Variety (Jan 1947)

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22 Wednesday, January 1, 1947 Mack TeOs FCC Off in WCAM Case, Takes M Stand but Offers Deal Mel life's CBS Show Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. has bought a 15-minute strip on CBS, Mon.-Fri., 6-6:15 p.m. for a new? show, .starting Feb. 17. Young & Rubicam i.s the agency.;: So far, only 41 stations have been cleared in the deal, and no personality has been set for it. Washington, Dec. 30. The long wrangle Qver the ■WCAM-Maek Radio Sales Corp. deal ■was aired again before FCC last Friday (27) with the ■ FCC beuig told that it was a private arrangement between Mack and the City of Camden, N. . — and none of the conirtiission's business. The "nilt-s to you" stand wa.s pre .| scnted to the FCC by Paul M. Segal, | counsel for Mack Corp., at a hearing ■ . (over renewal of .license of the sta j tion owned by the city. FCC has i been threatening , to put WCAM out of ■ business because of the contract | under which WCAM has sold Mark , the bulk of its weekly | time for Mack to chop up and re j sell as it pleases. WCAM has no control over the time,' according to • FCC flridings. In addition to telling |FCC to 1 mind its own business, Segal sug gested that his client, Aaron Heine owner of Mack Radio, would glad to make a deal. He . cancel his contract if FCC license him to build and operate i, ^^ore of the outlets. Now. the total a 1,000-watt station of his own in. amount spent for . time wiir deter Sponsors Can Now I Build Own Hookup Principal feature of the . new rate ! card, according to Fred Thrower, j eepee in charge of sales for the I net. is m tying discounts to dollar I volume instead of to the number of would stations. Until now, the discount injyould ! creased when an adverti.ser bought Camden. Previously FCC had nixed Heine's application. ' John R. DiMona, City Solicitor of Camden, explained that WCAM was trying its best to get out from under ths JO-year contract signed in 1938. He said he had filed suit in the U. S. district court asking that the | ;„ contract be voided on the ground j mine the amount of discount. By changing this structure, said Thrower, and allowing the advertiser to pick his own stations— after purchasing, time on the basic, net— the man who pays the money can decide to use a station in town A Pennsylvania, and in town B m, if he is interested in those SI L V E R TO N GU ED A N N O U N C E R LEE JONES National int,eroolleKlate jlebate champion, wcar.s a I'lil Ueta Kappa K-t>: ha.s hfen .slher-umguiniif common i.i I.s over ICLZ for 3 years, KLZ, DENVER. From the Production Centres that FCC would withdraw the sta I specific markets, tion's license otherwise. ■ | The more stations the advertiser Friday's hearing was an appeal i buys_ the higher discount, regardIrom proposed decisions, under jpss location Of those stations. .•Which FCC -youW PMt WCAM off | He can virtually make up his own net, after he has contracted for the basic. The only group, aside from the air pending termination of its contract With Mack Sales and aLso approving a new station, WKDN, for the Camden area. It would be owned by Ranulf Compton, of Madi-. -son, Conn. Also applying for the channel was THAT, Philadelphia, which now ■Shares a channel with WTEL in Pbilly: William A. Koplovitz, counsel for WHAT, claimed that William A. Bank.s, head of WHAT, and lifelong resident of Philadelphia, could better serve the area than a man from Connecticut. However, Arthur H. Schtoeder, representing, Compton, said his client 'would serve Camdeh full-time while WHAT would devote only one hour daily of programming to that city. A decision is expected in a month or two. CBS Scripters Set for 'School' I Under a new arrangement at CBS headquarters in New York the Program Writing Division has taken over the full job of providing scripts for the "American School of the Air" series, which Education Di^r vision and Leon Levine, as producer, operate. This reverses previous policy of freelancing many of the scripts alj though Frank Ernest Hill in the Education Division always provided some writing. Current writer assignments on "Nations" School series are as follows: Jan. 6 — Ru s s i a— W i.l 1 i am K. eiarke. Jan. 13 — ^Italy— Elwood Hoffman. 20— 'Cuba— Draper Lewis. 27-^Korea — Sylvia Berger. 