Variety (Dec 1947)

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Dw Lee Net Cuts Martin Hock For Disk Criticisnis Hollywood, Dtc. 2. Since exitinf KFWB and decreas- ing his tplftsh Martin Block has run into further'trouble on the Don Lee net. For failing to abide the re- gional chain's instructions' to soft- pedal criticisms of recordings the ac6 platter man'* time on KHJ lo- cally and the Lee sltein has been re- duced to three aponsored quarter hours weekly and all suiitaining'time ■withheld. Net takes the stand that Block if not professionally qualified to pass judgment on musical works and that ifche didn't like certain folks or their disks he should not play them. In- cident, started over his critiques of Beryl Davis and Betty Rhodes. Block takes the view that all must stand on their own when included in the "reviewing" section of hlS broad- casts. 4S N Y. COMMODORE SETS ROOM AS 12-MONTHER Century Room of the Commodore hotel, New York, becomes a year- round operation next summer for the first time, although it had made many plans in the past to stay open through the hot months. Recent installation of air-conditioning will allow those plans to go through. Woody Herman's reorganized or- chestra was signed by the Commo- dore last week; he opens in April for either four or six weeks: Herman has never before played the Com- modore, his ^. Y. hotel locations in the past covering only the Ne'w Yorker - and -Pennsylvania. Both these wots, hccwever, are controlled by ma}or< boolcittg agencies and since Hermaii recently shifted from Gen- eral Artists to the new Continental agency,' Coast outfit, getting into dtber' ispot'iwould have. been, diffir cult. RETm DISK BEST SELLERS Surbty of retail disk best sclicrs, based on reports ob- tained /rom leading stores in 10 cities, 'and sHotuin'o com- pitrotivc sales ratine for this and liast^weefe. .. National Rating This Last wk. : wk. Week Ending Nov. 29th Arltai Label, Vttlc FK*NOlf^CItAtQ (Bullet) VAtTCll^ Mdl^llOE'(Victor) "Ballerina" T O T A L P O I T S 64 55 3 ,3 ABTHUR GODFREY (Columbia) ' ••Too Fat Polka" .. 5 6 5 85 ANDREWS SIS-DANNY KAYE (Decca) ••Civilization" 2 2 3 26 JACK OWENS (Tower) "How Soon" 10 I 23 6 13 BETTY HDTl'ON "I Wish I Didn't Love You So". 22 FIVE TOP ALBUMS "XMAf CAROLS^' ting Cretby . Decca '60iS TO TOWN' DvMlhy'Shay Columbia ."PAinc AVE" , berethy Shay Columbia McKmley Wm Over Majestic In AFM Ikmm American Federation of Musicians has returned a - verdict in favor of Hay McKinley in the latter's attempt to pry himself loose from his Majesi. tic recording contract. Decision was delivered early this week, and Gen- eral Artists, McKinley's booker. Im- mediately set about signing his band with another recording company to • allow him time to lay in some masters before the Jan. 1 recording/ ban. . , In deciding to recognize McKin- ley's claims that Majestic had not lived up to the terms of its contract with himi AFM's Rex Riccardi, who judged the case, had many things to (Continued on page 44) . AL JOLSON Album No. I Decca . AL JOISON Album No, a Decca * MILLER, JOE SANTLY REELECTED BY MPCE ' Mu?ic Publishers Contact Employ- ees elections in New York Monday (1) produced only minor changes in the executive setup of the organi- zation. Bob Miller was unanimously reelected president without opposi- tion, and the same applied to Jo» Santly, veepee, Who replaced Rocco' Vocco in that position when the lat- ter resigned seve'ral months; age- Charles Lang was reelected treas- ; urer over the opposition supplied by Ralph Smitman, who had beeii • council member but sought the Lan;g. spot.,.' . On the Council three men were re* ' placed, one, of course, being Smit- man and. the other Johnny Green. Harry Santly had previously re- ' placed Nat' Debin, who dropped off the board because he's- no longer a ' music man. Electees, all of whom take office Jan. 1, consist of Santly, Larry Shayne, Harry Weinstein, Sammy Smith,. Gene Goodman and Leo, Distbn. All^MPCE members .iiationed in , outlying towns cast theit'ballots by - mail»' To All Recording Companies ALL DRESSED UP with a BROKEN HEART THERE'LL BE SOME CHANGES MADE MIAMI BEACH RUMBA I KNOW IT EVERY DAY'S MY BIRTHDAY GILLY GILLY WISH WASH BELOVED BE MINE PLAY THE PLAYERA TIME AND AGAIN SILLY NO-SILLY YES EDWARD B. MARKS MUSIC CORPORATION RCA Building Radio City New York HAROLD LEE, General Professional Manaqer The House of Malagueng, Parade of fhe Wooden Soldiers, Paper Doll, Peanut Vendor, Song of the Islands," I Wonder Who s Kisbinq Hi'r Now ■ El Roncho Grande, Breeze and I (Andalucia), Play Fiddle Play, Jair Me Blues, Poinciana, Sari Walfz, Amapola, Frasquiici Sereriods!, Your^ Tango of Roses and hundreds of other hits, ripe for recording again.