Variety (Feb 1948)

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PICTITBfi GROSSES 11 Storm SkHighs Chi; M-RaiT 'Reloidess'-EMaxwcfl hxm^ 42G . , Chicago, Feb. 3. -f Six hew films are failing to shake off winter's icy grip on grosses here this week. Lifesaver for many houses was the between-scmester school holiday that brought droves of teenr auers into the Iioop. Best of the new entries looks to be "Prince of Thieves" "with the Three Stooges heading stage bill at the Oriental, at neat $45,000, State-Lake shapes stout at $'42,000 with "Kelentless" and Marilyn Maxwell topping stageshow, Roosevelt St6ry" is light $9,000 at tho small-aeater jGarrick. Riff-Raff" looks okay' $15,500 at the Grand. Palace should be passable at $18,500 loi' 'Night Song." ^'Frieda',' shapes as *lean $11,000 at United Artists. "Bishop's Wife," nearing the end of its first month at the Woods, con- tinues to top all holdovers at torrid $28,000. "WUd .Irish .Rose" promises a crisp $35,000 In its second weeh at the Chicago, "Gentleman's Agree- ment" spurted in spite of cold to a grm $13,000 for its 12th week. EsUnutea far This Week ApolU (B&K) (1.400; $1.28)— "Gentleraaa's- Agreement" (20th) (12th wkX' Gooa $13,000. Last week, *''chicag'5'*(B&K) (3.900; 98)-"WUd Rose" (WB) (2d wk). Strong $33,000. Last week, big $40,000, Garrlck (B&K) (900; 98)—"Roose- velt Story" (UA). light $9,000. Last week, "Bad Men MBsouri" (WB and "McGuerins Brooklyn" CUA) (reissues) {2d wk), $12,000. Grand (RKO) (1.500; 93)—"Riff- Raff" (RKO). Okay $15,500. last week. "Secret Beyond Door" (U), $17 500 Oriental (Essaness) (3,400; 98) "Prince of Thieves" (Col) with Three Stooges heading stagebill. Neat $45,- 000. Last week, "Driftwood" (Rep) with "Sugar Chile" Robinson on ^*fa^!'*fRKO) (2,500: 98)-"Night Sons" (RKO). Passable$18,500. Last week. "Woman's Vengeance" (U), $17 000 liialto (Indie) (1,700; 98)—"Slight Case Murder" (WB) and "I Am Fugi- tive" (WB) (reissues). Crisp $15,000. Last week, "Son Frankenstein" (U) and "Bride of Frankenstein" (U) (re- issties), solid $16,200. Rocseveli (B&K) (1,500; 98)—''The Flame" (Rep) (2d wk). Down to $9,000. Last week, oke $11,000. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 98)— "Relentles.s" (Col)° with Maiilyn Maxwell heading stagebill. Stout $42,000. Last "Week, "Always To- gether" (WB) with personal of Esther Williams. $45,000 in 8 days. United Artists (B&K) (1,700; 98)- "Frieda" (U). Lean $11,000. Last week, "JeEebel"»(WB) (reissue) (2d wk). okay $10,400. , Woods (Essaness) (1,073; 98)— "Bishop's WiV (RKO) (4th wk) Sizzling $28,000. Last week, $29,500 Wftrld (Indie) (587; 77)—"Barber of Seville" (Indie) (6th wk). Final week looks sock $4,800. Last week, $4,000. K.C. P«rks Up Despite Snow;'Winter'$16,000, Trim; XC. Kid' $14,000 Kansas City, Feb. 3 Weather here looked like it would slow down bi* badly this week, but after snow and cold on Thursday and Friday cleared up, trade picked up some. Best money is going to Midland witli "li Winter Comes." "Heaven OnJy Knows," retitlcd "Kansas City Kid" for playdate here, is getting some play because of new tag name at the 'Tower-Up- town-Fairway. "My Wild Irish Rose" continues big at the Paramount in third week. Estimates for This Week ^poHo (Fox Midwest) (1,100; 45- 55)—"Driftwood" (Rep) and "Calen- dar Girl" (Rep). This house steps up from a subsequent run to flrstrun for weelc. Not so bad at $4,000 or : close. Esquire (Fox Midwest) (820; 45- 65)—"Gay , Ranchero" (Rep) and "Back in Saddle" (Rep) Creis.sue). Fine $5,500. Last