the' cast converts what might . have been n maudlin tearjerker into • a touching but entertaining story Feinme fans will give their mou choirs a heavy "workout. One of the picture's best factors is the subtlety woven into the script by screenwriters Whitfield Coojc and Anne Morrison Chapin. Instead of hitting audiences over the head with an idea of what's going to happen next in the story, the scripters swing Into it gradually. Evejrything turns out ill? way it should but the audi- ences will feel themselves absorbed Into the story because of the way it's : done. , : Tale revolves around a rich widow and her two .stepchildren, a boy just - out of the Navy and a college-age girl. Latter, an excellent pianist, is In love with the memory of her lather, who taught her to play. Her only interest, consequently, is to shut out this rest of the world by lockinu; herself in a room and playing foi- him. On the advice of a psychiatrist, the widow takes her brood to the family farm where the father had committed suicide. There the girl be- gins to come out of her .shell but then unrtergoe.s another deep etnolional upset. Thoroughly disillusioned, she attempts to kill . herself in the sanie way lier father did. Story builds up . from there to a suspenseful c'liina.x ■ ■ and then lets down gradually to the . happy d<"noucment. . Responfibie to a large extent for the sympathetic handling of the story Is Miss AUyson as the young airl. . In a role that's a far crv from her usual sons-nnd-dance paris, she gi\es out with what's undoubtedly the best emoting of her career. Mis,^ Colbert is fine as the young widow, with her .: flair for coinedy helpiag to lisihtcn the film's heavy mood. Walter Pidg- eoii. a.s the guy she's been in love : with all (he time, is.liis, usiual suavf. compelrni self. Robert Sterling, in .■ his, first role since cheeking out of . ■the arined .service. Lionel Barryniore, .Marshall Thompson, Richard . ..Dcrr : and moppet Ann Lace score in sii.p- porliiiy roles. . Film offers plenty of /me inusic via Miss Allyson's pianistics and ..; Bronislai). Kaper's excellent score. . Usual rich Metro rhiHintings are' iiro- vided,l)>' producer EdwiiiH. Knopf, who rales a nod for giving Miss Al- tj'.<on big dramatic chance. Peorge Kolsey's camera work is pro- but doosir't look it, and certainly doesn't act it. A diminutive dynamo, Rooncy bounces through his paces with hiii usual zest, capering, mvig- ging and energetically stealing every scene he's in—and he's in practically every one. In the .standout; laugh sequence, Rooney gets trapped into a teamup With a towering co-ed jind lla.shcs/his .top'form in an hilarious jitterbug. routined Throughout' most of the pic. Rooney is made to play a; moonstruck kid,, but even when purring over some lines from "Ro- meo and Juliet," he knpws the dif- ference between a deadpan and a serio-comic recitation. Always a pillar of strength, Lewis Stone is back at his old stand as Judge Hardy, still playing the grave, distinguished, and ideally' under- standing dad. Other cast regulars in the series include Fay Holden, who does a coriviricing job as Andy's anxr ious mother, and Sara Haden, iii a walk-on part as Aunt Milly. Ann Ruthei'ford, . who used to play Polly Benedict,: is out, with her part being brushed off into an off-stage exist- ence. Filling in as Andy's heart throb is Bonita Granville, who reg- isters nicely as the campus sn'cn but who had better watch her- waist aiid chin line for the future. Bowing to the lact that Rooney is gro\<(ing older, if not