3— rTurkeyWames Hart. 17-^PoIand^Vincent McGon the basic, where he cannot get sta tions to add to his net at will is the Mountain-Pacific group of outlets. The new structure, said Thrower, "stabilizes discount requirements on a dollar basis; gives the sponsor greater freedom in the selection of his stations; and provides higher discounts for smaller networks, to encourage the potential national advertiser to use network . radio more easily." Network hookups are entering a new stage of crazy-quilt criss-crossing as a result of a move eflfective this week <on the ABC web which may soon be followed by the other ma.ior nets. ABC is putting its new rate card into effect tomorrow (Wednesday). And part of its new discount scheme is giving coast-to-coast sponsors a virtual premium for making things tough for the engineers in charge of the hookups. Within certain limi. tations in regard to the basic net work and the Mountain-Pacific area, sponsors will now be able to build their own networks. A sponsor will be able to use only 170 out of ABC's total of 235 stations, cutting off 65 i of the net's stations and still come | out with a, top discount of 45% for^ daytime and 42%% for nightime programming. WNBC Ties In With WPAT To Salute Paterson In 'Affiliate' Switcheroo For at least one show on Jan, 24; WPAT, Paterson (N. J.) indie, will become an NBC outlet, while WNBC, the net's New York flagship,^ is likely to become a temporary "affiliate" of WPAT for about 30 minutes that day. , _ Switcheroo is_on'^the schedule in connection with WNBC's explbitation of its listening area, during which it stages a "Salute" to a different city in its region every couple of weeks. -As part of its plan, the NBC station IS tying in with newspapers, civic organizations, etc., in the varir ous communities which it salutes. ABC I When it came to planning "Salute to Paterson," station manager Jim I Gaines and field exploitation director Murry Harris invited WPAT's cooperation on the theory that the station, sole local radio outlet, is as much a part of the local scene as any other major enterprise. Sidney J. Flamm, veepee-general manager ^of WPAT, and Dave Golden, station's publicity director, worked out the plans with Gaines, Harris and WNBC's flack chief Bob Davis. In keeping with its routine on all "Salutes," WNBC will program its entire daytime schedule, from 6 a.m. to 6:40 p.m., to tieins with Paterson. During the day. there will be one show, originating at WNBC, which will be called "Salute to WPAT," The local station will carry the show. Plans are under way also for a possible origination from WPAT to be aired by WNBC. "Salute" will close with" WNBC's "Serenade to America'' show, 6:156:40 p.m. , Jan. Jan. Feb Feb. nor. ■ ■ Feb. 24— Argentine— Elwood Hoff . man. ■ ■ ' ■ ' Mar. 17Mar. 24 -Ireland-^Draper Lewis. -Liberia — James Hart. Irna Phillips Settles r 'Guiding Light' Suit Hollywood, Dec. 30. Irna Phillips has made a settlement for an undisclosed amount of the legal action taken against her »nd Carl Wester for an accounting of "The Guiding Light." Payoff was made to Emmons Carl.son of NBC in Chicago, who claimed a half interest in the serial and was upheld in court. Washup came as attorney for .Cal'Lson was preparing .to file an sccouniing action. Btatinec opera was taken off the Sir by General Mill."! pending outcome of legal but no decision has been reached on resuming with it. B'WAY DOESN'T TALK SO WOR SHOW MAY EXIT "Broadway Talks Back." the Mutual show which has been on the air Monday nights, 10-10:30 on WOR, N. Y.,. and a half hour later., on Ihe net, may go off in another three weeks. . : , The show has not attracted as much attention as had been hoped for it. Chief reason is .said to be that, cxcep'v on rare occasiors, producers of Broadway . Icgiters pull their punches and don't really "talk back" to the critics. .O.ften; too, the crix who'd been toughest on certain shows become .sweet as sugar when they go on the air, willing to forget all and patting on the back the same guys they'd previou.sly rapped in print. Result is that the .show HshI too often been a love feast, when fireworks were expected. Show is going to be given another whirl lor a few week.s. But I unless it picks up. WOR, which initiated the project,: is willing to : call the whole thing a mistake. 