week, "Jungle Book" (UA) (reissue) and "Under Tonto Rim" (RKO), okay $4,500. Midland (Loew*s) (3,500; 45-f55)— "If Winter Comes" (M-G) and "Mur- der in Reverse" (Indie). Strong $1G,000. Last week, "Sleep, My Love" (UA) and- "Devil Ship" (Col), $15,000. Orpheum (RKO) (1,900; 45-65)— "Tho Fugitive" (RKO). Passably good $10,000. Last week, "Sierrq Madre" (WB), about same. Paramount '^arV (1,900; 45-65)— 'Wild Irisl: Rose" (WB) (3d wk). Still strong $12,000. Last week, fancy $14,000. Boxy (Durwood) (900; 4.5-63)— "Golden Boy" (Col) and "Good Girls To Paris" (Col) (reissues). Mild $4.,500. Last week, "Burning Cross" (SG) and "Flight To Nowhei-e" (SG), slow $3,500. Tower-lTptown-Falrway (Fox Mid- west) (2,100; 2,04.S, 700; 45-65)— 'Heaven Only Knows" (UA). Average $14,000. Playing here as "Kansas City Kid." Last week. "Tender Years" >m^); slow $11,000. Estimates Are Net Film gross estimates, as re- ported ^herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net, i.e., with- out the 20% tax. Distributors share on net take, when playing percentage, hence the estimated .figures are net income. The parenthetic admission .prices, however, as indicated, inclDde the V. S. amusement tax. StLooSnowdln, linter'Hot 24G St. Louis, Feb: 8. Big storm that bit here last Friday Saturday squelched what looked like an upswing at the turnstiles. Ex- hibitors -wete.bard hit especially be- cause of wealth of fresh fare being offered cui-rently. "If Winter Comes" appears the top coin^getter, but WaUc Alone?' and "Woman's Venge- ance" are strong. Estimates for This Week. Ambassador (F&M) (3,000; 50-75) —"Woman's Vengeance" (U) and Upturned Glass" (XJ). Big $18,000 Last weelc, "The Flame" (Rep) and "Always Together" (WB). $12,000. Fox (F&M) (5,000; 50-75)—"I Wallt Alone".(Par) and "Blonde, Savage" (EL). Strong $22,000. Last week, "Captain- Casttle" (20th) (2d wk), fine $15,000. Loew's (Loew) (3,172; 50-75)—"If Winter Comes" (M-G) and "Killer Dill" (SG); Fancy $24,000 or near. Last week, «Sle^. My ,Love" (UA) and "Flight to Nowhere" (SG)., $15,. 000, di-sappointing. , Missouri (F&M) (3,500; 50-75)- "Night Song" (RKO) and "The (Continued on page 22) Frisco Cold rdts Biz; 'Sierra' Sock $28,500 San Francisco, Feb. 3.; Colder weather is boosting biz here this week despite the number of holdovers. Personal of Buddy Rogers is helping "Sleep, My Love at United'Ai-tists where a big session is in 4)rospect. "Sierra Madre shapes for sock week at Paramount but "Woman's Vengeance" looks rhild at Orpheum. Top holdover is "Cass Tlmberlane" at Fox altljough ''Walter Mitty" still is fine on third week at Warfield. Estimates (or This Week Golden Gate (RKO) (2,844; 65-$l) —"Night Song" (RKO) plus vaude headed by Barry Wood and. Wilbur Hall (2d wk). Nice $19,000. Last week, big $29,500. Fox (FWC) (4,651; 60-95)-"Cass Timberlane" (M-G) (2d wk). Sturdy $20,000 or near. Last week, fine itor KQQ Wai-fleld (FWC) (2,656; 60-85)- "Walter Mitty" (RKQ) (m.o.) (3d wk). Fine $15,000. Last week, *^Pwamount (Par) (2,646; 60-85)— "Sierrd Madre" (WB). Sock $28 500 Last week, "I Walk Alone'' (Par) (2d wk), okay $14,500. St. Francis (Par) (1,400; 60-85)— "Road to Rio" (Par) (6th wk). Husky $9,000. Last week, $9,500. Orpheum (Blumenfeld) (2,448; 55- 85)— "Woman's Vengeance" (U). Mild $13,000. Last week, "Adam Had Four Sons" (Col) and "Angels Have Wings" (Col) (reissues), about same. United Artists (Blumenfeld) (1,207; 55-85)—"Sleep, My Love" (UA). Big $15,000. Last week, "Roosevelt Story" (UA) (2d wk), drab $5,5p0. Stagedoor (Ackerman) (350; 60-85) —"Dark Journey" (SG) and "Peg Old Drury" (FC) (reissues). Slmi $3,000 or near., Last week. Lady Surrenders" (U) and "Tawny Pipit (U) (7th wk), $2,200 in 5 days.