larger, story line pushes him to the brink of a marital plunge. Back from the wars, Andy picks up his academic career as a college freshman and falls badly for Miss Granville, who trips him up by iiiarrying someone else. Heart- broken, Andy is set to pack . lip for exile in South America until he's diverted back to normal by the chili wiles of Lina Romay, a south-of-the- border chick who happens to be vis- iting the town, of Carvel. Latter chirps one. number in okay style but otherwise has little to do; Production trimmings measure, up to the high .standards set for "this series. Thin plot is adroitly padded out witli comic business by director Willis Goldbeck who keeps the film rolling at high speed. Camera work and musical scoring are oompotently handled, while the juve members of the cast, who play collegians, con tribute a nice assist. Herm. San 4|iien<lii ■ Hollywood, Nov. 27. RlvC>. rt'IeiiM,^ rif Marlia Moijiiey nvcKlucr ti.(ti!. : Htai..; Ijil WfCni'C TiPl'lify. ft-allives Barlivli Ah.ul.iiut\ iMuriaii Can'. Hurry Shamioiv. t'ariil Forman. Ilirharil I'ower.'i, Joe Devlin. Diiwlna by (ionloa M. r>0UKlas. Original -screenplay, laiwrpnt-e Kinible. Arthur A. Uoss, tlawartl .1. tlvoRii: rauvevo. Frank Kciltnan: niii..slr, raiil WaWlPll,: edi- lor, Aliirvin ('nil. Traileshnwn Nov, K>,:'i6. KHnniag lime. Kfi MINs. Miniature Reviews "The Secret H«art" (M-G). Claudette Colbert, Walter Pid- geon, Jime AUyson in d well- , treated psycho^Jogical drama, good b.o. "Love Laug'bs At Andy Har- dy" (M-G).. Mickey Rooney's first, po.stwar pic solid program fare. "San Qiientin" <RKO). Forth- right melodrama that reaches near-documentary style in telling stox'y of prison reforms, "Dangerous Millions" (20th )i Whodunit with familiar pattern slated for dualer situations. "Carmen" (Italian ^ Made). Vivid, lusty dramati^.ation of Merimce story, with opera music for background. . :• naii|(*4'rou.s Millions 20Ui-l'^o>£ release of Kul ;M. Wiivtzel bi-o- Lieiioa', l-'oiJturea Kfwl Ta>l(tr. Doha UruUo, Xala iiijiiir, Ijcoiiaril Kti-onsr. l)i- recteil by JamcK TiiiliiiK-. O.i'i.yinnl screen- play. Irving CuniminRp, Jr., Robert G. North; (.ainera. Ketijuinin Kliivf-: editor, WilliUJn 1'". Cilixtoi?. Trade.s)lown N. Y,' Nov. ^11. Ml.. Runniiigr ttine, (i!> AllNtS. .Tacl; Clm i;....... ......... ... .Kent Taylor Elena Valdez.. .Dona Drak*. Soniij IJ.-irilos .Tal:i BIrell Bandit (Chieftain.......(.eo.r-.jird Strong Lanee >Varburton ..... ; ,.. i. .Kcx Kvana Hendriek Van t^oydeii...,,.Robert Barrat .Tfin Sehn> ler.., ,.. .■ tCimytantin ^hayne Nils Otter........... ......... .Otto Reichow Budolpli b ...;.,. .....HiidoJuh. Aiideir.'i AVfrcr^o C'hiirtos,.....; foraaro stagecoach holdup, the dtter between Cannen's'two lovers, Jose and Gar- cia, and the bullfight scenei Photog- raphy is of top grade, especially in such shots as of smugglers and hoise- packs crossing the hills, or iii the bandits' pursuit of the stage-coach; Dialog and love scenes are blunt and sexy without being offensive, while speech and action have an earthy, humorous touch throughout. Performances are excellent. Vivi- ane Romance makes an unustially at- traotiye Carmen, with her acting siiggosting the fiery, elemental,gypsy to striking effect. Jean Marais, .as the taciturn J'ose, is unusually, hand- some while making his stock charac- ter essentially real.; Lucien Coedel, as the unscrupulous smuggler chict; Jean Rochard, the doiible-dealins!; innkeeper; Bernard; Belier, as a smuggler, and Mai^garite Moreno,, as a card-reading seer, bring rich flavor to their characterizations. Christien Jaquo's direction is fluid, so that at- tention never lags. ; Bron. who's familiar to some U, S. audi- ences for her work in "Casablanca," ''Paris After Dark" and "Frencli Touch." Light biz possibilities for America. "te ; Revcnant" ("The, Olirwt") (rRKNCH). Corona rcll'iisc of t.M.'