60,850,000 Radio Sets In U.S. for 1946 Marks New All-Tnne Record Washington, Dec. 30. Ownership of radio sets has hit an all-time high, according to a survey by the NAB research department. The study, to be distributed to NAB members in the near .future, estimates a set ownership of 60,850,000 a.s of the elo-se of this year, a jump of 3.000,000 over the total for 1945. NAS figures that approximately 34,800,000 of the nation's 38-,120,000 tamiliKS own radio receivers. ■ Remainder of sets in relation are either extra units in the , homes, radios in business iirmi!, in institutions, hotels, etc., lor a total, of 19,050,000 plus another 7,000,000 installed in automobiles. ^ NAB figured, broadcast advertising at close to $433,000,000 for 1946, a jump of $21,452,000 6ver 1945, which was a sock year. Billings are broken down as follows; national nelwork.s, $191,000,000; Regional i N. Y.. was agreed to last ~ week: fJV JVEir YOKK CITY . . . Bing Crosby still owes Kraft Music Hall two guest shots and J. Walter Thompson agency is hoping he'll come through on his visit to New York next month... .That hectic CBS routine has resulted in Red Barber giving up his Scai'sdale home and moving into town in a Park ave. apartment. . . . Two of Fred Allen's scripters, Terry Ryan and Harry Barley, are ex-piBiio players with dance band.s'. , . .Edward iEverett Hortonj now he'.s off the Kraft .show/ has returned to his perennial touring fave, "Springtime For Henry," while working his way Isack to the Coast to d* a film. . . .Lyie Sudrow added to "Lora Lawtoti", , . .Francis DeSales joins ".Rose of My Dreams" players: . . .Rene Gekiere new to " Plain Bill". ,. .Richard Janaver added to "David Harum" . . . .Barry <WOR). Gray's "Gall Thr.Oiigh ^ the Night" book, which Frederick Fell, Inc., will now publish as an auto " biographical, will be revamped, in view of his new show format. Gray •switched publishers when Reader's Press wanted him to make it more of a text book. Jack Doyle, copy editor at Mutual flackery, has resigned. .NBC's "Orchestras of the" Nation" Saturday show now being carried: sustaining by 120 affiliates, .. .WWRL sales staffer Tom Delaney in ho.spital with head injury as result of Christmas Day fall. ., .Arthur Hayes, 'WCBS manager, ' elected to exec, committee of Catholic Institute of the Press. .. .Emmelt Heerdt new business manager for CBS' spot broadcasting division. Radio Sales... ABC commentator Gene Hamilton launches his "Footlighfeis," diamat group at Baldwin. L. I., with production of "Let Us Be Gay," leads played by radio actors Tom Gorman and Sam Raskyn. .. .Detroit Symphony Orch, which starts series of broadcasts on ABC, Jan. 19, skedding series of road tours. . . .Kenyon & Eekhardt 'agency radio dept. forming (lying club, . . .Radio literati in print in next couple of^onths include Helen J Siouiisat, CBS talks, director; with an article in Pageant mag on— "Why Women Don't Get Along With Men in Business,'' and Joseph -.Liss with a piece on the radio scripter's trials and tribulations in Theatre Arts ; Monthly As of tonight (Tuesday) WHOM goes into all-night operatmn, ^ with Sid Torin and Ray Carroll jointly doing a midnight-5 a.m. "Alter Hours" disk jockey whirl. .. .Arnold Horwitt to writing .stable for Kraft Music Hall. .. .Births to families of WMCA staffers piling up, with girls added to menages of director Joe Gottlieb and announcer George Willard ... . WLIB chief of promotion and publicity Fred Methot ha.s resigned to pay more attention to his Mutual network show, ^Crimes of Carelessness,^ and to make other tieups for 1947. He's succeeded by Saml Elfert. Larry Menkin back from his Warners lot chore on the Coast and readying Franchot Tone air series based on .Upton Sinclair's Lann,v Budd chronology. " Hart and Kitty Carlyle will do a Jan. 5 guest shot for Hilriegarde ....Ted Collins back on the "Kate Smith Speaks" show by remote: he's still so weak from that program airs from his Manhattan apartment ... .Girl, Dana Lou, born Friday t27) to the Danny O'Neils. , ..ABC's Etf Noble will team with Jim Farley, Baul Whiteman and EGA-Victor baritone Robert Merrill in a special ABC hour's broadcast Sunday (5) for the Salvation Army-Fund. .. .United Parents commended " of Mystery" and "Superman" as "definitely worthwhile programs for children," blowing into a cocked hat the holier-than-thou comments on the thrill shows. .. .Paul Laval was signed last week to do series of spring -season children's concerts at Town Hall. of the shows will bow in Easter week....Lyn Farnol, Sam Goldwyn's top ad-publicity man, takes to the lecture platform next Monday (6) at Dick Pack's NYU radio course to tell the story of film-radio tieups and their boff payoff . . . .Arnold Hartley of WOV bedded again after relapse That do.uble-entendre commercial on the Jean Sablon show last Saturday (28) which looked innocent enough on paper and which got an okay right down the line, had CBS squirming over the weekend, lis HOLLYWOOD ... It was Harry Witt, assistant to Don Thornburgh at CBS, who smoothed down the ruffled feelings of Frank Smatra upon his return to Hollywood. Swooner had in.sisted on