^ Clay (Roesner) (400; 65-85)—"Bar- ber of Seville" (Indie). Good $4,000 or close. Last week, "Panic" (FR) (5th wk), okay $2,200. Larkln (Roesner) (400; 65-B5)— "Boccacio" (Indie) .and "Merry Wives Vienna" (Indie) (2d wk). Thin $2,000 or near. Last week, nice $2,300. United Nations (FWC) (1,149; 90- $120) — "GentleiTian's Agreement (20th) (2d wk). Fat $14,000 or over. Last week, strong $18,500. Esquire (Blumenfeld) (952; 55-85) —"Elephant Boy" (FC) and "Jungle Slavr- Girli?" (FC) (reissues). Weak $7,500. Last . week, "Prmce of Thieves" (Col), mild $9,000. Cent«r (Roesner) (300; 35-85)— "Son of Shiek" (Indie) and "Love Letter.^" (Par) (reissues). Sad $3,000. Last week, "Shoe-Shine" (Indie) (llth wk), $1,900. _ State (Par) (2,133; 60-85)--''l Walk Alone" (Par) (m.o.) (3d wk). Okay $8,500 or better. La-st week, "Invisible Man" (Indie) and "In- visible Man Returns" (Indie) ' (re- issues), wealP $7,500. Indpls. Thawing Out; • 'Tycoon' 14G, 'Love' 12G Indianapolis, Feb. 3. Icy blasts have prevailed here all week, but public thawed out enough to boost two attractions over par." "Tycoon" is doing hefty biz at In- diana and "Sleep My Love" also is a dick at Loew's. Except for "Out of Past," average at Circle, other firstrun biz is slow. Estimates tor This Week Circle (Gamble-Dolle) .(2,80(j; 44- C5) — "Out of Past" (RKO) and Linda Be C3ood" (EL). Oke $10,000. Last week, "Unconquered" (Par), hefty $25,000 at $1.^0 top. Indlsaa (Gamblc-Dolle) (3,300; 44r 65^ — "Tycoon" (RKO). Excellent $14,000. Last week, "Senator Indis- creet" (U) and "Whispering City" (EL), $11,000. Keith's (Gamble-DoUe) (1,300: 44- 65) — "Jezebel" (WB) and "Slight Murder" (WB). (reissues). Slow $4,000. Last week, "Man in Iron Mask" (EL) and "Gentleman After Dark" (EL) (reissues), $4,500. Loew's (Loew's) (2,450; 44-65) — Sleep, My Ijove" (UA) and "Mary Lou" (Col). Nice $12,000. Last week, "If Winter Comes" (M-G) and "Mur- der in Reverse" (Indie) ; about same. Lyric (GamblerDoUe) (1,600; 40- 65)—"Always Together" (WB) and "Bi^ Town. Dark" (Par). Thin $4,- 500. Last week; "I Love Trouble" (Col) and "Last Bound-Up" (Col), nice $7,000: „ L'viUe Beats Bfiz; 'Senator'Oke i4G Louisville, Feb. 3, Snow and cold weather stiU pre- vail- here but customers are begin-: ning to venture Out,; with biz perking a bit. "If Winter Gomes" at Loew's State and "Senator Was Indiscreet at the Rialtd look' like the leaders. Polack Bros. Shrine Circus opened at Jefferson County Armory-Mon- day (2) and will give flrstruns a tussle at the wickets. ' . Estimates for This Week Brown (Fourth: Avenue) (1,200; 40.60)—'Man in Il-on Mask" (EL) and "Gentleman After Dark" (EL) (reissues). Bright $4,000. Last week, "Daisy Kenyon" (20th) (m,o.), $3,500. Kentucky (Switow) (1,200; 30-40) —"Each . Dawn I Die" (WB) and "Song of Scherazade" (U) (reissues). Medium $2,900. Last week, "Green Dolphitu Stteet" (M-G) and "Bad Men Missoufl" (WB) (reissue), fair $3,000. Mary Anderson'(People's) diiOO; 40-60)—"I Love. Trouble" (WB). Mild $6,000. Last week, "Always To- gether" .(WB), about same. National (Standard) (2,400; 40-60) —"Surning CroSs" (SG) and VKiller Dill" (SG). Very dull $5,000. . Last week, "My Dog Shep" (SG) and stage show topped by Ernest Tubb, brisk $11,000. Rialto (FA) (3,400; 40-60)—"Sena- tor Was Indiscreet" (U). Not too hefty but in view of weather looks okay at $14,000. Last week, . "Un- conguered" (Par), at raised scale, fairish $19,000. , State (Loew's) (3,000; 40-96)—"If Winter Come."