.C.O. production; stars J.onia .(ouvet, (.inby ,\hir- l;iy, franeois Perier:. fe;ilnre.s I'.ndniilU Tchcrlna. Atarguei'-lte Moreno: .(tirectetl "by; Christian Jaque; storey and' (iiato^r.. Henr.v J.aen.soii.' ReviOW&d in . I^attis. liunnitts: . :iine. »0 .MIX8. . ■;;■' . ■■ Short on femme appeal, sto'ry; deals with a ballet ; impresario ; who: entices young Prancois perier fronri his native Ly.ons and wealthy family. Meanwhile impresario. Louis .Jouvet also revives the love Gaby Morlay had for him but jilts her at the last minute. Both Perier and .louvet turn in okay; performances. Marguerite ; Moreno shines in a minor role. Of- fers little for U. S. market.. - . ; New Foreign Films (Unltfcelv/or AnfftonU, Maricet) "Mai'iKliiin" lease of B.C.r. Itcsaj-, AnOree yli.r: .Tint Xiel( Tn Betty :..;..... Wardpii Kelly. HuUiie Schlipffer ...... Br.iad.way v... .Mill liiwe ....,, C.-vrKoni ,;..... 'roiinii.v ......, "IVrrniii-e :.. ■ . .Ija\vrcnce Tierney . i. Rartnn; ahicljane ...... .Miirinn (i*rr i..;.TJarrv Shannon ,,;.. . .Carol -l-'in nian .Vv .Ttifltard Towel's .,. . ;, .. :.Toe nevlin 'I'ony P.;irrelt , ,, ; ; . . . llonnel] ..... .Holiei'f ciiirlce . .; . .KaS'ntnnil t^urr ifcssioniil. S!(i(. IjaujiJliN ai Amiy 1lar«lv ;:; Mein, lel.. Sliir.» Mn-ki lillM N n.., Ittiln.rv roc-ie,! ' i„ . I^at'i-.x t:ii«k . )ii».I.>t"ii li.> Hovvaril nira.^dale; siinB«. itiir ;JV;. . Hrelil; ,.;imera, Uoberi I'liilieli : i.llit.rr Jl-rini. \V;nii|iiloji. Tritdcshoivn N'. Y. .N'ov lit. Itlinnliifi time, 9,1 IMINS, An. AllilK. n.e (if Knl>erl Sisl. iu'ttdii'ti'tn. >; lt()nh*^j'. , I'.evvls Stiiiii.;; feii- ll;uteii. Banita (IrtinVill.'. l.iii.'" llnlilen. norolhv i>i. WWi.s GpldbeeU. . KereeiKiI i.\. WjUiaiii I.iidwlR: ft;uni otln- 'I'lviiy......... ICilV Wil.sHl,,.. I.wl,ei (iipimiiles.,..... ';;'i'». liariiV ;;;.,, . , Curry: siniiii.-,... .lolihsun; :.Wan* i<m,,;i,jm,;, .HaJtCP.iljislwi.y c'rei'k;, 'Miss ^eftyiKi,.;,;,, ■ Mr. t'..'tiprii,.|........;. . .MU'liov ' Flaoney . ... .Lewis Stnne .... - ..Miii'ii 1 laden .Bonita (Jrjinrille . ;. . , l.ina Itoniav l-'av lliilden . . . Dm'nlliv ' l.'.ivd .Hal lliivKWI . ..Dieli .St:lniil(iiis t'Hilton .8iin(11ti»rK .KSecaMinfi Wall Addl.Hon ■ Jli.-linrd.i With Mickey Rooney back in mitfti "letro has taken the most poptilar celluloid family oft the shelf for an- other episode in the life and loves .OT Andy Hardy. This pic doesn't vary jyiicli from the basic formula used in jne ntimerous predecessors In the «aidy family saga, but why should Moic than ever now in this era JI, atomic jitters, the secure, com- nr II *"' ^ifitlle-class dream world 01 the i-iardy domicile ■ is guar- !i powcrtul].y iavorttbh- ami leii'.h , iCj, evervmah's escape into flf!")'