Variety (December 1909)

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16 VARIETY ' - • WILMA FRANCES VINCENT and FRANK MINOR of FRANK MINOR AND 00. In "H ARMONYLAN D." VAUDEVILLE'8 GREATEST MUSICAL COMEDY DUO. MUSICAL FREDERICKS. (WILLIE and FLO.) THIS WEEK, CHASE'S. WASHINGTON. Presenting Comedy and Music. UNITED TIME. "That's All." Direction of MAX HART. Featuring our celebrated OCARINA TRIO. Carry our own special scenery and electrical e" ^ts, also magnificent, elaborate costume ■ MjgCS. Now on our seventeenth week over HODKINS CIRCUIT. Also own a farm In Kansas. Permanent address, 402 Constitution St., Emporia, Kansas. A SKETCH OF QUALITY. SAM CHIT and MARY MARBLE, who are appearing under the direction of JOHN W. DUNNE, In ANNA MARBLE POLLOCK'S sketch, entitled "IN OLD EDAM," are playing their second season In vni!:lf»vllle. Among the many compliments paid this dainty and novel offering the most prised are the following: 'A clever sketch, cleverly acted."—WILLIAM II. CRANE. "That Is advanced vaudeville."—WILLIAM H. THOMPSON. "A refined offering for refined audiences."—MRS. JOSEPH JKFFF.RSON. "A well written sketch, prettily staged and splendidly played."—ADOLPH KLAURBR, In N. Y. "Times." "Nothing finer or better In the way of dainty and artistic day dream comedy has been l'n.iight to the attention of vaudeville lovers."—MONTGOMERY PHISTER. Cincinnati "Com- mercial Tribune." JOSEPH K. WATSON. Featured with "THE LADY BUCCANEERS," JOSEPH K. WATSON baa a prodigious amount of labor In that show, and performs it eminently satisfactorily. As a Hebrew character comedian there Is no one who surpasses Mr. Watson, and In his Ideas of comedy to be derived from the characterisation he stands In a class by himself. With clean cut work, pronounced ability and sincere appreclntlon of his duly to the nubile while on the platform, Mr. Watson has raised himself to the very front rank of all character delineators.