?" (M-G) and "Twilight on Rio Grande" (Rep). Rated high by crix and may hit neat $15,000: Last week, "High Wair (M-G) an* "Woman From Tangier" -,{Col), mild $11,000. . Strand (FA) (1,000; 40-60)—"Gay Ranchero" (Rep) and "Twilight on Rio-Grande" . (Rep). Lively $6,000. Last week, "Spoilers" (FC) and "Diamond Jim" (FC) (reissues), $4,500, B way on Upbeat as CoM Breaks; leant for Me'-Satchmo Sock 120G, ?arailine'13(l(;,4th/Song'Myd26G Helped by a break in the zero Picked up over 12th week with weather early this week and the fact' fa"-'y $17,000 likely this frame after thousands of students were out of , •^1^,;200 in 12th^\yeel<.^^ Stays on. school bec'ause of mid-year exams limberlane'-Vaude Smash $35,000, D.C. Washington, Feb. 3. Big noise in mid-town sector cur- rently is "Cass Timberlane" with vaude at Loew's Capitol. Despite lukewarm reception by local crix, picture is ringing the bell with one of best takes of season at this house. "Road to Rio" at Loew's Palace shapes up solid in second week. Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew's J (2,434; 44-80)— "(3ass Timberlane" (M-G) plus yaude. Smash ISSS.OOO, witli draw mostly via film. week, "Secret Beyond Door" (U) and vaude, thin $16,000. Columbia (Loew's) (1,263; 44-70)— "Daisy Kenyon" (20th) (2d run). Okay $6,000. week, "Good News" (M-G) (2d run), $4,500. Hippodrome (Lust) (365; 40-85)— "Know Where I'm Going" (U) (6th wk). Tall $3,000, and holds. Last week, $2,700, Storm hurting. Keith's (RKO) (1.S38; 44-80)— "The Exile" (U). Satisfactory $10,- 000. Last week, "Out of Past" (RKO), down to $9,000 as result of weather. Metropolitan (WB) (1,163; 44-70) —"I Walk Alone" (Par) (2d run). Mild $5,000. Last week, "Slight Case Murder" (WB) (rei-ssue), same. Palace (Loew's) (2.370; 44-74)— "Road to Rio" (Par) (2d wk). Fine ,$21,000 after big $27,000 opening stanza. Wariicr (WB) (2.1.54: 44-74)— "Sicmi Madre" (WB) (2d wk). So-so $12,500. Last week, trim $18,00Q, Broadway firstvun theatres generally are showing an improved tone cur- rently. The smart upbeat over the weekend and on Monday (2). fol- lowing the coldest weather ot the year (zero, on Saturday), tipped many exhibitors as to probable box- office possibilities once the weight o£ the severest winter in years is lifted. Apparently relief from the severe cold, shortage of fuel and re- duction in huge fuel heating bills will help bolster biz in Times Square. Mayor O'Dwyer's edict limiting fuel oil deliveries to only essential places in no way affected tlie ma- jority of Broadway deluxer.s, which use steam or combo oil-coal heating plants. If order precludin.!; places of amusement from obtaining fuel oil continues over five days, it may hit many neighborhood houses, but larger circuit operations do not an- ticipate any difficulty in heating. Pacing the new pictures this week is "You Wei"e Meant for Me," at the Roxy, where it's backed by Louis Armstrong band and Robert La- mouret as toppers of stageshow. In first week ended last (Tues.) night, house likely will come close to $120,- 000, being greatly helped by a big weekend and continued strong trade on Monday and Tuesday. Other new films- are not faring so well. "Night Song," at the Palace, likely will hit only $26,000 on its first stanza, while ''Woman's Venge-, ance" likewise is mild .with $23,000 at the Winter Garden. "Open Secret"' is a minor item with $7,000 at the Gotham. Twin second-rUDSr "Had to Be You" and "tJnfihished Dance," were slightly/ ^ove ^recent strong average at &e State, witb $18,500 probiible. • Several holdovers and extended runs are showing marked strength. Music Hall, with "Paradine Case,?'