!' e ■( nostalgia. nooiiey is a couple ol years older "San Qtienlin" stacks UP as a near- rioctinienlary with plenty of interest for the melodrama market. It is careftiUy produced, has a ring of authenticity and thoroughly fills its production aims of material for the actioii situations. Credit goes to Mar- tin Mooney for the care with which he has expended a minor budget in shaping production values that are above the level of the usual budget, thriller and the • stamp of realism -which he has given the picture. Cast name.'i' arc not assured b.o.. lyul thev all come through with per- r<)rranncos that add to overall feeling under Gm-tioii M. Douglas' show- manlv direction. Douglas whips to- gether (his tale of : reformation leagties Within prisons with plenty of nio'venient, s|)otting action and de- \elopnient without a slow moment. Lawrence Tierney, as a prisoner of San Quentin.,now reformed ahd just discharged from honorable Army service, acquits himself capably, making role believeable all the way. Plot frames its melodramatics iiiiHind efforts of Harry Shaimon, Ran (^uentin warden, to keep his l^i i.soiiers' welfare league .going in the. face of opposition. Takittg .a aroup of prisoners to San Francisco to speak to a newspaper club. SHan- luih is wounded an'ij; others lulled when a supposedly reformed inmate arranges an escape. To ;clear ;the warden's plan and iviake lite bettor _ for majority, of prisoners Tierney ;t','i8ii<J .qoes on'a manhunt for Bartoii Mac- Lane, the ki-ller, It'.s a long chase, hut interest is sustained, and winds up in a free-for-all slugging match that will the action lookers. Original script by Lawrence Kimble. Arthur A. Ross and Howard J, Green avoids as inilclv as pos.sible the usual cops-and-robbers cliches to keep if believeable. MacLane ttir.ns in sturdy badman cliaracteri7.ation. Shannon is good as the warden. Richard,s i.S;ade- qiiate as a detective who shadows. Tiernev... ,Toe Devlin is good for chuckles as ' Tierney's friend' and Marian Carr shows well as;fenvme interest Same goes; for Carol .For-., man. gangster nyoll. Neat .siiialler roles are contributed by Robert Clarke. Lee Bonnell, Tony Barllett. Robert' Clarke. Raymond Burr and several uncredited cast members. There's plenty of San Quentin foot- age included in the Frank Redman len.'<iiia lhal is an aid. Music score In- Pnil S:i\yte1l. tiaht .editina by "Dangeroiis Millions" is standard whodunit fare for dualer; situations. Pic is marked on the positive side by solid production dress, flrstrate cam- era work and competent thesping corps to handle the main roles. Chief drawback is the old hat plot which is not enhanced b.v any novel twists in the scripting. Film will serve okay, however, for purposes intended. Located in China; story concerns the murderous shenanigans within a group of remotely related heirs who are laying claim to the fortune of a shipping tycoon allegedly dead. After two of the claimants have been dis- posed of. rest of the .group is shang- haied to a mountain retreat by guerillas who want a cut of the in- heritance takes. Plots and counter- plots, escapes and additional, corpses cro\¥d the sci-een until the old ship- ping operator reveals himself and in- forms the remaining heirs that he devised the kidnapping to test their worthiness. Denouement comes only as mild surprise since this turn of events is telegraphed early in the film. Kent I'aylor, in the lead, registers well, as the debonair adventiu'er who^ equally handj; with darncs or gats. As the romantic interest. Dona Drake comes through less success- fully, badly mauling her, eraptions at the critical moments. . Leinard Strong, as the Chinese bandit; chief- tain, plays the epigrammatic Oriental to the hilt, while Robert Barrat, as the shipper, is also good. Rest of the cast give adequate support. Wcrm. (I'llENCn). Regiiia re- production; Star.s Franeoise (Hement. Paul Menrisse; features .Sinioiie .Sijfnorel. Jactiuesa l>acq- ntine; directed b.v iMaroel Blislene;. s<-reen. play, Jacfiues Viot: . camera. Louis ^Cjij; reviewed in t'tiris. .Running time 110 Ml.NS. Stronger than most local product and sure here Of hefty returns* this film's plot revolves around crooks, their mistresses and prostitutes in the Klontmartre . underworld. Direction of Marcel Blistene is top drawer: cast headed by Francoise Rosay. well known in U.;S., is excellent. "Maca- dam' is a good; bet for U. S, arty spots. JWaxi." "BalloiiKen" ("The BaUoon") (.SWB- JUSH). ISvenali:'PHialndustri relenso o( Nils INippe production; Btors Poppe: Cea- liires Jnra I.andgi'e, Mttriuiine'l'Brcn, M:»rianne .\iniuotr, Marianno Gyllenhnm- nulr, i;ila Noreon, .Tutia Caeser. SI i(C Olin, Sigge l'"uiHt: direoted by Poppe; screenplay. Pbmie and Gardar Sahlbers;; camera, Jlor- tin Eodin: reviewed in Sloclilioliit. ttunninj; time, 100 KII.NS. Nils Poppe .scores again with a film that's headed for hefly returns in Sweden. This year he rated an extra Swedish Oscar for his acting in "Money." Now lie's back with his second film which has cast him as a '■ratrii'" (FRKNCH), lii.piiia releuae of' I'iecre O.'ConnelrAryS' .\'is."iilti production; ; .«tars Piorre ; Blanchai', Maria .M-iliilian, .leun l^esailly; directed 1)>' l.oniH DtHinin. Ilf.vicwed: in Paris.' ttuniritiK tinie. 100 tllNSi. Costume, picture set in XVIth century Flanders under Span ish rule, this is based on Sardou's legit play. Story concerns Pierre Blanchar wiio heads a rebellion against Spanish' rule. He pretends not to know that his chief aide, Jean DesaiUycis hav- ing an aiTair with his wife so that rebels' chances may : not be hurt. When rebellion is put down, execu- tion scenes are among best of film.:' However, fair direction, stilled act- ing and lack of comedy relief pre- vents this frona comparing with the old "Kermesse; Heroiquo." ; No dice for U. S. 4'arinen (ITAlilAN-MADE) Supernim Disit;ibiitinj; .t'orp. I'eleaiie of Hi-'ilcra l''ilm (tinnic) prodtiotiOi».-.;^^tar^ Vi- vi;.u(. Itoniance; .featni.e^ .Tea.ft Mt^ru.'s. Mar- jiticrite .Moreno, .tutiun Bertcail.' Directed l<y Cln-i....iiaii .Jfnino. Adapled .from Prosper Meriinc(. ..lorv;. iniisic by.. 4;eor«e>' IliKet I'liinci-ii,' Cliiildo ..Vfatii.;' •F.i.i|<li.''.h liib's. Ilei- niritiC. ;AVeinla.rji.; At' At'iiliasiJftdin', N*. \ .\'i>V, 2li, '.lli "91r.4n Karlsson" ("I'rivair No. Dl KarltiHoii") (SWICniSlf) AK .Svea Film release of Film AB Iinajtn nrodiiclion: slars Cllls;;:Bah.istr»m, Siv Thuiin: features tJcd- Ecr tloeRlupa. Pritiof BiliciuiKt. D.itiiKlaa Haije. Thor Modcen; GustiuvLoeWtis; di- rected by HUKO Bolanaor; RcreenpLTV bv Harry Isobortr based on ntnrj- by ttndnlf Petternson.>wed In Stockholm. Itun- ; ninpr time. 8» MINSi ■ '-■ ;. ; Whole story suffers from faulty scripting. Billed as a comedv about military lite, it's far trom humorous. Little-for any foreign countries and dubious even'in Sweden. Vfinq, "II SnffH D*lW Foifi" (••OflCB : U Knoush" ilTRiENCM). Vos rtdi'jise; r.f SiKma prodMction; ■ 'stars Fernaiid Ci'rjivet; .■ TCdv'iK'e Fn.-lUere; features J1 enri Gnisni:, ■ directed by Andree Felx; based on shoi-t; story by rrf>lanffe ' T^rac: adaptation and ■ vikine of the 8tb century, a Turkish diaionr. itero «nd* M. (■). saMVHKi»<>n; re- ; Caliph of the 13th century, a French , viewed i« / wte. Rar^t.R ti,«e. km. .iiixs. King of the 17th. a clown of 1860 and I a Swedish student of 1946. Long cast is chiefly female. Comedy may do fairly well in V. S. Winq.. '•Im KcrinoBse Kou»e" C?The Scarlet Iia-/iiin'"V (KRKNCK). Ti. HreitJire- lease of t'.T.C. produi'tion. ^St-jra AHiort I'l'i'lean. Jetin i'iss.ier, Andrfe^KcrvIlb.tnKesi direi'ted liy .;('aul Alesnjer;. ha.sprt on; m-iK- inal story liy Mesnier; revteu'ed tn Paris., tliimvins lime'. '-^"N*'. . ' Local oraw will come mostly from nnmes and some amusing dialogue. Eklwige I'euillere portrays sculptress who falls .in love with explorer Fer- nand Grf.vey. Best performance is by Henr. Guisol as an art dealer, a friend of ^oth loveir who helps patch up their quarrels. Direction leans toward broad comedy. 