rehearsing in the net's Vine St. theatre despite that it was overrun with Elgin holiday stars and Lou Bring's band. It , was not until the night before that Sinatra succumbed to the honeyed words of Witt and moved into a studio at Columbia' Square. . . Frank Hodek, one time NBC music director on the Coast, finally getting out of JJle~Army and resuming his career. He has been stationed in Alaska where, the temperature, he says, hit as low as 72 under the zero point. .. .Nate Tufts added Jim Newton to his staff at W. Earl Bothwell agency. ...Art Marquette here to look over things including the Rose Bowl game.... Norman Blackburn, for eight years with J. Walter Thomp.son in the Hollywood office, has been made a' veepee to match headman Cornwall Jackson's title.... NBC is tossing a dinner for Edgar Bergen at the Bevhills hotel Jan. 19 to observe hi.s 10th anni with Standard Brands, .. .Sybil Bock, who retired last season as for Lum and Abner and other . programs, returned to pump the pedals for Bill Stern. .. .Howard Blake pulled out as writer-producer of "Meet the Missus" to devote full time to his packaged "That's Life," audience participator carried by CBS. Benay Venuta getting active again, working in a picture and doing a guest shot lor Ed Gardner. . . .George Hope left Eddie Bracken's writing staff, now reduced to Wilkie Mahoney, Leston Nickerson and John Elliott . Jack Benny slated for three guest shots in as many weeks; with Dennis Day, Screen Guild Players and The Kenny Baker show .. The Henry ■Mprgan.sponsor-belittling twist is catching on here, the latest copyer being a used car lot .sponsoring hour of di.sks on KXLA nightly. Plug copy is twitted and bankroller, "Wild Man" Pritchard, gets, a gentle twitting, too. On New Year's eve Ea.ster records were played.., Ted Hediger. .scnpter of Bill Gargan's "I Deal in Crime." flew to Switzerland to settle an aunt's estate. He advanced the show four weeks of script. Ring In the New First 1947 contract placed by^ WOR, webs. $9,000,000; n a tio na 1 spot, $117,000,000, and loeal retail, $116,000,000. Mutual Sc«recard: 384 Mufual's march toward its goal of 400 statiohs brought 19 more outlets to the web in December, joining, (Elective May 1, being WBBC, a 1,000-watter, for a total of 384. eflecl.ive Jan. 8. embracing a 24week schedule of five 15-minute shows a week for General Foods. Program, slotted in the 12:45-1 p.m. .spot, will be a quiz on romance, titled "This Is Love," with Eddie Dunn as emcee. Product to be nlugged will be Maxwell House coffee. ' Benton : & < Bowles is the agency. IN CHICAGO ... Judith Waller. NBC Central Divi.sion educational director; oft to Austin and speeches at Univ. of Texas WIND staffers hit by avalanche of cigars after two babies in one week, girl for flack Bob Tuni.son and ditto : tor news cd Jimmy Dale Mel Drake, manager of WDGY. St. Paul, named grand champion swimmer by Minneapolis Athletic club.... Bill Dooley, long time WBBM .salesman, now with WRLX, Lexington, Ky.,,.-DeWitt Mower. Mutual midwest .sales topper, became a daddy again:.:.Two Ton Baker aired hi.s new original "Eachy Peachy Pie" via a shot on Hal Tate s "Strictly Show Business" a la WAIT. . . .Chuck Wiley, of Mutual's midwest oflice, off to Dalla.s where he will piwliice New yms Day Cotton Bowl game, while Connie Rivard, MBS Chi publicitv .stiider, treks to tor Bowler: .. .Larry Nus.s, formerly with KOL, Seattle, is new .sales exec at WDGY, St. Paul. .. :Bill Murphy, NBC Central Divi.sion script manager, hospitalized. . . .Bill Downs, CBS correspondent, and Bikini atom observer, and bride of two weeks, visiting Chi. . . .Wijina G Williams, WL,S publicity, returned aft6r vi.sit to Fowler, Indiana ... .Kirby Hawks replaces Russ Young as producer of WBBM Schaeffer's "Adventurer's Club". ..Craig Claiborne, ABC Central Division publicity staffer, due back from Mi.ssi.ssippi after vacation ...Bill Thompson, of Fibber McGee .show, in town seeing old friends. . . .WGN airing salute to Chicaso Tribune's centennial year. Looks like Don McNeil and his ABC "Breakfast Club" will go before Hollywood cameras even though deal with Monogram fell flat last ytiir. Current dickering ha.s two film companies after show, with McNeil prttly certain of accepting one. .. .Everett Holies, WBBM news editor, leaves: Washington Jan. 14 for 3C-day tour of American occupation zone.s in Europe, after being cho.sen one of seven new.smen by War Dept.. .Mi-yor Kelly ^nd Burl Ives guested on Nate Gro-ss Sunday nite WBBM spot, ... Breakfast Club's Jack .Owens crooning took second place to ■ Ws ifecent laryngitis. •■■»■