- probably will top its previous Week's figure to get nearly $130,000 in cur- rent- (4th} week, 'This insures a iUth week for picture and possibly more.; Park Avenue, Rialto and Criterion all were helped by weekend upsurge, all three being in second weeks. Paramount, with ''Walk Alone" and stagebill headed by Andy Rus- sell and Jerry Wtud band, is stayi^ ing up stoutly at strong $78,(XH) or better in second weelf ended la'st (Tues.) night. Likewise, the Strand is holding well in second week with "Sierra Madre" and Lionel Hamp' ton babd topping - stagebill.- Irs heading for solid'^$68,600 in initial holdover frame ending tbmorrow (Thurs.). The upswing' gave "Ninotchka" a smart $6,500 in its third week at the Little Carnegie just when the reissue ; appeared slated for'replacement by "Passion elle." "Volpone," at Ambassador, also climbed and probably will bet- ter its fifth week's figure' in current (6th) round. ■: All down the line extended runis perked up, one- of biggest improve- ments being - "Gentleman's Agree- ment," at Mayfair, where it rose to' a big $34,400 in 12th week ended last Monday (2), beating the preceding week by $2,100. "A Miracle Can Happen'' opened nicely yesterday (Tues.) at'the Warner. ^'The Idiot" comes into the Golden today (Wed.), after 10 weeks and five days of "Mourning Becomes Electra,^'.- Estimates for This Week Ambassador (Siritzky) (1,200; 70- $1.50)—"Volpone" (Indie) (6th wk). Doing much better with $15,000 this session after $11,300 last week. Looks set to play until spring or longer. Big weekend and milder weather giving this a nice boost. Astor (City Inv.) (1,300; 80-$1.80). —"Bishop's Wife" (RKO) (9tb wk). Eighth round ended last (Tues.) night held to stout $34,000 after $33,000 for seventh. Continues. . Bijou (City Inv.) (650; 85-$1.50).— "Beauty and Beast" (Indie) (7th wk). Continues showing nice profit with around $7,000 likely in sixth stanza ended last Monday (Z) night, after $7,500 last week. Capitol (Loew's) (4.820; 70-$1.50)— "If Winter Comes" (M-G) plus Sammy Kaye orch heading .stage- Show, with Dr. I. Q. 'on stage Mon- day nights (2d wk). Got off to slow start but doing comparatively better this stanza than initial week, with $51,000 likely; first week was .$54,000, Holds third session, with "Three Daring Daughters" (M-G) coming in Feb.-12. criterion (Loew's) (1.700; 60-$1.25) —"T-Men" (EL) (2d wk). Second stanza concluding today (Wed.) dipping to around $22,500 after nice $31,000 opener. Stays three weeks or longer, with "Killei" McCoy" (M-G) due in next. Globe (Brandt) (1,300; 70-$1.20).— "Body and Soul" (UA) (13th wk). Golden (RKO) (769; 85-$l.!iO).— "The Idiot" (Indie). Opens today (Wed.) after 10 weeks and five days of "Moiirnin!; Becomes Electra" (RifO). Final 12 days of 10th week held big at $12,000; ninth week was $7,000. "Electra" I'layed at $1.20- $2.40 scale. Gotham (Brandt) (900; 70-$1.40). "Open Secret" (EL). In first stanza : ending next Friday (li) is getting only mild $7,000. Last week, "Mum- my's Ghost" (Indie) and "Ghost of Frankenstein" (I)Klie) (reissues), sad $5,000. LitUe Csrnefric (Indie) (4G0: 95- $1.20).—"Ninotchka" (M-G) (reiss- sue) (3d wk). Held so well that this ' oldie is going a third stanza which looks stout $G.!