'With difl!erent treatment, idea might make a good "omedy. Film has dubiotis value for ' f. S. market. Maxx. Exhibs Balk Continued from page 5 ( nl'in.'ii..... l*anicl;r, . ........ norote.i. Don Joje..... I.teutPrtHU.!.. .....'. I.uoas Kftc.tuilUu TJawta Roroentlado...,.. Lillas ;X'ast ia .. Itunnin'iS' ttipi", 100 .Ml.NS; . ..."vrivtane Tlnmancc .. .I.llll iUtrvo t ': .3,'jrar'tc'';..Sioi'cno . ,.; .. .M.'irais ..... .'AtlrlfiTln fli.illol(ii . ..lullt-n Kertau . . . ..., l.nclen ('oe.del ......Bprnnrd .TBOIier ........lean rtoi'ltard "I.e Prro Triiiiquille" ("The Quiet Dad- dy" (i'RKNCH).. Cnrouoa; reli'fise or B.l'..\r. iii'ivlircUiin: stars Nofl-S'.iel; fea- ttties .lean VnrJi.«. Diendinipe. .Claire ftlivier. .tiisp Arthni'; diiectcd )>>; Rene . Clement; screenpla.\'. ,\'nel-Xoe].^ Tleviewed in I'liris. Running tinn Hl.'i MINS. (In frfincl!,- Eti9li,sh. Titles) Prosper Merimee's novel about the temperamental gypsy ciyaret-girl. Carmen, has a lusty retelling in this film. Its vitality and frankness, its attractive principals and intriguing story, the familiar Bizet opera music used for backgroimd, ai'e all bound lo appeal.' Pic looks like tin excellent grosser for tljc arty houses. Filnied in Italy with a French cast, with .Fi'Tilch dialog (and English sub- .titlcsi.; pic is. uninhibited, bi'utal and real: It tells a story, of passion, in-; robbi^r.y and; murder with jbsorbing honesty. The story isbased on the Mcvimee original rather than on the sentimentalized operatic ver- sion which Biwt set to musiC; Certain parts of the opera music— like the changing of th« guards, sntu.eslers march, or card scene epi- Sode.«—are irialched with the film cotinterpai'ts. while a good deal more i..; used for general baekt;rouit|d. But, ,-iitboii.i>li the iniislc heightens the ef- fect to. anyone acquainted with the opera- or nriu,sic score, the picture ( Costume picture of the '90's is a long; flashback of an old painter's life portrayed by Albert Prejean. Despite fact that cost of film was only .around ^ $100,000, it shows as much prodtic- i tion values as the usual French , pic | budgeted at twice this amount. But film is obviously aimed at the French ^o. But, the exhib pointed out, Tn'^^^'in^n"! increase on the jump trom $2,- cnance in u. i ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^j^ ^ %ii.Vi, while he would only be earning $23.60 more. This would ihean. he de-.' dared, that he might reach a point where it wouldn't pay him anymore proportionately to gross more money, even though, his financial statements might shttw the picture was a record-breaker. . Same exhib averred he'd learned his le.ssoh on such deals from play- ing such top-grossing pix as 20th- Fox's "Leave Her to Hea\'en." Lat- ter film actually topped the theatre'.^ record. Fact that 20th took so much of the gross, however, left him with only a slightly larger net profit than he would; ha'Ve made under ordiiiary circumstances, j Ma.ior affiliated circuit.<. incident-; I ally, have similarly tui'ilcd ' down • ; sttch deals in booking product from their opposition, even thougli they might charge the saine for their ov.m product tO: indie exhibs. .Warner .theatres, , for example. , refused to; I play the first two Ddnny Kaye piC-; Vnduly .low pace and repetitious I tii''««.>';pp i" Arms" and "WoiidSP, Use^ lrick sets htirts. chances of | Man K tecausc^produqer Sam Gold- this aim^ StOrVj 8 fairy tale in medi- wyn had insisted on such a deal... aeval costumes, shows; Jo.sette Day ! recent Kaye starrer, hnu'cver, , in a Ci.nderella'part falling in love! cKid from, Brooklyn") was,sold oil v.Mth a motistei* ;whp turns into a t straight ■percentage tcrrhs -and: has, Priiice Charming upon, death. PiC- j .betn aecopt^d b^. the Warner chain. ■ ture IS fjcared more f"3;,,lhe aily , ^^^-^f. exhibs concede that in most Local Noel-Noel fans are provide nice returns here. For America, it. looks cued for foreign language spots. Theme is the over- played underground - tools - the -Ger- mans with Noel-Noel acting with the role of a spnair town bourgeois who secretly is the head of the local underground.. Rene Clement, who dirjfcted "Bataillo du Kail" and won the director prize at the Cannes festival with it. did a neat job on what is primarily :N£'s picture. . "I.a Itelle el iB Bel.'':' ("Tlie IV'aut.v Mid the li.-a.'.'t" (li-KKNCII;). lii,.n.ina I'c- le;it.e of Andre J'anlvc pti.iltlcliotl,; Kiai.s .iHiiti Slarai..., ,(o.<"'tte ; l)!(y.' .Mlla I'st'el;. : ,tii red p.d It.v' ,1 en It, t 'Oct can:'e,.i(i>l.'i V. < tei,ii. base'd on. MhtH-l .'story b.v .\1 rv. 1 .ejo iiice (le . Hf.!tii\.'.iiu:' cainefti'. -M} ' ' "'' in' Paris. Itiinn'itiK time. Ma''\;:i Cuil and factors are: sturdy. othel- te''i)fiical Bi'oa. I III .MtNf crowd than the ma.sses. Offers little ^ ^^^^^ majors will grant them an' hope for American market ■Tlie Piuyfilists" oifld stand on its bwn without it. It's melodramatic, period .stufl'. but excecriingl,y well done. .Storv. describes the romanoe of Carn'ie'n and her dragoon friend. Don ,lose: his murder of his lieutenant because of her, and his sub.sequent taking up with her smuggler-robber band: Carmen's desfertion of for a toreador, and her death at .Tose's hand"!. Operatic characters like Mica- ela ai-e oniitled. without in the least afTeciing the stm-y. Sliirv is (iiled with, graphic incir (lent; Mi(h rif- the fight in the lactorv between the two cigarcl girls, a I adjustment if they lose money on a '. percentage deal, tliey claim that .i there's no reason for the di.stribs to '""' I take so much more proportionately when a picture doesoul.standing busir.' ncs.s. Majors,, in their turn, claim "1 e« Chouaiis" (I'liKNCIIl. ''in'imn' rctca I. CBinn.l iiri|.illcli""l ."I'""! .le ., . ., , , . lures .Mtnleitiie I!. Ijins-un. .Vlul'.letne..|,el..-in; i M-ilvcl llenaiiil sn.l Seiglici ; dlveclcd l>y II, 1111 calefi scrceirptay, ''ha>'l'"S . S'nj,''''. I i.^..,.-,. ' '':;,:|.;''^'nu;K On":'been forced to up their view Pit in P;i Picture of the French. Revolution period this shows the lastt. .stand of the French Royalists in Brittany against the republican army and police. Direction is spotty. All the dialog has a decided lecl twist and picture docs not compare well willi the novel. Main interest for Amen- caiis is casting of Madeleine Lobcau rentals because of their increased production costs, maintaining the sliding scale means an equitable dis- tribution of the earnings all the way arbund. As one sales chief put it, his cbtnpany "doesn't want a dollar tnore thSin a picture earns—but neither does it watil a dollar less, than a picture can earn."