>00 after $6,800 for . second. Continues indef. "Passion- elle" (Indie) is due in next, but date not set. Mayfair (Brandt) (1.736; 70-$1.50). —"Gentleman's Agreement!" (20th) (13th wk). Twelfth round ended last Monday (2) night, climbed to sturdy $34,400, beatim* the nice $32,300 of llth week. Continues. Palace (RKO) (1.700; 60-$l.20)— "Night Song" (RKO) (2d wk). First week ended last (Tues.) night was . $26,000,-not good. This was especially hurt by general dip last Thul'sday and Friday after okay opening. In ahead, "Tycooon" (RKO) (5th wk-S days >> $10,000. AiramouBt (Par) (3,664; 55-$1.50) —"Walk Alone" (Par) with stagebill topped by Andy Russell, Jerry Wald orch, Helen Forrest (3d wk). Initial holdover session ended last (Tues.) night was sturdy $78,000 after very big $90,000 opening week. Looks to go four weelts at current gait, with "Road to Rio" (Par) and Louis Prima orch heading stageshow in next. ' nrik Alrenue <U) (583; $1.20-$1.50) —"Holiday Camp" (U) (2d wk). Se(K>nd frame ending tomorrow (Thurs.) is holdin^r to stout $8,000 or a bit over, after fine $8,S0Q initial week. Holds. Badlo. Ciiy Mnsie Ball (Rockefel- lers) (5,945; 70-$2.40) — "Paradine Case" (SRO) with stageshow (4th wk). Continues' strong with - long lines even' in bitter weather last weekend. Likely will soar to $130,- 000 this session after fine $127,000 in third round. Holds a fifth week aiid possibly longer, with "Double Life" ; (U) due in next. ■ RIslts (Mayer) (S94; 50-$1.20)-- : "Furia" (FC) (3d wk). Second round, ended last Monday (2) night, held up strongly at $16,000 after big $17,500 opening session. In for long riin at current pace. Rivoll (UAT-Par)'(2,092; 60-$1.25) —"Captain Castile" (20th) (6tb wk). Staying up fine at $23,000 this week after $25,000 in fifth stanza. Con- tinues. Roxy (20th) ■(5,886; 80-$1.50)— "You Were Meant for M6" (20tb) and Louis -Armstrong orch, Robert Laraouret heading stageshow (2d, wk). First week concluded last (Tues.) night hit great $120,000 or near, break in weather helping. In ahead, second round of- "Ideal Hus- band'' (20th) and Ilona Massey, Ro- sario & Antonio topping stagebill ' was thin $51,500. State. (Loew's) (3,450; 43-$1.10)— "High Wall" (M-G) (2d run) and "Love From Stranger"; (EL) (2d run). Open today (Wed.). Last week, "Had to Be You" (Col) and "Unfinished Dance" (M-G) (2d runs), struck neat $18,500 in session ended last (Tuesi) night. Strand (WB) (2,756; 75-$1.50).-^ "Sierra Madre" (WB) with Lionel , Hampton orch. Red & Curley head- ing stageshow ■(2d wk). Second ses- ' sion ending tomorrow (Thurs.) is holding up well at sturdy $68,000 after big $70,000 opening week. Holds again, and likely to stay here four weeks iia all. Sutton (Rugoff-Becker) (561; 70- $1.25) —"Know Where I'm Going" (U) (25th wk). For 24lh week ended last Monday (2) night, this picked up to $4,700, Strong, after $3,700 in 23d round. Stays until Feb. 16, with "The Pearl" (lElKO) due Feb. 17. Victoria (City Inv.) (720; 70-$1.20) —"Fugitive" (RKO) (6th wk). Sixth stanza ending today (Wed.) will show okay $11,500 after fine $14,500 for fifth. Stays on a couple of week* longer. Warner (WB) (1,499; 90-$1.50)— "Miracle Can Happen" (UA). Opened yesterday (Tues.) after five weelcs and five days of "Voice of Turtle'' (WB). For final five days this fell to thin $7,000 wJiile fourth was only $11,000, Both are mildest ^figures here in months for this period ot; run. . ■ ■ Winter Garden (UA) (1,312; 60- $1.20) — "A Woman's Vengeance" (U). Looks to hit only modest $23,- 000 in first we«k ending today (Wed.). Holds. In ahead. "Secret Be- yond Door" (U) (ad wk) was very. duH-$9,500. •